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Getting Better

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Man's wife wants a trial separation. He adapts.
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It was apparent as soon as I stepped through the doorway. Something had Darla agitated. She was standing in the living room wringing her hands and shifting her weight from foot to foot. I had seen her do it often enough in the 24 years or our marriage to recognize it immediately.

Darla gets home from her job at a dental office half an hour before me. Usually she uses that time to start dinner and change her clothes. Today she was wearing her work outfit and there were no pleasant smells wafting from the vicinity of the kitchen. When Darla changes her routine, something is wrong.

"Dick, we have to talk," she began nervously.

"Sure, Sweetheart," I replied smoothly as I dropped into my recliner, keeping the ball in her court. "What is it?"

"There's no easy way for me to tell you this, Dick, so I'm just going to blurt it out. I want a separation, and possibly a divorce," she bravely declared. "I think a trial separation will be best, but with the understanding that it could lead to us getting a divorce down the road."

"Okay, Darling," I calmly responded. "I'll move out immediately."

As I rose and started for our bedroom, I saw Darla's jaw almost strike the floor. I guess she had anticipated more discussion, and questions on my part. As long as we had been married, I never stopped enjoying the pleasure I received when I reacted to a situation differently than Darla expected. To this day, she never failed to be surprised. She was the predictable one, not me.

If my immediate acceptance of her desire for a separation caught her off guard, my return to the living room in a less than a minute with two large and fully packed suitcases had her reeling. I put the luggage down by the doorway, removed a sheet of paper from my pocket, and handed it to Darla.

"Here's my new address and phone number. You can still call me on my cell, too. I have only one requirement about this separation. If you have sex with anyone other than me, we will immediately proceed with the divorce. If you're just trying to find yourself, as the saying goes, we may get back together when you do. I'm not agreeing to this just so you can get laid a few times with no harm and no foul, and then let you decide that you want me back," I cautioned. "One strike and you're out!"

Before Darla could speak, I pulled my cell phone out and punched in a number.

"Hello, Becky? It's Dick. I was wondering if you'd care to meet me at Friday's for dinner in half an hour?" I asked.

"You know it, Dick!" laughed Becky. "I'll be there with bells on, but I may forget my underwear!"

I chuckled as I closed the phone, opened the door, and picked up my suitcases. I left a stunned and speechless Darla standing in the living room as I strolled nonchalantly down the walk to my car.

While it hadn't been elegant dining, both Becky and I enjoyed a good steak dinner before we retired to my apartment. She had just ridden me to her third orgasm when the phone by the bed rang. While keeping me firmly lodged in her rather snug love nest, Becky leaned over and picked up the receiver.

"Hello?" she answered, somewhat breathlessly. "Darla? Can he call you back in a few minutes? He's in a tight spot at the moment and needs some release. I think I can hurry him along, though. Be a sweetheart and give him half an hour, just in case the train stays in the station longer than I expect, okay?"

With that, Becky hung up the phone and began to ride me with renewed vigor. I resumed squeezing her firm tits and pinching her swollen nipples as she worked to get me where I needed to go.

"Damn!" she exclaimed. "I never guessed how hot it would make me to talk to a woman while I had her husband's hard cock in my pussy! I think I'm going to cum again!"

This time I joined Becky in the grand finale. I waited several minutes for my heartbeat to return to normal, and for Becky to dismount. Then I leaned over to the phone and dialed what had been until a few shorts hours ago, my home number.

"Hello!" Darla almost screamed as she answered before the first ring had ended. "Is that you, Dick?"

"Yeah, it's me, Darla. Sorry I couldn't get to the phone when you called, but I got back to you as soon as I was free," I replied more than a little smugly.

"What the hell is going on, Dick?" demanded Darla. "You already had a place to stay and your bags packed before I even told you that I wanted a separation. Then I call your number to discuss our situation and that slut answers the phone. She all but admitted she was fucking your brains out!"

"Let's just say that I didn't want to be caught with my pants down this afternoon when you decided to tell me about wanting a separation. Getting caught with my pants down a few minutes ago was far less upsetting. Becky isn't really a slut. At least I don't think she is," I chuckled as I patted Becky's smooth ass. "I guess I could ask her about it if it's important in deciding if we're going to reconcile or not."

"You Bastard!" blurted Darla. "You told me that we weren't going to have sex with anyone while we were separated. This is only a trial!"

"That isn't exactly what I said, Darla," I countered. "I told you that if you had sex with anyone else, we would proceed with the divorce. I never said anything about me not having sex."

"You're a real piece of work!" snapped Darla. "Why do you think you can play by different rules, or that you can even dictate them? If you can go out and fuck some slut, I sure as hell have the right to get laid. Sauce for the gander and all that, Dick."

"Of course you can, Darla. I'm just telling you that it will absolutely result in our divorce. I will not be a cuckold," I asserted.

"Then we should get a divorce because you fucked that bitch, wouldn't you say?" demanded Darla. "I guess we should file Monday morning. That seems fair, doesn't it?"

"Not quite, Darla. Here's my reasoning. You are the one that decided we should separate. That meant that I was being removed from my sexual partner against my wishes. You were doing it of your own volition. That is a huge difference. Then there is the fact that I told you up front that I would divorce you if you had sex with anyone other than me. You never said anything like that to me. Finally, and with all that being said, you still have every right to file for divorce. If you want one, go ahead and file. It's that simple," I concluded.

"But I'm not sure I want a divorce, Dick! I just want a separation so I can think about things," insisted Darla.

"Then there's no problem, is there. We're separated. You have what you want," I concluded.

"But you're fucking that whore and I'm not allowed any sex or you'll divorce me. That isn't fair!" Darla lamented.

"Darla, I didn't ask for a separation. I don't want one. I want my life, and my wife the way they were, almost. You have taken that from me. Perhaps you have reason to feel you need a separation. My point is that I am not going to go without sex because you have some bug up your ass. If it would make you happy, you can come over here three or four nights a week and I'll fuck you silly. That way, I won't be nailing every woman I can coax into bed," I reasoned.

"What kind of a separation would that be, Dick? I've never heard of a couple separating and the woman still letting the man screw her all the time to keep him faithful! That wouldn't even be a separation then, would it?" demanded Darla.

"I haven't read the separation handbook yet, Darla. I see that I need to be more precise here. If you do decide to come over and have me fuck your ass off, be prepared for just that. One thing I've determined is that I 'm not going to have this separation idea of yours limit my sexual appetite, like marriage did! I realize now and freely admit that I like every sort of sexual position and activity possible. I won't have you lie still for a few minutes as if you're making a great personal sacrifice, and then expect me to stop fucking real women. If you want show up at my door to sate my sexual appetite, bring lube, lip gloss, and whipped cream, because I'll fuck you in every opening, over and over again," I promised.

"What's wrong with you, Dick? All I wanted was a simple separation to see if we should remain married. In a couple hours you've turned into a sex fiend! You're rude, crude, coarse, and vulgar! You picked up and apparently fucked the shit out of that slut. You've probably been fucking behind my back for years!"

"Bullshit! I've never been unfaithful and I didn't ask for a separation. I'm just trying to find myself. Right now I find myself with a big titted woman that's trying to swallow my cock! We can talk again tomorrow!" I quipped as I replaced the receiver.

"Wow!" laughed Becky as she pulled off my cock to take a few quick breaths. "That talk really made me horny. You sure laid down the law to your wife! Did I hear her call me a slut?"

I had always been an observant man. It came natural and was useful in many ways. It prevented many of the surprises that blindside most people all the time. My wife, Darla, on the other hand, noticed almost nothing unless it bit her in the ass.

Darla had been speaking in very glowing terms about a new dentist that had joined the practice that employed her. He was in the last stages of a divorce from a wife that had been an unfaithful, cheating slut. At the same time, he had been nominated for sainthood. Such was the character of this new dentist at Darla's work.

Then a few weeks ago, Darla had stopped talking about him. Any questions I asked were deflected. It was as if the new guy had fallen off the planet. Darla's silence on this subject concerned me more than her incessant chatter. I had our phone tapped, conversations recorded, and her emails forwarded to me. I hired a private dick to find out what he could about the situation. From all the evidence, a clearer picture of the seduction emerged.

Dr. Burns, as he was known professionally, was trying to get into Darla's pants. He was being divorced because he had done the same thing at his previous dental group. There were even a couple of his old patients that had come close to charging him with ethics violations. The guy was a sleaze.

To her credit, Darla had managed to resist thus far. She refused to cheat on her marriage and her husband. That was when Burns had started pushing her to get a separation. He argued that Darla would not be cheating if she were separated when she had sex with him. Hence, my strongly stated warning to Darla about having sex with anyone other than me. If she even entertained the thought of remaining married to me, she had to keep that prick out of her pants.

Becky had been a work colleague of mine for only a few months, but we had made a fast friendship. She was a widow and had recently received a transfer to the west coast to be nearer her daughter and grandkids. When I explained my marital problems with Darla and my plan to bring the situation to a head, Becky had quickly volunteered to be the other woman.

By reading Darla's email and listening to her phone conversations, I knew that she was going to announce the idea of a trial separation Friday afternoon. It was a simple thing for me to go home for lunch and pack a couple bags. Then I moved into Becky's apartment since she had two months left on her lease. She was flying west on Monday afternoon, so we fucked like monkeys all weekend.

I maintained the surveillance on Darla. I was serious as a heart attack about tossing her to the curb if she so much as gave Burns a blow job. I had been a loyal husband, and dedicated father to our son and daughter. They had graduated from the local university and had good jobs in neighboring states. I was not going to be cuckolded by some womanizer. I decided that if Darla wanted me back, she would have to convince me that she was worth it. I was not going to beg her. If we managed to continue on as a married couple, things would not go back to the status quo. I wanted more from my marriage than mercy fucks every couple weeks. I wanted a woman that was willing to match my desires and even up the stakes at times. I would not be going back to the life of a monk.

I had just gotten to my apartment after dropping Becky off at the airport when my doorbell rang. I was more than a little surprised to find Darla standing there, sobbing. I quickly ushered her in and sat her on the couch. I sat next to her and waited for her to speak. It took a couple minutes, but she eventually collected herself and told me what was bothering her.

"Dick, I've been so stupid! It probably won't surprise you any when I tell you that Dr. Burns has been coming on to me pretty hard over the past few weeks. You seem to know more about what I'm doing than I do most of the time. He convinced me to ask you for a trial separation so we could have sex," admitted Darla. "He told me it wasn't cheating if we were separated and that you would even treat me better when I decided to take you back."

"That sure as hell wasn't quite how it went though! You already had your bags packed, a place to live and some slut lined up to fuck by the time I told you my brilliant idea. I'll never understand how you always seem to know so much about what I'm doing, but I should have known that you'd be light years ahead of me. You always are.

"When I called you Friday night and that woman answered and all but admitted that you were fucking her, I almost died. Then when you called back, I knew that you had just finished doing her. It hurt terribly, Dick!" sobbed Darla. "I spent the entire weekend thinking about what you said. It slowly dawned on me that you were being honest about the situation. I was the one that was asking for a separation, not you. I was planning on having a few nights of sex with Ed Burns and then allowing you to crawl back home. You were just an unknowing victim in my stupid scheme."

Darla wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but she had always been honest and open. That was one reason why her actions of late had sounded so many alarms. She was not cut out to be furtive and diabolical. It just wasn't her.

"It turned out that you weren't an unknowing victim after all. You somehow knew what I had planned and turned it all around on me. In the blink of an eye the tables were turned and you were having the extramarital sex without guilt or explanation. I would have lost my marriage if I slept with Ed. I realized that you'd somehow know if I even gave him that blowjob you warned me about. Finally after hours of thinking and more than a little crying and self pity, I understood what I had attempted to do to you, to us. I even understood your rapid and very effective response to my stupid, selfish, and totally undeserved actions. You got me good; Dick, but I deserved it. I decided to tell the good doctor to go to hell this morning when he came in to work," concluded Darla.

"So you told him off and expect me to forget all about it, Darla?" I asked. "I should forget that were willing to risk our marriage for some strange cock? That you were willing to put me through hell because some jackass wanted to get into your pants? Darla, you're a lovely woman. There are many men that would fuck you in a heartbeat. Do I have to worry what you'll do about every man that gets a hard on looking at you?"

"No, Dick, I didn't tell Burns off this morning. There were a couple of cops waiting in the parking lot for him when he came in. He was arrested and charged with rape and who knows what else. One of our patients, Mrs. Peter Gunn, claims he molested and raped her while she was sedated. An investigation has prompted a couple more women to come forward about inappropriate behavior on his part. His ass is grass," chuckled Darla grimly. "That's the piece of shit I risked everything for, Dick."

"I can't really say I'm surprised, Darla. It was pretty obvious to me he was a conniving pussy hound with the scruples of an alley cat. Now he's out of the picture and you expect me to forget everything?"

"No, Dick," answered Darla slowly. "I was hoping to hold you to your word, if you weren't lying to me, that is."

"I have never lied to you, Darla, and I always try to keep my word. I just don't have any idea to what you're referring," I responded with confusion.

"You told me that I could come over three or four nights a week and you'd fuck me silly. You said that would remove the need to coax other women into your bed, remember?" asked Darla.

"Yeah, I do recall saying something like that, now that you mention it," I admitted. "I also told you that I wouldn't go back to the way things were. You'll have to participate and not just lie there and allow me the use of your body. That has no real appeal to me, especially after experiencing how exciting and enjoyable sex is when each partner trys in every way to please the other. Sorry if that offends you."

"I think I understand what you mean, Dick. Maybe you can help me learn to be more responsive. I'll do anything that slut did for you, and then some. I promise that, Dick, if you'll promise me that you won't see her or any other woman again. I'll be all the slut you could ever want, or handle."

Becky was probably flying over Colorado at that moment and had no intentions of ever returning. I didn't even know any more women that might be willing to give me a shot, and I really did love Darla, so her condition was a no-brainer for me.

"You have a deal, Darla!" I promised. "There'll be no other women as long as you're willing to be my personal slut. I'm stressing the word personal. I will not allow you to even flirt with another man without my expressed permission."

No problem, Dick!" squealed Darla. "I can't believe you're so willing to give up that other woman for me, but I'm so happy that you have. You won't regret this decision, Dick. I can't wait to be your little slut and to learn what I should have been doing with you, and for you, for the past twenty-some years. Oh, here's more proof that I'm serious, Darling."

With that statement, Darla reached into her handbag and removed lip gloss, lube, and whipped cream and placed them all on the end table.

"Honey, is there any particular order you want to use these products?" smiled Darla seductively.

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

It seems to me that she is too stupid to be left unsupervised. She admits her husband is always light years ahead of her and knows what she's up to. So why did she forget this time or think it would be different? Why does he even want her when clearly she has been phoning it in for the past 20 years sex-wise? Guy is wasting his efforts if you ask me. Plus now he knows for sure she's capable of straying and trying to pull devious bullshit on him. He's taking a giant leap of faith with this one for sure.

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

How can she value her marriage so highly but put very little into sex for that long? And why did the husband tolerate it for so long? Doesn't really add up. If anything you'd think HE should have been the one suggesting something like her little ploy (except be more honest about it) because quite frankly she wasn't pulling her weight in the bedroom and it's unfair, or more accurately really fucked up, to deprive your partner of decent sex when you are more than capable of it and he could easily get it elsewhere.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

4 stars. -1 for the hypocrisy of porking Becky. Also no resolution of how they turned out and was the separation nullified. Assume so, but not clear.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

4 Stars as I have had Sex ? with a dead fish .. Man she was suppose to be great and all she did was lie inv the bed with Me .. I dumped her ass to the curb and found myself a Good one . Sadly she also did the split and No we never got back together . I caught1 her with a guy at a Burger King . I do not do sloppy seconds . Their went 7 years I will never get back

JackInYerBoxJackInYerBox3 months ago

Something doesn't compute here. She is described as a dead fish fuck who simply tolerates sex with her husband. Then how is she even slightly tempted to fuck another man? Seems like the problem isn't that she is frigid, but that hubby is just a bad fuck.

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