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Ghosts of the Past Ch. 06

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They try to create a miracle on New Year's Eve.
3.9k words

Part 6 of the 15 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/12/2009
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New Year's Eve 1956, Charles and Diana Richards and Tom and Lynda Seldon were celebrating at a party in the ballroom of the hotel they were staying at in Washington D.C. The Bureau had very generously rewarded them with tickets to the party for their quick work. They had discovered the identity that Bradley Williams had assumed and that he'd been traveling back and forth between the U.S. and Singapore for the past eight years.

Charles and Tom clinked glasses. Charles chuckled and muttered, "William Bradley... how very original of him!"

Tom sat back with a sad look on his face. "I would never have believed that Major Williams would be capable of turning into such a treasonous bastard. Poor Dawn... I don't want to get back home and have to tell her that her uncle, who had been posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor, is now a major arms smuggler for Indo-China."

He looked at Charles and frowned. "But we still have to figure out his source. Where and how is he getting the weapons? Until we can figure that out, it will do no good to go after just him!"

His source would just contact any number of other known arms smugglers out there. That's why Bradley must've been thrilled to make contact with Harold Green. His import/export business was perfect for both its ability to acquire the arms and to distribute them anywhere in the world! They were sure that was why Robert Warren or Clark was also involved... because he had the contacts for Central and South America.

Charles nodded his head in agreement and then shook it worriedly. "Damn... this could become a major source for the outflow of illegal arms from this country if we don't figure out how to stop them soon!"

Diana and Lynda looked at each other and took deep breaths. Lynda said, "All right, you two. Stop talking about this mess. We're tired of hearing about it! That's all we've heard this week! This is New Year's Eve and this is a party... no more talk about arms smuggling for the rest of the night...OK?!!"

Tom sat forward, took his wife's hand and kissed it gently. "Yes, dear. We're sorry. No more shoptalk for the rest of the night. Shall we dance instead?" He stood and helped Lynda to her feet.

Their friends followed them onto the dance floor and were totally wrapped up in each other. They were holding each other close and swaying to a slow, romantic melody. Suddenly, Diana was smashed against Charles by a man who stepped backward right into them.

The man turned around. "Pardon me... I'm so sorry... Oh, my God! It's you!"

The woman with him gasped. "Charles?!! Is that you? My God... you look great! I almost didn't recognize you with a mustache! How have you been?"

Diana was stunned when Charles said quietly, "Sue... what the hell are you doing here?"

"Still bitter, huh, Charles?" Sue asked as she arched an eyebrow at him. Then she noticed Diana. "My, my... I guess you never really got over me! She looks a lot like me!"

Diana's eyes flashed with anger. She glanced up at Charles. "So, my sexy man... this is the stupid bitch you wasted seven years on thinking she was me? Tsk, tsk, tsk... I can see how you mistook her for me. We do look similar. But, I'm really glad she was such a screwed up bitch... otherwise you might've stayed with her and never known what a mistake you'd made!"

Sue and Diana stared at each other, sparks of anger and jealousy shooting from their eyes.

Charles was rooted to the spot he was standing on, glancing back and forth between his bitch ex-wife and his new wife... his true love and soul mate. He pulled Diana to him and said, "Yes, my love, this is the bitch that cheated on me for five years! And this is her bastard lover that I beat the shit out of when I found out about him. Sorry... I never caught your name... not that I cared! Are you two married now or is she still enjoying her role as your slutty mistress?"

The man with her grasped her arm and said nervously, "Come on, Sue. It's time we were leaving."

She jerked out of his grasp. "I'm not ready to leave yet!" Then Sue got right in Diana's face and hissed, "How dare you call me a stupid, screwed up bitch! You don't know me! And what did you mean Charles married me thinking I was you?!"

Diana remained calm and stared the angry woman straight in the eyes. "Didn't Charles tell you that you reminded him of his 'dream girl'... a girl he'd seen once at a carnival when he thirteen years old?" Sue frowned and nodded. Diana smiled widely. "I'm the girl he saw all those years ago... I'm his dream girl! You were nothing but a nightmare to him!"

Diana's face darkened as she continued. "You proved that when you rejected him and cheated on him with this wimp bastard! You were such a screwed up bitch you couldn't even see that Charles is a real man... an honorable man... a man who would've loved you until death! And a man that could've satisfied you way more than this bastard!"

She spun around to wrap her arms over her husband's shoulders. "Don't get me wrong... I'm glad you were such a stupid, screwed up bitch! Because now he's mine... we belong together and he's the best lover I've ever had! And I've had plenty!"

Charles wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her deeply until they both moaned in desperation. He slowly broke the kiss. His ex-wife and her lover were staring at them in shock.

Diana smirked at them.You have the gall to stand there and look at us like that? Damn, Charles... that one poke up her ass before you kicked her out obviously wasn't enough to pull the stick out of it! A devilish grin came over her face. "Oh, and by the way, Sue... he may have been a pain in the ass to you, but he's brought nothing but pleasure to mine!"

Sue's face reddened and her mouth dropped open as she gasped loudly.

Her lover frowned and looked at her as he asked, "What did she mean by that?" He didn't get a chance to ask Diana what she meant. Sue grabbed his arm and dragged him away quickly.

Diana looked up at Charles, not sure how he was reacting to her last comment. He was standing there with a smirk on his face as well. They both chuckled and then burst out laughing. Charles hugged her to him as they continued dancing.

Tom glanced at Diana as she moved fluidly in her husband's arms. His eyebrows went up as he felt tingles in his loins. He looked back at his own beautiful wife.I love you, Lynda... but damn... Why did Diana have to wear that dress tonight? She looks practically naked and she sure knows how to move her body...

Diana glanced at their friends and she noticed the way Tom was looking at her. She grinned and closed her eyes.I think Tom likes my dress a little too much! Maybe I shouldn't have worn it... Why were you so insistent that I wear this dress tonight, sexy man? Her eyes popped open when he spoke aloud.

"You know it's my favorite... I bought it for you on our honeymoon! You look just like Marilyn Monroe in this dress. No... even better than her! The way the creamy silky material clings to your body and shows off your beautiful, generous breasts... Every man here tonight is staring at you, pretty lady... you can't blame Tom for that!"

Lynda noticed the look on Tom's face when he glanced at their friends dancing nearby. His eyes traveled down Diana's body and lingered on her shapely ass. Lynda clenched her jaw.I know you would never betray me... But what if I help you... "I see the way you're looking at my best friend. She has a beautiful body, doesn't she? I know you've wondered how it would look to watch her and me together..."

Tom's eyes nearly bulged out of his face. "WHAT?!! Where would you get an idea like that?" he asked nervously.

Lynda laughed. "From Diana. Charles told her that you two had mentioned fantasizing about her and me together. She thinks it's hilarious! I think it's funny, too! That you'd fantasize about me with Diana... but not yourself. Why? Or have you also fantasized about being with her?"

Tom closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against hers. "Lynda... why do you want to hear about my fantasies?"

She touched her husband's cheek gently until he opened his eyes to look at her. "Because... you're my husband and I want to share everything with you."Even my best friend... just once... hopefully for a miracle to happen...

"Tom... I've been thinking. I really can't stand to see my best friends in such pain when you and I are so happy! Diana jokingly said something that's made me think that we could help them... and I want to." She leaned close to her husband and whispered in his ear.

Tom drew back to stare at his wife in stunned silence for a moment. "No, Lynda. I could never do that. I love you too much and I care about Charles too much to ever do that. Besides, he'd never agree to it and I don't think Diana would, either. How did you come up with such a crazy idea?"

Lynda took a deep breath. "It wasn't just me. Charles and I have talked about it a few times. He's explaining it to Diana now. See?" Lynda inclined her head toward their best friends.

Tom looked over at them. Charles was staring intently at Diana, but his lips weren't moving. Diana's face slowly went from sadness to utter shock. She looked over to see the same shocked expression on his face.

She looked back at Charles and frowned fiercely as she shook her head... her lips clearly uttered the word, "No!" Charles put his hands on her cheeks and kept staring at her. Her face crumpled as she began to cry and she buried it on his chest. Charles wrapped his arms around his wife and turned to look at them.

Tom frowned sadly at the look of utter hopelessness on his partner's face. Then his best friend was staring at him with painful pleading.

Oh, Charles... you can't seriously want me to do this? How could you ask this of me? How would any of us be able to live with this?

Tom looked at his wife again. "No, Lynda. I can't do this. You may feel like we're helping them, but I don't see how it won't do anything other than ruin our friendship and our trust in each other! I won't lose the best friends I've ever had by interfering in their lives this way. Even if I did agree to this... I'm not sure how I'd feel if it worked! Knowing that I... I can't even imagine it. And you... how would it really make you feel to know that I would be the biological father of your best friend's child?"

Lynda winced slightly to hear him actually say the words. "Charles and I have already thought about that. We think we've come up with a way so that even if Diana does get pregnant, none of us will know for certain that it's yours." Tom frowned at her. "Just come up to the room with us and we'll explain everything."

Charles and Diana walked up to them. Charles and Tom stared at each other for a moment. Diana heard her husband clearly.

I know what I'm asking of you. It's not been an easy decision. But I love her... I'm asking this for her. Please help me...

Oh, Charles... how could you ask this of me? I don't want to ruin our friendship... And how could this not? How could you ask me to do this to my wife? To your wife? I'll listen, but it doesn't mean I'm going to agree...


After the third time Charles made love to her, Diana could no longer hold back her feelings of hopelessness. She burst into tears.

"Don't cry, pretty lady," Charles said gently as he stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers. "We're doing this for us... to make our own miracle happen. We can't keep relying on the powers of fate or destiny to determine our lives. I'm not going to sit back and let the dark forces of the universe continue to try and take happiness away from us. We've been through too much to just give up. We'll just keep trying until it happens!"

"Oh, Charles..." she croaked hoarsely, "What if I still don't get pregnant? This will have been for nothing! What if it's not just you... what if it's me, too?" She started to cry harder.

He laid his forehead against hers. "Don't think like that, Diana. Pray with me. Pray to God to give us a child. We've done what we could; the rest is up to Him. Pray to Him for our miracle."

They wrapped themselves around each other and prayed harder than they ever had.

One lone swimmer among millions was caught up in the primal flow toward an unknown destiny... Inside her body, a rare miracle took place. But the dark forces of the universe would one day make them pay a high price for that miracle...


"Hey, you two. Mind if we join you again?" Charles asked somberly as he and Diana walked up to the table they had shared earlier with Tom and Lynda in the ballroom.

Lynda glanced at them and then looked away just as quickly.

Tom looked up but he couldn't look either one of them in the eyes. His face reddened slightly as he looked back down and gestured toward the empty chairs across from him and Lynda. "Sure. We still have at least an hour to go before midnight. The party's just getting started."

Charles and Diana sat down across from their obviously uncomfortable best friends.

"Tom," Diana said gently. "Tom... look at me," she coaxed when he wouldn't meet her eyes. He kept his head lowered but he finally raised his eyes up to look at her.

"I know how awkward you feel... I do, too! We'll never try it again and no one other than the four of us will ever know about this. And if we all trust each other, there's no reason for us to feel uncomfortable around each other. Right?" She glanced at Lynda and Charles as well. They all nodded their heads in agreement.

"Good. Then that's settled. Charles, would you guys please go and get Lynda and me something to drink? I'd like a whiskey, neat, please. And Tom, I guess you know what Lynda is drinking? Thank you... and take your time!"

The men made their way slowly to the bar. Neither one of them said a word. After they placed their drink orders, Charles watched Tom until he finally looked at him. He couldn't stand the look of guilt and embarrassment on his best friend's face.

He put his hand on Tom's shoulder and said quietly, "It's OK, Tom. This will never come between us... we never have to bring it up again."

Tom chuckled despite his unease. "I don't think I could... even with Lynda's help."

Charles slapped his shoulder and laughed with him.Yeah, partner... we'll be OK...


As soon as the men left, Diana reached across the table and put her hand over Lynda's. She stared at her best friend's pained expression. "Lynda, why did you even suggest this?"

Lynda looked at her and smiled sadly. "Because I love you like a sister... and I just... wanted to... help. I couldn't even have brought this up if I didn't love you so much!"

Diana smiled regretfully. "I love you, too, Lynda. But I hate to say... if the roles had been reversed, I don't know if I could've been as generous to you! And, believe me when I say that I do understand what a sacrifice this must've been for you to even suggest it! But I'm truly grateful to you for caring that much!"

Lynda's smile brightened a little. "I think maybe I offered because I was trying to atone for that night I almost tried to seduce Charles..." Diana squeezed her hand again. Lynda put her other hand on top of Diana's. "I truly hope you get pregnant. Tom and I both do! We'll be praying for a miracle with you!"

Diana and Lynda smiled genuinely at each other just as Charles and Tom returned to the table.

Tom asked quietly, "Is everything OK between the two of you?" The women looked at them and nodded.

Diana looked at Tom. "Is everything OK between the two of you?"

Tom and Charles looked at each other and smiled and nodded.

The men handed their wives the drinks they had gotten for them and sat down across from each other. Charles lifted his glass toward Tom and Lynda. "Here's to the best friends we could ever have in this season of miracles and our fervent prayers for one!"

Diana placed her glass next to his and said, "Here, here!"

Tom and Lynda glanced at each other and smiled. They looked back at their friends, lifted their glasses to clink with theirs and echoed, "Here, here!" They all drank to the toast and then headed onto the dance floor again.

At midnight, the men kissed their wives deeply for long moments. When they released them, Charles turned Diana in front of Tom and then took Lynda into his arms and hugged her for several moments. He whispered, "Thank you," in her ear and gently kissed her cheek.

Tom and Diana stared at each other awkwardly for a moment. Tom shifted uncomfortably on his feet.This is just so strange. I don't know how to act with you now. I don't know what to do...

Diana reached up and put her hand on Tom's cheek. She stretched up on her tiptoes and kissed his other cheek gently. Then she whispered in his ear, "It's OK, Tom. Just keep your fantasies strictly about Lynda and me. Then maybe you won't feel so awkward!!"

Tom pulled back and stared at her in shock for a moment. Then they both grinned and chuckled quietly.

Lynda was watching them. "OK, you two... no secrets! What's so funny?"

Diana looked at Lynda and said with a chuckle, "I was just telling Tom how to keep from feeling so awkward. I told him to keep his fantasies limited to you and me!"

Lynda closed her eyes and laughed softly as she blushed and shook her head.Good Lord... why would you guys fantasize about Diana and me together?!! "I just don't understand why you men think seeing two women together is so erotic! Because, frankly, I find the thought of two men together downright disgusting!"

"Well that's good... because so do we!" Tom winced as he took Lynda's hand to lead her back to their table as their friends followed.

When they were all seated again, Tom looked at Charles and said, "I guess the thing that turns me on about it is just thinking of getting myself involved somehow! Knowing already how it feels to kiss you and touch you..."

Charles added his thoughts. "And wondering how it would feel for you to be kissed and touched like that by someone else... other than another man!" The two men grinned sexily as they looked at their wives.

The women smirked at each other and shook their heads. Diana was startled to hear Lynda say, "Yeah... I wonder how you two would really react to seeing me kiss her! Maybe Diana and I should surprise you two with a little impromptu kiss sometime and see how you like it..."

Diana nudged Lynda's foot under the table and grinned at her.

Lynda's eyes widened for a moment.I was just kidding! But it might be fun... She grinned broadly and winked in response.


The couples were getting ready for bed later that night. Diana and Lynda were between the beds in their bathrobes as they pulled the bedspreads and sheets back. They stood up and glanced at each other and then looked at their husbands standing near the foot of the beds in their pajama bottoms.

They moved in tandem as they untied their robes and dropped them on the floor. They were both completely naked. The men's eyes nearly bulged out of their heads.

The women turned toward each other as they stared at their husbands. Then Lynda said, "Here you go, boys... here's an image for your fantasies!"

Diana tilted her face up as Lynda leaned down and kissed her gently for a moment.

Their husbands both hissed as they sucked air in through their gritted teeth.

Diana clearly heard her husband.OH...MY...GOD!!! THAT'S SO... sexy... Kiss her more... touch her...

She put her arms around Lynda and drew her closer. Their bodies were touching as they parted their lips and deepened the kiss. Lynda wrapped her arms around Diana and trailed her right hand down to caress her ass softly. Diana brought her left hand around and lightly caressed Lynda's breast.

Both of their husbands moaned loudly.


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