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Furry Girl's First Orgy

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Fox girl goes to her first orgy.
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"I don't think I can do this," said Chloe as she stared at the house through the passenger side window. She was so nervous, she could hear her heart pulsing in her ear drums.

"Are you kidding?" exclaimed Rick, so excited he bumped the car horn with the side of his hand, releasing a short, sharp honk. "We planned this for three months!"

"I know! I'm just really fucking nervous. I don't even know these people..."

"You know Bill. And me and Dorado know each other from the gym. I wouldn't be on board with this if I didn't believe you were safe." Rick cupped Chloe's hand. They were both vulpine, Chloe red and Rick gray.

"That's not what I'm worried about. What if, what if they don't see me as a girl? I can't go through with that humiliation." The seeds of tears threatened at the corners of Chloe's eyes like tiny diamonds. At this point, the men were standing in the doorway of the house wondering what the car horn was about. Rick waved to them and held up a single finger for one moment.

"If you're not comfortable, we don't have to do this. I don't want you feeling like you're forced to be here. Give me the word and we'll drive home and watch eighties action movies all night." Rick squeezed her hand and smiled to let her know everything was okay.

"No. I want to do this so fucking bad. Just give me a minute." Chloe took a deep breath and lifted the flats of her hands to her chest then gestured as she exhaled.

"You ready, baby girl? I bet everyone's excited to meet you." Rick squeezed her thigh and gave it a shake.

"How do I look?" Chloe fluttered her eyelashes and pouted her lips.

"You look like I want to slam you against the hood of the car and turn you into a pocket pussy."

Chloe cupped her face as warmth flooded her cheeks. Her relationship with Rick had started tenuous. She assumed their friends had set them up because they were both foxes which felt a little racist. They didn't have anything in common at first. Rick and Chloe had completely different tastes in food and movies, and could never agree on date locations. Chloe had been on the verge of ending their relationship early when Rick made a bold comment about the color of her panties. She loved to dress trashy with the hips of her underwear sticking out above the waist of her skirt. Rick had been bold enough to comment out loud about them and how they would look better on the restaurant floor. She had called his bluff, sliding them off and tossing them in his lap under the table.

It was a bold way to tease a new guy, but Rick was game. He knocked on the table to direct her to look under. When she did, she say her panties wrapped around his beautiful, vulpine cock. They forged their passion in the bedroom, and over two years they built something which could be called a meaningful, long-term relationship.

As they walked to the front door, Rick snuck a hand under her skirt and gave her plump butt a squeeze. It was the little things that kept their relationship exciting. Chloe giggled and slapped his hand away, then smoothed the pleats of her skirt out before Rick knocked twice and entered. Inside, the home was comfortably appointed with relaxing synthwave music playing from a stereo. Everyone smiled when they entered. Altogether there was Dorado, a handsome stallion who stood almost seven feet tall and worked out with Rick. Their mutual friend Bill was there—a gray and white husky who had had a hand in setting the two of them up as well as facilitating this amorous evening.

On the couch together were Rowel from Rick's work and Rowel's girlfriend, Jenny who Chloe had never met. Rowel was a scruffy, gray hound, but his girlfriend was a snow-white bunny whose ears hung nervously. She looked to be about as nervous Chloe was.

"I'm so glad you two could make it," said Dorado, setting his drink down to give Rick and Chloe powerful hugs. Chloe felt intensely feminine being squeezed by him. She was tall for a vulpine, especially a female vulpine, but Dorado easily dwarfed her by a foot. She was only an inch shorter than Rick, but he made her feel feminine in so many other ways.

"Can I get you two anything? Food? Drinks?" Dorado asked.

"I could really use a glass of wine," confessed Chloe as she rubbed her arm nervously.


"Babe, you can't get drunk, remember? No one can. You have to be sober for the whole thing," Rick cut Dorado off.

"What if I just make you a spritzer instead? Has less alcohol than a beer," Dorado countered.

"That sounds great, thank you," said Chloe as they moved to socialize.

"Hey guys!" Bill shouted as Dorado went to the kitchen to make Chloe's drink. The party was really more of a gathering with only the six of them in the living room. Chloe had known Bill since high school, since before she transitioned even. They had never dated, but now he would be involved in one of the most intense nights of her life if everything went well. It would certainly be an interesting experience to suck and fuck one of her old friends.

"Hey, Billy," the couple said together then began to elbow each other at the embarrassing synchronization they had taken on.

"Let me introduce you to Rowel and Jenny the other girl," said Bill as he took Chloe's hand and led her to the couch.

"No shit, she's the other girl," Chloe said under her breath.

"Rowel and Jenny, this is Chloe and Rick," said Bill.

"I know. I've worked with Rick for three years," said Rowel who put his arm around Jenny.

"Yeah, I've met Rick like five times," Jenny added, her ears seeming to perk up at how dumb Bill was being. "Hey, didn't we meet at the dinner at the hotel last year?"

"Oh for Rick's work?" said Chloe. "I actually think we did. I got a little sloppy that night. It was so boring."

Jenny giggled and covered her mouth. Chloe was in awe of her femininity. She was wearing white lingerie with a veil that made it look like she had just gotten married. It was a bold choice, but Chloe loved the idea they were all here to ruin her right after her wedding. She had lovely curves and big copper eyes which seemed to seduce you if you stared too long.

"It was!" Jenny declared. "I got drunk too and passed out in the car. It was over four hours long!"

"Hey," Rick chimed in, "It was a software developers conference. Wasn't supposed to be exciting."

Rowell chuckled at his comment.

"Here," Dorado appeared by Chloe's side and handed her a golden drink in a tall, frosty glass. "Sprite and moscato. Tastes like ambrosia."

Chloe thanked him and sipped her beverage. It truly was delicious, sweet and fruity with just the right amount of carbonation.

"So...how do we start this?" said Bill, wringing his hands together.

"Well, first the nerds leave then the rest of us take off our clothes," Chloe countered. Rick roared with laughter and the rest had a chuckle to themselves. Bill hid his hands behind his back nervously.

"Seriously, though," Chloe continued, "I've never done anything like this before. I'm super nervous."

"I mean, if there's anything I can do...you're a guest in my house. I want you to feel comfortable," said Dorado.

"I would actually love if I could sit in your lap." Chloe grinned. Dorado hesitated until he realized she was serious then took the easy chair next to the couch and patted his knee. Chloe made a face at Rick and sat in Dorado's lap. She sat in Rick's lap all the time at home, but sitting in Dorado's lap made her feel like a little girl sitting in daddy's lap.

"You real comfortable there?" Rick teased and took a kitchen chair that was set out in the living room.

"Looks super comfy," said Jenny playfully, "so really, how do we start this thing?"

Everyone looked at Bill.

"How the fuck would I know?" he exclaimed with everyone's eyes on him.

"You set everything up. We kind of assumed you've done this before," said Rick.

"Oh, I don't know if Rick told you, but I'm trans too," said Jenny, looking at Chloe. Chloe was taken aback a moment then smiled.

"Cool. You must be on HRT right? You look so sexy," said Chloe as she squirmed her soft butt in Dorado's lap. She felt something large stir under her cheeks.

"Five years this October," said Jenny.

"I started a little over two years ago. Best decision I ever made."

Rick nodded his agreement with Chloe who had been miserable before starting hormones.

"Is it alright if I..." Dorado started, more nervous than he was letting on.

"Oh? Just go for it. I'll let you know if I'm comfortable," said Chloe, nuzzling her snout into his powerful neck.

"Okay, just remember, the safeword is 'gingivitis'," said Rick, making Bill and the girls laugh out loud while Rowell and Dorado chuckled.

"Babe, that is the stupidest safeword ever," said Chloe playfully.

"Maybe so," said Rick, pulling up his chair to watch her and Dorado.

"Uh...what should I be doing?" said Bill. Jenny patted the couch cushion, inviting Bill to join her. Dorado lifted the hem of Chloe's skirt, revealing a wet bulge in her pink panties.

"Can I touch you?" asked Dorado as he ran his powerful hand through her hair.

"Yeah, you don't have to ask. Just explore my body," whisper Chloe as she kissed his ear. Dorado pulled the waist of her panties, letting her little cock bounce free. Her cock was pink like raw chicken, secured in a furry white sheath.

"I love her little cock," said Rick, smiling at his girlfriend.

"You don't hate it?" asked Dorado as he nuzzled Chloe back.

"No. I feel like I can be feminine and still have a cock. I never actually felt that way before Rick." She smiled lovingly at her boyfriend.

"Love you too, baby girl."

Dorado's large hand pinched Chloe's sheath and masturbated her vulpine cock, making her furry balls go up and down as he stroked her. Chloe moaned and hid her blushing face in the curve of his neck as this near stranger stroked her cock.

"She loves daddy stuff. She's probably pretending you're her dad stroking her," said Rick as he undid the belt of his jeans.

"That's hot. You can call me daddy if you want." Dorado pushed his thick finger in her mouth and let her suck it like a dick. Chloe loved to suck cock and sucked with care, even if it was just a finger. Growing up, boys wouldn't penetrate her because she still presented as male, but she was femme enough to give them blowjobs. Apparently it didn't count as gay if it was just a blowjob.

"Can I see your cock?" Chloe whispered and touched a flat bulge in his jeans. Dorado stood for a moment and undid his jeans before sliding them down and revealing a solid eighteen inches of stallion cock. It hung beautiful like a slab of meat dangling between his legs.

He sat back down and stroked his powerful shaft casually. "Nothing against you, Chloe. You're a beautiful woman, it just takes a long time for this monster to get hard and stay hard. Cubic volume, blood flow, and such."

"I have never wanted to play with a cock more in my life than right now," said Chloe before she turned to Rick who had his hard cock in his hand. "You sure you want to watch me suck his dick?"

"Babe, I want to watch you suck everyone's dick. This is your night. Don't worry about me. Enjoy yourself." Before Chloe could kneel on the floor, Rick got up and grabbed a throw pillow from the couch for her to kneel on. He then kissed her on top of her head, and sat back down to watch. Chloe's heart pounded as she pressed her lips to the smooth, warm shaft of Dorado's equine cock. It was a massive thing to match his impressive size and bulk. The head was flared and spongy with a wide urethra big enough to put her finger in. It was heavy in her hands as she planted kisses down the length of the shaft. At the base, his balls sat in his pouch like two large, black eggs. She kissed his velvety balls and licked them, imagining just how much cum he could make when he orgasmed. They were so large and tantalizing.

Chloe stroked Dorado underhand as she kissed and nuzzled his heavy balls. Then she worked her way back up his shaft with kisses. His cock was truly unwieldy. There was no way to take it in her mouth, and she certainly couldn't take it in her butt.

"Oh! I want to play with that," said Jenny, grabbing a spot next to Chloe on the floor. Together the two girls fondled Dorado's massive shaft and planted kisses on his cock. Dorado shivered and leaned back in the chair as his goliath cock rose.

"Could strap a sail to that and take to the sea," Rick joked as he watched his girlfriend blow his gym buddy. The girls stood and worked on his flare which caused Dorado to stir in his seat. They dragged their tongue along the edge of his flare and planted kisses on the spongy head as they stroked him with both hands. While Jenny stroked his shaft and licked his flare, Chloe ducked low. Dorado sat on the edge of the chair, his balls dangling freely. Chloe kissed the most beautiful pair of balls she had ever seen and moved deeper. With her adventurous tongue, she found Dorado's asshole clenching and unclenching. She planted a big wet kiss on the knot then pushed her tongue up his asshole. Dorado jerked upright as a tiny squirt of cum escaped his cock and landed on Jenny's face.

Unfazed, Jenny continued to lick his cock. Chloe was in heaven with his big balls covering her eyes as she ate out his asshole. Dorado lowered himself so Chloe had better access. She loved eating ass. It made her feel so whorish and feminine. Her secret goal at the party was to eventually eat everyone's asshole.

"Oh fuck..!" Dorado groaned as he bucked his hips. He continued to groan as a geyser of horse cum shot out of his cock, completely coating Jenny in her wedding-style lingerie. It looked like someone had dumped a full bucket of cum on her. She could only kneel in shock, glazed from head to waist in stallion cum.

"Oh! Oh shit!" Rick cried out and came in his own hand. Chloe heard his call and rushed to lick up her boyfriend's cum. Once he was clean, She moved to Jenny and kissed her on her cum covered cheek.

"That was fucking hot, but I need a shower," said Jenny as her boyfriend helped her up and led her to the bathroom.

"Just down the hall on the right," Dorado called after them. "Fuck that was good. Never had a girl do that before."

"I love eating ass," Chloe said bashfully.

"That she does," Rick added.

"Should we wait for them or..." Chloe looked down the empty hall as she heard the shower turn on.

"If you want," Bill spoke up, shuffling his paws. "If you want, you can eat my ass..."

Chloe smiled. "Let's see them cheeks."

Bill looked around nervously then slid his lounge pants down. His canine cock bounced up, almost free of his sheath. It was red-pink and glistened with pre-cum.

"Should I take the chair, or the couch or—"

"Just kneel on the floor against the couch," said Chloe.

"Like this?" Bill knelt on the floor against the couch with his face in the couch cushions.

"Perfect." Chloe crawled to him and lifted his tail to reveal a gray asshole with pink splotches clenching over and over. His furry balls dangled like a snack for her. Chloe cupped and massaged his balls as she lapped at his clenching asshole.

"Fuck..." Bill moaned with a shiver. Chloe continued to eat his asshole lapping at it several times before she sucked on it with a loud slurping noise. She threw herself into her fetish, feeling her little cock throb and drip pre-cum on the carpet. She reached around to grab Bill's beautiful cock at the base and stroked him with his sheath as she fucked his asshole with her tongue.

"Fuck! Ah god!" Bill cried out from the intense sensations. Chloe continued to tongue-fuck his sensitive asshole as she stroked him furiously.

"Shit! Ah! Ahhh!" Bill sprayed the front of the couch with wolf cum, each spray precluded by his asshole clenching up around Chloe's eager tongue. She slowed her strokes as his cock shrank back into his furry sheath.

"Oh fuck, Chloe. That was amazing. You're really good at—" Bill was cut off by a quick kiss from Chloe.

"Should we wait for them? I don't want everyone worn out before Jenny gets back. This is her night, too," said Chloe as she stood up.

"So thoughtful," said Rick as he pulled her in by the waist and planted a kiss on her mouth.

Chloe smiled mischievously. "You know I just ate out both your friends' assholes?"

Rick smiled and kissed her deeply again. "I love my dirty bitch."

"Maybe we should take a break—" Chloe was interrupted as Rick pushed her against the couch.

"You haven't cum yet, baby girl. I bet these guys want to see your little cock twitch," said Rick, taking a seat on the couch and pulling Chloe into his lap.

"I'd love to see this foxy girl cum," said Dorado, turning his chair to see better. Bill grabbed Rick's chair and sat down to watch as well.

"They all want to see you get fucked, baby girl." Rick slid his hand under Chloe's ass and pushed two fingers up her little asshole. She yipped in surprised, and her asshole clenched his probing digits.

"She loves her asshole played with. It makes her little cock dribble pre-cum."

Chloe's squirmed in Rick's lap as he played with her sensitive asshole. Her coral pink cock stuck halfway out her pale sheath and dribbled pre-cum into her fur like a broken faucet.

"Her little cock is so cute," said Bill, rubbed his sheath around his own dick.

"It's so tiny," added Dorado, whose incredible length steadily rose again. Rick continued to finger her hole, sending intense sensations through her hips and cock.

"She'll cum if I keep playing with her asshole. It's like her tight little pussy," said Rick as he fucked her. Chloe leaned back and looked for his mouth. Rick pressed his lips to hers, and the two lovers kissed. Then Rick pulled her cheeks apart and pushed his vulpine cock up her asshole. She gave in eagerly, relishing the feeling of her boyfriend inside her. None of her lovers had ever made her feel very feminine. In high school, it was all blow jobs and hand jobs. She had been ashamed of her cock at the time and how it made her feel like a freak. In college, Chloe stuck to her studies but harbored an intense, internal sex life full of depraved fantasies. In each one she was treated like the natural born slut she knew she was meant to be. In every fantasy, her lovers saw her for the girl she knew she was inside and made her feel intensely feminine.

Once she started her relationship with Rick, all those feelings were finally realized. Rick did not pretend she was girl to make her happy. The way he looked at her, the way he touched her and talked about her. He knew the slutty little girl she was. When she had mentioned a fantasy of fucking all of Rick's guy friends like she was his little prostitute, he had discreetly asked around until Bill said he could put something together like that.

Now Rick was up to his knot in her tender little asshole while Dorado and Bill watched her get fucked. Dorado smiled knowingly, working his considerable shaft to erection with his heavy hand. Bill stared fixated on her as he stroked his sheath around his lupine cock.

Chloe groaned as Rick's knot slipped inside her, spreading her asshole to its limit. His arms wrapped around her waist as he thrust into her. The way he groaned with her asshole wrapped around his cock made her feel so beautiful.

Without a word, Bill moved from his seat towards Chloe and knelt on the floor. For a moment, all he did was kneel up close and watch Rick's cock thrust up inside her as she dribbled pre-cum.

"Do you want to suck it?" she gasped as a wave of pre-orgasm euphoria washed over her lower body. Bill hesitated a moment then nodded.

"Go for it," she smiled. Though Rick had completely realized her sexuality, Chloe still had weird feelings towards her little, pink, vulpine cock. Rick was very considerate and never really focused on her cock unless he was helping her cum. He certainly didn't fetishize it, but he didn't ignore it either. She rarely received oral, preferring to serve her boyfriend in that regard.


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