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Futanari - Shy Twin Sisters

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A girl learns about her two twin-sister friends secret.
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Important note: as always for futanari stories, this is a very crazy story! It is not for everyone. In it, you'll find something akin to transsexual transformation, incest, deepthroating and magic. This one is pure lesbian (with futas, of course!). As opposed to some of my other futanari stories, in this story my take on the futanari concept is closer to the original, with just a touch of magic.

Edited by: Pope1944. Thanks!


As Lauren watched the last of the guests leave her house, she smiled. Part one of her plan was over, and now part two began. When she turned around she saw the last two special guests to her party, the twin sisters Katelyn and Katarina, sitting on her couch. They were both remarkably beautiful, and while they always wore very conservative and prudish clothing, Lauren could now guess that they had very nice bodies. Yet even with her, their closest friend, the twins remained shy and reserved.

That shyness was ironic though: the two girls were very tall, athletic, with long manes of bright red hair, peculiar blue-green eyes, just enough freckles to look sexy and what seemed like nice bodies under the heavy clothes they usually wore. Had they been even slightly less introverted, they would have had their picks of boys at school. If they had been extroverted, they would have been the reigning queens of the town! Yet the fact that they were extreme introverts had turned them into freaks. Few people were trying to get to know them.

Lauren had known them since they immigrated three years ago, and had been strangely intrigued. At first, the twins had remained glued to one another, barely speaking English and with an obviously shy disposition. Lauren had been the first to break through that wall and help the two girls to open up. Nevertheless, three years later, Katelyn and Katarina were still two of the shiest people in high school. And of course, very shy people don't have very prolific sexual lives.

Lauren hadn't been officially sexually active for very long, having had her first complete sexual experience a few months after her eighteenth birthday. Given that her nineteenth birthday was still four months away, she couldn't consider herself a very experienced girl. In fact, she had only gone all the way with one guy, and had broken up with him after a couple of months. Nevertheless, she had begun exploring her own body a long while before that. She considered herself rather normal in that regard.

On the other hand, Lauren knew for a fact that the twins were both virgins, and she was pretty sure that sex wasn't even on their minds. Well... As sure as one could be. Who knew what they did alone in their room? And given that they still slept in the same room, who knew what they shared during the night? A naughty smile appeared on her lips as the image of the twins having lesbian sex became more vivid in her mind. Lauren felt a tingle of pleasure between her legs at the thought.

She shook her head and walked towards her two friends. Lauren had thrown the party for them, wanting to give them as much opportunity to meet guys. Or girls for that matter; Lauren didn't know if they were straight or not. But even though she had secretly spiked the non-alcoholic punch, the twins had remained as shy and introverted as ever. Yet now, with everybody but them gone, they seemed to relax. They were all alone in Lauren's house, her parents gone for the week-end.

Lauren invited them to follow her to the kitchen and offered them a drink of "Le coureur des bois", a maple flavored whisky she had bought a while back. At first the twins refused, but Lauren cajoled them until Katelyn finally agreed. Lauren was much closer to Katelyn than to her sister, although they were all good friends. Even though they were twins, Lauren had felt a much deeper connection with Katelyn. She thought that Katelyn felt the same thing.

The twins weren't fans of alcohol, but both had a sweet tooth. so Katarina soon followed her sister's lead and drank with them. Two glasses later, Lauren judged that they were just woozy enough, most likely for the first time in their lives. She didn't press for a third, but invited them to her room for the night.

It was one o'clock and they were starting to be tired. "Even better!" thought Lauren, wondering if her plan would work. In her room, the twins would sleep in her own double bed and Lauren would sleep on a spare bed on the floor. They changed into their pjs, and Lauren sighed when the twins insisted on changing in the bathroom. Katelyn and Katarina were dressed in large, exceptionally prudish pjs like young boys wore: flannel pants and buttoned up shirts. Lauren herself was only wearing her panties and a thin tank top.

After changing the three girls sat on the bed to talk about boys. Lauren was glad to see them blush and giggle a few times. After a while, Lauren asked them "I know I've asked you this in the past, but I still want an answer. Why don't you two ever swim?"

"Oh, you know Lauren..." said Katelyn. "We don't like swimming and, big surprise, we're both shy!"

The girls all laughed at that: their shyness was legendary. "But still!" Lauren said. "You're both very beautiful and you clearly have nice bodies... Even though I can only see your ankles right now!"

The twins laughed again, and Lauren was pleased to see that they were drunk enough. "Oh stop it..." said Katarina. "You're the gorgeous one, Lauren! All the boys were around you tonight!"

"Not true!" she replied. "I'm sure either one of you could have wrapped Tommy around your little fingers easily!" They laughed again. "But stop deflecting the question! Nobody hates swimming! Are you afraid of water?"

"No." said Katarina. "We just don't like swimming..."

"Oh come on..." moaned Lauren. "Am I not your closest friend?"

"Of course!" said Katelyn. "Why would you doubt it?"

When Lauren saw the concern and alarm on their faces, she refrained from smiling. "Then why the secrets?" she asked, hoping that she would break through their shyness tonight.

"What secrets?" Katarina asked, clearly nervous.

"Look... You two are gorgeous even though you try your best to hide it, you seem to have stunning breasts even though you always keep them prisoners in sports bras, the curves of your hips and thighs will attract any pair of eyes... Yet you act like... like... " Lauren hesitated, then softly said "Have you two been abused?"

In sync, their eyes opened wide in surprise and they placed a hand on Lauren's thighs. "Oh no! No, no, no..." they said together. "Nothing like that. Is that what you've been thinking?" asked Katarina.

"Well, not seriously, no... But still, I know that you have a secret." And then she took a chance. "By now, with any of my other friends, we'd be naked, comparing each other's breasts, pussies and deciding who had shaven her bush in the sexiest shape."

It wasn't quite true, and certainly an exaggeration. She had done this only with one of her friends, but she wanted to shock the twins. And at least this part was working: they were both looking at her with wide opened eyes. In the ensuing silence, Katarina grabbed her sister's arm and they shared a long look. Then, it was Katelyn who turned to Lauren and said "If you promise to keep this an absolute secret, we could remove our shirts. But no more."

"What?" a surprised Lauren said, not expecting her plan to work so quickly. Maybe the sleepiness and the alcohol had had their effects? "Why now, and why not before? You have seen me topless a couple of times..."

"Why now?" Katarina said. "Because it's clear that it's important for you. And why not before? Because..."

Once again the twins shared a long look. Their smile was peculiar, and Lauren couldn't quite understand it. Katelyn took a deep breath and said "I know this is going to sound so extremely vain and narcissistic, but..." she paused, laughing. "Shit, it's strange to say it out loud! It's because we have extraordinary breasts, my dear friend."

Lauren laughed, but while it confirmed what she had believed, she quieted down quickly. She pulled her tank top over her head and sat there, letting the twins look at her breasts. Looking down herself, she was pretty confident: even hidden under their pjs, the twins seemed to have bigger breasts than hers, but Lauren was rather proud of her C cup breasts.

They were creamy white, her skin flawless without a single beauty mark or stray hair, and her aureolas were perfectly proportioned, a candy pink color with decently large nipples adorning the pink crowns. They were also nicely rounded, and her nipples pointed forward and upwards, as perky as could be.

The twins smiled and grinned as they looked at her breasts. Stared at them in fact. Their discussion, the late hour and the alcohol had eroded away the usual etiquette, and Lauren grinned. "You do have really nice breasts Lauren." said Katelyn. The twins looked at each other and shrugged. They then proceeded to slip their harms inside their pjs and to remove their sports bra. When they pulled it out of there and brought their arms back in their sleeves, Lauren's eyebrows rose slightly. Even under the thick flannel, the shape of their identical breasts was already remarkable.

But once they were done unbuttoning their shirt and pulled it off, revealing their four breasts at the same time, Lauren gasped. As strange as her narcissistic comment had been earlier, it had been spot on. The twins had breasts even larger than Lauren had thought, at least D cups but probably E cups. And they were, incredibly, even perkier than hers. It shouldn't even be possible!

Lauren closed her mouth when she realized that her jaw had dropped. She was still staring at those massive wonders though, trying to comprehend how such generous curves could thrust forward all that much... How, without a bra, could their nipples stand close to six inches in front of their chests? They both had very large aureolas and prominent nipples which, even when soft, were bigger than hers. Much bigger. They looked like perfect spheres of heavy flesh. "Now, what do you think people would talk about if we ever went outside wearing bikinis?" asked Katarina. "Our breasts would be talk of the damned town!"

Lauren felt a pulse of pleasure between her legs as she stared. "Dear gods in heaven..." she breathed. After a pause, she added "You two are going to make a lesbian out of me!" The twins laughed, but Lauren frowned. "I'm sorry, that wasn't a good joke..."

"Why not?" Katarina asked, still laughing.

"Well, honestly, I don't know if I'm all that straight."

In the silence that followed, Lauren looked at their friends, trying to gage their reactions. Once again, she had exaggerated to provoke them. She knew she was bi-curious, but also knew that she was mainly attracted to guys. The feeling of a cock in her pussy was just too sweet for her to turn full lesbian. But she wanted to test the twins. After another silence, Lauren asked "Does that make you uncomfortable?"

"No." Katarina said. "Not at all. I fact, Katelyn was asking herself the same questions."

"I wasn't!" Katelyn replied, hitting her sister on the arm.

The three girls laughed.

As they settled down, Lauren decided to push further still. She stood up on the bed and removed her panties. This time it was the twins' turns to gape at her shaven pussy. Playing it cool, as if she didn't see that the twins were nervous, Lauren said "Yeah, I know... I won't win a contest of who has the sexiest shape. I simply decided to try the fully shaven look a month ago. What do you think?"

Looking at her friends, Lauren could see that they were really taken aback. Soon though, soft smiles appeared on their lips and they sat quietly. "Your pussy is wonderfully beautiful, Lauren." Said Katelyn, who hadn't denied having lesbian thoughts. "Gods it's gorgeous!" she said with a hoarse voice, openly staring at it. Katarina laughed. "But I'm afraid we won't be joining you in this nudity."

"Why not? Don't tell me you have ugly pussies!" Lauren said lightly. "You two are the most incredibly beautiful girls I've ever seen!" she said, realizing that it was true as she was saying it.

She saw that they hesitated briefly, but decided to hold their ground. "Ok then..." Lauren said. "Let me get you a couple more drinks!" Ignoring their laughter and protests, she went down to the kitchen and served three large glasses of the maple whisky. To her surprise, the twins didn't seem all that uncomfortable when she came back up. Lauren still did a double take on their breasts, shocked once again at their shining beauty. But as she placed the tray with the glasses on the bed between them, she said "Truth or Drink!"

Katelyn and Katerina said yes as they laughed even though they were shaking their heads. Lauren went first and decided to go easy on them "Are you two virgins?" To her utter surprise, the twins each drank a shot. It wasn't an official confirmation that they weren't, but as close as could be.

She was still shocked when Katerina asked "Are you two really bi-curious?"

"Bitch!" replied Katelyn immediately. "Yes. Yes I am bi-curious... Maybe a bit more than just curious..."

Lauren said "I am, but not that much... Although your breasts... Shit!" she laughed with them.

The girls then asked questions about a few guys at school, and even a few girls for Katelyn. Lauren was fascinated by the answers and pleased to see that they were all drinking even more than she had hoped! Fifteen minutes into the game she'd had to go down to fetch the bottle. Then she tried a question she knew would make them drink "Why won't you remove your pants? I've been naked here for a while, all alone..." And as she had expected, the girls smiled but drank.

A few minutes later Lauren asked "Have you ever slept with a girl?" This time Katelyn replied with a clear "Yes!" and Katarina drank. "I haven't, by the way." added Lauren. "Not yet at least!" she said, looking at Katelyn. And she suddenly thought "Shit! I must be getting drunker than I thought! I gotta get myself under control!"

A while later they stopped, knowing that they were getting way too drunk. At one point Katarina was standing on her knees right in front of Lauren, trying to explain something about the last time they played basketball. Without really thinking about it, Lauren grabbed Katarina's pyjama bottoms and pulled it down to her knees. In a flash she saw her red bush and, the shock of her life, a long cock hanging there. Roughly five or six inches long.

Katarina coiled backwards, pulling her pants back up before sitting down. Katelyn came to wrap her arms protectively around her. If she had been sober and fully rested, Lauren would probably have been shocked senseless. But she was neither of these things. Add to this combo the fact that she was already aroused, and her immediate comment was "Oh my gods that's a nice cock!"

It took the twins by surprise. They were obviously distressed, and Katarina looked wounded by her rash action. But when they heard her comment, they froze, puzzled. "I'm sorry Katarina... I really am. But... Shit! You seem even more sexy right now than you already were!" Part of her mind knew that this wasn't the reaction that she would have had while clearheaded, but there it was...

Hesitating, Katelyn held her sister close and said "You're not... You're not just saying that?"

"No!" Lauren replied quickly, covering the distance between them and wrapping her own arms around Katarina as well. "I'm sorry that I did it without your consent... But please don't worry that I'm freaked out." Not fully realizing how big of a secret she had just uncovered, Lauren laughed and said "Damn! That must be a hell of a job to keep hidden! So big!"

Her laughter broke through the twins' stupor and they both relaxed. Sitting up and grabbing Lauren's hand, Katarina looked at her and said "You mean it? You're not horrified?"

"Well, no. Shocked, yes, mystified, of course. But not horrified... You're still the same Katarina that I've known for three years. It's just that you have the most beautiful cock I have ever seen between your legs! Is there any part of you two that isn't the most beautiful I have ever seen?" Lauren said, laughing.

Soon her laughter infected the twins and they relaxed completely. With the sleepiness and the alcohol, Katelyn said "OK then." before pulling her bottoms completely off. Lauren stared at another identical cock while Katarina sighed and did the same.

"Shit!" Lauren exclaimed, her eyes darting between the two nice cocks. "Have you been like this for a long time?"

The twins began to tell their tales, so to speak. They were born like this, taken for boys until they turned five years old and a vulva developed under their penises. During their early teens, they began to look more and more like girls, and after they moved here, they assumed feminine genders. They have been hiding their cocks ever since. "And so, yeah, we're both bi-curious, for obvious reasons..." Katarina said.

"And we're also curiously bi!" added Katelyn, drunkenly laughing.

"Damn!" Lauren sighed. "You're futanari and I never knew it!"

"Futa what?" they asked at the same time.

"Futanari! You don't know about futanari?" Lauren asked.

They didn't. Obviously they had done a lot of research about their condition, and all they could find was hermaphrodism. But they didn't fit all of the characteristics. First of all, they were born without a vulva, and second of all that had developed into fully formed females during their teens. Most hermaphrodites had mixed physical properties, and didn't look like the twins at all. They were something else, and didn't know what. They had stopped searching at one point, resolved to simply hiding it and living as fully as they could with such a secret.

But Lauren wasn't in the mood to simply accept that! She hopped on her computer and searched for futanari. The twins were fascinated by the mangas and animes of girls with cocks like them, but then again, it was all fantasy. All fiction. They were very real, very much flesh and blood, pussy and cock! Katelyn seemed a lot more interested in the comics and soon the two others teased her about it. She eventually closed Lauren's laptop and joined the two others on the bed.

Lauren couldn't stop glancing at their cocks, and in turn the twins teased her about it. They were so big! If they swelled even lightly when erect, they would get really big! They were roughly six inches long and decently thick already! Before she could censor herself, she said "Can you get hard?" The twins cried out and laughed when she asked that, but nodded enthusiastically. At that point, they all knew that if they'd had this discussion sober, it would have turned out very differently. But right now, they were in the perfect balance between sleepiness, drunkenness and arousal.

Lauren, remembering one of the futanari stories she had read a while back, asked "Can't you make them disappear?"

"What?" Katarina asked, frowning.

"Yeah! In the stories, some of them can make them disappear, make them pull back inside." she said.

"In our pussies? We've tried that, but for... well, for other reasons." Katelyn replied.

They all laughed at the unexpected extroverted comment. Lauren said "No no... Although it must be quite the experience! I'm talking about a full retraction... Do your cocks replace your clitorises?"

"Yeah... But they can't go back inside! It's way too big!" said Katarina.

"I know they're big!" Lauren sighed theatrically. "Stop mentioning it!"

Again the girls laughed with her at her comment. But soon they found a few of the stories where the futanaris could retract their cocks. They spoke of a meditation, of a focus on their female pussy, of purely feminine thoughts and feelings, etc... It was extremely fuzzy on the details. Katelyn said "But in any case, even if it was precise, it's just fiction, right?"


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