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Genie In My Bottle Ch. 03

Story Info
Marissa realizes her true feelings.
5.8k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/14/2004
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The next day Marissa was once again in drama class. She was shocked as so were the other students seeing that Ashley and Dylan were not sitting together. Dylan sat across the room far away from Ashley. Marissa noticed that the pretty cheerleader kept eyeing Dylan but Dylan didn't respond. Then she'd stare at Marissa with fury. Marissa sunk into her chair but deep down felt somewhat satisfied that she'd pissed Ashley off.

Gene knew Dylan would soon fall for Marissa. He noticed Dylan staring at her with lustful eyes. He'd made sure that Dylan's cock would get hard anytime he saw Marissa and get soft when he saw Ashley. It was a mean and deceitful trick, but he had to do it for his mistress. Right now he'd managed to make Dylan get hard over Marissa and he knew it since Dylan was trying to hide his hard on by pulling his long t-shirt down.

As soon as class was over, Marissa was rushing out when she heard a male voice call her name. She turned and blushed. It was Dylan.

"Marissa right?" He said as if he was shy.

She nodded. "Y-yes that's me."

"Hey look tonight I'm playing a big game against one of our biggest rivals, but what do you say tomorrow night you and I go out and maybe go to a movie or get something to eat?"

Marissa stood there speechless. Dylan searched her face for some kind of answer. "Is that a yes or no?" He said playfully.

She felt so dumbfound. "Uh it's a yes!" She yelped.

He laughed softly. "Oh Ok then you live in the apartments down in the east right?"

"Yes. Apartment 210," She responded quickly.

"Alright I'll go pick you up tomorrow say around eight?"

She nodded and remained astonished. She watched him walk away and waited until he was completely out of sight before she did her victory dance. Gene crossed his arms and smiled. She looked so cute dancing.

"Well looks like your wish is coming true Marissa."

She stopped dancing and threw her arms around Gene. "Yes! Thanks to you, you wonderful genie!"

She kissed him on his cheek sending sweet sensations all throughout his entire body. "Well I wonder how you'll thank me when Dylan does more than just ask you out."

She giggled. "Oh Gene your too much!"

Damnit why did I say that? Gene asked himself.

* * *

Later on that day Marissa spotted her friends. "Camille! Giovanni!" Marissa squealed catching up to her friends.

They both turned around. Camille saw the look once again on Giovanni's face when he saw Marissa. His face glowed and his gorgeous smile appeared.

"Hey guys. Where were you all going?"

"No where special just heading off towards the library for our research on a bio paper." Giovanni responded with his brown eyes dancing as he stared at Marissa.

"Oooh guess what? Oh you'll never guess! Dylan Fulton just asked me out for Saturday night!"

Giovanni's smile dropped and Camille's grin widened. "Oh is that so?" She asked sarcastically knowing it was eating Giovanni.

"Yeah! Oh Camille I'm so happy! I feel so good right now!"

"I'm sure you do," Giovanni said mordantly.

"But Marissa, what about Ashley?" Camille dared to ask.

Marissa frowned. She had forgotten all about Ashley. What if Dylan was asking her out just so Ashley could do something mean and despiteful to her? Gene knew Marissa was worried.

"Well I suppose they broke up. They weren't sitting in class together today and he completely ignored her when she walked by him today after class."

"I hope he isn't planning on doing anything mean to you," Camille said concerned.

* * *

Marissa had spent most of her Friday night trying to catch up with her schoolwork while Gene assisted her on the difficult work. It was good to have a genie to help you work out tough history essay questions. That night Marissa went to bed thinking of her big date with Dylan. She had no clue what to wear, but then again she wasn't worried about it since she knew she had Gene to help her out with that.

Saturday had arrived and Marissa woke up with her heart racing. "Gene! Gene!" She yelled out.

Gene was fast sleep in his bottle and was awakened by his world moving. He looked up and saw Marissa's eyes looking down at him as she viciously shook the bottle. He got up with a headache. All night he kept hoping that maybe deep down Marissa wouldn't go through with this date.

"Geez Marissa no need to wake me up so violently." He closed his eyes and within less than a second he was there standing in front of his goddess.

"I'm sorry but I need your help. I don't know what to wear tonight or how to fix my hair."

Gene looked at the clock that was on Marissa's nightstand and frowned. "Marissa it's only 9 in the morning you've got all day to decide what to wear."

"No it's just that I was hoping you could help me. You know like you did yesterday?"

He smiled and quickly ran his finger on her lips. "You know I'm gonna help you."

"Oh good! What time do you think I should start getting ready?"

Gene shrugged. "Hell with my magic you can get ready a minute before he picks you up."

She shrilled and ordered Gene to go back to into the bottle to finish his sleep.

Finally it was only an hour before eight and Marissa's felt butterflies in her stomach. This would be her actually first date. She knew it was pathetic but all her life she'd never been smooth around guys. She was always clumsy and considered just "a good friend."

Gene was ready to assist his beautiful mistress with any of her wishes. He had already had in mind what she was going to wear and how to fix up her hair. She's going to look so stunning but he knew that even without all that makeup and hairdo she was gorgeous anyway.

"Ok my lady, you ready for your wardrobe, makeup, and hairdo?" Gene asked playfully as Marissa stood in the bathroom.

She shook her head fast. "Yes! I'm so ready! Make me over darlin'."

Marissa closed her eyes and within seconds she looked in the mirror and her mouth almost dropped when she saw herself. Even she didn't recognize her own face. She looked so stunning! She wore a black dress that went just above her knee with long sleeves for the chilly night. Some black strap high heels complimented the dress and she blushed when she looked down her dress knowing Gene put on a sexy black lacey bra on her and she felt the matching thong. Her hair was put up with a few curls hanging down and her makeup was flawless.

"Gene! You have outdone yourself! I look like an actress!" She squealed.

"Yeah, you're Natalie Wood."

She blushed more. "Oh Gene thank you!" Once again threw her arms around him.

* * *

Camille was in her own apartment that evening. She felt tears of sadness run down her pretty face. She knew how much Giovanni had hurt known that Marissa was going out with Dylan. She only wished she had enough guts and courage to tell him how she felt about him. To tell him that there is someone who loves him and worships him the way he deserves to be.

She fell back on her bed and sobbed quietly. She closed her eyes and suddenly heard a knock at her door. She dried her eyes and walked over slowly hoping it wouldn't be one of her pushy ex-boyfriends. A smile was formed across her face when she saw it was her one and only Giovanni.

"Hey what brings you here?" She asked as she opened the door.

Giovanni looked somber. "I need to talk to someone Camille. I feel so upset knowing Marissa is going out with that jerk."

Camille felt a slight disappointment that he was there to talk about Marissa but she didn't care. Just to have him there with her was all she needed. No matter what they ever talked about, she loved his company.

"Come on in I was just here alone and going to watch a good movie on TV if you wanna stay here for a while."

Giovanni shrugged. "Yeah ok. It's better than being alone.

They both laid on Camille's tiny bed so close and Camille felt her heart racing. She wanted to jut reach over and kiss him and tell him how much she loved him but instead she listened to his frustration the way a real friend listens.

* * *

It was fifteen minutes past eight and Marissa was pacing the room feeling almost embarrassed that Dylan hadn't shown up. Gene watched her and his heart went out to her. That bastard better have not stood her up. I'll really mess him up. Gene promised himself.

"He's probably just running a little late Marissa. Don't worry look just have a seat and calm down."

She almost felt tears in her eyes. "Gene if he stood me up I don't know how I'd be able to face him again."

"Well maybe he had a family emergency. That happens you know. Or he could have gotten himself into a mess. You never know."

Gene stood behind Marissa massaging her shoulders calming her down. She smelled so nice and her body looked incredible in that little black dress. "Mmm thank you Gene. That feels good." She closed her eyes enjoying his massage.

He got closer to her and rubbed her neck and the sides of her arms knowing this was easing her mind.

* * 8

"I see you're going out with that floozie!" Ashley cried out while she and Dylan argued as he was on his way to pick Marissa up.

"Ash, please don't start this. You and I have already been having problems and you know it."

"That doesn't mean that you should just leave me right away for some cheap slut."

"Look she isn't a slut OK? You don't even know her."

"No You don't even know her."

"Look Ashley I'm already running late OK? I'm sorry you're upset but we'll talk about this some other time."

With that he walked away from his ex-girlfriend leaving her speechless and sobbing.

* * *

"Ah! There is a knock!" Marissa shrilled quietly when she heard a loud powerful knock on her door.

"Well go answer the door silly." Gene replied laughing at her.

She took a deep breath and fixed her dress. "Oh Ok here we go!"

Gene stood there looking at Dylan and Marissa. They didn't seem to match as a couple, but she wanted him and there was nothing Gene could do about that. At least not without magic.

"Wow! You look... oh man you look so hot!" Dylan said when she laid his eyes on Marissa.

She felt her face turning red. "T-thank you. You look really nice too!" She stared at him closely. He was wearing some navy blue slacks and a black button up shirt and some black Doc Marten boots.

"Listen I'm sorry I was late I had to stop and get some gas." He lied.

She shrugged. "That's OK. You are here now."

"So you ready to go?" He asked offering her his arm.

"Yes, I am." She held on to his arm and closed the door behind him leaving Gene alone. He felt Marissa needed privacy tonight in case things took a different direction. Besides, he wasn't going to just sit there and watch her let this Dylan guy feel her up.

* * *

"I just don't understand why she won't give me the time of day. I mean I treat her good, I make her laugh and still nothing," Giovanni complained as Camille softly stroked his curly hair.

"Well maybe you're trying too hard don't ya think?"

He looked at her strangely. "So a guy can't try too hard? I thought you girls liked attention."

She laughed. "Well yes we do but only when it's convenient for us. Look Marissa obviously just sees you as a friend. I know it sounds terrible but she does. Maybe you should explore your other options?"

He frowned. "Other options? What options? No girls like me. I'm a geek Camille. I'm into science, I like collecting action figures and I love watching old sci-fi shows."

"Well some girls won't care about that. Some girls might find that irresistible."

He laughed. "Yeah right like who?"

She bit her lower lip and didn't respond. She felt like yelling out, Like me damnit! I'm so in love with you! But instead she changed the subject and could only hope he'd see for himself how much she loved him.

* * *

Marissa and Dylan had gone to a quiet little bistro downtown. They ate dinner and chatted a while. Marissa tried to ignore the fact that their conversation was somewhat dull. She just loved looking into his gray eyes and seeing how sexy he was.

"Yeah so now I only hope to play for a professional football team when I get out of college."

"Well what are you going to do if you don't make it?" Marissa dared to ask.

He looked puzzled. "Not make it? Oh well I'm gonna make it. You watch and see."

A little stuck up, but maybe it's just me. Maybe he just has confidence, Marissa said to herself.

"So what do you like to do in your spare time?" Dylan asked curiously.

Marissa knew her pastime activities wouldn't interest him one bit. So she lied. "I like to go nightclubbing, play basketball, hang out with friends, you know that sort of thing."

He smiled. "You like nightclubbing? Hey maybe we can go to a nice little club I know of."

She cringed at the thought of nightclubbing. It was always a bunch of college kids getting drunk and stupid. She'd only been to a nightclub once and that's all she could handle. And at times she'd heard other college kids talk about how they went clubbing and how the girls got naked for them.

"Uh yeah sure."

He had a satisfactory smile on his face the whole time. After dinner, they headed off to the nightclub Dylan had been talking about. It was still early around ten that night. The nightclub was nice but the people in it were loud, obnoxious, college kids who probably didn't have one intelligent thing to say. Marissa looked around feeling almost overdressed for this club. Most girls were dressed in tiny short dressed or tight tops with tight jeans.

"Nice place huh?" Dylan yelled in her ear over the loud music.

She nodded. "Yeah. Nice." She lied.

They stepped over to a nice little table towards the back of the club. A skinny little waitress with jet-black hair wearing short hot pants came over to take their orders. "Hey handsome! You are back here again?" She asked in a flirty voice.

Marissa saw Dylan blush. "Yeah I am. Can you get us both some mudslides?"

She winked and nodded giving Marissa a dirty look. "Sure thing handsome."

She walked away and Dylan turned back to Marissa. "So do you know a lot of people here?" Marissa asked.

"I used to be a regular here. But most of my ex-girlfriends didn't like the fact that I came here."

I don't blame them. Every girl here has her eyes on you.

Marissa waited for the drinks to arrive. She wasn't much of a drinker so she figured she'd just sip her drink very slowly. Dylan drank three mudslides before she could even finish one. It was hard to talk over the noisy atmosphere. She felt his hand on her knee and he gave it a small squeeze smiling at her.

"You wanna dance for a while?" He asked in her ear.

Bumping and grinding was not her idea of dancing but she figured why not. They headed off to the now crowded dance floor. Marissa was afraid she'd look ridiculous dancing she since had two left feet. Everyone was not really dancing but more like making love on the dance floor! Dylan looked deeply into her eyes and pulled her close to him. Their bodies glided together and he moved slowly rubbing his hardon on her leg. Marissa felt trapped and knew there was no way out of this erotic dance.

Dylan leaned down to kiss her. At first Marissa didn't open her mouth. Her lips were tightly shut and she felt Dylan's tongue licking on them. It took a while, until finally Marissa gave in and parted her lips inviting Dylan's tongue in her mouth. She massaged her tongue against him slowly. It was a long wet kiss and she could now feel Dylan slowly picking up her dress from behind.

The DJ was playing a remix of Bjork's "All Is Full Of Love" which set the mood so well. Marissa was losing herself in pure bliss. Her pussy was slowly getting wet from feeling Dylan's hands all over her. She felt him turn her around and wrap his strong arms around her. His hard cock was rubbing hard on her ass. Her dress was picked up almost to her waist by now.

Marissa looked around and saw everyone dancing so erotically. Dylan's hands crept into her dress touching her breasts and rubbing on her nipples. Marissa began to moan which couldn't be heard through the loud music. Dylan kept rubbing himself hard on her ass up and down and pinching on her nipples. One hand slipped down to rub Marissa's cunt. She let her body grind on his hand feeling such incredible sensations.

"Oooh fuck! I'm gonna cum in my pants!" Dylan whispered in Marissa's ear.

Marissa closed her eyes and felt him tighten up. He shuddered a few times until he let go of his strong hold that he had on her. She could vaguely feel some warm wetness on her ass. He was breathing hard and kissing the back of her neck. Marissa felt herself blushing and turned around to meet with her lover. They shared yet another sexy long kiss while everyone else kept dancing around them.

* * *

It was almost three in the morning and Gene was worried sick about Marissa. He only hoped nothing bad had happened to her. He was pacing the room until he heard the door slowly open up. Marissa was walking in slowly thinking he was fast asleep.

"It's about time!" Gene yelled out.

"Ah! Oh Gene! You scared the hell outta me!"

"Well what's going on? It's only your first date Marissa."

"Gene, calm down, we were just out dancing. It's ok."

He took a deep breath and flopped himself down on the bed looking up at her. "Well? So how did it go?" He was almost afraid to ask.

She sighed and sat next to him. "Well we didn't have much conversation. I mean we did chat some during dinner but at the night club it was hard to talk over the loud music.'

"So you all dance all night or what?"

She blushed. "Yeah practically."

"What do you mean?"

"Well he got kinda kinky with me on the dance floor."

Gene raised one of his eyebrows. "Oh?" A twinge of jealousy already hit him.

Marissa explained what had happened on the dance floor and Gene just got more upset each time she went into detail. He wanted to be the one grinding up against Marissa's ass; touching her soft skin and kissing her luscious lips.

"We'll it's been such a long night. I'm gonna go to bed now Gene. Gene didn't respond and disappeared into his lamp. Marissa felt something was bothering Gene but she just ignored it. After all he wasn't human. He's just a genie She kept reminding herself.

* * *

For the next few days Marissa and Dylan were together almost all of the time. Gene watched in envy and felt he was slowly losing his mistress to some guy with no sophistication to sweep his mistress off her feet. It was hard for Ashley to not see her boyfriend sitting with this new girl. She felt so upset but just let it pass. After all Dylan obviously had his eyes set on her but she knew once Dylan got tired of this girl he'd come crawling back to her and she wouldn't take him back. Never.

After Drama class one afternoon, Gene caught up with Marissa and they talked in a private little corner behind the drama building.

"Marissa I finally get you alone!" Gene said breathlessly.

Marissa looked at her watch and then back at him. "I'm sorry Gene. Its just being around Dylan is so new and exciting!"

"Yes I know but you've not been talking much to me and I know Giovanni and Camille miss you too."

Marissa fidgeted. "I know. Look we'll hang out some tonight OK? I promise. I have to get going now Gene. I'll see you back at the apartment?"

Before Gene could say anything, Marissa was already walking away.

Gene was startled when he heard the door open loudly late that night. It was past midnight and Marissa was walking in the door. He heard noises though. It sounded like someone was with her. No it can't be. She would never bring Dylan while I'm here would she? Gene thought to himself.

He laid on his bed in his bottle just hearing loud smacking noises that sounded like hard kisses. Damit she did bring him here. Oh man I have to listen to all this?


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