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George's Torment

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Forced to listen to wife's ordeal on the phone.
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Jilly sat in the back of the taxi feeling worn out. It had been a poor day, an unsuccessful day, a waste of a day away from the office, and away from her home. She was not particularly looking forward to the night at the hotel, but it was too late to get a train and there was no other choice. She realised how much she would miss George, her husband of some six years, aware how much their life together had been pepped up, spiced up even of late, since they had started playing their little games together.

But not tonight!

Even the rather good looking taxi driver hardly sparked much interest in her, not that she was the sort to do anything much about it anyway.

Only when the taxi pulled up outside the hotel did she realise she had no cash on her, or at least not enough to pay the seven pounds sixty, that was displayed on the meter.

At least the taxi driver was good enough about it, realising that women who looked as good as Jilly, and stayed in hotels like that one, did not make a habit of running off without paying.

"That's OK." He replied to her plight, "I'll wait here while you go up to your room and get the money." He was well aware that the meter would keep clicking over, and the longer she took, then the more he would earn.

Jilly struggled out with her briefcase, and equipment, grabbing at her shopping from earlier, the only bright thing during a miserable day.

"Let me give you a hand." Called the cabbie, jumping out of his taxi, and taking some of the things from her, helping her with them up to her room. It was never a problem to help such an attractive woman, as you never knew where it might lead, and anyway there was always the tip to consider.

George was at home, fretting mildly. Jilly didn't go away often, but when she did he always looked forward to her call. This evenings' call was late, already an hour late, and though he knew it was silly he simply felt uneasy, knowing what a funny, but most enjoyable mood his lovely wife had been in of late.

He tried to watch TV for a while but somehow could not concentrate, not even the heroin in the TV film taking most of her clothes off sparked much more than a passing interest.

Nearly an hour later than expected, the telephone rang, and he breathed a sigh of relief as he reached over to pick it up.

"Hi Jilly, how are you;" he asked expectantly, but it was not his wife that answered.

"Is that George?" asked the male voice on the other end of the phone.

"Yes," he replied, "who is that?"

"You don't need to know." Came back the voice, a vaguely sinister tone becoming evident. "All you need to know at the moment is that I have your wife."

George was struck dumb. What did he mean by saying he had his wife?

"Did you hear that George, I have your wife?"

"What do you mean?" George at last spluttered back. "You've got my wife where?"

"Where doesn't matter. Co-operate and nothing too bad will happen to her. Nothing she won't enjoy anyway." Came back the even more sinister reply.

"I don't believe it you bastard." Shouted George down the phone, carrying on to hurl obscenities at his tormentor.

"Well," said the voice calmly, "I'm ringing you on her mobile, so if you want proof, just ring me back." And with that he rang off.

George fumed with frustration as he grabbed his own mobile to find his wife's number, clumsily tapping out the keys, having to restart twice, hoping that it would be her voice that answered.

"Believe me now." Answered the same voice.

"No! No I don't." shouted George back at him. "What is she wearing? You'd know that if you've got her." He was clutching at straws.

"Not very much at the moment." Came back the awful reply, stunning George, "but I suppose you mean the grey suit that she was wearing when I first spotted her. Grey suit with a nice short skirt, and black high heels, with that pretty white blouse. I can see them now, over there by the door where I threw them."

"You bloody monster, what are you after?" screamed George in despair.

"For her sake I hope I'm not a monster. Why don't you just calm down and listen? For poor Jilly's sake if nothing else."

"Let me talk to her. If she's really there and OK, let me just talk to her." George said, his voice more under control.

"Why not." Came the response.

"Hello George. Is that really you?" George heard the unmistakeable voice of his lovely wife, the tension even fear very obvious.

"Yes, it's me. Are you OK?"

"Yes, but just do as he says. I'll be OK, really OK. Just do as he says." At that, the phone was taken away from her, and the voice came back on, demanding, "I want your permission George, and maybe a bit of help. That's all I want."

What permission? Anything, but just don't hurt Jilly."

There was a pause.

"I want your permission to take her bra off George." Came the answer, shocking poor George into silence again.

"Well George, can I? Can I take her bra off or not?" came from the voice.

"If she wanted to she could take her own bra off." Said George bravely, playing for time while he tried to sort out what he should do.

"Difficult that. She's a bit tied up at the moment, if you know what I mean." Came the voice. " Tied up to the bed in fact. So you see it would be difficult for her to take her own bra off herself wouldn't it?"

"I'll bloody well kill you if I get my hands on you." Screamed George full of pent up emotion.

"Yes, quite probably, but for now, we're discussing your beautiful wife's bra, and I'm getting keen to see exactly what she has underneath. You want me to take it off don't you Jilly?" he ended.

George heard his wife sob in the background, and call out for him to agree, to agree to anything, but just don't upset her captor.

"Well?" was the simple question.

"OK. OK. But then let her go." Said George in not much more than a whisper.

"Don't know about that, but let's just slip this bra off for poor Jilly here."

George strained to hear what was happening, desperate to know how his wife was, till at last the voice returned, sounding very satisfied. "Oh George. Oh you lucky, lucky boy, George. They're beautiful. I can see why you love this one so much. Nice and firm, full but not overflowing. I'd guess about a 36 B cup. Am I right George?"

"Whatever you say." Mumbled the distraught husband.

"I thought so, and they feel about a 36 B George. Just a nice handful, and oh look, Jilly's nipples have gone rock hard. Why would that be George? The voice mocked him.

"Stop it. Stop it now. Leave her alone can't you." He pleaded.

"Not much longer now, George old boy. Not much more to take off though, is there?" The voice continued. "Ok with you if I slip her panties down now?"

George remained silent, refusing to go along with his tormenters plan.

"I'll take that as a yes then George. Here they go. Down a little bit on the left, and then pull them down a little on the right. Slip them over her bum at the back, and then, wow!"

George bit his tongue, waiting for the voice to continue, knowing roughly what was coming next.

"Gorgeous George. Did she shave her pussy all for you then? Sorry if it's me that's enjoying it now." After which the voice fell silent, which infuriated George.

"What are you up to you bastard?" He screamed at last, unable to maintain his silence.

"Just helping our Jilly out of her little blue panties George. She's very co-operative you know. Must be wonderful to be married to a woman who is so beautiful and so co-operative George."

George fumed, silently, his feelings a mixture of fury, jealousy, and though he tried to block it out, sexual excitement, at the thought of what was at that moment happening to his beloved beautiful wife.

"That's that done then." George eventually heard the voice say. "She's laid out on the bed, all stretched out naked, with her hands tied up to the bed head. Golly she does look incredibly beautiful stretched out like that. What a superb body she has, and still got the sun tan lines where she was sunbathing in the summer. Very small bikini she must have had on. Very revealing, but not as good as she is now."

There was a silence, broken only by what sounded like a tiny sound of protest from his wife.

"What colour was her bikini George? Did she go topless? Did you like the other men looking at her topless George? I bet it was a real turn on knowing other guys were ogling her breasts George. What do you think they were thinking?"

George was furious that this stranger had guessed so spot on, his reaction to his wife sunbathing topless just a few weeks earlier, and how much he had relished the jealous stares of less fortunate men around them as she stretched out seductively in just her tiny bikini bottoms. But he refused to be drawn, his pulse racing, his hands clenched tightly together, his eyes tightly closed as the picture of his wife, spread-eagled naked in front of this stranger, at his mercy, imprinted in his mind.

"Tell you what George, why don't you tell me what Jilly likes having done to her. Might save time you know. How does she like to be touched? What really gets her going?" The voice was now teasing George almost beyond breaking point, but George held his temper.

"No. No I won't help you. Never." He managed to spill out.

"Let's see what this lovely young thing thinks shall we?" the voice questioned, and then George heard him ask his wife the same thing.

"George tell him, just tell him for Christ sake. "She cried aloud, "Please just tell him." She sounded close to tears, and George marvelled at her control.

"No." shouted George back.

"If you don't, then I will." Jilly sobbed back to him, this time sounding close to breaking point. "Tell him something, anything... please. Tell him how I like...." And she hesitated, thinking desperately for something to suggest. "Tell him how I like you to run your fingers....."

"OK. OK. Stop Jilly." George interrupted her, unable to listen to Jilly explain such an intimate act to a stranger, while he listened in. He couldn't put her through that. "I'll tell him, not you."

"I love you George. Just remember it's you that I love," Sobbed Jilly out loud, and then the phone was snatched away from her.

"Come on then George, what do you have for me?" Tormented the voice immediately, more than a hint of lustfulness appearing for the first time.

George gathered his senses, and decided to just go through with it, hoping it would be for the best. He breathed deeply to steady himself before starting.

"She, Jilly that is, likes me to run my finger tips round her breasts, like in a figure of eight, and gradually get closer and closer to her nipples." He at last admitted. "It's just something she likes."

Ok, I'm doing that now." Came back the voice. "You're right she does like it a lot doesn't she. Oh, look at that, she even sticks out her breasts for more. That's right Jilly my sweetie; arch your lovely back like that. It makes your breasts so tight and gorgeous to touch."

George cringed at what his wife was going through, made far worse by the claim, almost certainly true, that Jilly was quite naturally reacting positively to the stranger's caresses.

"And what do you do next?"

"I think you can guess." Came the next exchange.

"Oh yes indeed. She loves her nipples being twirled. They're so sensitive aren't they George. Does our Jilly like them being tweaked just a little?"

"What do you think?" answered George, resigned to what was going to happen anyway.

"Let's find out." Was followed by another period of silence, broken only by what George recognised as a groan of pleasure from his wife. At least she's enjoying it, and not in danger, he consoled himself, as he sat there, his insides churning.

"Does she like them being sucked a little, George?" the voice demanded next.

"Fuck off!" replied George, who was by then near the end of his tether, but still had to endure further female gasps as the stranger carried out his threat.

"This wife of yours George," came back the tormenting voice after some time. "Rare to find a girl with breasts as full as these who are still so sensitive. She really really loves it doesn't she?"

George chose to remain silent.

"Lovely big erect nipples as well." He continued. "Do you bite them ever George? Is she into that?"

George continued to fume, silently.

"Come on George, help me. We're in this together. Neither of us wants to hurt her. We want her to enjoy it don't we? You don't want me to bite her too hard."

George mumbled a reply, hardly able to contain his feelings.

"What was that George? Didn't hear you." The voice came back.

"I said yes she does like it, bloody loves it, but not too hard. Don't hurt her."

"Thank you George." Was all he heard for some moments, till soon he heard that familiar groan of pleasure again, much louder this time, interspersed with gasps as the threat was again carried out.

The picture of his wife stretched out naked, her mouth wide open as she panted and groaned, and her lovely body shivering with pleasure as the stranger worked away at her sensitive nipples burned into his brain.

"Very kissable lips your wife has George." Came the next teasing statement.

"No. No please don't do that. Please don't kiss her, anything but that." The thought of this stranger kissing his beloved wife sent him into a hot sweat, and the thought that in her state she may react, and kiss the stranger back was just too much.

"Anything George? I can do anything I want?"

"No I didn't mean that, but please don't kiss her, not on the lips." Cried George, his desperation showing through.

"Oh, so you'd like me to kiss her breasts again would you perhaps?" prompted no reaction from the harassed husband, so was followed by "Make your mind up now, is it to be her lips or her lovely firm breasts George, because I wouldn't stop there."

George was trapped, replying in no more than a whisper through gritted teeth, "Not on her lips."

Another awful silence descended, and this time he had to put up with hearing his wife cry out, as he imagined the stranger carrying out his threat. As he imagined his lovely wife arching her back and thrusting her beautiful full breasts desperately up to the strangers' lips, the way she normally did for him.

All he heard for the next five or ten minutes, he lost count, were the cries of pleasure from his Jilly, mounting in intensity as the stranger explored her body ever and ever more intimately.

"So sorry George." Continued the taunting, "Afraid I went and kissed her right on the lips, and couldn't resist sticking my tongue in as well.

Don't worry though, not as bad as you may think. They're not the lips you were worried about, only the ones a little lower down. Down between her legs."

George hurled abuse at the demon on the other end of the phone, but to no avail.

"You've been very helpful George, but I think I've got the hang of it now. You can listen in for as long as you like while I explore the rest of this beautiful young woman. Don't worry, you can have her back in the morning when I've finished with her."

"You promise?" George demanded.

"Absolutely, and I'm sure you wouldn't be silly enough to report this to anyone would you."

"No. No I promise I won't." Shouted back George in desperation.

That was the last he heard from the voice, but for the next few minutes, all he heard was Jill, as her groans of pleasure, turned firstly to pleas not to put his hand down between her legs.

"Please not there, anything please don't, no, oh no, ohhhh!

Stop it. Stop now, no further." Several long sobs interrupted her cries. "Pleeeease....... Oh! Oh! Oh that's....... Oh that's...............Ooooh! Oh God!......Oh that's so ....... Mmmmm.

Bit higher, higher, yes higher. Oh yes right there. Don't stop. Oh God I mean do stop you bastard. Please, please stop it now. Ooooooooh. Oh my God, Ooooooh yes.


The groans of pleasure tortured his senses for some time, till at last a worrying silence fell. It was followed by the worst cries from his wife so far.

"Oh no! Please NO!....... You promised you wouldn't...You promised you wouldn't if I went along with you. Please don't open my legs wide like that. Please stop it, it hurts."

George screamed in desperation down the phone, but it served no purpose. He was hopeless in this situation. The stranger had Jilly at his mercy, and he could do nothing to stop him.

"Please please no." continued her sobbed pleas. "Stop there. Stop there. Stop pushing. Please stop it. Please don't put it inside me."

Tears of frustration began to roll down George's cheeks, damning himself as he was unable to control his own erection.

"Oh you bastard. Fuck you. You promised you wouldn't screw me. You bastard."

George buried his face in his hands, dropping the phone, though he could still hear Jilly's cries, as they steadily turned from screams of protest, to whimpers of delight, and then onto loud groans of pleasure and even encouragement.

Only when he heard her cry out, "Oh you bull, you bull, you bloody great bull. Harder...... deeper...... faster.......Oh yes. Oh yes that's it!" could he stand it no longer.

George recognised all the noises of pleasure that were usually reserved only for him, and he could stand it no longer, as images of the stranger thrusting his erect penis into his wife's sweet pink vagina washed over him. He picked up the phone, and hurled it across the room, where it smashed against the wall.

George cursed himself for his stupidity, and rushed over to retrieve it, but it was smashed beyond repair. The connection was lost. He'd cut it, and left his wife Jilly on her own with that monster.

He could not find sleep, only times of dozing, but images of his pretty, young, naked wife, tied to the bed, her body being caressed all over by the stranger came to him constantly, and reawakened him each time with a jolt.

It was late morning when the landline rang, and George, who was sat by the side of it, immediately grabbed at it.

"George, it's me, Jilly." Bought tears of joy to his eyes, and his demands to know that she was ok, bought confirmation that she was, and that she'd be back home in less than an hour.

The time passed so slowly, as George checked the clock every five minutes, cursing it for not moving more quickly. At last he heard her car, crunch on the gravel drive, and by the time she got out of her car, George was out of the front door to meet her.

They fell into one another's arms, kissing passionately, tears streaming down their faces, before rushing back into their house. Once inside, their love for one another took over, and they started to hurriedly remove each other's clothing, desperate it would seem to wipe out the memories of the previous night.

They didn't even wait to get to the bedroom, but made passionate love right there in the lounge, continuing till both of them were sated.

They lay naked in one another's arms, both wondering who would be the first to break the silence that now separated them. Which one of them would bring up the subject of the ordeal the night before? At last they both looked into one another's eyes, and first Jilly, and then George smiled, then grinned, and then both burst out laughing.

"Where the hell did you find him?" George demanded at last.

"Taxi driver." Answered his wife cheekily, "He was much better than the first one, don't you think?"

"Easily." He answered. "It was so realistic. The guy was a real star. Much more exciting than before, and you certainly seemed to enjoy it."

"Yes he was great. Went along with the whole thing once I'd explained our fantasy to him." Jilly smiled cheekily at her husband, teasing him, by adding. "And yes, I really did enjoy it. Rather a lot in fact, so I'm looking forward to the next one."


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