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Galactic Slave Ch. 07


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"Oh, one more thing you should know. A recent development has solved our semen toxicity problem. Have your slave drink this at least an hour before initiating sexual contact and male semen will no longer be poisonous to her. Several males have expressed interest in experiencing oral sex for the first time. We are, of course, unable to accommodate such an activity ourselves on purely mechanical grounds. She is capable of oral satisfaction?" She handed Master a flask of green liquid.

"Yes, she is quite capable. There may be some accommodation issues. The human mouth has a somewhat limited ability to expand in size."

"I'm sure that they will figure something out. That you for your willingness to share what you have with those less fortunate."

"Thank you for the chance to serve."

Turning to me, master whispered, "You have got to learn to control your expressions. You are supposed to be a Class Three slave. That means you enjoy being a slave and look forward to expanding your ability to make your Master happy. I'm afraid you're going to have to figure some way to orally please one or more Halsted tonight. Short of implying the base commander is a liar, I could not refuse.

"I'm sorry Master. I'll try harder to control myself. I'm not as worried about the oral sex thing. Oral sex does not have to involve penetration. My tongue and hands will get a workout is all. In fact, I'm more worried about the intercourse. Penetration is mandatory for that, and I'm not sure I can accommodate them. I just hope the anti-toxin is palpable. So many medicines have such a foul taste."

He actually laughed out loud. "You are a bundle of surprises, slave. Of all the things to worry about. What the medicine that will save your life will taste like. Would that all our worries were so small a thing." Turning serious, he whispered, "I'm not at all sure how we can survive accusing a delegate of what amounts to treason in their society."

"Master, I don't know if it's important, but there is something familiar about Third. I know that seems impossible, given that I've never met the species before. In fact, I can pick her out from the other Wren'kt. It's something about the way she acts. But I can't put my finger on it."

"Keep trying. I trust your instincts. If something seems familiar to you, it's because it is. It can't be the species, so it must be something external that is having an impact on her that you've seen elsewhere. Keep watching her while we're at the reception. To keep you from arousing suspicion, I'm going to 'punish' you for your earlier show of fear."

I didn't have to wait long to see what he meant. He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to a corner that just happened to have a clear view of the entire room. He set my bracelets and anklets at maximum repulsion from each other, forcing me spread eagle while standing. All the while, he was berating me for displeasing him, loud enough to draw attention to us. He set the collar to deliver shocks that jerked my body at regular intervals. While it looked quite painful, it was more like a constant ache being repeated over and over. Not pleasant, but bearable, especially given what I had been subjected to in the past. Then he turned my voice off and left me there, mingling with the delegates and officers of the station.

It was a great way to watch someone and have no one think about it. I had become like a piece of furniture. Everyone saw me there, but no one though twice about me being there. Watching Third of Financial Eight was a fascinating experience. She seemed to initiate no interactions with anyone else, not even her hive sisters. When I compared her visually to the other Wren'kt, it was apparent that there was no physical difference, other that the body paint they used to indicate positions. The reason I could pick her out from the others was the way she moved. I tried to place what it was, but failed until I kind of gave up and let my mind wander. Ten minutes of free association later, I had it. She was under the influence of a Voratex crystal!

Those horrible mind control devices affected the victim by making them incapable of resisting orders give through the matching crystal. Organic in nature, it grew into the host body and rendered them worse than a slave. Slaves can refuse and take their punishment. Crystal thralls had no choices. They had the side effect of causing minute interruptions in the voluntary nerve impulses in the thrall, resulting in tell tale movement stutters. Hard to detect, but impossible to confuse with anything else once you've seen them. I had to tell master! But he had left me incapable of passing knowledge onto him at this point. I would just have to wait.

A few hours later, when the constantly repeated aches were becoming quite painful, a Halsted approached with the flask of anti-toxin. Holding it up to my mouth, he said, "Your Master ordered that you drink this. Sex will begin in an hour."

I obeyed, tasting something not pleasant, but not foul. Imagine Lime Jell-O (yes we still have Jell-O in the 45th century), slightly salty in taste, not fully set. It was a full pint of liquid. It seemed to coat my mouth and throat as it went down. I wondered if it worked by simply preventing their semen from being absorbed by my digestive system. I didn't really care, as long as it worked. Every guy that wanted oral sex was one less monster cock stretching my pussy too much.

The reception had broken up for the most part. Master had left me here, continuing the pretense of punishment, I guess. Frankly, it was beginning to feel like punishment. I was beginning to feel anxious for some actual sex to start.

I guess it was an hour or so later when a group of seven Halsted males approached, one holding the control device. He slowly punched some buttons and I was released from my bondage one limb at a time. Thankfully, they also had been told how to turn off the shocks. My voice stayed turned off. It was unclear whether Master failed to tell them how or if they preferred me quiet.

"Female. We have been told that you have agreed to service all seven of us tonight?"

Agreed my ass. To them, I simply nodded.

"Come with us, we have a room ready."

The room they led me to was remarkably spartan. I guess I should not have been surprised. Halsted were not designed for using beds as I thought of them. I suspected sex for them was always standing. The only article of 'furniture' was a contraption straight out of some horror vid. A roughly man shaped leather thing was held off the ground by cables. It seemed to be able to swing back and forth. At the 'hands and feet' of the leather array, were straps, clearly designed to bind limbs and keep them from moving. There was another across the torso of the man shaped harness, for the lack of a better term.

"This is your sex bed," one of the males said. "You need to be strapped in. If you fall off, we could accidentally step on you, causing great pain."

"No, really?" I thought to myself. I tried to make motions indicating that I didn't understand how it would work. I must have done okay, as one answered me.

"Once you are strapped in, we will penetrate you and swing you back and forth. It simulates our female's actions during sex. Sex is a vigorous activity for Halsted. Do you like vigor?"

I nodded, though I had the feeling that I had said yes to something I didn't really understand.

Another one came forward. "You do mouth sex?"

I nodded vigorously, smiling broadly.

"Show us."

Thus the orgy began. I think I surprised them by turning away from their harness and crawling underneath the one that asked about oral sex. Closer now, I could see that their cocks were covered with a fine layer of fur, or hair. I touched it gently and was rewarded by a sudden hardening. I thought it strange that they had been talking about sex for several minutes and not one of them was erect, but they were alien. I rubber him with both hands and heard him groan, at least I assume it was a groan. Very high pitched. I was a little relieved to see that while he got rigid, there was no increase in size. I bent my head up and began licking at him. This seemed to stimulate some fluid production along his length. It had a smell similar to a bordeux. As I swiped my tongue across his penis with more speed, there was a lot of fluid. It was going to be messy down here.

He began thrusting his body. I adjusted my technique by keeping still and letting him move across my tongue. I varied the position a little so as to reach more of his cock in the long run. I also wrapped my hands around his pole, letting him use my hands to masturbate himself. My hands and face were covered in fluid (which tasted quite sweet actually), making it hard to stay in contact. This was not going to work.

I let go and tried to roll out from under him and was grabbed by his side hands. I pointed vigorously at the sling device and he seemed to understand. He picked me up and set me in the sling. I felt my feet and torso being strapped in, trapping me for their use (they had figured out that my hands were an integral part of oral sex). Once in place, I was able to return to his cock. With him now swinging me and himself, my tongue and hands caressed his entire length. This was actually easier than going down on a human, since I had little actual work to do.

After some time (I'm not sure how long exactly), his cock began to shudder a bit. I thought he was getting close to orgasm, but instead, he grew longer, almost doubling in length. To reach more of his now expanded cock, I moved my hands in reverse to how he was swinging me, allowing me to stroke him from tip to balls (they had four in two sacks). I went out on a limb and placed my whole mouth over a portion of his cock. This seemed to really get his attention. His high pitched whining groan increased in volume and his swinging and thrusting became faster.

That's when the tip of his cock grew, expanding to perhaps twice its original diameter. He stopped swinging me and I could feel him clench up. I kept up my own ministrations and he erupted, spewing massive amounts of bluish colored semen across my belly and breasts. It was incredibly viscous and stuck to were it landed. There must have been a dozen or so pulses from his cock. I kept milking it, trying to get as much as possible out. The aroma of their cum was heady, almost intoxicating. I hoped it tasted as good as it smelled.

When he let me go, I also let go of his cock, the tip having shrunk to normal and the whole length going back down. I ran my hands through the cum that I was covered with, bringing up a finger full to taste. I swear it tasted and felt like vanilla pudding. I could get used to this. I started eating away, savoring the taste. I was halfway through when I noticed them staring at me, their mouths hanging open (a near universal sign of surprise). I rubbed my tummy and made a "Mmmmm" noise to show I loved it.

The one I had satisfied, came up and began to feed me his own cum. I felt like a princess being served by naked hunks for a few minutes. I think I could do this forever. The next one, however, wanted more traditional sex. He forced my hands into the cuffs and locked them on me. He started by rubbing his penis across my pussy lips, wetting himself with the juices from my pussy that had begun to flow again (I lost track of just when my thong had been taken off) as the top I was still wearing stimulated my tits, keeping me aroused. I could feel his cock harden as it was stimulated.

He kept this up until he had reached maximum hardness and then, with no tenderness, plunged his cock into my pussy. Thrusting and swinging simultaneously, my pussy lips were stretched wide, just below the painful level. My clit was rubbing constantly against his underside. If his penile fluids had not been splashing across my crotch in copious quantities, I think it might have been rubbed raw. As it was, I was quickly being thrust to an orgasm. Faster and faster he thrust. I went over the top, shuddering in a climax. If I had not been strapped down, I think I would have fallen. My climax tried to subside, but he kept up the brutal fucking, forcing me into a second and third orgasm in rapid succession.

I was moving towards my fourth climax when I felt him lengthen inside me. I though I could feel his tip actually hitting the far side of my womb at the end of each thrust. What had been extreme pleasure was turning into pain. I was shocked to discover that the pain was driving me towards another climax. Just before it hit, he stopped. Moaning in frustration, I tried to move, but was held firmly. I clenched my pussy, trying for just enough sensation to go over the top. I could feel his tip grow. I realized that he was trapped. His tip was so large that he could not pull out if he had wanted to. Unable to move, desperate for release and wanting him to cum, I clenched and unclenched my pussy as fast as I could. Minutes later, I felt him erupt inside of me. The feeling of sticky warmth filling me sent me over the top for a fourth orgasm. I shuddered and moaned. I wanted to rub my clit, but was trapped, totally at the mercy of these men. It felt oddly erotic to be so trapped and helpless, dependant on my sex partner for any satisfaction I was going to get.

As he shrunk and pulled out, I felt my hands being released. Figuring I was going to go oral again, I looked up and saw two Halsted, one at either end. They grasped me and seem to be practicing a cooperative swinging motion. "Oh my," I thought, "I'm gong to be double teamed." They made no attempt to clean any fluids from me. It seems that sloppy seconds is not a problem for these two, possibly not for the entire species. Both their cocks came within reach and I used a hand on each, prompting a quick hardening of their cocks. I wondered what would happen if one wanted to freeze while the other wanted to keep moving. I was sure they would cross that bridge if they came to it.

I began to apply my mouth to the cock near my head as the other slammed into my pussy. Grasping the slick cock hanging over me, I covered him with my mouth and hands, getting into the motion of the thrusts and swinging. Their coordination was good enough I began to suspect that they had done this before. Again, my clit was receiving constant stimulation and I was racing towards another climax. I tried to concentrate on the cock in my mouth and hands, wanting to give him the best I could, but when my fifth orgasm hit, I lost track of what I was doing and my teeth brushed against his penis. A high pitched wail rang out and his cock shot to its enhanced length, throbbing in my grasp.

The thrusts and swings continued. It occurred to me that he actually enjoyed the scrape of my teeth. I lightly set them on him again and he wailed again. A pair of hands let go and his tip swelled up. Since I was still being swung by the other, I continued to stimulate his cock, provoking his orgasm again, just as my own sixth (I think) hit me. Globs of cum splattered against my belly and chest, some falling on my face. He seemed to give more than the first guy, some of it rolling off of me onto the floor.

Spent, he pulled away, but was replaced by another. As this one became hard, I went into yet another orgasm, barely conscious of the cock in my pussy growing and its tip expanding. He stopped swinging me, but the new guy at my head kept the motion up, slamming that engorged tip painfully against the walls of my pussy at both ends. My hands and mouth were at work again, devouring the cock swinging past my head and arms. The owner of the cock in my pussy wailed each time his tip crashed into my pussy lips, unable to escape its self made trap. The pain seemed to prolong his pleasure/agony, allowing me to reach another climax by the time he blow his load into my pussy. I was so full down there, that it was leaking out around his cock.

That orgasm set my teeth into this current cock, setting the new guy at my head into high gear, growing and expanding. I must have bit down hard, as I tasted something slightly salty (blood?) just before he too came all over me. By now there was no part of my body, except my back, that was not slick with fluids of some kind. I could feel stuff dripping down my face, my belly and the crack of my ass. I had honestly lost track of where I was in the numbers game, but knew it had to be less that seven as my arms were strapped down again.

Another cock was rubbing against my pussy lips, getting wet and hard. When he went to thrust into me, I felt his tip against my ass! "NO!" I screamed silently, unable to stop the brutal assault on my ass that was coming. He slowly pressed against my bung hole, relentless pressure forcing me open against my will. His natural fluids helped somewhat, but there was no easing the pain of having something so large put into an opening so small. Once he was all the way in, he began to thrust against me, but not to swing me.

There was not as much speed in his fucking, like he knew how to avoid serious injury. Slow steady thrusts, taking his cock in and out, from tip to ball sack. It hurt and I could not stop it. In spite of that, my clit was still rubbing against his underside, sending me a confusing mix of pleasure and pain. The two sensations warred in me, holding my climax off for a frustratingly long time. I was panting heavily, desperate for some change that would send me over the top. It was not to come. I hovered on that fine razor's edge between pre and post orgasm.

Then I felt him start to grow in length. My God! I could not imagine being this full. His tip was hitting something solid deep in me at the end of each stroke. Still, he thrust slow and steady, never changing his pace. It took quite a while for the end to come, when it did I thought I was going to die. Pain erupted in my bowels as his tip expanded in size, stretching the walls of my ass mercilessly. I screamed silently, unable to stand the pain. In my unheard screaming, I push against him. I had to get him out before it killed me I thought. That was enough to send him over the top, spewing an immense volume of cum deep in my bowels. It felt like an enema I had had once, only more volume. Blessedly, he began to shrink, easing the pain. With the pain subsiding, my long delayed orgasm hit me. I lay there and shuddered incoherently.

I lost track of just what was happening. I was vaguely aware of cum dripping out of my ass and another cock penetrating my pussy, the thrusts and swinging resuming. I have no idea if I climaxed anymore, so oblivious was I to my surroundings. The next clear memory I have is that of Master, standing over me. I was still strapped to the swing.

"Susan. I'm sorry. If I had had any idea that one of them would sodomize you I would have told them no. the collar indicates that no damage was done, at least not permanently. I am very proud of you. By all accounts, you were an aggressive and responsive sex toy. I have had offers for your use by numerous Halsted as the tale of your prowess spreads. I have turned them all down. The conference starts in nine hours. Let's get you to the room. You need rest."

I found I could speak again. "Master. Third, she has a Voratex crystal. Someone is controlling her, someone from the Federation."

"That is what I feared, that an interloper from the Federation was causing trouble. There must be something vital here for them to risk being sentenced to lobotomized slavery. This will make accusing her easier, but may make enticing them with Federation protectorate status harder. Oh well, That's for tomorrow."

He unstrapped me and carried me to our room. He seemed unfazed by the mess he as getting on himself. The shower on the station actually used water for cleaning (what a waste of a precious resource!). The warmth was just what I needed, however, to ease the pains I had from the hard use. Showering in water with Master would have been erotic if I had not been so tired. After drying me off, he put me to bed.

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