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Fun in the Park

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A mother left to her desires on family picnic embraces them.
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Was there any better combo than a sunny Sunday and a picnic? Miriam certainly didn't think so. The busty redhead hummed in the kitchen as she put the last touches on the family's basket, covering her tasty treats with the blanket they would later use to sit on.

She smiled when Richard came in to tell her they were ready. "All packed up too," she smiled. They didn't have many chances to go out as a family ever since John went away to college, so today would be a most welcome change of pace. "So, how do I look?" She asked her husband with a twirl, showing off the new floral sundress she got just for the day, an almost knee-length wavy piece of fabric that clung to her generous curves in a way very few things could until it flowed free.

"Like a million bucks." The man admiring her visage responded. Motherhood had really fit his wife well, something her little outfit perfectly highlighted by detailing the natural hourglass shape that Miriam's generous ass and buxom chest gave the woman, while also showing off the creamy-white skin on her arms and legs, the whole sight made even better when the heft of the woman's movements confirmed the suspicion Richard had formed from a glance just a few seconds prior -- she wasn't wearing a bra. The man wasn't sure if his wife felt negatively about that little bump their years had put on her belly, but he certainly loved how it softly showed through the dress, finding it rather another sultry curve for him to enjoy. "Let's go then, kid's already buckled up and waiting."

Miriam's long auburn hair flew wildly during the trip to the city park by courtesy of the open window she relied on to battle the summer heat, the resulting noise unable to stop her from tag-teaming with Richard to make prodding jokes and leading questions aimed at John and his life away from home in, the happy couple trying they best to embarrass their strapping son.

The trio parked and got out, strolling lazily along the sidewalk that led around the large crystalline lake while enjoying the view of many a different tree, brushes and flowers, stopping at the find of the most perfect little spot under a tree with just the right amount of shade; quickly laying out their blanket, the trio escaped the heat by sitting under the leaves, taking their time watching the lively park-goers have their fun. It didn't take much time before John's hometown friends noticed the returned youngster and came running, whisking him away from his parents in a clatter to catch up and play on the court. Barely a moment passed as the couple laughed at the youths before one of Richard's own friends came by, the two almost instantly getting into a lively discussion themselves about the man's new boat; a few more words and Miriam kissed her husband goodbye, giving the puppy-eyed man permission to go have his fun.

She was alone now, but it suited her just fine; she loved watching her family have fun, and taking in the sights while enjoying a lively ambience had always been a casual hobby of hers. Still, it had been so long since she last visited, the woman soon started noticing things she never had: the six pack on John's friend when he took a break from dribbling on the court, using his shirt to clean his brow sweat, the thick bulging arms of a man carrying all of his family's stuff while they searched for a spot, the tight suits worn by the rowers training on lake, whole bodies flexing with speckless rhythm... Ooph...

She saw Mr. Williams working over his portable grill, dark skin sparkling from the same sweat that made his polo cling to his back, the man's strong laugh unknowingly earning a flustered smile out of her. Then a couple of cyclists rolled by and she saw those toned asses and thighs putting in some work... Miriam swallowed, hot from a thirst water wouldn't quench.

So many enticing people nearby, so many men, tall, short, bulky, toned, slim and chubby, it didn't matter if her gaze fell on defined abs or rounded bellies, bulging calves or relaxed arms, every glance became another treat for the woman! She bit her lip, finally won over by her body's unreasonable need, getting up and walking over to the nearest bathroom, already slick with want; it certainly wasn't the best spot, but as she was... She... She would make due...

Miriam's sandalled feet rushed her to the closest facilities, a small box-shaped unisex thing which had a bit of a line queuing up for it. "Drats." Getting closer, the person nearest to her turned back. "Seems like it's going to be while huh?" Asked the man with the most amazing salt-and-pepper bearded chin Miriam had seemingly ever laid eyes on.

"Yeah, looks like it!" the flustered woman smiled back, fixing her hair for no particular reason as she continued walking, acting like was just passing through while doing her best to ignore the pressure she felt on her nipples, which were without a doubt poking some bumps through the dress. "Good luck holding it in!" She cheered loudly, making everyone in the line laugh, all those masculine voices further stoking the fire already burning hot inside her.

She kept walking, following along the cement path as she tried to move away from the crowds, something that felt impossible until she spotted a little grassy opening between the bushes to the side of the manufactured route, curiosity and need both pushing her to explore it. Miriam delved on the stout little trek, finding that it bent sharply before leading to a tree just a few secluded paces away, her little hidey-hole in the brush.

The woman looked left and right to clear the coast and stepped in, trembling hands pulling her panties down to her ankles right at the bend, where she left them -- so close to the path and yet out of sight, just on the edge of discovery; it made her even giddier with each step.

She faced the tree, no more steps left to take; it was now, the moment of release finally in sight... Miriam knew she should turn back, just in case, but... she couldn't, it would be too much... So, she leaned on barked surface instead, one hand pressed against it to help with balance while the other found its way between her slightly parted legs, pulling up the front of her dress until the woman's digits finally caressed her aching sex, a low moan gasped out as soon as they made contact.

Was she really doing this? Was she really about to do something so... degenerate?

"Yes!" Her mind moaned, a smile rushing to her lips as her fingers got to work. She began tracing her labia, softly brushing it up and down until she got a bit more confident, working herself up until she finally snuck a fingertip in, and then two, spreading herself rhythmically, wincing and quietly huffing her pleasure with a restraint that became so very much more difficult to hold when she finally decided to put those wet devils to work on her clit, alternating between squishing her love button between them and pressing on it, slowly but surely rubbing it pleasantly raw.

She began toying with the idea of getting a bit rougher, letting her wild side really out to play, each second of forbidden pleasure egging her towards that end. She dragged a whole finger's length heavily on her clit as she caressed her slit, making up her mind: she had come too far already, her fingers were primed for it, she had to do it now, she had to-


A small branch snapped a few ways behind her, probably somewhere around her panties' area, followed by a couple of heavy footsteps that suddenly stopped.

"Don't talk!" she blurted out without thinking, something impossible if not for the lustful courage that filled her at the moment, which still wasn't enough for her to turn back and face her surprise guest, whom she just knew to be a man. Instead, only words fell from her mouth. "Just put it in!..." She begged, taking the wet hand from her sex to brace herself fully against the tree, sticking her rear out, generous ass traced by the dress, inviting the stranger.

Miriam's chest rose and fell, as she awaited a response... Would the man turn back? Would he call her out? Would he take her on? It was all so unreal, so taboo!... The mature woman had her heart beating on her throat as the seconds ticked past, nothing changing.

And then she heard a casual footstep taken towards her, and another, and another, each closer than its predecessor, until the bent woman felt a presence looming behind her. Her face blushed from anticipation, there was no amount of air that she could take to fill her lungs. What would he do, what would he do?...

Just as instructed, the man said nothing. Wordlessly, two large, coarse hands began feeling up her ass, fingers digging through the thin fabric to bask on the woman's loving touch, forcing quiet moans from her.

Was this really happening? Who could it be? Was it Richard, who came looking for her? Or that bearded man she had just crossed paths with? Or maybe one of her son's friends? Or someone else? Oh!, she had to know, she so desperately had to know, but not knowing made it so much better~!

The hands sampling Miriam grew hungrier and bolder by the grope, culminating in a possessive clenching of the woman's rear that sent a jolt up her back, their presence then vanishing from her ass, but not from her heart.


*Clac-sclink* -- A belt buckle came undone.


*Ziiip* -- A fly was open.


*Frlrlump* -- His pants fell.


Miriam gulped. This was really happening, God it really was! What if it wasn't Richard though? Would she be a cheater? Would she care?

"Ah~!" She gasped, suddenly feeling the man's hands touching her directly, large palms feeling up their way along her plush milky skin as they dragged on, pushing the woman's dress upwards, delaying themselves on her cheeks for a heavy grope before lifting the curtain to her aching entrance, continuing their journey until they revealed her bare ass in full, Miriam's lovely dress now rode up to her lower back.

The exposed woman suddenly felt self-conscious, wondering if the man would want her still; would he like her plump sex, all pent up and leaking even more now, or would he pass on it? Would the hands resting on her skin simply leave? She only had the man's rugged breath to go by and she couldn't make heads or tails from it! Was he like that because he liked what he saw, or because he didn't?

All of her answers came when the man's hands spread her cheeks hard one final time before leaving her, one vanishing completely from her perception while the other repositioned just behind her ass, fingers pressing down on her folds to spread them, turning her inviting slit into a welcoming tunnel upon which a spongy presence soon pushed against.

Miriam's heart drummed loudly on her ears as she bit back a moan, her legs almost losing their strength. The penis prodding her gave a few cursory thrusts, lubing itself up on her aching hole as it tested her tightness, making the woman free the pent-up moan as she realized she really was going through with it! That singular moan turned to repeated whimpers and gasps as her partner gradually slid deeper, enough inches in for his absent hand making its reappearance on her hip, holding Miriam in place as the thick hotness slowly claimed more and more of her sex.

She realized then, all throughout moans and twitches, that her partner curved a bit to the right... which ruled Richard out of the potential pool! She should have been shocked, mortified even, and well, she was!... But also so, so turned on!... The stranger, the stranger, he was so big, he... Maybe it was just the nerves talking, but he filled her up just right, and them some pleasantly more!...

Both hands gripping on her lovely waist, the man began thrusting proper, running his length in and out of the bent woman who struggled to keep quiet, biting her lip and clawing at the tree she held herself against. Each thrust gave the couple a new breath of courage, their motions getting rougher by the second, as if they didn't care for the people enjoying their Sunday afternoon just a couple of yards away, growing so bold that some few occasional claps of cheeks escaped them, along with just as many audible gasps.

Miriam's day got even better when the man stepped in and nearly squeezed her against the tree, his hands moving from hip to breast, satisfyingly indulging in them through the fabric, which was so thin it might as well not be there, its presence nevertheless making the whole ordeal much more debaucherous.

"Hngh, ah~..." The woman moaned under her breath, feeling the unknown dick raking her love spot over and over again as the man's hips rammed against her cheeks over and over, the major portion of his length inside her at all times while gruff grunts filled her ear, the distinct lack of prickliness on her neck ruling out that bearded man from before as well.

The pleasant abuse on her nipples proved to be too much for the woman to handle with more and more audible gasps and half-moans escaping her lips, a dire situation given the approaching couple that walked the same concrete path she, and perhaps him, previously had, barely visible through the wall of leaves that shielded them from sight but did nothing to supress sound.

"Oh~, awn... ah-.. Hngh..." she escalated, readying up to let out a full-blown moan when a determined hand jumped from her breast to clamp over her mouth with an instinctive command for her to hold it in, silencing Miriam long enough for the man's other hand to tag in with the shoving of a balled-up fabric in her mouth which gagged the woman shut.

Miriam instantaneously tasted a familiar flavor -- that of her own slickness; the man hand just gagged her with her own panties! FUCK, it felt good!!!! And he seemed to think so as well as he ramped up his tempo, making the married woman practically bounce on his cock, her many muffled moans dying all too quickly to reach the ears of the couple trying to decide where to go for dinner despite Miriam's repeated failures to contain herself, such was the raw and vigorous pounding her hole was suffering at the whims and will of the amped-up man who had since swapped length for speed, his groin almost glued to her ass as he rabbit-thrust without mercy.

Those unmistakable grunts on her ear grew rougher and needier, one of her lover's hands holding onto her waist again for dear life as the other clung to a shaky breast, their bodies' movements doing more than enough to exact pleasure for them both. Miriam's legs buckled slightly as her now inevitable orgasm mounted, soaking the panties in her mouth with drool through repeated moans, kept on her feet almost solely by the dick that stretched her insides, feeling it twitch and twitch and twitch, fighting a losing fight just as futile as it was pleasurable, which ended with the man throwing caution to the wind in his last few thrusts, running them long, hard and deep, each stopping just short of contact with her cheeks save for the last one which landed with a resounding CLAP, the lovers' bodies joined together for the opening of the floodgates.

Miriam went wide-eyed when she felt the cock inside her spilling out, the woman's own damn breaking to let her orgasm run its course with a reaction so dire that her breeder had to once again clutch a hand over her mouth despite the gag, further muffling the woman down while their bodies squirmed together, shivering through their long orgasm.

It was official, Miriam had cheated. Fully. Completely. She had cheated and she had loved every little deplorable second of it!... Was she such a bad wife for it? She didn't know, but she sure as hell was fulfilled, the shame and regret just acting as spice for the main course which had been this bestial fuck in the woods.

The man held her still as he pumped and pumped, barely moving until his spurts subsided, at which point he relaxed the hold on his woman, both hands again resting on her ass. He lazily gave her a few more cursory thrusts as if to make sure there was nothing left in his pipe before finally pulling out, sighing with satisfaction.

Miriam remained in place, still recovering and leaning against the tree, feeling a slow trail starting to leak from her used hole, soon to drip down her thigh.

She heard fabric rustling, followed by a zipper closing and a belt locking soon after, at which point the man extorted one last moan from the creamed milf with a hard spank on her ass, only the panties in her mouth saving the lovebirds from the attention her moaned yelp would have gotten them.

Then the man stepped away just as wordlessly as he had approached and fucked the woman, leaving Miriam alone to recompose herself, who spent a few good minutes just settling her breath after taking the panties out of her mouth. She couldn't believe what she had done, but by God she loved that she did!

Sated and smiling to herself, the spent Miriam unfurled her balled-up soaked panties and slid them up her legs, gasping when their lukewarm wetness met with her flustered sex. Twisting her waist to look at her exposed rear, the woman saw a large red hand print on her cheek, that naughtiness prompting a lip bite from her.

Finally ready, the woman turned and left her little love nest, feeling her panties getting caked in her sin, something she would forever treasure. The woman looked at the sun again, enjoying its direct warmth on her skin as she slowly made her way back to her blanket and family, sneaking glances at nearly every man who passed her.

"Was it you?... Or perhaps you?... Oh, maybe you over there stepped away from the wife to grab a beer and 'lost track of time'?" Miriam asked them in her mind only, unable tell who it was that had shared that magical moment with her and enjoying all the possibilities.

And while she could not identify him, he most definitely could her!... Hell, he could be out there now, taking a break from his chore, or game, or whatever to watch his most recent lay strut happily through the park and enjoying his day quite a bit more for it, like she so very much was~.

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TowerOfPreyTowerOfPreyabout 1 month agoAuthor

Thank you for your feedback anonymous user but, as it stands, I see criticism that is not constructive; therefore I'd like to ask, if you could, to please elaborate on the issues you brought up.

Why was the story poorly written? Was it confusing?

When did the flow of the story change, break or sputter?

Could you please point out the mistakes that you found most glaring?

Thank you - and all the readers - for reading my story, I hope that if this one wasn't particularly enjoyable, then some other I someday put to digital ink might be.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Poorly written, needs an Editor to help with the flow, too many mistakes just interrupt the reader and make the story kind of lame.

TowerOfPreyTowerOfPreyabout 2 months agoAuthor

I do believe it is, the6ulprsn, thank you for the compliments!

TowerOfPreyTowerOfPreyabout 2 months agoAuthor

Thank you very much for your kind words jmm999, I'm very happy with how this short story turned out and how well it's being received.

I thought about having a reveal at the end, but opted to leave the identity of the stranger unknown because I liked the idea of it being something for the reader to decide; it could be the son, one of her friends, or whomever you want to insert in the fantasy; though it can't be the husband, because he doesn't curve right!

Thank you too, Bargyn1 and second Anonymous user, I hope my following story/ies manage to keep up entertaining you as this one did, if not more!

the6ulprsnthe6ulprsnabout 2 months ago

Well told. Seemed to capture her feelings with good wordsmithing (is that a word?). Erotic and to the point.

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