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Ghosts of the Past Ch. 12

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Their prayers for a miracle were granted...and then some.
3.9k words

Part 12 of the 15 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/12/2009
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Wednesday, February 13, 1957, Diana Richards received some stunning news. That same day, a messenger arrived at her office in the movie studio and she was astounded to discover what had been delivered. She called all of their friends and invited them to dinner with her and Charles that Friday night.

While everyone was finishing dessert, Diana stood up to deliver her surprises. "I'm so glad all of you could be here tonight. I have a couple of surprises. The first one is for Charles." She looked down at her husband seated to her right at the end of their large dining room table. She grinned widely. "I'm pregnant."

Charles jumped up and grabbed his wife and hugged her as everyone at the table erupted into cheers. Then everyone else was getting up and coming over to congratulate them. Everyone was so excited for them that they didn't even stop to ask all the usual questions for which Diana was very relieved...

She finally got everyone's attention again. "Come on, everybody! Sit back down... I need to give you all my next surprise!" She waited while everyone sat down and then she walked over to the buffet and picked up four envelopes... each one addressed to the four couples. "She looked at all of their friends and asked, "Do any of you have any plans for next Friday night that can't be cancelled?" They all shook their heads. "Well... that's good, because we all have plans now! These were delivered to me at the movie studio on Wednesday..."

She handed the envelopes to each of her girlfriends and while they opened them, she read what was written on each card inside. "You are cordially invited to attend the Hollywood Premiere of my latest movie,"The Wings of Eagles," on Friday night, February 22nd. I look forward to seeing you there. Sincerely, John Wayne."

The men all looked surprised and Lynda, Barbara and Dawn all chorused, "Oh, my God!" "That's so nice of him!" "I've never been to a movie premiere before!" "This is so exciting!"

Charles shook his head. "I swear... I wish I could just hate the man. He swoops in and rescues my wife... twice... and now he's inviting all of us to a pretty prestigious event! Why does he have to be so damn nice! I don't want to like him... I don't know if I can trust him not to try and steal Diana from me! You know he's only doing this because he still loves her..."

"That's enough, Charles Richards!" Diana exclaimed as she slapped the top of his head with their invitation. "You know damn well that he could never steal me from you! You took his keys away long ago..."

He grinned with her as they shared their private joke. They had metaphorically referred to Diana as a "used car" that the big man had refurbished and then turned over to Charles. Wayne couldn't handle being with her because of his obsession for her, but Charles had taken over and was just as obsessed with her... she needed that possessiveness in order to be assured of his love. And whenever the subject of her relationship with The Duke came up, his possessiveness always kicked in to high gear.


The following Friday night, the four couples splurged and rented a limousine to take them to the movie premiere and home from the reception afterward. When they arrived, photographers were snapping pictures of all of them even though Diana was the only one any of them recognized.

"Mrs. Richards! Any plans yet on expanding your singing career?" "Have any recording companies managed to woo you into a contract yet?" "Who are all these couples with you?" "Are they celebrities, too?"

Diana just smiled and kept her answers to a minimum. "No... no plans for a singing career! No recording contracts, either! These are my friends and no, none of us are celebrities!"

They all turned in stunned silence when they heard The Duke's booming voice. "They're not celebrities, but they deserve recognition nonetheless!" He and Ward Bond approached the group and Wayne put his hands on Charles and Tom's shoulders. "These two gentlemen are Agents Charles Richards and Thomas Seldon of the FBI who recently investigated and shut down a major arms smuggling ring!"

Ward walked over to Jon and Rick and did the same thing. "And these gentlemen are two of L.A.'s finest. Detective Jonathan North and Officer Enrique Estevez, who also provided their able assistance in rounding up the suspects the night the smugglers were apprehended."

"And aren't all of these fine gentlemen lucky to have such beautiful wives!" Wayne said smoothly as he and Ward kissed each of the women's hands.

Then he and Ward walked toward the doors into the theatre. Wayne said, "Come, my friends! There are other people waiting inside that we wish to introduce you to!"

Diana finally got to meet Pilar Wayne face to face. "It's so lovely to meet you. I've been a big fan of your husband all my life and he's been so kind and generous to me ever since we met when my boss produced one of his movies a few years ago. And this is my husband, Charles. We've been married almost a year now, come April. We just found out last week that we're expecting a child."

Diana noted the startled glance that the big man threw at her husband. Then he held out his hand and said, "Congratulations, Richards. I'm sure you're both very happy. The happiest days of my life have been when I found out I was going to be a father and the days my children were born!"

Charles put his left arm around Diana's waist as he shook The Duke's hand. "Thank you, Mr. Wayne. You have no idea what a thrill it was for me to find out my wife is pregnant."

Wayne noticed the look of concern on the younger man's face. A few minutes later, he caught Charles alone and asked him quietly why he didn't look happier. Wayne was almost stunned by his reply.

"The doctors had told me it would take a miracle for Diana to get pregnant since I'm virtually sterile. But, at Christmas, we and our friends prayed for a miracle... and I guess it worked."

Wayne had frowned, then he said sincerely, "If I'd known about that, I would've added my prayers as well... I'm truly happy for both of you."

Charles Richards knew at that moment that he wouldn't have to worry about John Wayne trying to steal his wife from him any longer.We could still use your prayers... The real miracle will be revealed when this child is born...

The big man, however, needed Diana to confirm something for him. He took her aside a few minutes later when she excused herself from their group to refresh her drink. "I need to ask you something, little girl, and I hope you won't be offended." He continued when she raised her eyebrows in question. "I really like and respect your husband and I was shocked when he admitted to me that he's virtually sterile. So, I have to ask... is this child really his?"

Diana jerked in surprise.Oh, my God! How could you possibly... "What on earth would make you think that it wasn't?!! Why are you even asking me such a question?!! I did tell you about my past, but what makes you think I'd do such a thing to my husband... my soul mate?!! I thought you knew me better than that!!!" Diana was nearly in tears.

Wayne frowned and looked down. "Oh, God, Diana... I'm so sorry for even thinking such a thing! I don't even know why I felt it was any of my business to begin with. I take it all back... Just forget that I even opened my big mouth. I am very happy for both of you! Come on... let's get back to the others."

Diana glanced sadly up at him as he led her to her husband and friends.I'd never do such a thing to my husband behind his back...


Everyone enjoyed the movie. It was very funny, heartwarmingly emotional and John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara stepped up their usual chemistry a notch in a couple scenes. Charles smirked as he watched Diana's expressions... she looked both impressed and jealous at the same time.

A bit of the green-eyed monster crept into Charles when he saw Diana staring at Wayne's bared body in the hydrotherapy scene when his character started to recover from complete paralysis. Then she frowned with sadness as she watched him age through the rest of the picture. Wayne even went without his hairpiece in the final scenes to more accurately portray Spig Wead's age. Charles was, once again, impressed with The Duke's ability to command the screen with his presence.

Afterward, everyone was full of congratulations for the cast and crew. Diana was amazed when John Ford remembered her and once again made his offer. "Duke... when are you going to talk this little girl into taking me up on my offer to get her into directing or writing?!!"

Wayne replied, "Well, Pappy... it's not up to me to talk her into it. That would be up to her husband, here. What do you say, Richards? Think your wife would make a good director or writer?"

Charles shook Ford's hand. "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Ford. I think my wife would be excellent at whatever she did... she's certainly excellent at everything she does for me!" He paused and kissed at Diana and she grinned sexily. He turned back to Ford. "And I shouldn't have to talk Diana into anything. She's free to make up her own mind about what she wants to do with her life. As long as I'm a part of her life... that's all I care about!"

Ford laughed gruffly. "Ha! I saw the way you two looked at each other! No wonder she hasn't taken me up on my offer! You two probably can't stay out of bed long enough for her to even think about it... huh?!!" He laughed again as he slapped Charles on the shoulders.

Ford noticed what a hard body he had and then he eyed him up and down. "Damn, my boy, you've got a hell of a physique there! And damn handsome to boot!" Then he glanced around at the whole group of friends. "This is one fine-looking group of people here! I don't suppose any of you would be interested in taking screen tests? Duke, here, is getting a little long in the tooth and somebody's going to have to take his place one of these days!"

Diana moved next to Charles and said, "Mr. Ford... I've truly appreciated your encouragement of my potential to direct or write. And if I ever decide I want to try that, you'll be the first person I call. But there's no way I'd ever let my husband become a movie star! I couldn't stand the thought of letting another woman kiss or touch him... he's mine!"

Her three girlfriends echoed that sentiment.

Ford roared with laughter as he eyed each one of the men, their wives jealously clinging to their arms. "Damn... you men must be such studs in the sack that your wives can't stand the thought of letting you out of their sights! Good work, men! There'd be a lot more happy marriages in this country if we could all satisfy our wives as well as you four obviously can!"

The men chuckled as they watched John Ford walk away still laughing his ass off.

Charles wrapped his arms around Diana and kissed her fiercely for several moments as she melted against him, moaning softly. He opened his eyes to watch her face as he slowly ended the kiss. She sighed his name softly as her eyes drifted open. "Thank you for that compliment, my love," he said quietly as his lips brushed hers. "And yes... I am all yours and only yours... always..."

"And I belong only to you, my sexy man. Take me home and make love to me... all night..."

John Wayne turned and walked away when he heard Diana's whispered reply.I'm happy for you both, little girl, but I will always love you... and want you...


"Oh, God, pretty lady! I've missed your sweet ass!" Charles groaned as he slowly slid his long, hard cock inside her from behind.

Diana moaned loudly at the erotic sensation of fullness as he slowly penetrated her. "Oh, God, sexy man! And I'd almost forgotten how good your beautiful cock feels in my ass!"

"I want to try something different. Lean back with me." Charles helped Diana to rise up and scoot back on her knees while he crouched back kneeling on his lower legs, his cock still buried in her. "Now... move your hips however you want and see how it feels," he said softly in her left ear.

She began to rotate her hips slightly. He brought his left hand up to her breasts to fondle her gently. His right hand moved down to stroke his fingers on her swollen clit and into her wet flesh. She moaned softly and arched back against him to rest her head on his right shoulder.

"Oh, yes, Charles! Keep stroking me just like that! Oh, YES... that feels so good!"

Her hips were undulating with the rhythm of his fingers. He could feel her ass muscles pulsating on his cock as her movements intensified. Her sensual moans and the erotic motions of her body were driving him to a quick orgasm, but he needed to make sure she came with him.

He moaned in her ear, "Ah, God, pretty lady... you're so DAMN sexy! You're drivin' me insane! I'm about to come, but I want you to come with me!" He bent his head down and kissed and nipped at her neck and shoulder and then licked his way back up to her ear. He couldn't stop his hips from moving with hers as his balls started to tingle... he was about to come. He groaned in her ear, "Ah, fuck, Diana! Please come with me!"

He intensified the stroking of his fingers on her clit and pinched the tip of her right breast. Then he growled in frustration as he felt his orgasm start. He leaned his head down and gently bit the soft flesh at the curve of her neck and shoulder and grunted as his hips bucked against her ass.

Diana moaned loudly as a powerful orgasm suddenly ripped through her. Charles thrust his fingers into her dripping, pulsing flesh and groaned just as loudly when he felt her ass muscles clamp on his throbbing dick. "Ohhhh, yesssss, pretty lady!" he moaned softly as their bodies moved together, both slowly winding down from their mutual releases.

Diana leaned back against his hard, hairy chest as they breathed heavily in unison. When their chests finally stopped heaving, she turned her head sideways and peered up at her husband. She smiled sexily and purred, "Damn, sexy man! That was the best ass fuck ever!"

Charles leaned down and kissed her deeply for a moment. Then he said softly in his deep, sexy rumble, "Well... I always aim to please! But you had me worried there for a few seconds... I didn't think I was gonna be able to get you off with me! What finally sent you over the edge?"

Diana smiled widely. "Oh... I knew I'd be able to come whenever I wanted to! But everything you were saying and doing was building the intensity for me so I just let you keep going. You were drivin' me insane, too! But when you bit my neck when your orgasm hit, I exploded! I couldn't hold off any longer!"

They both groaned softly when they felt his cock slip out of her. Charles winced slightly when he lifted Diana and pushed up onto his knees. "Ohhh... that's a hard position to stay in for too long! It makes my knees stiff!"

Diana looked at his limp cock and grinned. "I guess it's a sign of good sex when you go from a stiff cock to stiff knees!" She looked up at his face; he was grinning with her and then they laughed softly.

He lightly swatted her ass as they crawled off the bed and headed for the shower. It was after three o'clock in the morning; they'd been making love for over four hours. Diana had lost count of how many times he'd made her come. He'd come at least four times... twice in her pussy, once in her mouth and this last time in her ass.

They were both thinking the same thing as they showered.We'd better enjoy all the good, hot sex we can now before it gets too uncomfortable... Once the baby comes, there's no telling what it will do to our sex life!

Charles put his arms around his wife from behind and peered down her body to where his hands were gently caressing her lower abdomen. He kissed her shoulder. "I hope our baby is a little girl... just as pretty as you!"

Diana turned in his arms and put her hands on his face to stroke her thumbs on his cheeks. "And I want a little boy... just like you! You should have a son to carry on your goodness."

Charles frowned and lowered his eyes. "What makes you think I'm so good? I've killed two men in less than three months and I didn't even bat an eyelash doing it! I've felt no remorse for the first one and I've only felt badly for Dawn because the other man was her uncle. And I shouldn't have shot to kill!" Tears were gathering in his eyes as he continued. "I should've aimed better and just tried to stop him instead of shooting him square in the chest! I just didn't think! I only reacted on gut instinct because I knew he wanted to kill my partner... my best friend and the man who..."

Diana reached up and kissed him softly and brought his right hand to her soft, fleshy tummy. "This is your child... our miracle child! We did this... together. WE made this happen! This is our child..."

They would find out a little over a month later that she was half right...


Diana groaned loudly as Charles pounded his cock into her hard and fast. "OH, GOD, Charles! OH, YES... YES... YES!!!" she wailed as he made her come a third time. They had woken up early and were having a round of hot, hard sex before getting out of bed and heading into work.

Charles slowed his thrusts and looked down to watch as he slid his hard dick into his wife's throbbing, wet pussy. He stopped abruptly and withdrew from her. "Oh, my God! Diana... are you in any pain?"

She opened her eyes and looked up at him, panting. "No! Why?!!"

"Because you're bleeding! Are you sure you're not feeling any pain?" he asked again as he frowned and placed his hand on her bulging lower abdomen. He found it strange that Diana's body, just nearing the end of her first trimester of pregnancy seemed to be expanding as rapidly as Dawn and Barbara's bodies were well into their second trimesters.

He quickly climbed out of bed and went to wash up. When he came out of the bathroom, Diana was staring dazedly down at the spots staining the sheet between her legs. "Diana... get cleaned up and get dressed. I'm calling the doctor and then I'll call both of our offices and tell them that we're going to be late or we may not be there at all... depending on what the doctor says!"

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "Charles... I don't want anything to go wrong! We can't lose this baby now!" she squeaked fearfully.

He went to her and helped her to stand. He held her for a moment. "You're not in any pain, so that's a good sign. This may be nothing, but we're going to have the doctor check you out any way, just to be sure! Now get moving... and don't worry unless you feel anything is wrong. And you tell me immediately if you do!"


A couple hours later, they were sitting in her gynecologist's office in total shock.

"TWINS?!!!" Charles repeated for about the third time.

"Yes, Mr. Richards, you're going to have twins," Dr. Hamilton repeated patiently. Then he continued, "I checked your wife very carefully and I can't find anything that concerns me as far as the bleeding. She told me that you two were having intercourse when it started and that she was... uh, that is... you were... penetrating her pretty deeply. That could explain why she bled a little. So you two will have to be a little more careful in that department for the remainder of her pregnancy.

"Especially since she's carrying twins. She has a rather small torso so those babies are really going to be cramped for space." Dr. Hamilton looked back at Diana. "Mrs. Richards, you will probably be very uncomfortable during the last trimester as those babies really start to grow in size. My best advice for you is to start working now on strengthening your abdominal muscles so that your body is not straining to hold the extra weight. And use a good lotion with lots of cocoa butter and vitamin E on your abdomen twice a day to help your skin as it stretches. It may help reduce the stretch marks. We'll do everything we can to help you stay as comfortable and healthy as possible for this pregnancy."


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