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Gemini Rising Pt. 02

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Mom unknowingly puts dirty thoughts in twins' heads.
5.4k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/12/2023
Created 12/14/2021
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Gemini Rising


Twins catch each other spying on mom and talk it over in sister's bed.


Mom unknowingly puts dirty thoughts in twins' heads.

Earlier That Evening

Chapter 2

Leda caught her thoughts drifting and pulled herself back to the conversation with a barely noticeable shake of her head. What is wrong with you? she asked herself. Most parents would kill to have their teenager speaking with them over the dinner table, let alone two of them. So why was she thinking more about when her kids would go out for the evening instead of what they were actually talking about?

Unconsciously her hand reached out for her wine glass, only to find it nearly empty.

"Here, Mom, let me," said her son, Conrad. His voice was smooth, noticeably lower than just a year ago; he was sounding more and more like his father. His beautiful, dead father.

"What? Oh, thank you, Conrad," she stammered. "Hmm, maybe I've had enough if I'm already losing the thread," she said with a half-smile.

"Nonsense," answered her daughter, Phoebe. "It's Friday night, you can indulge a little. Go ahead, Connie."

Conrad smiled and poured the glass full. "Gee, maybe I'll join you," he said. Leda's eyes widened. He laughed, "Just kidding, Mom. I do think 18's as good as 21 for a simple glass of wine, but I'll probably be driving soon, so I'll be a good boy."

"Well, I'm glad to hear some common sense from you. Unless of course you're just saying what you think I want to hear?" his mother challenged.

"Such little faith, mother?" he laughed. "No, I'm serious, no drinking and driving for me; I learned from Pauly's trouble over the summer."

"Pauly Thompson? He was caught driving drunk?"

"Not exactly," answered Conrad. He shared a look with his sister, who was stifling a laugh.

"Then what, exactly?" Leda pushed, looking back and forth between her smirking twins.

"Well...," he replied, drawing the word out, "there was a party and Pauly was slamming beers."

"As usual," interjected his sister with a 'so lame' tone.

"Someone usually grabs his keys pretty early on," Conrad quickly added in response to the disapproving look on their mother's face.

"But this time Pauly decided to take off even before anyone could get his keys," Phoebe laughed, picking up the story in the twins' long established ping pong manner.

"So, he headed out to his car without anyone knowing; ready to drive off into a DUI," continued her brother.

"But Pauly's not only a light weight," the other teen said derisively, "his bladder's as small as his wiener."

Their mother's eyes widened. She should have been used to her daughter's love of saying shocking things for the fun of it, but the girl still managed to catch her off guard most of the time.

"But of course, he didn't realize he needed to pee until he'd already left the house," said Conrad. "So, he walks around to the back of his car and starts taking a leak in the bushes."

Phoebe, with obvious glee in her voice: "But he hadn't noticed the police car that had pulled up to check out a noise complaint or whatever. Or the cop that was strolling along the line of parked cars."

Conrad: "This cop sees Pauly kind of propped up against his car trunk, swaying side to side and he comes up behind him and says, 'Hey, buddy, you doin' okay?'"

Phoebe started laughing so hard she couldn't finish the story, so Conrad continued. "Pauly's so spooked that he spins around fast, but he's still holding his hose and spraying and he pisses all over the cop's shoes!"

Leda joined in her daughter's laughter, struggling to keep from spitting up her last drink of wine.

When the laughter finally settled, Conrad said, "Fortunately he hadn't even gotten as far as unlocking the car door, so they couldn't charge him with DUI. But I took the lesson and don't plan on ever getting anywhere near that close to a drunk driving charge."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that," his mother answered with a smile. "But your story got me laughing so much I'm afraid I'll pee on someone's shoes." She got up and gave each of the twins a peck on the cheek as she said, "So, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to call it a night and head upstairs to my room. You two have fun out with your friends and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night, Mom," they said in near unison, watching their mother weave her way upstairs, the banister in one tight grip, her wine glass in the other. Watched as her curvy hips swayed hypnotically until she reached the landing and turned out of their sight.

"So, what have you got planned for tonight?" Phoebe asked her brother as they rose to clear the table.

"I don't know, nothing special," he replied absent mindedly. "Maybe hang out with Jason or go to Bill's, nothing really set. You?"

"Similar. Guess I'll head up too and get ready. Maybe make a call or two to see what's up." She put the last plate into the dishwasher. "Have fun, whatever you end up doing," she said as she followed her mother upstairs.

Conrad leaned against the counter, enjoying the spectacle of another glorious ass making its way up the stairs. His sister's hips weren't as wide as their mother's and her round, athletic ass gave her more bounce than sway as she climbed the steps, but it was just as fantastic to watch. Which one was better? Hell, that was like asking if chocolate ice cream was better than strawberry. They were both delicious and he would gladly eat up either one, given the chance.

Well, he thought. I may not be able to get to Mom's ass, but I can sure join in her fantasies. He put in the detergent and started the dishwasher, completing his good-boy chore before heading upstairs to have his bad-boy fun.

Chapter 3

In her room, a naked Leda was settling back on some pillows stacked against her headboard. She took a sip of her wine, then put the glass on her nightstand and picked up a set of wireless headphones. As she adjusted the pillowy earcups she thought again about when she'd opened the gift from the kids last Christmas. Honestly, she'd thought they'd really wasted their money on something that didn't suit her, but in the end the headphones had become one of her favorite gifts ever.

Once Phoebe had tuned them, or blue-toothed them, or whatever it was to her bedroom TV she found she could listen to a late-night show or a movie at a volume that was clear without having to worry about disturbing anyone else. And that was especially helpful when watching videos like the ones she'd loaded into the DVD player before settling into bed tonight. Previously she'd had to have the volume nearly all the way down on selections from her "special" collection if she wasn't absolutely sure the kids were out of the house.

The remote control was lying on the bed next to her and she pointed it forward while taking up the wine glass again in her other hand. This particular DVD was one from her "extra special" collection and had three movies on it that Leda hadn't seen in a while. She thought for a moment before selecting the one she felt like seeing that night.

The video's opening shot was looking out a window toward a backyard with some woods beyond it. The camera zoomed out, establishing it was a kitchen window situated above the sink in a typical suburban home. Panning left, the camera took in blond wood cabinets over marble counters. It continued rotating around until it faced into the center of the room and framed a well-polished, solid looking dining table, also of light-colored wood.

A woman was seated at the table. You couldn't see her face, but the hands on the table were slender and feminine and the bosom above the table was full. The camera moved in until her upper torso filled most of the screen. She wore a simple, dark blue blouse with long sleeves and a high collar. The lovely hands slid back, moving from the table top onto the shelf formed by what appeared to be large breasts. She began stroking them along the tops and sides, cupping them, then lifting them up and squeezing them from below.

The hands moved up and undid the top button, then the one below it. Then they went back to stroking and squeezing the big boobs through the blouse. Eventually one hand stroked the exposed skin at the collar while the other pinched the front of one tit, catching the nipple in the silky material.

Leda took a sip of wine then dipped a finger into the golden liquid. She rubbed it on her own swelling nipple, then lifted the big, soft melon until she could lick the wine off the large, brown nub.

On the screen two more buttons were undone and it became clear the woman wasn't wearing a bra. Her hands continued to travel all over her breasts, inside and outside of her blouse. Only the tops of her tits were visible, but the deep, curved cleavage made it increasingly certain that they were large and lovely.

Leda had put her wine glass back on the table and was caressing her own soft globes. Since she didn't have a blouse in the way, however, she was squeezing them together and hefting them in her hands, feeling their heavy weight the way her Jack had loved to do.

On-screen, the last button had been undone and the woman was very slowly pulling the blouse open from the middle. Her fingers were cupped in, so they hung up on her nipples beneath the fabric and pulled her tits apart along with the chest panels of the blouse. When she'd pulled them far out to the sides, her tits suddenly slipped loose from the blouse and snapped back toward the middle, bouncing into each other with a light smack.

As she'd done earlier, the woman placed her hands under the big melons. This time, however, instead of just squeezing them, she lifted them high off the table and then let them drop. The beautiful boobs made an audible sound somewhere between a thud and a slap when they hit the bare wood.

Now the woman was suddenly thrusting her arms above her head, toward her right, up and out of the camera shot. Her blouse began sliding up her arms. Apparently, someone had grabbed the cuffs and was easing the garment away to leave her completely exposed. Once the restricting garment was gone her hands came down and returned to playing with her tits.

She was becoming rougher now; clutching the tit flesh, holding a breast up off the table with one hand and slapping it with the other. She plucked at her nipples, causing them to swell and darken. Now her left hand cradled her left tit, squeezing the end so the nipple was extended. The right hand went out of the shot for a moment then came back pulling a small bowl into the frame. The bowl held ice cubes and she took one and pressed it against the stretched-out nipple. You could hear her gasp as the frozen cube was rubbed over the heated, sensitive skin and the brown button swelled up even more, looking almost like the tip of a thumb was poking up from her large areola.

Leda wished she had some ice with her now, but instead she took the last mouthful of wine, then lifted her tit up and took all of her nipple and areola into her mouth. It wasn't the gasping erotic pleasure of a mouthful of ice, but it still felt wonderfully sexy as she rolled her tongue over and around her nipple, keeping her lips suctioned tight to keep the wine from escaping. Finally, she swallowed the delicious vintage and breathed in deeply when her mouth was clear.

She'd been using both hands to hold the big tit up to her mouth, but now one let go and snaked down across her belly to her furry love nest. She rubbed gently up and over the mound while her other hand continued to massage her wine-wet boob as she followed the action on the flat screen.

The nipples on the screen tits were now both swollen as the woman had been moving the ice cube back and forth, tormenting and delighting herself with the cold.

Leda thought again about dashing to the kitchen for her own bowl of ice; she'd be able to refill her wine glass too. The kids had certainly left by now for their own Friday night fun, she could be down and back in just a minute or two. She had a thumb on the Pause button and was just seconds away from discovering that her kids were actually having their Friday night fun right outside her doors, when a man's hand entered the frame on the TV. There was no way she would interrupt her groove now and the remote was dropped to the mattress.

A low, whining growl started in the back of Leda's throat, a whimper of anticipation. She knew what was coming next, had watched this scene several times, but still it always thrilled her to see the other hand, the man's hand, enter the frame. It was a beautiful hand; large, but well formed. Fingers long, like a piano player's; but a very strong piano player. Leda's own fingers moved without thought, one hand closing in on a nipple, the other spreading her pussy lips, exposing the warm, wet interior.

The man's hand reached into the small bowl on the table and picked out two ice cubes before withdrawing from the camera shot again. Then, a sudden movement from the woman's side, a surprising blur that took a moment to register -- at least the first time someone watched the video. Finally it became clear that someone was now standing directly behind the seated woman. Her shoulders and torso blocked most of the person, but it was a man. A naked man. You couldn't see his penis or even his belly button for that matter, but the sides of a bare, fit torso, with just a hint of love handles, were visible to either side of her neck.

He moved closer to her; his groin must have been pressing between her shoulder blades above the back of her chair. He leaned forward and it became possible to see that his hips as well as his midriff were bare. Definitely naked.

His hands entered the picture, each one holding an ice cube. They moved to the tops of her breasts. When the cloudy blocks touched the skin just below each collarbone the woman flinched and gasped. The powerful hands stopped and the ice was lifted slightly.

"Is it too much, do you want me to stop?" asked a deep, sensuous voice. Leda thought, as she always did, how much the voice matched the hands. A beauty and gentleness paired with unmistakable strength and dexterity. The proverbial iron fist in a velvet glove, able to both sting and soothe. And she loved both.

"No," the woman in the video answered meekly.

The ice cubes did not move, they continued to hover just above the vulnerable skin. "I'm not sure I believe you," the unseen man said. His voice dropped a notch, took on a darker tone. "I will be telling you what to do soon; what I want." Then back to the sexy near-purr. "But now I want to hear what you want and I want to believe it."

Leda was engrossed and had seen the video often enough to know the lines by heart. Unconsciously she said the words along with the image on the screen, like a Bogart fan at a Casablanca screening.

"I want you to play with my tits," Leda and the woman on the screen said. "Play hard."

This was one of the things Leda liked about the remote headphones her kids had given her. She could have the volume up enough to hear each word clearly, to hear each slap or drop of the woman's breasts, without having to worry about the sound traveling outside her room. But she'd forgotten, like most people did, that just because outsiders couldn't hear what she was listening to, it didn't mean they couldn't hear her. And with the high-quality noise-canceling ear cups blocking her hearing beyond the video, she had no idea how loud she was actually speaking when she commented on the movie or spoke along with the screen slut.

But her daughter in the adjoining bathroom and her son out in the hallway knew how loud she could be and they relished it.

Chapter 4

Phoebe leaned back against the door connecting her mother's bedroom and bath so her ears were as close as possible to improve her hearing while leaving her hands free to explore. If for some reason her mother opened the door to enter the bathroom, Phoebe would tumble right back into the room; falling on her ass with hands full of tit or pussy. But the more times she had played this game the more the chance of discovery had changed from fear to arousal.

Out in the hallway, Phoebe's brother Conrad leaned his back against his mother's bedroom door frame and held his left ear up against the door. He hoped tonight would be a noisy night because the sound of his mom moaning like a hungry slut was incredibly erotic. But even on those nights when she was relatively quiet he could still get off. Just imagining that incredible ass walking up the stairs or her big tits squeezed into a bikini top and knowing she was inside playing with herself was enough to do it. But, of course, the orgasms were always easier and stronger when he heard her moans and dirty talk. So far, tonight was promising; his mom had started vocalizing early and she was loud and clear -- the extra glass of wine he'd given her was doing its job.

Inside the room, his drunk, horny mother was really wishing she had some ice with her as she watched the man's sexy hands slowly slide the dripping cubes down the screen slut's large breasts. "Like skiers slaloming down beautiful alpine slopes," her husband had teased when they'd watched this scene together.

But the night they'd made this movie he wasn't trying to raise a smile, just her excitement and desire. She closed her eyes and remembered the tingle of the cold cubes sliding toward her nipples, and the other nervously naughty tingle that came from seeing the video camera mounted on the tripod recording her every slutty move, her every slutty word.

Sometimes Jack took total control, telling her exactly what he wanted, what he was going to do to her, what she was to do to him. Other times he made her say it herself, made her admit how much she enjoyed being controlled, exposed, used. The ice tits scene had been one of those times. Whatever the mood, when she watched their extra special home movies, she never thought she was watching herself, Leda. She always thought of her video image as 'The Woman' or 'The Slut', especially in scenes like this where you couldn't see her face.

Now The Slut was gasping through Leda's headphones as the ice cubes hit both nipples at the same time. What Conrad and Phoebe heard from their eavesdropping spots was a slap and a whimper. Leda had lifted a boob in one hand and slapped it with the other just as the ice touched the screen nipples. It was the closest she could come to the deliriously sharp jolt of the ice on her hot nubs.

In Leda's bathroom, Phoebe was barely able to keep herself from following suit and slapping her own breast. She had actually seen this video before, having found her mother's extra special collection a few months previously. Since then, they were the only videos she bothered sneaking looks at from her parents' total special collection.

Like her mother, Leda had strong memories of her father's hands. Of course, until this year, they had been about those hands innocently holding hers or caressing her cheek or helping her practice on the piano. Since seeing this particular video, however, the image of her father's strong hand leaving a red mark on her mother's beautiful breast had come to dominate her memory of his hands.

The scene had actually caused Phoebe to experiment with abusing her own tits. And she'd liked it, although obviously not nearly as much as her mother. Then her mother's next words made Phoebe realize she'd mentally jumped ahead in the movie. Her father actually hadn't slapped her mother's tits yet. But her mother obviously had.


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