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Gamer Mom


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It was Mark who broke the silence as he spoke in an almost croaking voice. "Mrs. H. You're looking fabulous...still the hottest, sexiest mother I know!"

Brian and Lewis mumbled agreement as John joined in with, "It's taken a lot of planning behind your back and they all could only make it for the last big day of the con, but we all thought it would be cool to surprise you, Mom!"

I nodded dumbly for a moment and then I tried to recover and conceal my embarrassment by throwing my arms wide and saying, "Well, come here, boys. I want a hug!"

I moved forward and Brian caught me in a sweeping embrace, hugging me to his rock hard body and lifting me off the ground. As he squeezed me against him, I had a moment's flash of fantasy as I envisioned him naked and on top of me, his muscular arms swelling as he did his pushups while fucking me hard. "You are a sight for these poor old eyes, Mrs. H." he breathed into my ear. "You look fantastic!"

I was passed off to Lewis who also hugged me tight, although I could feel him tensing up as my breasts spread against his chest. He kissed me quickly on the corner of my mouth, his beard and mustache tickling. I shifted as we hugged and my right thigh moved between his legs. Under his khakis, I could feel something snaking down his thigh. "Wow...seeing you brings back a lot of great memories, Mrs. H.!"

Then Mark stepped in and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight against him. I could feel his heart pounding wildly against my chest and he gave me a quick peck on the lips, his face blushing as he ended it and pulled his head back. I wanted to laugh as the Mark of old asserted himself and I saw his eyes continually being drawn down to my nearly naked tits squashed against his chest. Then I felt his hands slide down my back and he cupped my butt cheeks for a quick moment before he stepped back and sighed, "I've really missed you, Mrs. H.!"

I laughed and looked at them all in turn again as my son slipped up beside me, his arms going around my waist. Each young man was staring at me with unadulterated lust, the bulges in their pants betraying their arousal. "I can't believe you're all almost seems like old times -- doesn't it, John?"

My son nodded and said, "Yeah, we've been emailing and texting each other for months and we weren't sure if we could pull it off. Lewis is in town for a sales conference on Monday and Mark hitched a ride with him from the University of Wisconsin. He's going to ride back with Brian." He reached out and playfully punched Brian in the shoulder, "And speaking of Sergeant Rock here...well, he just got back two weeks ago from a tour in Afghanistan."

I was almost bouncing up and down with excitement for my son and his friends -- knowing how important all those weekend games had been years ago. "This is wonderful -- all of you together and at the biggest, best con of them all!" I looked up at my son who had a shit-eating grin on his face. "Do you think you can get tickets for a game you all can play?"

John shook his head and said, "No, but I had a better idea. Everyone is coming up to our hotel room later this afternoon and I'll run a game for everyone!"

All three of his friends nodded happily and Lewis said, "Yeah, it will be just like the good old days!"

My son laughed and said, "No, it will be even better...the best game I've ever run!" He pulled me a little closer and said, "And everyone wants Catalina to be there too!"

John gave me a sly wink that made me tingle between my legs and in my nipples and I wondered what my naughty son might have in mind even as I managed to keep my wits about me and reply, "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

We continued to chat in the Great Hall for a while, catching up the lives of John's old friends. Brian, who'd come from a bad home, had seemingly found his place in the Marines and talked of making it a career. Lewis had worked his way up from a salesclerk at a local branch of a major retail outlet to becoming a regional sales manager and married to boot with a baby coming in December. Mark had already obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Literature and was pursuing a Masters, preparing his thesis on the lesser known but very influential fantasists of the twentieth century.

My reputation for my sexy costumes came up with all three young men confessing to have seen my pictures on various convention sites, but as Mark summed it up for everyone, "We all knew you were a sexy woman, but I never really believed it was you, Mrs. H!"

I shivered, inadvertently making my tits nearly escape from their thin coverings and said, "I know, I'm...shameless, but John doesn't mind and I really get a big kick out of it!" I ran my hands down along my hips, knowing their gazes followed to linger between my barely covered cunt. "I hope I'm not shocking anyone!"

All three guys slowly shook their heads as they studied me from head to toe, no doubt storing the memory of my whorish outfit for masturbating later. Finally, Lewis said very softly, "Mrs. H., I think I speak for all of us when I say you'll never hear a complaint pass our lips!"

Again, I felt myself getting red even as I could feel the already wet silk between my legs grown even wetter. I was afraid to look down, positive I would see my pussy juices trickling down my thighs. I was searching for a reply that didn't start with an impassioned sob for the ogling young men to fuck me where I stood when Mark changed the topic, trying to get John to offer up any helpful hints for the game.

Finally, we parted with a promise to rendezvous in our hotel room in one hour. John and I retreated to our room where I slithered out of my outfit, grinning evilly at my son. "That's quite a surprise you dropped on me, sweetie. I wished I'd known about this. I'd have packed a proper outfit to tease them with like I used to." I licked my lips and said, "Remember how wet I'd be by the time the game was over and they badly I needed to be fucked by you?"

My son laughed at me and said, "So, what are you looking forward to the most -- gaming with the guys or getting fucked afterwards?"

I strolled up to my son, naked save for my stilettos and rubbed up against him. "What do you think, John? Matter of fact, I wouldn't mind getting in a quickie right now!" I rubbed my hand over the already growing bulge in his crotch.

John reached down and caressed my pussy, sliding his hands back and forth through my thick, but very damp bush and then expertly sliding his middle finger inside me and doing a slow, torturous stir. Just as I was getting into it, my hips beginning to roll in rhythm with his finger, my son withdrew and held his finger up, dripping with my cunt cream. As I quivered with need and anticipation, he slowly rubbed my juices over my lips while teasingly replying, "Sometimes, Mom, anticipation makes a thing even more wonderful."

I made a pouting expression and said somewhat unhappily, "My son...the cunt-teaser. Maybe, I'll just have to rape one of your friends."

John leaned in and kissed me, still grinning that evil, naughty grin and said, "You can dream, can certainly dream!"


The game started off as so many had before. Silly, gross jokes abounded amidst not so subtle glances at me as I made sure everyone had enough to eat and drink. I settled for wearing a cut-off T-shirt that only barely concealed my braless breasts -- the lower half of my meaty tits becoming visible whenever I stretched or sat up a little too straight. With the T-shirt, I had one a pair of silk shorts that molded themselves to my body, outlining my mound.

A flood of memories of so many gaming nights came back as each fellow re-introduced his character. Brian, ever the precise tactician played a hard drinking, hard battling dwarf fighter named Ezahk. Lewis ran an elf cleric called Lurwein and Mark played a human wizard/thief named Blue Nate. I, of course played Catalina, my naughty ranger/barbarian.

John indeed ran a memorable game in which our upper mid-level characters assaulted the cavernous stronghold of a lich in order to retrieve a long lost artifact that was needed for saving the world yet one more time. Our characters fought armies of undead, drow guardians, a beholder (which I freaking hate), and in the battle royal, the lich and his closest followers. It was a battered and bloody party that emerged victorious from the lair of the now destroyed lich, finding ourselves in the high mountains of the Northern Realms.

"Ezahk washes the beholder goo off his battleaxe, spits and declares, 'I need a drink!'" declared Brian in

His companions grunted their approval of his suggestions and John shot me a sly grin and said, "Well, you're in luck. You are maybe two days march from the small town of Hallz down in the valley."

A shiver ran down my spine as he named the town where my character had first experienced sex in the game and I raised an eyebrow in surprise, wondering what my son was up to. A few minutes of dice rolling later and John announced, "You find yourselves inside the Drunken Eagle tavern. You can smell the hops from their local brew as well as the aroma of deer and tater stew simmering from the kitchen."

"Innkeeper -- four tankards of your finest ale and keep them coming," bellowed Mark.

"You make your way to an empty table and a skinny waitress hurries over with four foamy mugs of ale," John said. "She winks at the elf and then after she serves you, smiles at Catalina and says, 'So good to see you again, M'lady.' She then gives Catalina a really weird smile and saunters off giggling."

"I slap the serving wench on the ass and tell her to bring us four bowls of that stew...heavy on the deer and then turn to Catalina and ask her, 'She seemed to know you -- you've been here before?'" Brian asked.

I felt my face reddening a little as I replied, "Oh, I pass through from time to time." All three guys looked at me oddly. I guess in all my years as the sexy gamer mother, they never saw me act embarrassed or off balance.

"The innkeeper hurries over with your bowls of stew and fresh mugs of ale, sitting it down with as much of a flourish as an ill bred oaf can manage," said John. "He turns to Catalina and says, 'M'lady, your room is being prepared as always and I took the liberty of sending a runner to Sergeant Husterson to let him know you are here!'"

I felt my face redden more and I gave my son another questioning glance, trying to figure out what he was doing even as I replied, "I thank him quietly and act as if his words are of no real consequence.

Not that it did any good. Brian laughed and said, "What's this...does Mrs., Catalina have a boyfriend in this little backwater?" He was joined by Lewis and Mark in good-natured catcalls of "Catalina's got a boyfriend...Catalina's got a boyfriend."

I tried to preserve my dignity and regain my balance while throwing them off their game by sitting up straighter and straightening my shoulders -- all of which made my tits bounce distractingly, and replied, "Not exactly a boyfriend...just kinda a buddy." I licked my lips and gave the young men around an evil grin. "You can guess the kind of buddy I mean!"

Lewis and Brian began to blush on their own and Mark nearly choked on a soda while John just chuckled and said, "You guys eat your stew, which is very good and keep the barmaid hopping with several rounds of Ale before your attention is drawn to a young member of the city watch who enters the tavern and marches straight up to your table. He studies you all and finally looks at Catalina and says, "You've really surrounded yourself with a sorry lot, darling."

"Do we know you...human?" intoned Lewis in his best cold and aloof elf voice.

"The human nods and says, 'Aye, you should, you bunch of sniveling bastards. I saved your lives in the Battle of Rocky Vale!'"

There was a moment of silence as everyone turned to look at Mark whose face had gone blank. It was a common and familiar sight indicating that he was accessing his encyclopedic gaming memory and then he began to grin and replied, "Why, it's young Johann Gusterson. It's been years!" He looked around and added, "That was the npc that John ran when that Orcish patrol we ran into wound up being an Orcish brigade when we were searching for the Lost Mine of Rocky Vale. Man...that had to have been when we were freshmen in high school!"

The next couple of minutes were filled with expletives and compliments as player characters from before my years of gaming began had a reunion. I was more than a little surprised...I had no idea that my Johann actually had a prior history with the gaming guys and we all were -- gathered where both Johann and Catalina and in a very true sense, my son and I had first become lovers. I could feel my nipples throbbing in time with the electric tingles pulsating deep within my pussy as I wondered what John was up to.

I didn't have to wait long when as soon as one of the guys invited Johann to pull up a chair, my son said, "He pulls up a chair and sits down and looks over at Catalina and pats his knee and gives her a subtle come hither motion." John turned sideways in his chair so that his right leg was out in the open and patted his knee while winking knowingly at me.

My face was burning now and I opened my mouth, but didn't know what to say. My heart was pounding so loudly in my chest, and I was amazed to hear my son say as he continued to pat his knee, "Come, my need to be shy amongst friends."

John's eyes gleamed with a powerful and dangerous light as he kept his gaze on my face. I felt as if I was having an out of body experience as I got to my feet, my legs feeling like rubber as I slowly walked around Brian and Mark and sat down on my son's knee. John causally put his arm around my waist, his hand coming to rest very close to the underside of my right breast. He looked around as his mildly shocked friends and said in character, "I tell you, lads, the Gods were shining their blessing down on me the day I first bedded this feisty lass."

Lewis, Mark and Brian looked at each other in confusion and wonder, almost as speechless as I was before John continued on in a chiding tone. "Now lads -- you've fought and adventured with Catalina for years...surely you sensed how passionate she was and the needs she had?" My son chuckled softly and said in a slightly deeper voice. "Don't deny that each of you has wondered what it would be like to bed see her naked and glorious in carnal abandon?"

Even as my son brazenly slid his hand upwards under my cut-off T-shirt and cupped my breast in front of his hand, Brian coughed and said in a hoarse voice, " long have you two been, a couple?"

"Four years," I murmured, suddenly finding my voice. We've been lovers for the four most wonderful years of my life." I followed with a quiet moan as John's fingers gently pinched and rolled my blood engorged nipple.

"Fuck me!" breathed Mark, his eyes wide with shocked awe.

"Well, if you play your cards right, lads...maybe," responded John. "Lads, you see before you the most lusty and insatiable woman alive. Many has been the night that she has fucked me until I couldn't move and even then Catalina...Mom was still ready for more. I've had my every fantasy fulfilled and now it's her turn." He slowly looked at each of his friends and said, "I propose we retire to the bedroom and make this wonderful woman's wildest dreams come true."

I could scarcely son had given his friends his blessing to fuck his mother...his lover...his wife in all ways that mattered. Feeling light-headed and excited, I turned on John's knee and looked into his eyes and said loud enough for everyone to hear, "I love you so much, son!" before I leaned into him and kissed him passionately and wetly -- leaving no doubt in his friends' minds that I was French-kissing my only child.

It was a long kiss and one that made it clear in the others' minds that John and I were lovers as his hands roamed over my body, pulling my T-shirt up over my breasts, kneading and bouncing my meaty tits. By the time we ended the kiss, a stringer of saliva hanging between our lips, one of my son's hands were between my now open legs, openly rubbing my wet pussy through my shorts.

I looked through hooded eyes at each of my son's friends and said somewhat in character with a voice filled with lusty desire. "What say you lads? I've never fucked a dwarf, an elf and a human all at one time before! Let's go to bed!"

John and I came to our feet and slowly sauntered across the large hotel room to the king sized bed. Silently, almost reverentially, Mark, Brian and Lewis followed. I leaned into my son as he yanked my T-shirt over my head, completely freeing my breasts in all their glory. "Here's the real treasure for this adventure," John chortled as he slowly pulled my silky shorts down, revealing my lack of panties and the extent of my arousal -- my labia blossoming like a rare lily amidst the forest of my trimmed, but thick bush -- a pinkish-red flower glistening with my arousal. My son's friends all moaned in unison.

I primped in front of the young men for a moment, playing with my breasts and running my hands through my hair, making my dark tresses appear more wild and unkempt, knowing how it made my heavy tits rise and fall for their enjoyment. I slowly sat down on the bed and placing my hands on my knees, spread my legs wide to more fully reveal the wetness of my pussy. "Why am I the only one naked here?" I purred. "Start skinning those clothes off." A glance at my son spurred him into motion and he pulled his own shirt off.

"Jesus Christ...we're really going to get to fuck you, Mrs. H.?" gasped Brian as he yanked his tight T-shirt over his head, revealing an incredibly muscled chest and abdomen.

"Absolutely!" I replied as I scooted back on the bed and pulling my knees up and then spreading them wider. All three young men were starting to shed their clothes. "Now, is anyone here still a virgin?" I said with a giggle.

Lewis shook his head and Brian just grinned at me, but Mark hesitated in unbuckling his pants and looked at me in blushing embarrassment. "Uh...I'm not sure, Mrs. H."

I laughed and then stuck out my tongue at the slightly overweight friend of my son's. "Honey, if you're not sure...then you're a virgin." I ran a hand between my legs, sliding fingers through my wet flesh and holding my hand up so all could see my juices shining and dripping off my digits. "Well, Mark, my lovely man -- you get to go first! Drop those pants and show Momma what you've got."

Mark couldn't get his pants down fast enough and then it was my turn to gasp as I saw a hugely thick penis spring free below his belly. "Omigod,'re huge!" I moaned.

Mark looked as if he was on the verge of a stroke and nodded. "Yeah...the one time I was with a girl, she got scared and just jacked me off!" I understood why. My son's friend was maybe five inches in length, but his fully erect penis was every bit the diameter of a beer can...much thicker than my own darling John's cock.

I scooted back to the edge of the bed, leaning forward to hold his erection in my hands and pull him forward. "I'm not scared, Mark...but I am sure as hell impressed!" I leaned in, inhaling sweat and piss and that almost undefineable male thing that only young men possess and it only spurred on my need to lick it and I felt the young man tremble with excitement as I ran my tongue up the long shaft before opening wide to almost wrap my lips around his cock.

My mouth ached, but somehow I managed to get his cock head in my mouth, my tongue dancing over the huge plum-like crown, tasting precum and piss...the mixture making my pussy wetter than ever. As I sucked on the tip of his thick dick, I glanced around to confirm that Lewis and Brian were nearly naked with hard cocks jutting out from their bodies. Lewis was longer than Mark and not nearly as thick -- a classic example of lovely male dick. Brian, much to my surprise was longer than my son, but with a much thinner pussy quivered with anticipation as I imagined how it would feel plumbing my depths.

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