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Ghosts of the Past Ch. 03

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Charles & Diana's hopes for a child are shattered.
3.2k words

Part 3 of the 15 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/12/2009
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Charles Richards rejoined his friends at their table in the nightclub toward the end of the Christmas Party on Friday night, December 14, 1956. His wife Diana was onstage again for her last set.

He had called his and Tom's boss at the FBI and told the Assistant Director about the night's developments. Peter Woods was going to call it in to Washington. But he was worried because they'd gotten this information through a social situation. He was sure headquarters would still require some other type of concrete evidence before they'd authorize anything further. Charles advised his partner what Pete had said.

"Oh, damn..." Tom muttered.

Jonathan North spoke up. "Would the FBI lend any credence to the fact that, in addition to two of their agents, an L.A.P.D. detective and a patrol officer also witnessed the suspects together?"

"Yes," Rick Estevez added. "Jon and I would certainly be glad to tell them that we saw them, too!"

Charles sighed. "It's not just the fact that we saw them together. The problem is that we only saw them socializing together. It doesn't mean that Robert Warren, or Clark, is involved with their business! We need to catch them on business premises... it would be more credible."

"OK, OK! This is enough shoptalk for tonight! This is supposed to be a party. Let's just have some fun... OK?" Lynda Seldon pleaded desperately with her hand pressed to her lower abdomen.My nerves are on edge and I'm feeling a little queasy. I don't want to upset the baby...

Why are you holding your stomach like that? "Sweetheart, are you OK?" Tom asked his wife worriedly. She looked at him and smiled and nodded. "You're sure? You'll tell me if you feel like anything is wrong, won't you?"

"Of course, Tom. I'd never let anything go wrong with our baby."

He smiled back at her and lifted her hand to kiss it.

Barbara North sat forward and leaned toward Lynda. "I didn't want to say anything while Diana was at the table, but I think I'm pregnant, too!" She and Lynda smiled at each other.

They turned to look at Dawn Estevez when she gasped. "Oh, my God... I wasn't going to say anything, either. But I think I am, too!"

Everyone looked at Charles. There was a stark expression on his face. "I appreciate you not saying anything to Diana yet. She just found out last weekend that she's not, and she was very upset. So, please keep this to yourselves for a while, OK?" They all nodded. He added, "Thanks."

I know it's my fault she's not pregnant yet... Stop that before she hears you... Charles looked at his beautiful wife onstage. She was singing a Christmas carol in her lovely soprano voice. His chest tightened and his eyes welled with tears.Your voice really is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard, pretty lady...

Diana looked straight at him and smiled.

After her last song, Diana joined her friends. She nibbled on hors d'oeuvres and downed a couple shots of whiskey. She glanced around at her girlfriends. They were all sipping non-alcoholic beverages.

Oh, God...don't tell me... "So, Barbara and Dawn, when were you going to tell us that you're pregnant?"

Everyone looked at her, their eyes wide, especially Charles.How did you pick up on that? I wasn't even thinking about it...

"Oh, for God's sake, Charles! I don't have to read your thoughts. None of them are drinking alcohol! I'm not stupid... I can put two and two together as well as you can!"

"What do you mean by read his thoughts?" Lynda asked.

"She can hear what I'm thinking now. I've been practicing communicating with her ever since that night I told her what to do about that bastard Ed Hood. I thought I had to concentrate really hard to send her my thoughts. But now she can hear just about everything I think when I'm near her," Charles replied.

"Damn, partner. You better be careful what you think about around her!" Tom chuckled.It's a good thing she can't read my thoughts... I love Lynda, but Diana has a hot little body, too, and it's real easy to fantasize about her. Hmmm...what about her and Lynda together...


The couples spent the rest of the evening chatting and laughing together.

Diana did her best to turn off her disappointment at knowing that all three of her girlfriends were pregnant and she was not. And she couldn't help but notice that Charles was doing his best to keep his thoughts to himself. She couldn't pick up anything from him... even though she noticed the grim look on his face.

In their car on the way home, Diana did her best to try to read what was going through her husband's mind.

Oh, hell... she's trying to read my thoughts...think of something...anything... OK... uh... get back to that fantasy of watching her and Lynda together... Oh, yeah, baby...

"Oh, my GOD, Charles!" Diana exclaimed with a nervous laugh. "What the hell are you thinking?!! Lynda and me together?!! That's so..."

"HOT!!!" Charles finished for her.

"WHAT?!!!" Diana exclaimed. "It turns you on to fantasize about Lynda and me... together?"

"Well... I was involved, too. But, yeah, I've fantasized about some girl-on-girl action between you and all your girlfriends! Tom told me that he has, too!"

"OH...MY...GOD!!! I married a pervert! How would you like it if I fantasized about you and Tom together?!!!"

Charles winced. "Hey... you made my skin crawl on our honeymoon when you told me about your fantasy of you sandwiched between me and The Duke! Don't go putting any images of me and Tom in my head... I have to work with him every day!"

"Yeah, I know. You've been spending more time with him lately than you have with me!" Diana said sullenly. "Do you guys talk about Lynda and me while you're spending all those boring hours together? Is that how you two came up with this fantasy of her and me together?"

"Diana... you know better than that! We make jokes every once in a while about what horn dogs the two of you are! But no, we don't fantasize together and we don't talk about details... not like you girls do!" He glanced pointedly at her as he pulled into their garage and parked the car.

Diana smirked.OK... you've got a point...

They got out of the car. She headed into the house while he closed the garage door.

She went straight to their bedroom and hurriedly stripped out of her cocktail dress and under garments. She climbed on the bed sideways propped on her elbows, bent her knees and spread her legs toward their bedroom door. She closed her eyes and waited.

Charles opened the door. He stopped dead, but his body jerked as his dick sprang instantly to life.

Hello, sexy man... I was just waiting for Lynda to come and taste me! You wanna watch?

"DAMN IT, DIANA! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! I DON'T NEED FANTASIES TO MAKE ME WANT YOU!" Charles roared. He started stripping his clothes off. "You stay right where you are! I'm the only one who's going to be tasting you tonight!"

Charles shoved his trousers and underwear down his hips, stepped out of them and crawled onto the bed. He shoved his hands under her ass and lifted her to his mouth. He devoured her sweet, dripping flesh with his lips and tongue.

Mmm... pretty lady, you taste so good! I'd never be able to share you with anyone... not even another woman! But the image is still pretty hot...

Your glistening flesh spread open... Lynda's luscious lips lingering on your golden mound... her soft, pink tongue flicking at your sensitive clit... kissing your lips and delving her tongue deeply into your sweet pussy until you come...

"OH, MY GOD!!! OH, MY GOD!!! OH!!! OH!!! OH, GOD!!!" Diana wailed. Her hips bucked wildly and then she collapsed. "Damn, Charles... have you always fantasized while you're licking me?!!!" she gasped.

He grinned shyly. The dimple in his right cheek made him look like a naughty boy caught with his hand in a girl's panties. "Well... not all the time. Just sometimes... I just couldn't help it tonight after what you thought at me when I walked in the bedroom door!"

He paused for a moment and his grin turned smug. "You heard me and you liked it! It made you come! See? You're as much of a perv as me!" Charles chuckled sexily.

Diana smacked her hand over her eyes.Oh, my God... I did enjoy that! How could I...

"There's nothing wrong with fantasizing, pretty lady. The only problem is if you become obsessed with the fantasy and want to make it a reality. Do you think you'd ever really be able to let Lynda go down on you or that you'd be able to do that to her?"

"NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Never..." she trailed off.Although... I do wonder what another woman would taste like... STOP THAT...

Methinks the pretty lady doth protest too much!!! It's got you wondering now, huh...

"Get up here and fuck me! And no more fantasizing, sexy man!!" Diana commanded.

"Yes, ma'am!" Charles barked in response. He moved up over her and thrust his throbbing cock inside her. "Oh, God... pretty lady! I'll never get over how good this feels! Your body was made for mine, Diana. And... I want to give you a baby so badly!"

"Yes, Charles... love me. Come inside me. I want to feel your baby growing in me!" Diana choked back a sob and clung to him desperately. "Oh, Charles... just love me!"I know something's wrong... Is there something wrong with me? I should be pregnant by now...

Charles intensified his thrusts.Shhh, pretty lady. Get rid of those thoughts. Just feel me moving inside you... Come with me, Diana... I'm almost there... move with me... that's it, baby... just a little more... "Ahhhhhh, yesssss... That's it, pretty lady... squeeze every last drop out of me!" he groaned deeply.Please, God... please, please, please... give us a child...

Diana tightened her arms around him. "Thank you, my love. I'll add my prayer to yours!"

They stayed in the same position for a while. Charles kissed her tenderly as they both offered more silent prayers. Then he moved beside her, cradling her in his arms. When he was sure she was asleep, he let himself think about what was frightening him.

First thing Monday, he would get an appointment to see the doctor. It would be a lot easier to figure out if the problem was with him. And if it was...

How will I tell her? How will I handle knowing I can never give her a tangible part of me... knowing that I'll never have a child of my own...

His chest tightened and tears flooded his eyes.The doctor is only going to confirm what I already know... What am I going to do? I can't give you what you most want from me, pretty lady... I don't know what to do...

Charles slipped carefully out of bed, pulled on his shorts and walked out to their kitchen. He sat at the table, put his head in his arms and cried as quietly as he could.


The following Friday night, Charles and Tom were on surveillance duty again.

"Hey, partner, hand me those binoculars," Tom said as he turned toward Charles and held out his hand. Charles didn't move. He was staring off into space with a blank expression. "Hey buddy... wake up! Hand me the binoculars!" Tom said again when he finally looked at him.

"Has someone finally showed up?" Charles asked as he got up to bring Tom the requested item.

"I haven't seen any vehicles, but I thought I saw some movement outside." Tom peered through the eyepieces, adjusting them. "Nope... nobody there. Just a cat! There's been absolutely no activity this week!" He lowered the binoculars again.

Warren/Clark had disappeared; the other older man had never shown up again and even Green and Price hadn't been to any of the warehouses. They'd gotten just enough information to know something was going on... and then nothing else.

Tom turned away from the window to see the same blank expression on his partner's face again. "Hey, buddy... something has been bothering you the last couple nights. What's going on? You and Diana aren't fighting are you?"

You don't want to hear about my problem... Charles frowned. "No... Diana and I are not fighting."Although I have no idea how she's going to react when I tell her... He winced and turned away from Tom. He took a deep, ragged breath and blinked back the tears that threatened.

"Come on, Charles... I can tell something is wrong. It might help you to talk about it."

His voice was monotone... lifeless. "No, Tom. It won't help me to talk about it. There's nothing anyone can do. This problem can't be fixed."

I don't like the way you sound, partner... "Charles... whatever the problem is, I can tell it's weighing on you heavily and it won't do you any good to keep it bottled up. If you won't talk to me about it, have you at least talked to Diana?"

"NO!!! I can't tell her! It's going to kill her..." Charles exclaimed hoarsely, his throat constricting from pent up emotions. He glanced at Tom's sympathetic face.I guess I have to say the words out loud to someone before my emotions explode in front of my wife...

Charles leaned on the edge of the table behind him and looked at his feet. "I can't have children." He heard Tom suck in a deep breath and blow it out slowly. "I went to the doctor earlier this week to get checked out. I figured it would be easier to start with me. The doctor confirmed it Wednesday. Ninety-eight percent of my sperm are lifeless. Next to zero movement. It would take a miracle for Diana to get pregnant."

Charles looked up to see his friend frowning sadly. "How do I tell my wife, who's desperate to have my child... something of me in case... that I can't give her that? That I can't give her what she most wants from me?"

Tom cleared his throat. "Charles... don't you think what your wife wants most from you is your love? Diana strikes me as a very understanding woman. And I know she loves you. She'll know how you feel and she'll understand. Trust her, Charles. Trust your wife."

He walked over and put his hand on his best friend's shoulder. "I know you're upset for Diana, but what about you? How has this affected you?"

Charles shrugged. "I'm just numb right now. I've suspected it for some time. Diana and I weren't always that careful. There were several times that she should've gotten pregnant. The doctor just confirmed what I already knew."

He barked with painful laughter. "You know what's so ironic about this? My ex-wife made me use condoms all the time! I couldn't have gotten that cheating bitch pregnant even if I'd wanted to!" His face contorted and his shoulders shook as a few silent sobs escaped him. He stood up and moved away from Tom.

He took a deep breath and brought his hand up to wipe his face. "I'll be OK as soon as I break the news to Diana. You're right... she loves me and she'll understand. It'll be painful for her, but she'll understand."

Charles turned around to face Tom again. "Are you and Lynda still planning to come over and play cards with everyone tomorrow night?"

"Sure we are. Do you think you'll still be in the mood to play?"

"Yeah... the more distractions, the better. I don't want to dwell on this and I don't think Diana will, either. I'll tell her as soon as I get home. Don't be surprised if she's on the phone to Lynda first thing in the morning."

Tom and Charles spent the rest of the night at their surveillance post in relative silence. The hours ticked by slowly with no activity to be seen at the GWE warehouse. Saturday morning, they packed their gear and headed back to the FBI offices, feeling as frustrated as ever.


Saturday evening, Tom and Charles were once again poring over photos and files while Lynda and Diana cleaned up the kitchen. The men quietly discussed their frustration over their stalled investigation. The women were silent.

Oh, God... I can't stand seeing my best friend in so much pain... "Diana... I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do for you? You know I'd do anything in the world for you!" Lynda exclaimed.

Oh, please... don't keep dwelling on this! I've got to hang on to my sense of humor right now... "How about getting your husband to lend mine some of his potent sperm! Everyone says Tom and Charles look like twins!" Diana snorted playfully.

"What?!!!" Lynda exclaimed with a laugh. "You're joking, right?" Diana looked at her. Her expression clearly read, "Oh, come on..." Lynda sucked in a breath and laughed as she exhaled and shook her head. "I'm sorry... of course it was a joke. But this is not a joking matter. Diana... your heart must be breaking!"

"Lynda...please. I don't want to talk about this anymore right now. Yes... my heart is breaking. But the rest of our friends are coming over in a little while and I don't want them to know about this. It's bad enough that I dumped this on you! Like you need anything else to worry about right now... I'm so sorry for that!"

Lynda leaned down and hugged her petite best friend. "Don't you worry about me... I'm fine. The doctor told me so just yesterday. He said my health is good, my blood pressure is normal and the baby's heart sounded just fine. Everything is just as it should be for my third month."

Diana gazed over Lynda's shoulder through the kitchen door to their men sitting at the dining room table. Tom grinned crookedly as he stared at them.I know what you're thinking, you perv... Lynda released her and she stepped back. She smiled genuinely at her best friend. "I'm so glad to hear that." Then she turned serious again. "Just remember that I don't want the others to know..."


Jon and Barbara North and Dawn and Rick Estevez arrived as Tom and Charles were winding down their discussion on the investigation. They were clearing away the photos and documents that were spread on the dining room table.

Dawn glanced at one of the photos. She frowned and picked it up. "Gee... this man looks almost just like how I would imagine Uncle Brad to look if he were still alive."

"What's that Dawn?" Tom asked curiously.

"I had an uncle who was killed in the war. He served in the Marines... I'm not sure what he did exactly. But he was killed on Okinawa toward the end of the war."

Tom's eyes widened. "What did you say his name was?"

"He was my Uncle Brad. Bradley Williams, my father's younger brother."

"Oh, shit..." Tom muttered. He took the photo from Dawn's hand and sank down onto a chair.

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