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Her best friend has a naughty secret.
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Sometimes a story needs another perspective, another side. Jory and Jules, who we've already met, have an inquisitive friend. This is her tale. If you enjoy hers, you might just like theirs...

From the very beginning Juliette was the most wonderful best friend Gabi could have wished for. Their families were neighbours, so from the moment they socialised as toddlers they were inseparable. Thick as thieves. Joined at the hip. Everywhere one went the other was close behind. The only time this was any different was when the two of them trailed after Jules' brother, Jory. Two years the girl's senior, he tolerated the twin terrors with the sort of stoic patience that only a big brother can muster.

But mostly the world belonged to Jules and Gabi. As little girls it was dress-ups, princesses and ponies in either bedroom, or war and hide and seek with Jory. In primary school there was musical numbers in the living room, complete with choreography, bike rides after school and beating dumb boys at their own games. Early on this occasionally resulted in pulled hair, until Jory got wind of it, after which the boys left them alone. Summers were spent camping or by the pool, giggling at Jory and his friends as they did stupid boy things to impress each other.

In high school there were sleep overs, boy bands and boobs. They helped each other through the most awkward of the teen years, sharing all the scariness and unknown as they changed from confident young girls into confident young women. Boys seemed to get a little less dumb through this period, with Jory in particular beginning to fill out his growing frame.

There was nothing that Gabi and Jules didn't share, so it was no surprise that the second she had gathered herself, Jules ran next door to share her first masturbation experience. Flopping on her back on Gabi's bed, Jules described how she had been dozing in the sunlight in her room when she'd thrown her leg across one of her pillows. Shifting in her sleep, she had begun to inadvertently rub herself along the edge of the pillow. Waking to the most delicious sensations between her legs, Jules had been confused at what was happening, but hadn't wanted the feeling to stop. Flushed and panting, she had started to grind herself onto the pillow, shifting so it was beneath her body. She had increased the pace and intensity, until all of the sudden a flood of wonderful warmth had rushed through her, leaving her quite breathless.

By the time the girls were in the shadow of their 20's they were both avid masturbators, sharing fantasies and techniques and stories with each other. While Gabi had never done anything more than kiss a boy, she was very comfortable with her body, and had chosen to wait until the right boy came along.

There was, however, an instance of something that Gabi had chosen not to share with Jules. The previous summer, Jory had finished high school and was preparing to head to university in the city. It was a time of celebration and freedom, and the boys all descended on Jules and Jory's house for days at a time to drink and smoke and lie by the pool. While they were growing up, Jory had always been like a bigger brother to her, nothing more. Then one afternoon Gabi had watched him climbing out of the pool, laughing, smiling, dripping, winking at her...

That night she lay awake gently brushing her clitoris through her panties with the summer breeze wandering across her body. In her mind's eye she saw Jory, his friends, the pool. She could feel the wetness begin to stain her panties as the fantasy took shape.

Jory walks over to her, grabbing her around the waist. She gasps; he's never been rough with her a day in his life. He pushes her onto one of the sun lounges, on her hands and knees. He rips her bikini bottoms off her as though they're nothing and forces her thighs further apart. She's already dripping when he thrusts himself into her, burying himself impossibly deep. The other boys are all watching her from across the pool, their eyes filled with envy and lust. Gabi moans while Jory fucks her tight pussy, her body rocking with each thrust. She moans as she makes eye contact with each of the boys, loving their jealous expressions. Jory reaches under her body and strokes her clit with his fingers while slides in and out at a steadily increasing pace. The other boys are stroking themselves now, silently masturbating for her. As she watches, the first one groans and shoots hot come onto the warm stones at the edge of the pool. One by one they all erupt with shouts and moans, all coming at the sight of her being fucked. Jory is the last to climax, and she feels his thick seed filling her cunt, and she comes...

She lay still for a moment as the thunder of her orgasm rumbled and echoed around her body. Her favourite dildo was still in her pussy, her fingers slick with her juices. She and Jules had long ago abandoned guilt when it came to fantasy; they're mantra of 'if it gets you off go with it' having served them well for many years. Nonetheless, she felt a tinge of discomfort at the nature of this fantasy. What would Jules say if she knew she'd imagined her big brother fucking her? She tell Jules about the fantasy of course, but she'd change names to protect the innocent.

That summer had progressed in a blur of parties and booze and, for Gabi, many Jory-fuelled orgasms. Her fantasies became ever-more tawdry as the weeks progressed, and her climaxes intensified in direct proportion. Towards the end of the summer it was all she could do to not blush when she saw him. She thought she was discreet and private about her feelings, but, as she would discover later, when someone knows you as well as Jules knew her, that is nearly impossible.

Twelve months later Gabi's life changed forever. Jory had been at uni in the city for a year, and while she still had incredibly dirty fantasies about her best friend's brother, she was still yet to physically fuck a boy. Jules on the other hand was incredibly confident in herself, and was having the most scandalous adventures of every kind. The two of them would sit up for hours on the hot nights while Juliette added fuel to Gabi's fiery catalogue of fantasy.

The weather got hotter and hotter, and so did Juliette's tales. Then came the mid-summer beach party, which grew every year in scale and scope. Waves lapped the sand on which bonfires lit the night sky for half a kilometre. Two full bars bookended the event and the thumping tunes resounded across waves and town alike. It was so hot at midnight that most of those dancing to the music were waist deep in the ocean.

The two girls had started with a lovely bottle of sparking in the late afternoon, arriving at the party as the molten afternoon sun slipped below the waves. In bikinis and tiny sarongs, they both turned heads as they settled on the sand with a cocktail, eyeing the feast of glistening bodies writhing on the drop-in dancefloor. One of Gabi's favourite past times was to watch her best friend flirt, seduce, arouse and tempt. As the full moon began to rise she watched Jules beguiled a pair of boys, sliding in between their hard young bodies and trading kisses with them both as hands wandered everywhere. Gabi sat crossing and uncrossing her legs while she watched the scene, wanting to pull aside her bikini and slip two fingers into her pussy.

The whole thing descended into farce as the gentle jostling of the boys to establish dominance of the situation escalated into a something near fisticuffs, while completely ignoring the reason for their hostility. While they argued over her, Jules slipped away and returned to Gabi where she fell on the sand, the two laughing hysterically.

As midnight came and went the scene was more akin to a pagan ritual than a simple dance party. The fires blazed, people moved and slid and capered. At the fringes there was naked flesh alone and in twos and threes and more.

As the sky began to turn pink where the water met the sky, the two girls were riding a fresh rush of euphoria, and music pounded into them like the waves crashing at the water's edge. As they swayed and floated in the sand, a stunning woman seemed to materialise next to them. She was older and her confidence and sensuality radiated off her like a heat haze.

As the new arrival's hands found Juliette's hips she leaned close to Gabi.

"You're both stunning, but I really want to taste your friend's come," she shouted over the music. "Is that ok with you?"

Gabi nodded dumbly as her best friend and the new comer danced closer. The woman turned Juliette's body toward the water and away from the bonfire's light. Gabi stepped backwards so she could see what was unfolding. As she watched, her friend's bikini was pulled aside. The lights and waves and chemicals created a kind of strobe effect before Gabi's eyes that made it hard to focus, but she could make out strong slender fingers tracing her friend's outer lips. Her other hand exposed Juliette's breast, pinching and rolling the nipple in tandem with the fingers now flicking her clit. Every movement was in time with the beat and Jules appeared to be struggling to keep her balance. For Gabi the urge to finger herself as she watched was almost overwhelming. She couldn't imagine what Jules must be feeling.

Over the thumping music Gabi could hear Juliette's scream as her legs gave way and the pair tumbled forward onto the sand. Sitting up first, the woman stood and walked up to where Gabi was standing, transfixed. Without a word she pressed her fingers to Gabi's lips. Unbidden, she parted them and two fingers slipped into her mouth. She tasted sweetness, and saltiness and intoxicating perfume. It was heaven. The woman smiled and disappeared back into the crowd, as dully Gabi realised she'd just tasted her best friend's pussy.

She collapsed in the sand next to her friend. Jules looked up at her, glassy eyed.

"Please take me home..."

Laughing like sailors and giggling like school girls in equal measure they walked home through the warm dawn light. Juliette's parents were away, and in the state they were in there was no way they could deal Gabi's parents, so Jules lead the way to hers. Stumbling in the door they went to work setting up the space. Soon Gabi had some lovely chilled out tracks humming through the house sound system, while Jules lit an oil burner, choosing an oil she often used while masturbating.

Stepping into the living room, Jules peeled off her bikini, dropping them theatrically to the floor. Gabi's mouth went dry. She had seen Jules naked nearly as many times as she'd seen herself, but after the night she'd witnessed and the state she was in, something very different was stirring in her. She watched as her friend swayed and slid across the floor, moving in time to the music.

Gabi had been wet from the moment she watched Jules driving the two boys crazy. She told herself that it was the scenario, but in truth, she was turned on her friend's sexiness, confidence and eroticism. Watching Jules getting fingered with endorphins and dopamine coursing through her only augmented that arousal, so that now she was barely able to keep from throwing her friend down and doing some of the many things she'd imagined over the last couple of years. She was hardly aware of how she was staring, mouth open, at her friend.

"Are you ready Gabi?" breathed Juliette. Her best friend watched her sway.

"R-ready for what?" Gabi's voice shook with anticipation.

"Ready to come with my fingers in your pussy and my mouth on your clit."

Gabi sat. The couch was cool and soft. She dared not move for fear of what was happening, which was equal to the fear of it not happening. Nonetheless, Jules moved closer, her eyes never leaving her best friend's. As Juliette crept closer, Gabi found her legs falling opening without realising.

Despite everything she'd seen and talked about and tried, Gabi had never been touched, sexually, by another person. This was purely a personal choice; as it stood she was more than happy with self-satisfaction driven by her lust for Jory and the stories and fantasies supplied by Jules. That some of her favourite fantasies involved Jules had not prepared her for the sudden reality that was materialising before her eyes. Her wonderful, sexy, erotic friend was letting her tongue weave and dance over the inside of her ankle.

She was frozen, mesmerised, exhilarated and turned-on. From just a gentle tickle on her ankle. Looking down Gabi could see her bikini panties darkening with moisture. The possibility contained within the caress of Juliette's fingertips on her calf was almost too much.

As the fingers and tongue and breath and intent moved to her knee, Gabi let out a small whimper. There was a dim and muted part of her that felt it proper to resist, but that feeling flickered and sputtered like a candle trapped under a glass.

Finger tips figure skated in tandem across both her inner-thighs, and the whimper was smothered in her throat by a long, low, moan. Jules looked up at Gabi, her expression simultaneously mischievous and aroused.

"I've wanted this for so long Gabi," breathed Jules.

Gabi shifted her weight to allow Jules to remove her bikini. They had both been freshly waxed for the beach party, and the air shifting across her wet, naked skin caused her to moan again. That sensation rippled through her entire being; this was something very different to turning herself on. There was a lack of control that was thrilling, and the idea of putting her pleasure in someone else's hands fed into the upward spiral of her state.

At the first soft kiss on her smooth mound, any final resistance that might have put a stop to this vanished all together. All of Gabi was now centred on each point in the universe where lips touched her skin. Then came the soft, satin of Jules's tongue. She felt as though she was falling backwards into something delightful, something forbidden.

The tongue flattened and sharpened and weaved and skittered over her. When it moved from her clit to her opening to her arse and back, the sensations ramped again. When a fingertip nudged her swollen pussy lips open, Gabi slipped towards the moment that would redefine her.

By herself, Gabi knew the modulation, pitch and pace of her pleasure, and long ago this type of stimulation would have flung her over the peak. But instead of releasing, the incredible sensations continued to build and build. Vaguely Gabi was aware of her head thrashing from side to side, and she could hear all manner of dirty commentary tumbling from her lips.

Gabi's breath caught. Juliette's tongue cascaded lazily over her clit as two fingers slid noisily in and out of her dripping hole. For a moment time was completely suspended. She blinked, once, twice, and then time caught up and her orgasm thundered through her core, freewheeling outwards to her shaking limbs. Like a puppet under the control of a drunken master she moved and writhed and flopped on the couch, the unrelenting pleasure driving a wordless cry of ecstasy from her.

Finally she slumped back and curled up around herself, coming to rest with her head next to her best friend's. Jules's cheeks and lips and chin where covered in her come, the glisten matching the sheen of perspiration on her chest and forehead.

Juliette looked remarkably pleased with herself.

"I always knew you'd taste like angels," she sighed. Both of them dissolved into fits of giggles as Jules climbed onto the couch and into the arms of her friend. For Gabi, the pleasure continued to roll up and down her spine as she melted into the softness of Jules's embrace. She moaned and milled and mewled as she curled up, contented.

After a time Juliette extricated herself from her friend's embrace, left the room and came back with more illicit fun and soon they were dancing and capering and being ridiculous all over the house. The day was already hot, and as the sun climbed to its zenith they slipped into the cool, clear water of the pool in the back yard.

Suitably chilled, they returned to the couch and flopped down at either end facing each other. Without a word, Jules parted her legs and smiled at Gabi. Gabi's heart immediately accelerated to a steady gallop. Her own arousal had barely dropped since her orgasm; she would have whisked herself off to a private room and brought herself to many more orgasms if she hadn't been having so much fun with Jules.

With a cheeky smile Jules licked two fingers on her right hand and began moistening her entire pussy. Gabi watched, fascinated, as she licked her fingers three times and massaged her labia until they glistened. Then she gently hooked her fingers inside her outer lips and very deliberately parted them for Gabi. A silvery bead of wetness immediately escaped and wove a path towards the pink opening of her arse. Gabi fought to draw a breath. Like before, the scene before her was very similar to many she had constructed in her head over the last few years, but also as earlier, the reality far surpassed the fantasy. Her best friend was putting on a show, just for her.

Jules made one final flourish of wetting her fingers before commencing slow, luxurious strokes across her prominent, rock hard clitoris. Both of them expressed sounds of pleasure as Jules began to masturbate, using her other hand to tease her glistening opening and letting a lazy pinkie drift lower to work her own juices around her anus.

If Gabi was mesmerised before, now she was utterly enchanted. She felt rooted to the spot as felt the arousal surge through her system, almost in sympathy for what her friend was experiencing. She fought the urge to blink, not wanting to miss a millisecond of this. She was aware of her own cunt swelling and her inner walls becoming impossibly slippery. She longed her favourite dildo to fill her aching pussy, but as it was all she could do was watch.

"Fuck that looks so hot!"

It took a moment to register, but Gabi realised the words had come from over her left shoulder. Turning her head she saw Juliette's older brother, Jory, leaning on the doorframe between the lounge and kitchen.

Gabrielle's reaction was swift and sudden. She grabbed two cushions from next to her and curled into a ball, managing to conceal most of her frame. Her crimson blush was serving to heat the already warm room; this was the most mortifying moment of her whole life.

"I was just going to watch, but I was struggling with my cock straining in my pants," Jory said.

Gabi opened her eyes to see Jules in exactly the same position; legs spread, fingers lazily stroking her dusky cunt. She had a smile on her face.

"Fuck off you fucking pervert!" She said with a laugh. "This is a ladies-only event."

"You sure?" The smile was matched in Jory's voice. Jules responded by throwing a cushion across the room at him.

"Ok, FINE!" he said. Turning, his footsteps disappeared up the hall.

Gabi sat scrunched in a ball, hoping that if she kept her eyes closed tightly enough this event would reset and never have happened. A soft groan made Gabi open her eyes. Juliette had two fingers buried in her pussy and her fingers danced across her clit, alternating between heavy strokes and feather-light movements, fast and slow.

Like a creature awaking from hibernation Gabi ventured out of her cushion cocoon and looked around. Jory was nowhere to be seen, and Jules was rubbing herself as though nothing had happened at all. As she watched Jules added a third finger and cried out. Despite herself, Gabi was drawn back magnetically to Juliette's intoxicating show.

Her eyes were closed and she was breathing hard.

"He'll be naked by now," she panted. "In his room. His cock will be so hard; thick and veiny and proud."

Gabi couldn't comprehend what she was hearing. Jules was talking about her own brother. But the telling only caused her motions to become more concerted, more defined.


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