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Games Ch. 04-06

Story Info
Adam is forced to relive more of his past.
7.3k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 07/16/2007
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Chapter Four

Wrestling between thoughts of what his wife might be having about him, renewed carnal interest in his first cousin Julie and where in the hell he'd last fucked Sheri at the lake, Adam was a busy man - mentally. The miles disappeared behind him without notice and before he realized he approached the first turn off for the lake. He hated the lost periods of time heavy thinking caused. It never ceased to amaze him how he could travel so far -- without accident -- and miss so much. He focused on the, one, truly important thought, where, as he slowed down unsure if he should turn in.

It was only then, sitting at a full stop in the middle of Clarksgrove Road, that he realized the moon was full. Brilliant moon light created stark shadows and illuminated his dash. "Full moon-waterfall, the fire!" He shouted out and drove away, suddenly knowing the spot where he and Sheri had gone. It all came back, as he sped off towards the last (or first, depending which way you were headed) in drive for the lake. The lake was natural, fed by a small waterfall at its head. It was at this location that he and Sheri had ended up that night. They had been at a party. The drive home led to one thing and then another. Adam had taken the first road towards the lake, not having been down it before, and they were both surprised at what they found.

A few miles down the paved county road, Adam slowed again and made the left turn onto the small gravel road. He grew anxious, excited almost, as he headed down the moon light mottled road. The night air turned heavy, damp with lake water smell. The clammy night air turned Adam's feeling of anxiety into fear, as he approached the small campgrounds. He pulled into the fence railed parking area and shut down the car. Turning off the headlights, Adam's eyes spotted, camera flash blinded. He cursed silently and waited for his eyes to adjust, closing and opening them several times. Finally, able to see by the shafts of moon light, Adam exited the car.

The interior dome light came on immediately when he opened the door, creating another period of adjustment, after closing the car door. No longer hearing the wind rush by his open car window, or the engine noise, the night silence seemed almost deafening to him. Gradually the sounds of crickets, frogs and other unseen and unknown night creatures came to his ears. Off in the distance he heard the waterfall, a constant splash of river fed water into the lake, sounding soft and inviting. Adam moved away from the car, heading towards the picnic grounds, after making out what he thought was a table. He walked full force into the auto guardrails and slammed his right shin hard. "Yeoow! God damn it!" He yelled out to the night.

Crawling over the double railing, Adam chose a zigzag, sort of, path using moon light shafts as markers, making his way. "Jesus Julie why here? Julie...I'm here, so what the fuck?" He yelled out. His voice interrupted the night creatures. There was no reply. Adam sat down on top of the first picnic table, feeling exhausted. A few moments passed, as he sat rubbing his sore shin. The light night breeze brought the sound of someone talking -- it was faint, down by the lake. He hadn't really noticed before but, there off in the distance, he thought he saw a small yellow-orange glow. 'A fire?' He questioned silently and stood up to investigate.

Carefully and slower this time, he approached, picking his way through the campgrounds, as he listened to the words growing louder. Every step closer convinced him it was Julie's voice. "...Sheri, did I ever tell you dear ole Adam is a yellow rain connoisseur?"

Adam stopped his advance, suddenly short of breath. He hadn't heard a reply to Julie's question. Silent and straining, even harder, to hear, he cupped a hand to his right ear.

"Oh yeah, he really is! We were at a lake one day. You know, I was sun bathing, nude of course, and Adam was dickin' around in the water. Next thing I know, he's standing over me, peeing! God it was weird. It ran down my back and into my butt crack. Well, I turned over and grabbed him - the fight was on, let me tell you! Next thing I know, I'm lying on top of him -- 69 style -- sucking his dick and he's got is nose buried in my pussy, licking my clit for all he's worth. That's when I did it -- I let go! Damn near drowned him until he caught up. Yup, you got it - gulping like crazy trying not to choke! He's loved it ever since...You guys ever do that at all?"

Adam groaned, dropped his hand and his head. Julie may have been right but he felt certain she had just placed the final nail in his coffin. Adam prayed for a swift ending to his life and Julie's torment. It was prayer that was not to be answered. Steeling himself, Adam pressed on wondering what, in God's name, his defense could ever be. He was certain his fate was sealed; the paper of damnation placed in an envelope and glued shut with a blob of wax - the devil's seal stamped into it. In his mind, Sheri held it and waited for him to emerge from the wooded picnic area. Adam could not have been more wrong.

"God damn it Julie -- Sheri, I can explain..." Adam cried out, just as he burst from the picnic area and went silent seeing no one. There was small fire but, nothing else. No Sheri, no Julie, just a recorder sitting on a rock near the fire. As Adam approached, he could hear the hiss of the tape, the recorder was still running. He bent to pick it up, determined on tossing it into the lake, when Julie's voice suddenly came back on.

"I wouldn't Adam...I know you and you're just about to toss the recorder -- aren't you?"

Adam yelled, dropping the recorder as if he'd picked up a snake. Julie went on talking, although it was muffled sounding. The recorder lay on its face, sand covering the speaker holes. After regaining his composure, Adam again picked it up.

" like I was saying, she doesn't know everything -- yet. Say how's your bladder anyway? Gotta pee yet? If not, I bet you're getting close huh? Don't, not until I tell you to. So, here's the deal my perverted cousin, between the fire and the lake you'll find a small beach bag, put your clothes in it, I assume you dressed at the house. I think you need a swim Adam -- cool off, you know? Oh and don't fucking pee in the lake -- it's not sanitary!"

The recording ended, with a small click and Adam swore. He tossed the recorder back to the sand. "Fuck-fuck-fuck!" Reluctantly, he went to find the bag. A few minutes later, Adam stood naked at the waters edge, feeling its temperature with his toes. The water felt warmer than the night air but still he shivered thinking about getting in. He had to, knowing he had no other option. He took a quick glance, back, towards the bag he'd tossed by the fire and then with several large, leaping, bounds dove head first into the lake.

"Holy Shit!" Adam screamed out, before the lake water took the last of his breath away, when he surfaced. The urge to urinate came quickly, as Adam threaded water wondering how long he was suppose to stay in. His rapid breathing calmed some after a few moments and so did the urge. He swam around scanning the beach. She was out there somewhere, watching, he just knew it. Anger built up inside him, once again. Nasty, torturous, things came to mind and all he wanted to do was get his hands on his dear cousin -- Julie. After, twenty minutes, he'd had enough and swam towards the shoreline, no matter the consequences he was getting out.

Adam was stunned when he arrived back at the fire, dripping wet and shivering. The bag was gone and on the opposite side, away from the lake, laid a woman. A very naked, well built woman. She said nothing. Her legs spread wide, just as Julie's had been that day at the lake. Jerking his head away from the beauty laying on the sand, Adam searched for Julie. 'How? How had she taken the bag - and the woman -- how, in the hell, did she get here without my seeing?' He thought to him self. Once again, the game seemed obvious. Drinking the large pitcher of water, warned not to pee, a woman lying naked on the beach, it all added up to Adam and he realized exactly what Julie wanted.

Adam tarried, warming himself next to the fire, before taking tentative steps towards the woman. He straddled her body with his feet and stood over her looking down at her long blonde hair tied off into two ponytails. Her breasts pressed out on either side of her chest, giving Adam the same view he'd had of Julie that day. Her back muscles rippled slightly as she moved without a sound. Her buttocks scrunched and released and Adam's eyes went to the exposed lips of her vulva. Flared, glowing pinkish-red from fire light, their smooth bareness excited him, even in his anger. The urge to pee came on strong and Adam gripped his penis, closing his eyes.

Adam's hot stream hit the woman between the shoulder blades and she jumped to her elbows, crying out in mock surprise. Adam's eyes snapped open. Unable to stop, he too jumped and damn near fell backwards when she snapped her head around, smiling at him. Speechless, Adam continued to pee, the stream now making loud sputtering, pooling, sounds in the woman's ass crack. She slowly turned over and reached for Adam's cock, pushing his finger away. Her smile turned to soft laughter, as she aimed his stream for her mouth. Petrified, Adam shivered hard like most men do finishing a piss, sending the last short bursts into the woman's mouth and onto her chin.

Unsure of what to do next, Adam stepped over the woman's back, closing his stance. She maintained her grip on him and without speaking, tugged his cock downward making Adam drop to the sand. "Your turn?" Adam said sheepishly, recalling that day so long ago. The woman nodded, as Adam dropped to his back on the sand.

Her breasts swayed deliciously above his head as she moved into position. Full, firm and natural, they sported eraser like nipples, although no way near as large as Julie's he thought. They were hard and jutting out. The woman moved to straddle his head and pin his arms to the sand with her legs. Her flared labia, just above his mouth, was within tongues reach he thought but dared not. Adam felt the heat of the small fire on his legs and his penis lengthened, stiffening to the sights and smell of this stranger. Her clitoris was poking out at the start of her slit, pointing at the wet, soft, ribbons of tissue -- her inner folds. Adam closed his eyes, groaning, just as he saw her flex and relax, starting to pee. The sexual rush of so many years ago came back to Adam and like a hungry baby bird he gobbled up her hot offering. Apparently satisfied Adam wasn't going to move, the woman slid back and finished her business by soaking Adam's stiff shaft and balls.

She finished, sighing out in relief and then bent to kiss Adam, fully on the mouth. It wasn't a peck. It wasn't a friend greeting friend kiss. It was a full on lip embrace, with a hungry tongue and moaning, as she rubbed her breasts on his wet chest. Still silent, she finished her kiss and got up. Her vulva glistened in the fire light, wet from peeing. She winked at Adam and walked away, leaving him on the sand. It was too late for Adam when he realized he should have watched her leaving. When thoughts of Julie, the lake and the first time she'd peed on him finally ended, Adam jerked up right. The woman was gone and so were his clothes.

"JEW -- LEE!" He cried out to the night and lake...

Chapter Five

Unsure how much more he could take, Adam remained by the fire, watching it slowly burn out. He'd had doubts in his life before. Challenges that just seemed insurmountable and yet he'd persevered. This time it felt different. This time it was personal, humiliating and destructive. He viewed the lake as an enormous "pity pot" and saw him self in the middle, floundering with doubt and recriminations. The moon, now slightly off its apogee, illuminating Adam's nudity when the fire finally went out. He got up from the sand, brushed the sticking sands from his ass and legs and walked off towards his car, despair and defeat his companions. Not once did he think of his car keys, during the stumbling, bruising, walk back.

Deer, rabbits, fox, raccoon and all manner of woods wildlife, stopped what they were doing that night. With eyes wide, in the bright moon light, they poised, ready to run from the awful wail that carried throughout the woods. Adam had made the parking lot, finding his car gone. In its place sat a small motor scooter -- a Honda and no doubt it was no larger than 80cc's. Adam cringed, after yowling in despair, thinking of the long cold ride back. He approached the scooter, laughing an insane sort of laugh and found yet another note. He eased his bare ass and balls onto the night chilled plastic seat and fired up the Honda. When he switched on the scooters head light he snatched the up note and bent over to read it.

Hey cousin! Brings back some memories huh? I'm loving this game, how 'bout you? Well, no matter cause you ain't got much choice -- right? Best get motoring Adam, time to get you back to the house...and be careful. Don't be bashful along the way, you just might find someone in need, if you get my drift! Love Julie.

The note drifted from Adam's fingers, lying in the course gravel of the lot. Without a word, Adam pushed the bike backwards to clear the fence railing and slipped it in first gear. The exhaust from the bike picked up the note, sending it fluttering towards the tree line when he drove off. It took a bit, not having ridden a bike in so many years but Adam finally got it under control. It came at the expense of a skinned toe and brush scrapes, as he wobbled along, side to side on the uneven gravel road, nearly crashing once into the woods. It was a bumpy, cursing ride for Adam. He was thankful but only for not having to walk.

He lost control when he hit the hi-way. The sudden solid grip of asphalt sent him careening across the roadway and nearly off the other side, before he managed to head off in the right direction. A couple of down shifts and then a return up through the gears and he was motoring nicely at a steady 45 mph, finding the night air very chilly. 'Someone in need.' The notes wording came back to him, as he drove along. "Yeah right Julie, like I'm going to stop to pick someone up on this thing -- not too mention being naked Julie!" He shouted out and started the strange little insane laugh again.

Five miles down the road, the bikes headlight caught something up ahead. Crouched along side the road, Adam's first indication was the glint of eyes, luminescent in his headlight. As he approached the form rose up, it was human -- not animal, and naked! Adam nearly lost control again, seeing a pair of large nude breasts, jiggling and wiggling as the woman frantically flagged him down. He slowed down, not able to believe his eyes and came to an unsteady stop, just short of where she stood.

"Christ, I didn't think you'd ever get her! You drive like shit, slide back I'll drive!" was all she said, running up to Adam.

"But...What in the hell are you doing out here?" Adam managed to get out, forgetting his own nudity, for the moment watching her approach. "Never mind, just get your ass back so I can get on!"

Adam did as asked and paid the price. His ass traded places on the plastic seat, going from heated and pliable - to cold and stiff, in a fraction of second. He jumped up, crying out at the sudden cold shock. She laughed and lifted her bare leg up and over the bike, easing down on the warm portion. "Umm, thanks, my butt was getting pretty cold. Better hold on, wouldn't want to loose a birthday boy."

Adam felt the bike click into first gear and then lurch forward suddenly, without warning. Forgetting all else, Adam quickly grabbed the woman, wrapping his arms around her bare body. He couldn't believe it. They roared off into the night with his hands firmly gripping her tits, as he pressed hard into her backside. Her warmth was welcome and needed. It wasn't long before the bikes vibrations and her body rubbing against his caused an obvious reaction. She felt it too. Adam felt her hips push back slightly, pressing against his rising cock.

He felt something else too. The seat was growing wetter -- slicker, between them. Leaving the lake area and woods, the night air warmed slightly and he felt some of the cold tension leave her body. His cock, hard and rigid against her ass and the small of her back, grew more sensitive to the bikes pulsating ride, just as she slowed down, shifting the gears down towards first. "I thought I could take it but, I can't. This bike is sending me into overload - Okay birthday boy, she said you'd know what to do." The woman said, turning her head to look at him. Adam looked surprised, confused even, when the woman stood up on the bikes pegs.

Adam's hands moved off her breasts and on to her hips. He felt the small quivering and shaking of her legs and immediately recalled another past memory. As the woman's ass cleared Adam's erect cock, it dropped forward sliding between her wet pussy lips. Keeping one hand one the throttle, she reached down and held his cock in place as she settled back down. She cried out softly after impaling herself on Adam's shaft and revd the bike's engine, releasing the clutch, they continued down the road.

"Oh God this is wild! You were one perverted shit, you know that?" She cried out to Adam. Adam said nothing. He was lost in thought recalling the sex rides with Julie. His cock was happy and very busy giving this newest female a different meaning to vibrator. After two miles, Adam's crotch was soaked with her vaginal fluids. Adam prayed she could maintain control, as he was about to loose his and shortly thereafter - he did.

"I -- I'm, Gwen...My God do you do this often?" Gwen gasped out yelling back at Adam loudly, feeling Adam's throbbing cock release his load inside her. The bike swerved a little but she maintained her control, riding out Adam's climax and her own. The seat and small space between them covered with cum made it hard for her stay on top of Adam's lap by the time she finally slowed down and came to a stop.

They were both gasping, feeling their shared climaxes ending. Gwen rose up, pulling Adam's spent penis from her body and slipped on the bikes foot peg. She sat heavily on his semi-hard cock and started to laugh, uncontrollably. "Oh God - God I've got to do that again! Man you can take me for a bike ride any time."

Adam, still clutching her breasts, rested his head against her bare back and chuckled over her words. He felt weak, happy and strangely not guilty. "I'd forgotten, Gwen -- is that right Gwen? Julie used to love doing that and well...Me too." He sighed out with a pause and then added, "I hate to motor scooter fuck and run but, don't you think we should get going?"

Gwen turned around with a large grin on her face and a look saying "I can't believe this guy!" before she said in a soft voice, "Yeah, I guess -- say any chance you might get hard again before we get back?" It was Adam's turn to laugh and he did. Gwen missed first gear and the bike sputtered and lurched its way back onto the road. Thirty minutes of happy motoring, they arrived at the gate to Adam's home. She pulled over.

"What -- you're not coming in? Jesus at least come in and get some clothes, you'll freeze your as..."

"Nah, my part was to give you ride -- didn't realize you'd be giving me one. Enjoy the game birthday boy!" Gwen said quickly, stopping Adam's comment. Before he could say anything else, Gwen gunned the bike and left Adam staring at her naked body disappearing in the night. He shook his head in wonder and turned to look towards his house. He still had a fair walk and was again thankful for one thing -- he had paved the drive a few years back.

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