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Georgia Belle

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A crush on my sister-in-law takes an unexpected turn.
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This story is loosely based on a recurring fantasy I've had for quite some time. It's a variation of my other story titled Georgia Belle, with some significant changes and a new surprise ending. It involves a man who has an affair with his sister-in-law. While some of what's here is based on reality, most of it is pure fantasy. And while there are real humans behind the events in this story, the names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent.

I have a little thing for my sister-in-law. Ok, it's more than a "little" thing. Her name is Isobel, after her great grandmother, but since Isobel is a bit dated as a name her family always used the nickname Belle. That's how I've known her, and that's the person I've had a crush on for ten years. What is it about sisters-in-law? From what I hear from my buddies it seems I'm not the only one. Maybe it's familiarity. We see them all the time at family gatherings, birthdays, and holidays, so we know them really well. Or maybe it's family resemblance. We fell for one sister, so there's probably something about her sibling that we like as well. Or maybe it's both of those things with the added temptation that it's forbidden love. We want it and it's so close, but always just out of reach.

Whatever it is, I have it, and I have it bad for Belle. Not that she ever encouraged it. Neither she nor her sister Joann, my wife, are the flirty type. They dress modestly and rarely display any sort of public affection. That being the case, I never got any flirtatious signals from Belle, and no overt affection beyond what one would expect from a sister-in-law. But there has been some of what I wanted to believe was passive flirting. A unnecessary touch on the arm. A hug that would last just a bit longer than it should have, a smile after I would catch a glance across the room. Maybe wishful thinking, but that was the extent of it and it was impossible to tell if there was some mutual attraction or if she was merely being nice to her sister's husband.

Regardless, as the years went by I grew increasingly attracted to her. This attraction intensified after my wife had a couple kids and let her body go, becoming less interested in our marriage and more attached to the boys. Belle was single and kept herself in great shape, developing into a real knockout in her late 20s. She dated on and off, but never seemed to be able to find the right guy. I heard from Joann that this frustrated Belle to no end, but it was great for me because she kept herself as attractive as possible while on the dating scene, and she spent a fair amount of time at our house visiting her sister and nephews. I could relate to her frustration too as sex with my wife became so rare that for all intents it was non-existent, and Belle's visits often turned into fantasies of me being with her.

So it was tough to leave Bend, Oregon when my job took me and my family 3000 miles away to Savannah, Georgia. While I hated that I would not see Belle nearly as much, if at all, ultimately I figured it was for the best. I could focus on my own family, maybe try and rekindle some spark with Joann, and not have to be subject to the constant distraction and temptation from seeing Belle. Since she didn't express anything much beyond familial affection toward me, I hoped that my "crush" would eventually fade and just be a passing memory.

But things didn't work out that way. It started during our first holiday season in Savannah. My wife's family, including her mom and dad, her brother Phil, and of course her sister Belle, came for a visit during Thanksgiving. We had a large house with two guest rooms and a pull-out sofa, so we had everyone stay with us. While we spent a lot of time with my wife's family over the years, this was a completely new dynamic with everyone in the same place for several days and I wasn't quite sure what to expect. The plan was that the family would visit for the holiday, then my wife and the two boys would go back to Bend with them for a few weeks, since I had to stay in Savannah for work. I would then join them for a family Christmas in Oregon and my family and I would return to Georgia after New Years.

The Thanksgiving visit went fine, and it was wonderful having Belle in the same house every day. While I was at work everyone else would hang out at the house or do some sightseeing but they would be there when I got home and we would have dinner together, play games, and watch movies. I could almost imagine what it would be like to have Belle as an everyday part of my life, and I certainly had no objection to that. I had known her for ten years, but now I was getting to see her first thing in the morning when she wasn't all made up, and late in the evenings when her energy was low, or when she was in a bad mood after arguing with her dad. I felt I was getting to know her on a different level, and instead of that having a negative effect, the attraction only grew stronger. But Thanksgiving came and went, and a couple days later it was time for everyone to leave for the west coast, so I drove the family to the airport, said my goodbyes and off they went.

When I got back to the house I started to think about what I was going to do with all that free time in a suddenly empty house, and was already missing having Belle to interact with. I did have some cleaning up to do now that everyone was gone and I wandered over to the guest room where Belle stayed during their visit. I stood at the door, thinking about her occupying the space, doing normal everyday things. I imagined her dressing, putting on makeup, and getting ready for bed. I walked over the bed and sat on it, imagining her doing the same thing earlier that day. She slept here just last night, now I had no idea when I would see her again. I shook my head, trying to get back to reality. Joann asked me to strip all the beds and wash the sheets so she would have them ready for the next time we had visitors. There were chores to be done, and this was as good a place as any to start. I pulled the pillowcases off the two pillows on the bed. I could smell Belle's shampoo on them, and I felt a twinge of emptiness, which surprised me. That made what happened next even more jarring.

I pulled the bed sheets back to discover the last thing I ever expected to find. A pair of panties. Her panties. Perfectly folded, sitting right in the middle of the bed. It was one of those moments where I had a flash of confusion. What were they doing there? I actually turned around to see if anyone was looking, playing some sort of nasty joke on me. Ok, maybe she just forgot to pack them, but then why would they be under the sheets? And if she just misplaced them while changing one day why would they be folded and seemingly placed in middle of the bed? I raced through a bunch of possible options but nothing seemed to fit. And from what I could see it looked like that was the only thing she had left behind. For a second I had thought that maybe she left them for me to find, but I quickly pushed that back as ludicrous. This was my sister-in-law for God's sake, and she never gave me a flirtatious signal in ten years. However it happened, she just left them behind. I found myself really wishing she left something else behind because seeing her underwear wasn't going to do anything to help me forget she was gone.

It was now several minutes since the discovery and I realized I was frozen, not sure what do to next. I couldn't just leave them there forever though so I picked them up. I noticed myself being overly careful as I moved them, almost as if she would know I was touching her underwear. I detected a hint of perfume and a floral laundry detergent. I brought them up to my nose to get a better smell. This was surreal, here I was with Belle's underwear up close and personal. The whole thing was driving me crazy. Now the question was what to do with them. I thought of keeping them, hiding them somewhere only I would know about. "No, no," I said to myself, "that's definitely creepy." Throw them in the laundry and let my wife find them? Maybe. Just toss them in the trash like they were never there? I scoffed for even thinking it. In the end I decided to treat the situation as if she left a sock or an earing behind and just bring them back to her when I went back to Bend for Christmas. While that was probably not the smartest option, I had this compelling need to see her reaction when I gave them back. Needless to say, it was a long three weeks until Christmas.

But the time finally came, and I was in Bend for the long Christmas holiday. On my third day there it was time for a big family dinner at my in-laws, and I knew Belle would be there. I discreetly hid the panties in my coat pocket before leaving the hotel, making sure my wife didn't see. The evening was fun, and I spent as much time around Belle as I possibly could. There was finally a point where we found ourselves alone in an out of the way room of the house and I decided to go for it and give her back her underwear. I wanted to be as discreet as possible to avoid any embarrassment in case it was just an innocent mistake.

"So, how's it going?" I asked, trying to play it casual.

"It's going," she replied with a smile, "nice to have everyone together for the holiday."

"Agreed." I pulled the panties out of my jacket pocket. "Uh, so I found something you left behind on the Thanksgiving visit." I reached out and handed the unmistakable item to her. I wasn't prepared for what an oddly intimate act this was. We were alone, and I'm handing her a pair of her own underwear. She'll realize I've had them all this time, carried them all the way from Savannah, and stuck them in my jacket pocket just to give them to her now. I had this sickening feeling I just made a super-creepy mistake. She looked at my hand and I'll never forget the look on her face as she saw what I held. At first there was a twinge of disappointment. Then she looked up at me with what I could only describe as a quizzical expression. It lasted only a split second before her face changed to an embarrassed smile.

"Oops. Thanks, let me put those away," she said. As she took the panties out of my hand she touched my arm with her other hand and walked out of the room. The whole exchange was... weird. "Great job," I thought to myself. "Good plan."

I saw her several more times during that visit. The tension between us was certainly elevated, though I could not put my finger on what it was. It felt like something between nervousness and frustration. I caught her staring in my direction several times, and each time I glanced back she would quickly look away. What was going on? Did the panty thing creep her out? This feeling persisted during the few remaining days of our holiday visit. As we were leaving for the airport after the New Year, Belle seemed out of sorts. It may just have been that her sister and nephews were leaving again. I moved in to give her a hug as I usually did, and while she reciprocated it was strained. I was very worried that I had forever changed my relationship with her, as platonic as it was. It would be almost six months before I would find out for sure.

With work and life keeping everyone busy, it wasn't until late May until I would see Belle again. She was done with her teaching for the summer and her first order of business once vacation started was to hop on a plane with her retired parents for a two week visit to our place in Savannah. Things were status quo between me and Joann, not bad, not good, and she was really looking forward to the company. Of course, I was secretly looking forward to more time with Belle, but wasn't quite sure what to expect. The awkwardness of the Christmas break was muted, at least for me, so now I just anticipated seeing her again. I hoped it would be the same for her. The weather was already warming to summer heat and though I still had to work, the rest of the family had plans to spend the days in our pool or visiting local landmarks on day trips.

The gang arrived and it was great to see Belle in summer clothes. She'd obviously been taking care of herself. She always had fantastic legs and a perfect butt, and her shorts looked better than ever. But I was really blown away when I finally saw her in the pool the next weekend. Her ideal figure was really on display in her one-piece swimsuit. It was a modest cut, but it didn't matter because she could make anything look good. In fact, if I didn't know better I would have said she was deliberately torturing me as she would just stand in the shallow end of the pool, sunglasses on, skin glistening with sweat from the sun and water from the pool. I loved every minute of it, but it was a distraction and I had to be careful not to make myself too obvious.

One day about a week into the visit, the family came up with plans for an extended day trip to one of the theme parks in Florida. They would leave early in the morning and not get back until after dark. Since it was a weekday trip I would have to stay behind for work, but I wouldn't be missing much between the hectic pace of the park and running around with the kids. And besides, between the grandparents and Aunt Belle, the kids would have more than enough extra attention without me there.

The day came and I was up at my usual early hour, leaving for work before most of them were even awake. Around 10AM that morning my wife called from her cell phone.

"Hey, just checking in," she said. We've been on the road for a couple hours now, and we're almost there."

"Great," I replied. "Have a fun day. I'll try not to be too bored here at work." She knew I was kidding but I loved to get in a dig all the same.

Joann continued matter-of-factly, "I also want to let you know that Belle didn't come with us. She said she wasn't feeling well this morning and didn't want to spend all day in the sun around a bunch of people. So she'll be there if you go home for lunch. Just a heads up. If you do go home, check on her, will you?"

I replied, just as matter-of-factly, "Not sure what my lunch plans are, but I'll certainly see how she's doing if I do decide to go home."

We hung up and I thought about the situation. "Belle is back at my house, by herself? Damn right I'm going home for lunch. Heads up, huh? Interesting choice of words." This would actually be the first time we'd be completely alone together, ever. I quickly realized how little that mattered though. It's not like she knew how I felt about her, and while the awkwardness of Christmas hadn't returned, she's not feeling well and likely not up for an extended conversation. I would just check in and that would be that. All the same, the thought of being alone with her even for a few minutes got me slightly horny.

After a long morning I jumped in the car around 12:15 for the ten-minute drive back to the house. I went in the front door and all was quiet. "Maybe she's sleeping," I thought, so I quietly walked back to the guest room. I got to the door and knocked very quietly in case she was asleep. To my surprise, the door opened almost immediately.

"Joann said you might be coming by to check on me," Belle said with a smile.

She didn't look sick at all. In fact, she looked great. She was wearing a white v-neck tee shirt and perfect fitting jeans. She was barefoot but clearly had put makeup on and I could smell her perfume. Her shirt was loose enough that I could see the outline of her bra and the swell of her breasts at the base of the v-neck. Her hair was pulled back with a clip, a few strands hanging down over her face. She looked as sexy as I had ever seen her. I couldn't help that nagging feeling that she was reading my mind and knew exactly the look that would drive me crazy.

After a few seconds of trying not to stare I remembered why I was there. "You feeling ok?" I asked.

"Yep. Come on in, I'm not contagious," she smiled.

I walked a couple steps into the room and Belle turned around, facing away from me. I could see her perfect butt and legs filling out her jeans. Man, she looked good.

She started to say something, hesitated, then stammered, "I have a confession to make." I said nothing, having no idea what that meant. She continued, "I'm not sick at all. I made that up so I had an excuse to stay home. I was hoping to find a way to get you to come back here so we could see each other, alone."

I didn't know what to do, but I couldn't think of anything to say that wouldn't sound awkward or creepy. The silence was oppressive. She wasn't looking at me and I was standing there like an idiot. The woman I had secretly fantasized about was standing in front of me, looking sexy as hell, saying she wanted to get me alone. Finally I said, almost in a whisper, "Well, here I am."

She turned around, a slight blush in her cheeks and neck. She walked over to where I was standing, reached behind me, and pushed the door shut, her eyes locked on mine. "I'm glad," she said, and put her hands on my shoulders. She leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I've wanted to get you alone for a long time." She locked her arms around my neck, and ever so gently touched her lips to my cheek.

Was this really happening? I had thought about this very thing so often that it had become routine. I had imagined every nuance of embracing Belle. And not just a sisterly hug, a real embrace. I imagined what she would feel like, smell like, sound like. But reality is not like fantasy. It's much better. In reality there is the actual heat of her body, the warmth of her breath, the real smell of perfume and shampoo and linen. She just made a major move in a game I didn't know we were playing. It was now or never, and I had to decide what to do next. I leaned in and put my hands on her waist. I moved my head and faced her, our eyes locked, noses almost touching. Our mouths opened in unison and we kissed. At first it was a bit tentative. Was she, like me, trying to adapt to the reality of what was happening? Soon enough though our feelings for each other began to unleash. Our tongues touched, and our mouths opened wider. I could hear her breathing getting more and more shallow, and along with the sounds of passionate kissing I could occasionally hear a slight, breathless moan. It seemed like we were both getting weak in the knees, holding each other up as we were making out, moving from lips to neck to ears, barely able to contain ourselves but desperately trying to maintain control.

This continued for at least ten minutes, the years of sequestered passion finally getting a release. I could tell neither one of us was holding back any longer. To my great pleasure, Belle was a "sloppy" kisser. She wasn't worried about getting messy, her tongue exploring my lips, mouth, neck and ears. And she didn't mind me doing the same thing. I opened my eyes and noticed her mouth and chin were covered in saliva. I expected I looked the same way. I loved sloppy kissing. I dated women in the past who were sloppy kissers, and definitely preferred that to keeping it neat. My wife Joann was a neat kisser, actively avoiding getting messy, though we did less and less of any type of kissing these days. Belle was not like her sister at all, at least in this regard, and from the way she used her lips and tongue, neatness was out of the question.

Her left hand moved away from my neck. She found my right wrist and moved my hand to her butt. That was a place on her body I stared at more often than I should have, and now she was encouraging me to touch it. She put both her arms back around my neck and we continued to make out as I caressed her bottom. My dick was rock hard and I started to imagine her panties getting wet. I didn't know how much longer I could hold out without tearing her clothes off and getting her to the bed that was just two feet away, but there was no way I was going to overplay this and ruin the spell. Something was going to have to give soon though. She must have read my mind because she stopped suddenly and put her lips near my left ear. "I don't think we need to stand here any longer," she said with a quiver in her voice. She put her hands on my shoulders and turned me around. "Why don't you go over to the bed?"

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