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Adam and Evie get a visit from mom.
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Adam and his sister, Evelyn, recently discovered their love and the amazing attraction they have for each other. The origin of their relationship was told in the story "Cabin Fever." (Literotica, //rosa-blanca.ru/desixxxphoto/s/cabin-fever-49, 4/30/2020)

Another month has gone by. Living in Michigan used to be my idea of paradise. Then we got this damn pandemic and an insane, power hungry governor. Timing is everything. Any other time, under any other governor, things would have developed reasonably. Unfortunately, we have a one-note governor. Her answer to almost anything to do with the virus is "Stay home. Social distance. Don't question my authority."

On Wednesday, April Fool's Day, the governor declared a state of emergency throughout Michigan, seemingly without end. Everything is closed. From eating out to haircuts is forbidden. Things have gotten worse since then. Other States have reduced their restrictions and are attempting to open their businesses. Michigan presses on in fear. Fear of the virus and, more importantly, fear of our governor.

There's a sense of rebellion among the residents. Folks are unable to work and therefore, pay their bills and many are now waiting in line, six feet apart from each other, for food. Dad is concerned that civil unrest just needs a spark to erupt throughout the state. Several times, he's suggested that our family should consider leaving the Ann Arbor area for safer confines.

Evie, my sister, and I would instantly hop in my car and head up to the family cabin in the Upper Peninsula but my mother isn't ready to abandon her home just yet.

Dad remained concerned and, daily, he prompts us to leave the area. I caved to his demands with a smile. Evie reluctantly agreed as well but I could see the smile in her eyes. Mom, refused. She wasn't going without Ralph, her husband. Nothing could persuade her.

So, reluctantly, Evie and I told dad we would take his advice although we were uneasy about leaving mom and him alone.

I packed my car with everything I'd need. Mostly clothing and all the non-perishable food in my apartment and I drove to mom and dad's place to pick up Evie.

"Is this all you have?" I asked when I saw the meager pile of stuff Evie was planning to take.

"We're not going to need much in the way of clothing," she said with a smile.

"I know that, but you need to pack clothing anyway. Otherwise, for sure mom is going to ask questions."

Reluctantly, Evie packed several cases of clothing and I stuffed everything in the car for the seven-hour ride to the family cabin. Dad gave me a credit card and told me to use it to buy food and other provisions on the way up. "Enough to last at least a month," he said. "Drive carefully," he added. "You're probably in violation of a dozen executive orders just driving up there."

Dad handed me a half-dozen facemasks and we were off.

"Damn, a whole month," said Evie jubilantly when we turned the first corner after leaving. She leaned over the center console to put her hand on my thigh. "What ever will we do to fill the time?" she asked rhetorically.

We stopped three hours later to pee and get gas. Evie buttoned up her blouse and tucked her bra in the glove box while I zipped up my shorts. We put on masks. Evie went into the convenience store to pee while I filled the tank. I followed her inside, peed and we grabbed a couple of drinks and some junk food for the rest of the drive.

I learned two things after we were on the road again. If I held the cup of iced tea in my hand for a while, Evie would squeal and her nipple would jump to erection when I touched it and Evie was playfully delighted when she gripped my cock after holding her cold soda.

We stopped in Newberry to fill the tank as a precaution and picked up a huge basket of "real" food. Mostly frozen pizzas, hamburgers, hot dogs, peanut butter, jelly, bread, rolls, dozens of cookies and cakes and a case of beer.

The plan was for Evie to empty the car, stow the supplies and make the beds while I restarted the electricity, gathered firewood and readied the cabin for occupancy. It worked for about ten minutes. I got the electricity on and the refrigerator/freezer running. Evie stored the perishables and came up behind me as I was opening the windows in a bedroom to air out the room.

When I turned around, she was completely naked.

"Evie, ..." I started to say.

"Adam," she interrupted. "I want to feel you inside me. Now."

"Evie," I restarted. "I was planning on getting everything squared away and a fire going in the fireplace before I held you gently in my arms and undressed you slowly, kissing and touching every inch of you as I did so."

"Oooh. I like that. I promise I'll get dressed again for that but I've been pushing my fingers inside myself, imagining it was you for too long. I want you to fuck me now."

Evie was not to be denied and I wasn't going to test her. She had my clothes off in half a second and I fell back on the unmade bed, disturbing a cloud of dust, with her on top of me. She had me inside her even as I was still expanding and I grew larger as she stroked her body up and down on me.

"Slow down a little," I cautioned her.

"I can't help it. You feel so good inside me."

"Savor it. Make it last. We're not in a hurry. I promise you, we'll get to the climax either way."

She slowed down, laid on top of me with her breasts pressing into my chest and began to kiss me. "Adam," she half cried. "Why does this feel so good? Why do I want you so much?"

She held me against her as if I would try to escape and her body shook with emotion.

We kissed. Evie shifted her hips while lying on top of me and we kissed some more. Her tongue was deep in my mouth when I felt the familiar tingle in my cock. "Evie, ..." I started to say.

"I know. I feel it too," she said. "I want to feel you cum in me."

"How about you?" I asked.

"I've already had mine. Now it's your turn."

I took my turn. It had been a long time.

We rested for a short while and got up to finish stowing the groceries and making the beds. I watched Evie leave the room, ignoring the results of our coupling running down her thighs. "Evie," I said when I caught up to her. "You should take a minute and clean up a little," as I pointed to her legs.

"Not right away. Maybe later. Right now I want to remember how it got there," she said with a happy smile.

We stowed everything. Evie made the bed in one bedroom and tossed the bed linens on the other bed without making it. Somewhere along the line, Evie cleaned up her legs. "It got cold," was all she said.

Evie baked one of the frozen pizzas and we ate at the table with beer. It got dark as we were cleaning up. Evie dragged a couple of blankets out of the bedrooms and tossed them on the large leather sofa in front of the fireplace while I got the fire going.

We stood together, hugging and kissing in front of the warming fire. "Adam," she said. "Could we skip the undressing part and just do the kissing and touching part? I don't want to get dressed again."

I kissed her lips in response and rubbed the back of her neck with one hand. I moved my hand to tug on her ear lobe. Her head moved back in response. I kissed along her jaw and then her ear lobe. I tugged on her ear lobe with my lips and her body shivered.

"What was that?" I asked.

"An orgasm."


"Just a small one. Do that again."

I did but without the original response.

"Nothing. Try the other ear."

I kissed and tugged on her other ear lobe without a reaction.

"That feels really good. Not orgasm good, but I really like it. Feel free to do that whenever you want."

"How about this?" I asked as I began to kiss her shoulder.

"Nice," she whispered as she closed her eyes.

One shoulder and then the other. I rubbed her shoulder blades with both hands while I kissed further down on her chest. Evie's eyes remained closed and her chest pushed out as I neared her breasts. I held her tightly, one arm around her waist and the other hand in the middle of her back as I licked, kissed and sucked her nipples.

She pressed her lower body against my erection and her pubic area rubbed against my thigh as she wrapped one leg around my leg and then lifted it up and around my waist. I used one hand to lightly touch her swollen labia and clitoris before I laid her gently on her back on the leather sofa.

I kissed slowly down her torso, paused briefly at her navel and continued around her pussy until I was kissing her inner thigh. I kissed down one leg, sucked all ten of her toes and then kissed up her other leg. When I reached her pussy, I lifted her legs high over my shoulders and kissed each labium and ran my tongue around her tight rectal sphincter.

I dragged my tongue from her rectum, across her perineum and between her lips. I let my tongue penetrate her as I continued upward until I reached her clitoris. I lingered with my tongue on her stiff clitoris until I took it between my lips and tugged.

"Fuck," she said.

I held her clitoris tightly between my lips and ran my tongue back and forth across its tip. Evie's body rocked reflexively each time I did it. "Jesus," she half screamed. "Are orgasms a religious experience?" I wondered silently.

Evie wrapped her legs around my head and pulled me in with both hands until I could hardly breathe. I slid two fingers inside her and pressed them against the front wall of her vagina near the base of her clitoris. The effect was immediate. Her body shook almost uncontrollably. When her shaking slowed, I curled my fingers and pressed against her clitoris with my fingers and tongue simultaneously. Her shaking increased with my pressure. I could dial the intensity of her reaction by changing the pressure on her clitoris between my tongue and fingers.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," Evie shouted. "Enough. Please stop," she screamed.

Breathing heavily, Evie pulled me up on her body. Using both hands, she put my erection at the opening of her vagina and pulled me forcefully inside her. I moved slowly inside her while kissing the tears from her cheeks and allowed her to calm down.

"What the fuck did you do to me?" she demanded when she could talk.

"Nothing and everything," I said ambiguously.

I kept the slow motion of my erection inside her. She reached up, pulled me close and kissed me. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"The orgasm was okay," she said. "The near death experience that came with it, not so much. How could something be so pleasurable and so painful at the same time?"

"Painful? I never wanted to cause you pain," I said apagogically.

"No. Pain is the wrong description. It wasn't pain like from an injury. It was more like sensory overload. All my nerve endings firing at once. It just overwhelmed me."

"I'll be more careful from now on."

"No. Don't be. I liked it. I want more of it. I also don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. Being there, on the brink, was a spiritual experience. I could be there for as long as you kept me there. It's just the next step ... the possibility of falling over the cliff. I was afraid of what might happen to me, to us. I wanted to jump into the abyss but I was afraid of drowning in the darkness and never returning."

"I'm having trouble following you."

"So am I. Let me try again. My orgasm increased in intensity in steps until I was afraid to take the next step and I had to stop you. I want to know what that next step is. I want you to take me there, slowly. I want to peek over the edge and beyond as long as you're there to pull me back, to save me."

"I won't hurt you."

"I'm counting on that," she affirmed.

We continued to fuck slowly until she climbed up on my lap and settled down facing me. She kissed me, used her tongue to explore my mouth and invited me to explore her mouth with my tongue. She moved her hips in ways only a woman can move until I came inside her.

"Thank you," she said.

Evie settled down with me on the sofa. She lay with her head on my shoulder and three quarters of her body on top of mine. She pulled the blankets over us and we went to sleep.

Evie woke before dawn. "I have to pee," she said as she managed to stand up next to the sofa. She headed for the bathroom. I followed her. Peeing was an excellent idea. I was standing outside the bathroom door with she came out.

"Why are you standing there?" she asked.

"I need to pee too," I said.

"You could have come in to wait."

"I'm just respecting your privacy."

"After last night, I have nothing to hide and, as far as I'm concerned, privacy is something else we can share."

I peed and when I came out of the bathroom, Evie was on the bed in the bedroom with the blankets. She patted the bed next to her when I walked into the room. I climbed onto the bed next to her. She pulled the blankets over us and curled up tightly next to me. I held her in my arms, smelling the aroma of the shampoo she used and started to drift off to sleep again.

"Adam," she said. "About last night. Do you think married couples, or even lovers, ever experience the intensity of sex I had?"

"I can't answer that. I don't think anyone can. I think the emotional commitment necessary for sex to approach that level of intensity is a deeply personal experience. My guess is that not many get there and, if they do, they don't talk about it."

"You might be right. The emotions flooding through me last night were beyond anything I've ever experienced. It was a form of love I didn't think possible. I loved you last night more than I've ever loved anyone, even myself and it hasn't gone away. I love you now, as much as I loved you last night. More than that, I trust you. Without hesitation, I trust you to never hurt me physically or emotionally."

"Evie," I said. "I love you as well. I can't express it as well as you can but I feel bound to you in ways only love, deep abiding love, can explain."

Evie turned over with her back to me. She pulled my arms around her until I held her breasts in both hands. She pushed her ass against my genitals until my cock was between her cheeks. My erection responded to her wiggling and grew slowly between her legs. Eventually, my erection grew until it pushed inside her. She settled down on me, pushing me further inside her and we fell asleep, tightly joined as if we were a single organism.

I woke several hours later, soft but still inside her. I moved my hips infinitesimally, hoping for a resurrection. My efforts were successful. I felt my erection grow slightly against the friction of Evie's pussy. More motion. More growth. Longer strokes. Soon I was sliding confidently in and out of Evie and Evie was responding. She was moving in concert with me, matching my rhythm. Moments later, she was fully awake. She shifted under me and I slipped inside her again with her on her back, her legs spread high and wide and me between them.

She pulled me down on her and we kissed passionately. She did that thing with her pelvic muscles that is guaranteed to cause an orgasm. It worked again and I came inside her for the first time that day.

"Good morning," I said between kisses.

"Best ever good morning," she answered before kissing me again.

The room was cold. We got up, kept the blankets for warmth and headed to the living area. The fire was almost out. I looked out the window at a clear sky with a rising sun. "It's going to warm today. We should save the firewood for the nights. I opened the windows to air out the cabin during the day.

"Was that necessary?" asked Evie.

"The place needs airing out. Grin and bear it."

"You bare it if you want. I'm staying wrapped until it gets warmer."

"But you're so beautiful when you're bare," I said.

"You're so sweet but you'll just have to use your imagination until it gets warmer."

Evie began to make breakfast while I set the table. She dropped the blanket behind her while working at the warm stove and I imagined all sorts of things watching her cheeks wiggle as she worked.

I enjoyed a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, juice and coffee, while naked with Evie. She seemed to have forgotten her blanket and I wasn't going to remind her. She was still cold. Her nipples gave her away.

After breakfast, we took second mugs of coffee out on the small cabin porch and sat in the two wooden rockers there. "Fuck, that's cold," complained Evie as she sat down.

"Be patient. It'll warm up and you'll get used to it," I advised.

"Adam," she commented. "This is incredible, as close to paradise as it could be."

"Agreed. How long do you think we'll be here?"

"Forever, I hope."

"That's not realistic. It could be over any time. Realistic is today. It's the only thing we can count on."

"Adam," she said seriously. "Do you think I'm sick?"

"Why would I think that?" I asked.

"All I want to do is hold you, fuck you, kiss you and fuck you again. Is that normal?"

"I think that's very normal for new relationships. Nobody can keep up the intensity forever. I think mature relationships trade frequency for quality."

"I can't think that far ahead right now. I just want to have you inside me all the time and I want to challenge the brink again."

"Okay. Enough philosophy. Let's concentrate on your wants."

"Come back to bed with me," requested Evie.

We spent the next three weeks in Evie's paradise. The weather cooperated. We walked naked through the woods, holding hands and fucking against a number of trees. We walked the short distance to the lake, swam in the cold water and made love on the flat rock nearby. We didn't see another soul except on one weekend when we sat naked on the rock and waved to the folks passing by in a small outboard boat.

We made a trip to the nearest grocery to replenish supplies and beer. Other than that, we never left the cabin and we didn't have laundry except one outfit each and the sheets.

We didn't keep score but I'd be surprised if we had sex less that six or seven times a day. Evie never got tired of it and she was a pro at raising my enthusiasm. At least once a day, usually after dinner in front of the fire, I took Evie to the brink. She never got a good look at what was beyond the brink. She passed out first. The first time, it frightened me and it took her a couple of days to convince me that she was alright with passing out. It meant she could go to the ultimate and survive and that was all she needed.

We were sitting on the porch about three weeks after we arrived when I heard car noises on the dirt path beyond the trees.

"Shit, someone's coming. Quick, throw some clothes on before they get here," I ordered.

We were wearing shorts and t-shirts, no underwear, when the car stopped next to ours in front of the cabin. We didn't have to wait long for the mystery of who it was to be resolved. Georgia, our mother, got out of the car.

"Shit," mumbled Evie under her breath.

Mom waved and we waved back. She came up on the porch and hugged each of us.

"What are you doing here?" asked Evie.

"Dad was worried about you and, frankly, so was I. Things aren't much better at home and we were starting to get on each other's nerves with the stay at home orders and all. So I thought I'd give him a break and see how you were doing as well."

I gave Evie a look that said, "Better get the other bedroom straight and make it look like we've been using both of them." "Let me help you get your stuff out of the car," I said to mom while Evie rushed inside to falsify the evidence.

I prolonged helping mom, making more trips than necessary moving her stuff from her car to the porch. When Evie appeared, I moved the stuff inside and took it to the unused bedroom. The bed was made and the sheets nicely messed up as if someone had slept in them. My suitcases were in the room as well. "Nice work, Evie," I thought.

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