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Getting into the Family Business

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A mother's growing online hobby brings everyone together.
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Looking back, one could say it was obvious what was going to happen. But at the time it just seemed so impossible that one couldn't blame me for not seeing it coming.

My parents were a model of suburban perfection. My dad had a great career as a financial analyst and my mom had dedicated her life to the family as a stay at home mom. I played my part well too. I was 18, just graduated from high school with fantastic grades, played sports, had a good college lined up, and always kept my nose clean.

Like a lot of stay at home parents, during my teens when I didn't need her to drive me around everywhere or be in charge of all my decisions, my mom got bored. Thankfully she found self-care as a hobby, or even a religion, and started to transform her body into what she had always wanted it to be.

Mind you, she was always beautiful. My mom was about 5'3'', very thin, with perfect pale skin, blue eyes, and movie star blonde hair. Even back then I wasn't too proud to also noticed that she had a decent sized ass, and a pair of cute handfuls for tits. Some people compared her to a 50s pinup model, and she had played the part at a few costume parties. She always dressed well and was of course all of my friend's first crush. Again being honest, she was mine too. But thats not so bizarre. Right? Freud and all that.

Mom first got into yoga, then any other fitness class that the local gym had to offer and soon had tightened herself up. She went from thin to lean and fit. Her regular house clothes went from big t-shirts to leggings and athletic wear that did a nice job to show off her body.

A few years ago, despite the transformation, she told my dad she still wasn't where she wanted to be. All the working out had taken her already modest breasts and shrunk them. She wanted bigger and my dad was happy to oblige. He felt like the luckiest guy in the world. Not only did his wife make herself hotter in middle age, but she wanted bigger tits without him having to request it. He spared no expense and bought her the best doc money could buy. Mom went from a small B cup to a large C. The doc was great and despite the large size and her small frame, the tits hung naturally. No bolt-ons for her.

I could tell an immediate difference after the surgery. My mom was as confident as could be in her body. She was always in a great mood, more relaxed, and definitely more affectionate with dad. It was great to see her so happy. And did I mention how happy my dad was?

My parents had never been shy of showing off their nakedness in the household. Up until my teens, it was completely normal for them to both change in front of me if I happened to be in the room. It wasn't until I myself started to become aware of my own body and want privacy that my parents did they same. I guess they were just waiting to follow my cues. What didn't change was my parents affection for each other. They kissed and hugged each other liberally. Not just pecks on the cheek either. If my parents share even 1 bottle of wine, I know that they will be making out on the couch and heading to bed early for sure. The sound of their fucking is like a soundtrack to my childhood.

I remember one time waking in on them "cuddling" on the couch after they thought I went to bed. Dad was spooning mom, and they were both covered from neck to toe in a blanket despite the warm weather. They both looked flushed as they lay there, ostensibly watching TV. As we spoke, it felt weird as to why they seemed really intent on not moving and not disturbing the blanket. I got a glass of water and returned to bed, only then realizing that they must have been fucking under the blanket. Thinking back, I began to pull many memories of them in similar situations that now made sense.

Even though she basically dressed in the same athletic gear after her breast implants that she had before, the atmosphere in the house when she was around seemed to get way more erotically charged. I couldn't help but sneak peaks are her big tits as she walked around the house. I felt like a pervert as I acknowledged looking forward to seeing what kind of outfit she wore that day. My favorite tops tended to be the tight sports bras with cut outs to show off more skin. I bless the people everyday whose job it is to come up with new ways to show off girl's tits without exposing the whole thing.

I'm definitely not the only one in the house that has enjoyed my mom's new outfits. Dad has been extra touchy-feely with her. As I said, it's normal to see them kiss, but dad has been a little extra with the way he lets his hands roam over her ass. He caught me staring as he groped her ass once and gave me a wink. Another time, as we were both downstairs drinking a morning coffee before my mom had a chance to come down he turned to me with a conspiratorial smile on his face and said, "Wait till you see what your mom is wearing today." He slapped my shoulder and raised his eyebrows as if we were just two buddies talking about a hot girl at the gym. Sure enough, a few minutes later, mom came down wearing what looked liked booty shorts made out of spandex, and a tight sports bra that cut low, but had crisscrossing bands to hold it up.

Her toned legs were on full display and each step she took down the stairs allowed her tits to give a subtle bounce. My dad and I were side by side, admiring this hot piece of ass together. He even gave me a nudge to make sure I was looking. When she gave him a kiss and a hug, he made a show of encircling her ass with his hands and giving it a squeeze, looking over at me with a big grin on his face. A normal guy might be pissed that someone was objectifying their mother like that. But it being my dad, made my own lusting for her feel completely normal. I gave an awkward smile and eyebrow raise back, but didn't let my excitement over her intensely sexy body show too much. That night I listened out for the sounds of my parents fucking, and imagined myself in my father's place.

The next descent down the slippery slope of horniness came when she discovered me watching clips on TikTok. Mom chided me at first for spending wasted minutes scrolling through pointless clips. But sure enough, a day later, she had downloaded the app herself and was happily swiping away. It wasn't much longer before she made her first post.

"Alex, can you come here?" mom called from the living room. I came in from the kitchen to see her staring with a confused expression at her phone.

"What's up?"

"I'm trying to post this clip but can't figure out how to line it up with the music."

"Post? Mom, come on. Enjoying a mindless scroll is one thing, but to post is a whole other. You know what's on the internet lives forever right?"

"Thanks daddy," she said sarcastically. "Yes, I do know that. I'm the one who gave you the big internet talk when you were a young teen," she said with a chuckle as she swatted my arm. "It's fine. I don't really have a lot of people I worry about seeing what I post anyway, and it just seems like so much fun. Look at all these people doing this dance trend," she said, eagerly showing me a clip of a 20-something year old doing a choreographed dance to a ten-second song.

What she said was true, but also made me a bit sad. Mom grew up in a toxic family and left them all behind to move at a very young age to California where she met my dad. Sure she had built a happy new life, but at the same time she was kind of isolated too. No family, no old friends to connect with. She had some other mom-friends, but now that I am older I've noticed she doesn't really hang around them either. She seems content to spend her time working out or with my dad and I. If this would make her happy, who am I to judge? She was an adult and no dummy.

I sighed. "Alright young lady. As long as you know what you are getting into," I said, taking her phone and showing her some basics on how to make videos and post them.

"Thanks sweety," she said, lifting up a bit to give me a kiss on the cheek and then flopping down on the couch to fiddle with the video some more.

A few days later I had the thought to check her profile just to see how the video was doing. To my surprise, she had a few thousand followers and five videos up that were doing decent numbers. At least decent for what you would expect from a woman in her 30s who just got started.

'What the hell?' I said to myself as I clicked on her latest post. Again, nothing special, just her doing a dance trend. The comments is where I got a clue of what was going on. Her comment section seemed to be split into two groups. Girls who loved her athletic gear and spunky spirit, and guys who clearly just wanted to see her bounce around.

The guys had a point. In every video, my mom's athletic gear did little to hide her new tits, and there was no hiding that ass. In her most recent videos, she was even giving some instructions on yoga poses. Was she that clueless as to what she was showing off? She couldn't be. She was obviously reading the comments because she had replied to some girls asking specifics about her outfit. One video even showed off her sports bra's support. I mean come on! She was lifting her chest and dropping her heavy breasts to demonstrate the strength of the bra. The comments were wild with innuendo or outright sexually explicit comments. She had to know what she was doing to these guys.

And what she was doing to me.

Laying down on my bed and watching this hot girl contort herself and dance had me hard. I absentmindedly gently stroked my hard on through my sweatpants as I looked over my mom's TikTok profile. I was aware of my rising guilt, but I convinced myself that I was just looking to understand what she was up to. It was innocent.

Suddenly my door burst open and I looked up to see my mom walking in the doorway.

"Alex, can you... Oh!" my mom exclaimed. She was looking at my hand which had obviously been stroking the bulge in my pants.

"Mom! What the hell!," I yelled back, doing my best to cover up and swipe out of her profile.

"I'm sorry!" she yelled as she backed out of my room. She closed the door and from the other side said, "When you are finished can you come downstairs?" After a brief pause. "And maybe wash your hands?"

Holy fuck, I could die of embarrassment. Thank god she didn't see what was on my phone. I rushed downstairs, lest my mom think I actually took time to rub one out before seeing what she wanted.

"Umm..what's up mom?" I asked, feeling a little sheepish.

She gave me the briefest look, then just carried on. She held up her phone. "Look at this!" she said excitedly. She had her profile up. I feigned surprise at her follows and numbers. "People like me!"

"Wow. Well, of course they do mom. You're great," I assured her as I feigned flipping through her videos and comments for the first time.

She beamed with pride. "Maybe you're old mom is on her way to becoming an influencer."

"Ha. Maybe mom. Would you want that? I mean, it's a lot of attention. And the comments..." I let my voice trail off, trying to gauge how she felt about all the lewd remarks.

"That's the best part! So many people love my outfit choices and my yoga tips!" She seemed genuine in her focus on the more innocent part of her page.

"Mom...those aren't the only comments." I didn't know how else to broach it.

"You mean all the guys? Oh honey, that's just boys being boys." She grabbed her tits and gave them a slight wiggle, "They see a pair of tits, and they don't know what to do with themselves. I'm sure you know," she said, having a good laugh about it.

"Mom! Come on!"

"I'm kidding, honey. Kind of. Anyway, I'm having fun."

"Well, then I guess I'm happy for you. Enjoy your moment in the sun."

That was the start. Within a few months, my mom's follower count grew and grew. I watched as she gained a consistent following and developed a niche as an attractive woman who mainly showed off athletic gear and gave tips on exercise and diet. She even roped me into a couple videos to do the trendy dances. I pretended like it was annoying, but I had to admit it was kind of fun. The comments always went wild when I was in a video. They couldn't believe this hot looking girl had a son my age. (They also couldn't believe that I didn't want to fuck my mom too, but we never talked about those comments).

My dad never joined in the videos, but he had fun watching his wife film them and even helped on occasion. I tried to get a sense of how he felt about the comments, but he just laughed. "Listen Alex. This has been great for your mom. She is happy and feels understood. Maybe she finally found her way to some purpose. I'll support whatever she wants to do with this, as long as it makes her happy." I had to admire my dad in that moment. Then he gave me that same familiar smile. "Plus, you can't deny it hasn't been nice to see her jumping around in sexy outfits. Don't think I haven't noticed."

I started to object, but dad just laughed and walked away. "It's fine. I'm just messing with you."

About 6 months later, things started to shift again. I had kept an eye on my mom's profile without really mentioning it to her. She asked me to film or to be in her videos less and less. At first, I thought it was my imagination, but her content seemed to take a turn to be more about how hot she was and less about her outfits or fitness tips. The trends she chose to take part in were ones that left her half-naked or that leaned heavily into sexual innuendo. She made one video that was a response to a comment asking for her Onlyfans link with her taping her chin and smiling as if in contemplation. I never said anything to her about this, but was struggling to imagine her making porn. I tried to ignore it because she was so happy while at home, but I had to admit to myself that I was also enjoying it.

I couldn't help it. My mom was hot and I watched every video. Her body was incredible, and she knew exactly how to amp up the sex appeal. Around the house, since my dad made it clear that he wasn't shaming me for perving over my mom, I saw her in a whole new light. Maybe she wasn't as clueless as I thought about what it would do to a young man to see a hot woman in sexy outfits around the house. I had to stop myself from leering at her, or trying to get peaks down her shirt. I became more self-conscious when she would cuddle up on the couch for movie nights. Did she want this?

My most shameful experience was one night when we were all out in the hot tub together. Seeing my mom in a bikini never used to be an issue. But now, it was a bit too much. Watching her dip into the water in a decent but still sexy bikini, hair pulled up in a messy bun, water gently lapping against her tits. I was so thankful the bubbles from the jets hid my erection. Dad had pulled her next to him to give her a kiss and my immediate feeling was of being a voyeur and wanting to watch them keep going. My mom looked over at me and smiled shyly. I could tell that under the water my dad's hands were going wild. My mom made small attempts to restrict him as she looked over at me.

"Adam, stop. We aren't alone."

My dad just smiled at me, and shrugged. "Sorry babe, you're just so hot. Come here." He then grabbed my mom and had her sit on his lap, but then started to talk to me about school and normal day to day things. I tried to act normal and talk to him, but my mom's glistening skin was distracting. She seemed normal at first, just listening to my dad and I talk, but after a while she started to seem a bit breathless and red.

My first thought was it was the heat from the hot tub. But what if it wasn't? Is my dad still messing with her? Is my mom letting him? I couldn't tell if being so horny had made me read in to things that might actually be totally innocent. On the surface my dad and I continued to have a conversation, but in my head my fantasies were reeling. It was dark and the tub lights were off, so I felt secure that my hard on was covered by the bubbles. As soon as my dad started to talk to my mom, I couldn't stop myself and began lightly stroking my hard-on under the water as I imagined they were doing the same on their side. My mom stayed silent as my dad and I spoke. Was she grinding? My dad seemed to be getting out of breath too, but then again it could just be from being in a hot tub for so long.

The thought that my dad was dick deep just a few feet away from me was too much. Even if he wasn't fucking her, just the idea of her ample ass rubbing against his dick was so erotic. Even with my gentle stroking, without meaning to, I felt myself hit the point of no return and came in my swim shorts. Shame washed over me and I prayed my parent's wouldn't discover what had happened. Glancing over at them, they seemed not to notice anything was off. As soon as my dick died down, I excused myself back inside.

"You OK, honey?" my mom asked in a concerned voice.

"Yea mom. The heat is just getting to me. I'm just going to take a shower and relax before bed."

"Maybe a cold shower," my dad chimed in.

"Huh?" I asked confused. Was that a dig. Oh god. Did he notice what happened and was making a sarcastic comment?

"You know this... Cold water is good after a hot tub or sauna," my dad offered innocently, seeming confused at my confusion.

I barely acknowledged the comment and headed inside. The mix of guilt and disbelief was making it hard to think. The cold shower actually did do me some good.

I had to stop lusting over my mom, but her making stupid trendy videos was making me insane. I just hoped things would die down. Maybe she would get bored with it and move on to a new hobby.

She did move on to a new hobby, but it didn't make anything better.

It didn't take long after she responded to that commenters Onlyfans link request for the inevitable to happen. She dropped the link in her bio to her page. I imagined the throngs of men in her comments section were overjoyed and eager to get a sneak peek. That twisted part of me was certainly jumping for joy. But the shame was stronger. I willed myself not to look. I begged my brain and dick to not log on.

Thankfully, this all coincided with my high school graduation and summer break. I had signed up as a camp counselor at a sleep away camp where I would have no access to the internet. It was the perfect remedy. For two whole months I had no way to lust after my mom and check out her page.

I had two whole months when I could do what camp counselors did, which was work and fuck. I plowed my way through that camp and slept with any girl that was able and willing. I may have destroyed my good guy reputation, but it was worth it. Nothing takes your mind off of fucking your mom like a threesome with fellow teenagers who didn't have a care in world. Do you have any idea how satisfying it is to watch a girl give an arts and crafts demo on how to make a birdhouse while you are also remembering painting her face with your cum the night before. Let me tell you. Nothing like it.

When I got home from my summer job, I had the place to myself since my dad was at work and my mom was out running errands. I plugged my phone in and checked all my socials. Gnawing at the back of my mind was my mom's new business. I pushed it away, but eventually checked her TikTok. It not like I was checking her Onlyfans, so it felt innocent enough.

Her follower count had ballooned to a staggering 1 million, and she had more videos than I cared to count. I braced myself and clicked through the videos, fearing (hoping?) I might see a deluge of T&A. To my relief (disappointment?), mom had continued with what seemed like her normal content. It was still focused on fitness and clothing, and yes still leaning into clearly showing off her hotness, but nothing crazy. Maybe she had dropped her aspirations of becoming a cam-girl and just went back to having this be a sexy hobby.

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