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Brother takes sister from her husband after saving her life.
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Good day everyone!

Thank you for choosing my story to read.

Before getting to the story I just wanted to give an update:

I am working on a part 2 to Saving My Aunt. However, it is slow going. I know what I want to put down, but every time I try to write, I can't seem to make the words flow. It's like trying to pull my own teeth; painful, and not very useful. Rest assured though, Pt 2 is in the works.

This story like Saving My Aunt just came to me. I did take a little more time to write it, and spent time editing it, by comparison. But the muse just hit me and I got it down.

As always anyone in described/graphic sexual acts is over the age of 18, and consenting. This is a work of pure fiction, from the author's mind.

Trigger Warning: there is a scene of an attempted rape in chapter 1. The heinous act is thwarted before completion, just be cognizant that it is there. It is used as a device to bring the characters together.

I hope you enjoy!



Chapter 1

This story starts on a beautiful sunny autumn day, in mid November, two days before my twenty second birthday. My sister, Catherine Jaeger-Briggs, waited at the door wearing a sundress, as her husband, Karl Briggs, and I left for the day.

With the recession we were going through, things became tough, and Catherine and Karl moved in with me. I love my sister, and if she needed a place to stay, I would never turn her away, but normally I wouldn't have wanted to have my sibling and in-law living with me. Between the recession and our parents passing six months ago, these weren't normal times.

Our parents' untimely passing was hard to bear. They were taken from us by a drunk driver. Having my sister and her husband move in helped me adapt. I was young to inherit my parents' farm; it was much more responsibility than I wanted to deal with. And it was nice not having to go through all my parents' things alone. Another income greatly helped cover all the bills as well; my income as a student, supplemented by hunting, wasn't enough to cover the bills of the farm.

The arrangement worked out well for all of us. Karl and Catherine were trying to have children, and Catherine wanted to be a stay at home mom. I now owned this large farmhouse, and no one to fill it. It was far too much work to maintain on my own, all the while going to school.

I made it to the door before Karl, and Catherine leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Have a good day, Kurt."

"Thanks. I only have one lab this morning. My other class got cancelled because the prof. is sick. I might go out hunting this afternoon instead."

She smiled and was about to reply, but then her eyes shifted to behind me and the smile dropped off her face.

I turned to look and Karl walked up, not wearing his work uniform; instead he wore a leisure suit which might have been considered fashion in the sixties or seventies, not some fifty years later.

"Aren't you going to work?" Catherine asked.

He shook his head. "Na, Dave is coverin' for me at the store. I'm gonna head down to the track and see if I can't win some money for us. There's a horse racin' today, it's a sure thing."

I rolled my eyes, and Catherine's lips tightened in a scowl. Karl didn't seem to notice though. He simply leaned in, kissing her cheek before sliding past me, and heading for his car.

Sis and I both watched after him as he drove off.

I knew Karl always provided for Catherine's financial needs, in the strictest sense of the term. She told me they rarely went without food, though at times because of her gardening, which she learned from our mom. He always made sure they had a roof over their heads. They were able to get clothes when they needed them, but no one would consider my sister and brother-in-law rich. Were it not for his gambling to begin with, they might not have needed to move in with me at all.

I didn't know what my sister saw in this guy, but he was her choice, not mine; so I supported my sister.

Whenever they received a little extra money Karl took it to the track or casino, to try and hit it big. It didn't matter where the money came from.

When Karl and Catherine were living in the city, a single father and his daughter lived next door to them. The daughter was in a car accident, and both hands were broken. This obviously caused several issues. Catherine volunteered to help them out, and both father and daughter were immensely grateful for her help. They may not have been able to afford a nurse or PSW, but they gave Catherine some money for her help.

Karl took that money and lost it at the craps table. I'm telling you all this, so you understand the kind of man Karl is. I suppose he isn't a bad man, but he certainly has a problem.

Catherine shook her head, and her smile returned. "You best get going. You might have a short day, but I doubt they'd appreciate you being late."

I chuckled, and kissed my sister's cheek. "I'll see you in a bit. Love you, Sis."

"Love you too, Kurt."

On my drive to school, I didn't think of much other than Karl skipping work to gamble again. Neither Catherine or Karl mentioned an influx of cash, so unless he did win, this month would likely be another lean one. I was just glad it was hunting season.

My lab flew by, and I was able to complete the work without issue. To brag a little about myself, I've always experienced an easy time with school. Unlike many though, I excelled at both athletics and academics. Throughout highschool I managed to keep above a ninety percent average in all my classes without needing to study, which allowed me to be on the cross country, wrestling, and lacrosse teams (during the appropriate seasons); I continue with the sports into adulthood, playing on a university lacrosse team. Not having to spend time studying, is where my love for the outdoors came from. Growing up on the farm, I didn't have the same access to amenities as the city kids, I spent a LOT of time outside, and I did it just to pass the time.

I quickly made it home after class, and Catherine was sitting in the living room folding laundry.

"Hey Kurt, how'd it go?" she called out as I closed the door behind me.

Walking up behind the couch, I reached around and hugged her from behind. "It was good. I managed to get everything done the first time, and already started writing the report."

I released her, and started heading for the stairs.


I stopped and turned to see my sister smiling at me.

"What do you want for a birthday dinner?"

I smiled. "I don't need anything special, Sis. It's just another day."

She stood, and came over to me. "No it isn't. You're turning twenty two. That doesn't happen every day."

I enveloped her in my arms again, chuckling. "Okay, well how about some roasted rabbit?"

She laughed and pushed me away. "We don't have any rabbits in the freezer, so I guess you better go get some."

"Yes, Ma'am," I replied, heading up to get changed.

In my room I glanced at the calendar where I highlighted the different hunting seasons, and what I needed to wear. I quickly changed into my hunting gear, pulling on my blaze orange vest, and finishing the ensemble with a cap. Before I headed down I grabbed my cameras and made sure the batteries were all charged.

When I came down the stairs Catherine looked up. "What do you need the cameras for?"

I paused to answer her, "I suppose I don't need them, but this is a great opportunity to make another video. I was sent that pack of new ammo to try, and it's a great day for it, so might as well."

Now I know what you're all thinking. What self respecting outdoorsman makes youtube videos? The answer is, me. It's just something fun to do, and occasionally I'll be sponsored to do a video, where I get some fun new gadget out of it. I do it for the fun, not for the stuff though.

Her curiosity appeased, I continued to the basement where my gun locker is. It didn't take me long to pull out my Ruger 10/22 and fit the cameras in place. All told I had four cameras on me: one on the barrel of my rifle pointing back at me, one with my scope to see what I was shooting at, another on my chest showing what's in front of me, and the last on a head mount. I worked hard to save the money to get my cameras. I didn't often use the footage from them all, but I wanted them anyway to have the best picture available for the videos.

A few more minutes and I collected everything I needed for my excursion.

Heading back upstairs Catherine finished folding the last shirt. She placed it on top of the basket, then came over to me. "Have fun. And Kurt... be safe."

I gave Catherine one of my winning smiles. "I will Sis. I shouldn't be too long, a few hours at most."

We said a final farewell, and I strode out the back door and towards the fields. Though I grew up on, and inherited, the farm, I was no farmer. I rent the fields to the neighbours, with the understanding that I would be hunting on the property regularly. This was an arrangement I was more than happy with. I had several hundred acres at my disposal for hunting almost all year round, and I didn't have to attempt to farm it. Theoretically the income from the farm covered the regular property expenses, but the past year, due to my parent's passing, had not been good for the farm.

Once I was far enough away from the house and barns to safely discharge my weapon I loaded my rifle, double checked my cameras were rolling, and started my video.

"Good afternoon youtube! Kurt Jaeger here, walking through the woods here on my property. Today I'm doing a few things, first is hunting rabbits. I'm hoping to get a few of the critters for dinner. The other thing I'm doing is testing out a 22 long rifle round sent to me by one of my viewers, 28Hunter123. These are available commercially, so you can try them out yourself. These are a hyper velocity--" I won't bore you with all the details of the video, but after doing some basic target shots at my range, I began hunting.

I wandered the edge of the bush looking for my birthday meal. It didn't take long to see two hares bounding away from me. They were farther away than I would normally shoot, but I quickly took aim and fired twice in rapid succession.

"Did you see that!" I said for my video. "With this hyper velocity round I managed to hit two running animals at just over one hundred yards." After collecting my prizes, I continued, "The drop on these rounds is surprisingly little compared to the standard 22LR. If you are doing varmint shooting, these rounds could be what you're looking for. I think I prefer the regular rounds for general hunting though. The cost difference isn't much, but when you're shooting lots, it adds up."

Happy with my video, I gave my usual sign off, and switched out the ammo in my rifle.

Once I stowed my hares, I headed back to the house. Along the way though, I spotted some more targets. By the time I made it back to the house, I bagged a total of five rabbits/hares, two squirrels, and a red fox. The fox surprised me. He ran out onto the trail right in front of me. I had my rifle slung, and almost didn't get it around in time to shoot.

Throughout it all I left my cameras running. I didn't know if I'd be able to use any of the footage in a video, but it was good to have it. It was also good insurance in case someone ever claimed I was hunting illegally or doing something wrong.

Once I was in range of the buildings I stopped and unloaded the rifle, removing the magazine, and sticking it into my pocket.

As I approached the house, I noticed three cars parked in the farmyard between the house and barns. The only car I recognized was Karl's, but he never parked there. He was always afraid the neighbour would drive a tractor over his car by accident.

Heading toward the back door I slowed. I could hear shouting inside, though I couldn't make out what was being said.

I didn't know what to do. My sister and Karl fought, as I imagine every couple does, but this sounded different. This didn't sound like they were fighting, it almost sounded like pleading.

I walked up to the back door, staying off to the side. I eased the door open a crack so I could make out what was being said.

"--us the money. Either you give us the money, or I take payment in the form of your wife!" an unknown male voice said firmly.

"Please, I'll get you the money. That horse was a sure thing! I don't know what happened. I just need more time!" Karl pleaded with the man.

"No more time. Money now, or I take your wife."

I didn't know what the hell was going on, but I'd heard enough. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, ensured it was on silent, then called 911. I quickly gave the address and details of what was happening, without disconnecting the call, I stuffed the phone back into my pocket. Reloading the magazine into my rifle, I strode into the house.

The kitchen was empty, so I moved through the house with my rifle up. As soon as I moved into the doorway leading to the living room, I came upon a nightmare.

A man was holding my sister's arm pinned behind her back, hunching her over the arm of the couch. Her dress was flipped up, exposing her butt, and her panties were pushed down to her knees. She was sobbing, and squirming, doing everything she could to fight off the man holding her. He was holding his rampant pecker, trying to line it up.

"I'm going to fuck your ass, all because he can't pay his debts. What he can't pay, I'll take from your body!" the rapist said

Karl cowered in the corner with another man guarding him with a baseball bat.

This was a bad situation and I knew it. The only saving grace, the two bad guys were generally lined up to me; the one with the bat would have to go through the man with my sister to get to me.

I took aim at the man trying to mount Catherine. "Get the fuck away from her!"

The room became silent other than Catherine's sobs. The three other men in the room all looked at me. When I watched the recording later, I think the look on Karl's face was one of relief. The two others though were shocked.

When they didn't move, I stated again, "Get. Away. From. My Sister!"

When I finished speaking, the man holding Catherine smirked. "So this is the twirp we've heard so much about. What are you going to do, if I don't get away?"

I was confused by his reply. I was pointing a loaded rifle at him, and he was acting as if it was a toy.

All of a sudden I knew what I forgot to do. Though I put the magazine back into the weapon, I didn't put a round into the chamber. In response to his question, I chambered a round. "Last warning. Release Catherine, and step away."

When I chambered a round, the expression on the man's face turned to one of incredulity. He did release my sister, but he started walking toward me.

"Back up or I'll shoot!" I ordered.

He ignored me.

I shifted my aim slightly, and squeezed the trigger.


Screams erupted in the otherwise quiet room, as the 36 grain, copper plated, hollow point slug hit him in the shoulder, exactly where I aimed. A small trickle of blood dripped from the small wound. He screamed out, though I couldn't tell if it was in pain or anger. The expression on his face makes me think he was angry at being shot.

He charged.

Were it not for the fact I remained aiming in his direction, I would have been in trouble. He closed the distance unbelievably quickly, and I was only able to just pull the trigger again as he slammed into me. We both fell to the ground.

I quickly untangled myself from the man. I grabbed my rifle and stood. I planted a foot on the man's back so I'd know if he was still moving, then aimed at the man with a bat.

He looked at me with real fear in his eyes.

"Drop the bat." He did as he was told. "Now step away. Lay face down on the ground. Put your hands behind your back, and cross your ankles."

He continued to follow my orders. Karl grabbed the bat and ran from the room, returning with some zip ties. Once the man's arms were secured, I knelt and checked the would-be-rapist's pulse. He was dead.

I didn't know what to think about that.

I stepped up to Catherine. She'd shifted so she was covered and decent once more. "Are you okay Sis?" She just looked at me blankly. "It'll be okay. The police are on the way."

With that statement, I remembered my phone. I pulled it back out, and told the dispatcher what happened, and requested an ambulance. I was given some instructions by the officer, and I followed them to the letter, with one exception.

I was told to unload my rifle and go wait for the police outside. I made one extra stop to put my rabbits and other kills in the freezer.

The police showed up with pistols drawn. I was quickly placed in cuffs, and put into the back of a cop car.

Then came the frustration of waiting. The ambulance came, and I watched as a sobbing Catherine, who looked at me with longing, was taken away. Karl and the other man were taken away in cuffs. Then the coroner's van arrived, and before long a body bag was removed.

I sat in the back of the cop car for hours before anyone came to ask me questions or tell me anything. They were kind enough to let me use the bathroom before things went farther though.

Eventually I was taken to the station, where I was interrogated thoroughly again by several officers. Thankfully the lawyer I was given seemed to be good at what he did.

My saving grace though, were the cameras I wore hunting. Because of the audio the cops knew exactly what happened. With the several different videos, they saw what I saw, and to a lesser extent, what I looked like throughout the event. Most importantly though, the cops knew where I was aiming when I fired my weapon; they knew I purposefully shifted my aim from centre-mass to his shoulder to be less-lethal.

Initially I was charged with manslaughter, but once the video was reviewed all charges were dropped. I was kept locked up at the station overnight and most of the next day. When I was released I, thankfully, had enough money in my wallet to get a cab from the police station.


Chapter 2

Due to the lateness of my release I wasn't able to get much information about what happened to my sister or Karl. All I was told was that Catherine had been released from the hospital, and the remaining attacker was locked up. The cops didn't tell me anything about Karl.

The cab brought me right home.

It was dark when the cabbie dropped me off, and I handed him enough money to cover my fare and half again.

The house was dark as I climbed the stairs to the front porch. Unlocking the door I stepped into the living room, and flicked on the light.

Catherine blinked in surprise from where she sat on the couch, and her hand shot up to protect her eyes from the light. A moment later when her eyes adjusted, they settled on me. Her stare was blank and expressionless.

"Sis, why are you sitting in the dark?"

As soon as I spoke, her eyes filled with tears. I rushed forward, sitting beside her, and pulled her into my arms. Without saying a word I held her as she sobbed out the stress, fear, and pain she suffered over the past forty eight hours.

After a time-- I don't know how much time actually passed-- she said, "Oh God, Kurt, I can't believe that actually happened. Are you home now? They aren't going to take you away again are they?"

"Shhh, I'm not going anywhere. The charges were dropped. You're safe now," I replied, doing what I could to comfort her.

It may not have been the wisest thing to ask right then, but I needed to know, "Where's Karl?"

She sniffed in derision. "Still locked up. The cop that came with me to the hospital told me that he was arrested on book-making charges. If the judge sees him, he could be out tomorrow."

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