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Gail's Gambols Ch. 03

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She has an exciting journey!
3.4k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/17/2021
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Chapter Four

This is part of a series. This Chapter does not stand on its own. Please read from Chapter one.


The morning air was a little chilly as I walked slowly home. It was six-thirty. Graham would leave at seven-thirty. I wanted to arrive home after he'd left, not out of fear or shame particularly; I just wanted time to reflect on what had happened. There's a coffee shop opposite where we live so I sat in there until I saw him leave for his workshop. Once inside I had a long bath before getting into bed. Not to sleep so much, though I was tired, but more to think.

I'd never had an experience like last night. Orgasms so strong I almost went unconscious. Two guys who really seemed to care about my pleasure as well as theirs. I'd felt completely at home with them; safe. Though I always felt safe with Graham, I never felt so at ease with him, yet these two guys who I'd only known a few hours felt like my oldest and best friends. Friends who fuck like rabbits, that is. I dismissed the idea of going away with them. It was insane. I couldn't just up and leave like that. Could I? The idea popped into my head that perhaps I could. Why not? People do impulsive things, don't they? Yes, and usually end up in deep trouble. Once the idea of leaving was there I couldn't get rid of it. By mid-afternoon, I'd thought of ways to deal with work and friends. Graham was a different matter though. I felt I owed him. I dismissed the idea again.

Until Graham came home, that is. When I was with him I realised that my feelings for him weren't deep, and never had been. He was a good man, but not a man to spend the rest of my life with. After dinner I said gently.

"Graham, I think I'm going to go away for a few days. Is that OK?"

He looked devastated. "A few days? How many? Why?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry. I just need a break. I...I..well, I'm sorry."

He tried to get more from me, but I wasn't really able to say more. I couldn't say if I was leaving permanently, though I doubted it. I was just going off on an impulse. I told him it wasn't him, it was me, but he didn't believe me. Later we made love gently; I felt guilty at consolation sex, but he seemed to need it. He left in the morning without a word. I felt sad for a while, but then the thought of what I was going to do excited me. I showered, ate something, tracked down a suitcase and sorted out some clothes to take for a fortnight. I was very careful with my appearance. Perhaps they'd change their minds if I didn't look good. I put on a tight shirt, with a jacket over the top and a short, but not too short, skirt. By the time I'd finished, it was nine-fifteen; I only had three-quarters of an hour to get there. I took a taxi, asking him to drop me a couple of streets away, in case I wanted to change my mind at the last minute. It would be simpler if I was on foot. I walked down to the bar where I'd met Darren. There was a large BMW parked outside with its boot open. Darren came out with a suitcase and put it in the boot. I walked up to him.

"Well, here I am then."

Darren turned. "Gail!" he hugged me. "You changed your mind then. Tommy! look who's here!"

Tommy came out of the door. "Well, well. You won't regret this, luv. God, you look gorgeous. Give me your bag. Climb in, we're ready to go."

"Erm, where exactly are we going?" I asked, nervous now that the moment was here.

"Harrogate," said Darren, "it's a lovely town."

"Is it by the sea?" I asked, not sure of my geography.

"No. But Scarborough's not too far away." Sensing my nervousness he said, "Get in the back, luv. We'll be in the front. If you change your mind we'll drop you off at a station. Don't worry we're not perverts or kidnappers."

Something in his manner reassured me, so I climbed in the back of the car. Tommy took the driving seat, Darren sat beside him, fiddling with the dashboard satnav.

"Nice car," I said.

"Ta, luv. We were going to come in Darren's Merc, but it's only got two seats. Good thing we came in mine, isn't it?"

They obviously had money, I thought as we drove through the town out to the motorway. I didn't feel like I was embarking on a great adventure. I felt perfectly normal. I texted Jackie: "away to Harrogate for while speak soon". She came straight back with: "where? why?" I re-sent "speak soon". Then I texted Graham: "On my way. c u soon xx". I looked up to find us driving into a service area.

"Breakfast break," said Darren over his shoulder. "We didn't have time earlier."

They both had a full English, I just had a coffee and Danish. Tommy paid. They talked mostly guy stuff, but didn't ignore me. We just didn't have a range of subjects in common yet, but I felt they would come in time. An hour later after loo breaks, we returned to the car. I resumed my previous seat, but this time Darren climbed into the back with me; Tommy sat behind the wheel. I offered to pay towards the petrol as they filled up, but Darren said: "No. We said we'd take care of you and we will. You won't need any money. At least not on our account. Don't worry, we can afford it."

As we drove off I asked him, "What do you do then?"

"I have a small software company. Tommy has a building firm."

Tommy snorted, "He says it's a small company but it's valued in the millions. He doesn't even have to do any work; he can afford to pay people to run it for him. He sits around all day dreaming of being a writer. I have to work for a living."

"Listen to him! Poor hard-done-by! He employs over a thousand people you know. He could do less if he chose. He loves it."

"Aye, well. I do it's true. But I'll never be a writer, me. Neither will he, I'd bet." Darren smiled to himself. They were obviously well used to joshing each other.

"How long have you two been friends?"

"We were at school together. Primary, that is. We just seem to get on. And we share an interest, of course."

"Football?" I asked in all innocence.

They both laughed. "Tommy's the football man. I meant...er.. the opposite sex."

"Oh," I said embarrassed.

"What do you do?" Darren asked.

"I'm just a humble account manager for an insurance company."

"Is it interesting?"

"No. But it pays well, and it isn't difficult. They keep raising the targets, of course, but that's life."

We chatted on for a while. Darren was obviously trying to put me at ease, and he succeeded. I relaxed completely. He moved across to put an arm round my shoulder. I leant against him and smiled.

"That were a fantastic night, the other night. We reckon it was our best ever."

I smiled again. "It was certainly mine," I said looking straight into his eyes. The memories of that night sent a throb to my cunt. His lips came down onto mine. I thought it would be a short, warm kiss, but he held it. Soon, I had my arms around his neck and we were tonguing happily. He undid my seatbelt so he could reach my boob. I giggled. I'd never petted in a car before. He squeezed a little harder, his thumb rubbing my nipple, which responded quickly. His hand lifted the lapel of my jacket. I slipped it off my shoulders. With great dexterity he had his hand up my shirt before the jacket hit the floor. As he massaged my left tit through my bra I wondered how far he would go. How far was it possible to go in a car travelling at seventy on a motorway? A few minutes later my bra was undone and he was helping me remove my shirt. My arousal level was rapidly increasing. Topless, I kissed him hungrily. His head dropped down so he could suck my nipples. They felt like they might explode. I knew what was coming next. I felt his hand on my inner thigh. Slowly, he pushed it higher, caressing my thigh very gently. I pushed my hips forward, forcing my pussy into his hand. He squeezed it, making me yelp with pleasure, but a second later I felt a finger slip inside my knickers and then into me, closely followed by a second. I spread my legs as wide as I could to give him better access, pressing his head to my tits.

By now I was completely swamped by my emotions, so when he put his thumbs in the waistband of my knickers , not only did I not stop him, I tugged at my skirt, trying to remove it without undoing the zip. Being highly experienced in these matters he unzipped it for me, pulling it off complete with my panties. I was now only wanting one thing: his cock in my pussy, but how to achieve it? Even in a BMW there's limited room. Darren knew what to do, of course. He sat in the middle of the back seat with his cock standing out fully from his jeans.

"Climb on, luv," he said, coolly.

I straddled him, my knees resting on the seat either side of him. It was easy to reach down and guide his cock in from there. The position also gave him excellent access to my tits, which he continued to service. I lowered myself fully on to him, discovering that the natural movement of the car over the road provided gentle stimulus. I began to giggle, as did Darren. All we had to do was sit there while the bumps in the road fucked us both. He continued with my boobs, tweaking my nipples quite hard, but not unpleasantly so, and, God bless him, he began caressing my clitoris too. He alternated circling it with a finger with rubbing it gently. I lost all track of time, again, and I can really only recall the few seconds before I climaxed convulsively and then afterwards as I felt his cock twitching with his own ejaculation inside my spasming cunt. I collapsed forward on to him saying "Oh my God! several times. He just sort of wheezed something that sounded like "Jeeeesssuuuss.!"

A little while later I climbed off him, sitting beside him with my head on his shoulder. He wrapped both arms around me. It was nice.

"Time for another stop at the next services," said Tommy from the front. I'd almost forgotten he was there. "About five minutes."

I didn't react.

"Here, I'll help you put some clothes back on," Darren said.

"Oh God! yes. Where are my knickers?" With lots of giggles he pulled my pants up for me, not without a quick squeeze of my cunt, I noticed, and he helped me do up my bra, again with some subtle groping and lots of giggles. I managed skirt and shirt myself. At the services I headed straight for the loo. My hair and make-up were a mess. It looked like I'd been shagging in the back seat. Sitting on the loo I asked myself what I was doing. 'Having the time of my life', was the initial answer. 'Making a fool of yourself', and 'acting like a slut,' were next. The thing is I felt completely relaxed about what I was doing. I was going off with two almost-strangers because they gave me the best sex I'd ever had. They took me into sexual places I hadn't known existed. I'd have followed them anywhere, never mind Harrogate. I could have left then; I'd had an adventure. Even if they turned against me I could easily hitch a lift from the services, but I, quite coolly (though still under the influence of my hormones, I suppose), decided to carry on and see where this adventure took me. I tidied myself up, wishing I'd brought clean pants from the car, bought myself a cup of coffee and joined them. Tommy was talking on his mobile. Darren gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as I sat down. 'He is a sweetie,' I thought.

They were deep into Rugby chat, so I just drank my coffee quietly. After about half-an-hour they'd finished. Tommy looked at me seriously.

"Are you quite happy, luv? Just say if you're not. No hard feelings or owt."

I gave him a beaming smile, "I'm very happy thanks, Tommy. One thing though, where am I going to stay in Harrogate? With you? Or Darren? That doesn't sound like a good idea to me."

"We've arranged a flat for you. I was just talking to someone on the phone about it. It's a nice flat, we're getting it cleaned and set up for you."

"Oh. Well thank you. But how much will it cost? I don't..."

He interrupted me, "We told you we'll take care of you. You won't have to pay out a penny, except for your own needs or wants. Everything's on us"

"Oh, but I can't do that... I have to pay my own way..."

Tommy looked seriously at me. "We want you to be our guest. We own the flat between us, anyway. We'll have a lot of fun together. If you enjoy yourself as much as you have done so far, then it'll be money well spent. Let's hear no more about it."

I understood he was offering me accommodation and money in return for sex. Would that make me a whore or something more like a courtesan? Certainly a kept woman. If they'd offered me this deal before I'd slept with them I'd have been outraged, but having had the experiences I'd had with them, it was quite easy for me to accept their offer.

"Ok, but I insist on being able to leave at any time I want. You can't own me."

They chorused "'Of course!' and 'Absolutely!'", seeming to mean it.

We returned to the car. Darren took the driver's seat this time and Tommy sat next to me. When we were up to speed, I looked at him evenly.

"Are you expecting your turn on the Gail-go-round now?"

He smiled. I had an idea that Tommy didn't laugh that much. Dour is the word, I think. "Sweetheart, you're absolutely gorgeous, and I will always want you, but it has to be reciprocal. Only ever if you want it too. You can always say no, OK?"

I leered at him, reached over and kissed him hard on the lips. He took the hint and shoved his hand up my skirt to grab my pussy. I yelped, "Gently for fuck's sake!"

Sorry, luv, I'm pretty desperate. Watching you and Darren in the mirror was an incredible turn-on."

"Ok, you're forgiven. Come on then."

I stripped. He lowered his trousers and boxers. I waited for him to sit like Darren had.

"Tell you what, luv, why don't you turn around? Put one leg on the seat, aye that's it, bent, and t'other foot on the floor. Brace yourself against the door."

He stroked my buttocks as I perched bum-up, then worked on my cunt with his hand, getting me well and truly wet. When I felt his huge cock press against my vagina entrance I took a deep breath and made a sort of wailing noise as he entered me. He was in a bit of a hurry, but he didn't hurt me. Within seconds he was pumping away quite rapidly. I just had to brace myself and enjoy it. I did so, every long, hormone-driven second of it. I came very loudly, hearing Darren's quiet laughter from the front. I don't know when Tommy came, but I felt him soften, and there was certainly a Niagara-like torrent when he pulled out. He pulled me back onto him and held me as we both recovered.

"By God, girl, you're something else," he whispered.

He didn't really have the tenderness of Darren, but he helped me dress. I fell asleep on his shoulder, only waking when the car slowed as we came off the motorway.

"OK, luv?"

"Mmmm, fine," I yawned, "I must look a mess."

"You look fine," said Tommy. Darren would have accompanied that with a kiss and a hug, but Tommy was less demonstrative. I didn't like him any the less for it, though. So far he'd been... well, I was going to say a perfect gentleman, but I guess that's not entirely appropriate. They'd been attentive to my needs, though, and taken lots of trouble to give me pleasure as well as themselves. I was calm and happy.

About twenty minutes later we pulled up outside a three-storey block of flats.

"Ours is number five. First floor."

The flat was lovely; modern, airy, bright, well furnished. The cars parked in the courtyard were all late-model up-market ones.

"What do you think?" Darren asked me.

"It's lovely."

"Good." He cleared his throat nervously. I wondered what was coming.

"There's a couple of things we need to sort out. They're a bit embarrassing. Erm, are you on the Pill?" He'd actually gone red. After all we'd been up to, it was a bit late to be asking that I thought. I lifted my t-shirt sleeve to show them the tiny scar.

"Implant. Two years left." I didn't feel any embarrassment at all. I fished in my handbag for my certificate. "While we're on embarrassing subjects, I was at the clinic last week. I'm completely clean, see?" I was a regular at the STI clinic at home. Quite a few of my...partners asked me; usually afterwards. Jackie had instilled in me the importance of safe sex, but I was careless and led by my lust far too often. So far so good, though.

"Oh, cool," said Darren, taken aback, "Err, we are both clean, but, well,..."

"You've had a couple of experiences on holiday before me? OK, well, you'd best get yourselves tested then. If you would."

Tommy piped up, "It's no problem Gail, we'll go to our local. I know someone there."

"While we're on embarrassing," Tommy continued. "Your time of the month..?"

"Don't have one," I interrupted, "the implant. I'm one of the lucky twenty percent whose periods disappear."

Their eyebrows went up and they looked at each other. "You mean...?"

"Yep. I can have sex every day if I want it."

Thankfully neither of them said the obvious thing. Tommy pulled out his wallet.

"You'll need to buy some things..."

"No really, I..."

Darren took me gently by the arms.

"Gail, baby, just relax. You haven't brought much with you. Also you'll need food and household stuff. I'm not sure how many sheets there are here, for instance. Just take the money. Please."

I sighed, but didn't make a stand. "Ok, but there's a condition."


"Don't call me "baby" or "babe". I'm twenty-seven."

They relaxed and smiled.

"Fair enough. Now, we've got to go, luv. I'm sorry to leave you alone when you've only just arrived, but we have to get home. One of us will drop in tomorrow, but really we're both tied up on Sundays. Will you be OK?" Darren looked genuinely concerned as he said this. I was a little relieved that I wasn't expected to perform right away. I was shagged out.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry."

Tommy handed me two keys.

"I've got another for emergencies, but I won't use it. This is your place. OK?"

I reached up and hugged him, giving him a big wet kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, love. Don't be a stranger!" He grunted and headed for the door. Darren gave me a full embrace and a long kiss on the lips.

"I'm glad you're here Gail. I'll see you soon. Bye."

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