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Getting Treatment Ch. 02

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April and Peter perform with a friend.
5.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/14/2020
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This is the second chapter of "Getting Treatment." I strongly recommend reading the initial chapter before reading this one to have the context for this chapter.

This is a work of fiction. Some real institutions are mentioned, but they are used fictitiously. Insofar as the author knows, no real person affiliated with any of those institutions has ever behaved as described in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. I encourage comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable. Thank you for reading.


Before everyone gets bored with the story of my life with April Webb, I must recount one of the most enjoyable, and consequential, of our escapades. This happened a couple of years after April and I became a couple and I started working for Drs. Kate and Jeremy Saunders.

Our local university has a well-regarded school of music that includes a dance program which, I'm told, is considered one of the best in the nation. I think because of our proximity to the university, the Doctors periodically had dancers from the university as patients.

Rebecca Booth was a dancer who saw Jeremy about a knee problem during her junior year. Jeremy decided she did not need surgery. Rebecca had a of physical therapy from April. Jeremy and April fixed Rebecca's knee. April and Rebecca hit it off and became friends. April and I would occasionally have dinner or drinks with Rebecca and her boyfriend Mark, a vocal music student.

April was much closer to Rebecca than I was. I lived with April, whom I considered (and still consider) the most desirable woman alive, and played with Kate Saunders, who was also wonderful. I did not pay that much attention to any other women. I hadn't seen Rebecca for a few months when April told me one spring evening, "Rebecca Booth is doing her senior recital at the music school Friday at 4:00. She invited us."

I like to think I'm not completely uncultured, but I was not a huge fan of classical dance. April read my lack of interest in Rebecca's recital in my face. "Rebecca told me what she's going to do," April said. "I think you'll enjoy it." I was dubious, but April wanted to go so we were going.

We walked to the university that Friday afternoon and, after asking the way, found ourselves in a small auditorium with steeply raked seating. There was a bare stage with a grand piano on one side. Seated exactly opposite the center of the stage were two stern-looking women and a stern-faced man, all with clipboards. I found out afterwards they were the faculty assigned to grade Rebecca's recital. There were, maybe, a dozen other people in the hall besides us. Most looked college age, Rebecca's friends I assumed. Seated together, apart from everyone else, was an older couple, 50s I guessed.

The pianist began playing so we all sat down. After a moment, Rebecca came out from the wings wearing a form-fitting leotard that was cut high on her hips. Her shoulder-length blonde hair was tied in a ponytail. I had forgotten that Rebecca was a very lovely young woman.

The music was classical. Rebecca went through all the moves at which I guess a ballet dancer must be proficient. Rebecca finished the dance and we applauded politely. There was a short break while the pianist set up different sheet music. The music for Rebecca's second dance was jazzy. I don't know the term for the style of dance Rebecca did. It was upbeat, like you'd see in a Broadway musical. While Rebecca had seemed aloof and icy during her first dance, this one was sexy, and she sold it; making a lot of eye contact with her audience.

When Rebecca finished her second dance, she stood at center stage. I thought she looked nervous. The pianist put another piece of sheet music up and I heard her say "you're sure?" Rebecca nodded and walked off stage. The pianist waited another couple of minutes before she started to play. Rebecca ran onstage, leaped in the air, and did a full spin. It was when she landed that we could clearly see that she was naked. Some of the young women seated near us giggled.

This dance was, by far, the longest. The music included some classical elements, some jazz, and I recognized a rock melody. Rebecca repeated some of the ballet moves from her first dance. Much of what she did seemed to me to be as much gymnastics as dance. By the time she had finished, there was no part of her body we had not seen, from her firm tits, her tight ass, and her shaved cunt to the soles of her feet. This dance got the most enthusiastic applause.

Rebecca went off stage and came back out wearing a robe. She hugged her pianist as people began to go onstage to congratulate her. Seeing April, Rebecca waved for us to come onstage too.

Rebecca was standing with the older couple when we reached her. She introduced the couple as her parents. I was impressed that Rebecca had the courage to dance nude in front of her parents.

"Your last dance was something," April said.

"I know," Rebecca replied. "It took all I had to do that. It was my professor's idea. She said I was too inhibited, and she thought dancing nude would make me 'open up more.' We had to get special permission from the Dean for me to do this."

"Whatever it takes to advance her career we support," Rebecca's mother said, more to herself and her husband than anyone else I suspected.

"It had to be a blast to do," April said. "Peter and I would love to do something like that!"

"Really?" Rebecca asked. She gestured for April and me to step away from her parents. Out of their hearing, Rebecca said, "I was scared to death about doing this. But, once I was onstage in front of people with nothing on, I started getting aroused."

"Girl, you need to do something about that," April said. "Where's Mark?"

"Uh," Rebecca said, "Mark and I had a terrible fight about this. He said I was a 'whore' if I danced naked. That relationship is history."

"I can empathize," April replied. "I guess there's always Mr. Hitachi." April and Rebecca both laughed.

"I'm going to dinner with my family," Rebecca said. "But the vibrator will be out later."

Rebecca had gone way up in my estimation, but that didn't matter much. She graduated soon after her recital and left town to pursue her career. April talked to her by phone or online regularly, but I had no contact with her for over a year.

One evening in August, April said, "You remember Rebecca Booth, don't you?"

"Sure," I said.

"She wants us to call her tomorrow morning," April said. "There's something she wants us to help her with and she works at night."

We reached Rebecca riding on a private bus between Little Rock and Ft. Worth. She had gotten a gig as a dancer and back-up singer on the concert tour of a well-known musician who played rock with heavy country and Caribbean influences. "The tour ends with a show in San Diego in late September," Rebecca explained. "Dani, the other dancer and I, decided we'd like to do something different from that last show. The artist and tour management are ok with our idea if we can find people to do it. The show will be at a privately-owned venue. I talked to their management and they're ok with what we want to do so long as we spring it as a surprise and don't promote it beforehand. The union wants nothing to do with this, so Dani and I are reaching out to people we know whom we think might be willing to help."

"Ok," April said, "that's a build-up. What do you want to do and how do you want us to help?"

"The band has a song called 'Skinny dip' on its last album," Rebecca said. "We do it as the last song in a set. Dani and I dance around in bikinis and, at the very end of the song, we turn our backs to the audience and take our tops off. The band sees our tits every night, but it's fun."

"And you want to take it a bit farther in San Diego?" April asked.

"Yeah," Rebecca replied. "The band is willing to do Skinny dip as the first encore number. We're thinking that Dani and I will take everything off at the start of the song. But we want more people onstage. Nothing choreographed, just a bunch of people onstage naked and having fun."

"You want us to do that?" April asked.

"Yeah," Rebecca replied. "I remember after I danced nude in my senior recital you said that you and Peter would love to do something like that. I'm giving you the chance."

"When is the show in San Diego?" April asked.

"Let me look," Rebecca said. She came back on and said, "Friday, September 25. You could fly out Thursday. There's no rehearsal. The tour's over that night so Dani, me, and some others are out of work when that show ends. I'll find somewhere to stay and, if you don't mind, fly back with you. I'll go over to Indy to see my parents and start looking for my next gig."

"Let me check whether we can be out those days," April said. "When can I call you back?"

"Any time until about 5:30," Rebecca said. "After that, I'm busy getting ready for tonight's show and, after the show, we pack up and get back on the bus. I think we're in San Antonio tomorrow night."

April was enthused about Rebecca's request and, to be honest, it sounded fun. We talked to Kate and Jeremy when they came in. I had no doubt they would give us the time off to go. April and I were both hoping Kate and Jeremy would join us on stage.

"That sounds like fun," Kate said. "You definitely have time off for that." Kate was looking at her calendar on her computer as she said, "Jeremy and I would love to do it too. Maybe we can go to Black's Beach while we're out there, uh, oh, shit!"

"What" I asked.

"I've got a major surgery scheduled for September 25," Kate said. "Jeremy's assisting. I don't think I can ethically re-schedule a patient's surgery just because I want to get naked in front of an audience. You're on your own."

We boarded our flight for San Diego early the afternoon of Thursday, September 24. I had gone to the West Coast a few times, but it still seemed odd to me that we could leave the Midwest at 1:00 p.m., fly for over three hours, and land in California at 1:30 p.m. The flight was full. We were in a three-seat row. There was a middle-aged woman in the window seat of our row.

The woman in the window seat seemed nervous during takeoff. Once we were in the air, she wanted to talk. We found out that she worked for a graphic design firm and was going to San Diego for a meeting Friday. "I'm disappointed that I can't stay and play tourist for a few days," she said. "Are you on vacation?"

"No," April said. "A friend got us both a job dancing naked on stage at a concert tomorrow night."

The woman thought we were putting her on. "No," April insisted. "We have a friend with a band. They're doing a concert in San Diego tomorrow night. They want some people to dance around naked on stage during one of their songs. The union people wouldn't do it, so she asked us."

"You'll have a thong or something on, won't you?" the graphic designer asked.

"No," April said, "everything will be out there for everyone to see."

"They're paying you a lot of money, aren't they?" the woman asked.

April turned to me. "Peter, are we getting paid for this?"

"I'm not sure," I replied truthfully.

"Why are you doing it?" the woman asked in a tone of complete incomprehension.

"Our friend is going to be naked during the song," April replied. "She wanted some other people naked onstage with her. She asked us. It sounded like a lot of fun, so we agreed to do it." The graphic design woman spent the rest of the flight reading a book.

We were able to spend a couple of hours at Black's Beach that Thursday. We were backstage at the venue by 6:00 p.m. Friday. There were a dozen people in what the stage manager called the "nude chorus;" six men and six women, counting us. The other ten people had been recruited by Dani. She had a lot of physically attractive friends. Our instructions were simple: stay out of the way. The band played two sets. We'd be told when the band was starting the last song of the second set. That was when we were to strip off. Once nude, six of us were to line up at the steps on either side of the stage and wait until Rebecca or Dani told us to come up.

The others in the "chorus" seemed a little nervous. A cute redhead told me that she'd never gone nude in front of people before and was scared. She was there because she owed Dani. Several others echoed that. To try to put everyone at ease, April and I undressed when the band started its second set. The set lasted about an hour, so we were staying "out of the way" naked for a long time. Midway through the set, the redhead asked April, "it doesn't bother you to be naked with everyone looking at your tits and pussy?"

"No," April said. "It's fun and it makes me feel good about my body that others want to look at me." The redhead went away, talked to the guy she was partnered with, her boyfriend I assumed, and they both undressed a few minutes later. Gradually, the other eight undressed so we were all nude when the set ended.

The crowd noise when the band finished the set far exceeded any I'd ever heard playing college football. The band came backstage briefly. I saw Rebecca and Dani run off and come back quickly wearing bikinis. They were also wearing headsets with small cordless microphones in front of their mouths. The audience was clapping in rhythm demanding an encore. The famous lead singer went back on stage, prompting another eruption of yells and applause, followed by the rest of the band and, last, Rebecca and Dani.

The lead singer introduced the song and then said, "Becky, Dani, we've been doing this song the whole tour and you always wear those damned bikinis. This song isn't about bikinis. It's about swimming bare ass naked!" That drew a reaction from the crowd.

Dani picked up the dialogue. So, Bobby," she said to the lead singer, "you want us to take our bikinis off?"

Men in the crowd started yelling "yes, yes." I could see from a monitor showing what was on large screens at each side of the stage that the lead singer just smiled.

"Aren't you afraid we'll get busted?" Rebecca asked as part of the act.

"It's the last night of the tour, dear," the lead singer replied.

"You want naked people on this stage?" Dani asked.

Again, several in the crowd started yelling, "take it off, strip!"

The lead singer, with a sly grin, replied, "it would sure be a nice way to end the tour."

Dani replied, "well, Bobby, we brought some friends, just for this song." She nodded at Rebecca and they each went to opposite sides of the stage. I quit looking at the monitor and looked up the steps to the stage in time to see Rebecca, looking great in her bikini, waving us up onstage. April led. I followed. Two other couples came behind us.

Walking onto the front of the stage completely nude in front of a crowd of, I'd guess, nine thousand people, was a rush like none I'd ever had. The audience erupted at the sight of us. I'd never felt so exposed in my life. It felt great! April grabbed my hand. I looked at her. She had a wide smile. Her nipples were also erect.

The lead singer knew this was planned, but feigned surprise. "Holy shit!" he said into his microphone. Rebecca, still in her bikini, was standing to the singer's right and we were in line, starting with April, to Rebecca's right. Dani was standing to the singer's left with the other six "chorus" members lined along the stage to her left. The lead singer put his guitar on a stand and walked slowly down the line to the left. Then he walked slowly in front of us. He went back to his microphone shaking his head. He picked up his guitar and said into the mic, "you girls have some fine-looking friends." He looked down at his guitar and fiddled with it for a moment. Then he looked up, smiling, and said, "Dani, Becky, I really appreciate you bringing your naked friends, but that still doesn't explain why you're wearing bikinis for a number about people swimming naked."

The audience sensed where this was headed and started clapping in rhythm again. "We got a dozen naked people on your stage and you still want us to get naked too?" Rebecca asked.

"Please?" the lead singer replied with a grin.

"Just this once?" Dani asked.

"Just this once," the lead singer replied.

"Becky?" Dani asked.

"What the hell," Rebecca said, "let's do it." That brought another huge yell from the crowd. Rebecca and Dani reached behind their backs and untied their tops. Both girls let the straps fall visibly to their sides while holding their tops with their hands pressed to their chests. Rebecca and Dani looked at each other, nodded, and, in unison, pulled their tops over their heads and tossed them back into the band. That brought another loud cheer from the audience.

Rebecca and Dani stood topless, looking out at the audience, for a moment before the lead singer said, "Uh, girls, this is a song about people being completely naked, not just topless."

Dani replied, "damn, Bobby, you are SO demanding. Well Becky, what do you think?"

"I think," Rebecca replied, "that, if I'm going to show my bare pussy to a crowd of people, this is as good a night as any." Still another loud cheer came from the audience. Rebecca and Dani both wore bikini bottoms that tied on the sides. Each woman reached down and undid the tie on her side away from center stage. As they had done with their tops, each girl held her untied bottom up for a moment with a hand over her mound. They looked at each other again, nodded at each other again, and let their bottoms fall to the stage. The band hit the first chord.

I was not familiar with the song. I would have expected a song about skinny dipping to be gentle ballad, with, perhaps, only an acoustic guitar. This was a loud, upbeat song. Looking wonderful nude, Rebecca turned to April and me, grabbed our hands, and started to dance. She danced with us for a moment and then moved along the line, involving the other four "chorus members" on our side of the stage. April and I kept dancing, making no effort to conceal ourselves.

As the band started the second chorus of the song, Rebecca yelled "follow me." She started down steps that went from the stage to an aisle on the edge of the audience seating area. Two large security men made way as she went by, followed by the other six of us, all nude. We followed Rebecca up the steps, facing towards the audience and clapping our hands. When we reached the lawn area, we started running through the audience. I guess more people on the lawn had been drinking because we saw several women who already had their tops off. As we came by, a few of them, and a few guys, took the rest of their clothes off and followed us.

In the center of the lawn, we joined the other half of the chorus, led by Dani, who also looked nice nude. They had also picked up some naked followers. We formed one line of, maybe, thirty nude people a bit like a conga line, with each person having their hands on the hips of the person in front of them. We snaked through the clothed crowd for the remainder of the song. Being nude with so many clothed strangers so close was exciting and empowering.

As the band finished "Skinny dip," our conga line collapsed into a large group hug: a ball of people, all naked as the days they were born, exhilarated, hugging, kissing, feeling each other up, and having the times of their lives. When the song finished, the lead singer said, "I see we've got some more people out there on the lawn the way God made them. I wish folks could just come to our shows that way. We're going to do one more song, one of our old ones. If anyone else wants to get naked at a concert, here's your chance!" Looking around, I could see a few more people scurrying to undress. The song, about a man asking a woman to get drunk and do something with him, had a sort of slow rhythm. All of us who were nude lined up, facing the stage, with our arms around the backs on the people on either side, and swayed in time with the music. April was on my left and a darker-skinned woman with large breasts and a dazzling smile was on my right.


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