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GianCarlo Ch. 10

Story Info
Delia comes face to face with Durante.
7.1k words

Part 10 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/04/2012
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[Author's Note: I'm sorry you guys for the long, long long long long long long loooong wait, it's only fair to finally post the end. I do suggest you start from the beginning to appreciate the end. Thank you for sticking it out with me. Thanks for all the love!]


Durante let his wife and himself into the condo he had bought to house his son. Where was GianCarlo? Most importantly who had he left here? It was irrational to be angry with him since Durante hadn't called before visiting and only hours had passed since he'd feasted on Gian's liaison. From Christiano's own reports Durante knew it was far more likely to find him here than not. Yet his son was gone, the open space was filled with his scent, fresh. He had been here, and he had left a female here. She smelled young, as young as his son. Durant smiled to himself. The female's scent was faint, the two hadn't stayed there long. Durante's gaze slid to the bedroom door and then the sound of running water suddenly emerged from behind it.

'What now?' Analise's gaze asked him. She took a seat on the long plush couch. The next move was his to make. He could sit with his wife, wait until the woman finished her shower and emerged, question her about Gian, and then send her on her way. Durante did not possess much patience where mortals were concerned. With his mind, he reached out to the woman intent on extracting the information, finding out her potential as an underling, then proceed from there.

Durante frowned. He reached out again trying to understand what he read. This had never happened to him. Durante found that reading her was as simple as any other mortal but the content of her thoughts were indecipherable. They were a labyrinth of both languid and rushed language. A jumble of contradicting images, emotions, and intent.

Remarkable, this wasn't the mushed ramblings of a person with mental illness or maybe it was. It did not seem so, the woman's thoughts streamed with the rhythm of the sane. This essentially made her unreadable. Durante had heard that people like her existed, but so rare was it he had never come across it in his four thousand years. What if he could learn to read her like a new language? He could be the only immortal with this ability. Durante's mind raced with possible uses for her as an underling. Durante, rendered mentally powerless, would wait. His patience would be rewarded.

Delia shut off the shower, now certain of her next move. She had scraped together all she knew of Gian's parents, Gian himself, and vampires. She remembered that Gian's father was Durante and his mother Analise. They both were impeccably old, ancient compared to Delia and Giancarlo. Delia understood that Durante thought of her as a threat to his son's success based on the fact that Stefan had neither confirmed nor denied it when asked. Stefan had once told her that Durante had no clue what she looked like nor did he know her name. Durante's contact with his son, up until now, had been solely through the appointed liaison. Gian's current liaison was the one who had ordered the hit on her life. Gian had told her once that his father wanted to pass down his massive empire to Gian and in order to do that Gian must spend his time educating himself and preparing for a long apprenticeship to his father.

So that left one question. What brought Durante to Gian's door today? No doubt he had come here specifically to see his son and not for nothing. Delia believed with finesse and a dash of charm she could leave here with her life. She hoped. The plan was to get out that door then get to Stefan as quickly as possible, find Gian and get the fuck out of town. Yes, even if it was with only the clothes on her back.

Delia dressed, her mind focusing keenly on the task and not what awaited her in the living room. For this to work she had to appear calm and to fool a vampire she would have to be calm. Delia was deliberate when she dressed, putting on her good pair of skinny jeans, durable and comfortable in case she had to run. Where would she be running to? She couldn't afford to think about that. She put on an oversized black V-neck, knotting the loose ends to look like a rich hipster and not a girl on the run. Delia grabbed the only purse she had packed, an oversized tote bag. At the bottom she placed her pair of Louboutin heels the package of cash she had originally brought with her, two pairs of underwear, a toothbrush, a fresh shirt, a light dress and her book of Nikki Giovanni poems. Delia paused until she felt she could handle the bag with all its weight. She pulled it onto her shoulders, took a steadying breath then walked out.

"Oh," Delia said, applying enough shock to her voice to sound genuine.

It was easy enough, surprised as she was to find them so young. Probably no older than Stefan. They were all old world sophistication and modern style. They looked like a trending power couple and less like millennia old historical figures. Durante wore crisp chinos and a fitted woven button down, his wife a smart sculpted dress that hugged her petite toned body. She looked indifferent if not bored with Delia's presence.

"I'm sorry" Delia said, "I didn't know Gian would be having company. He just told me to lock up before I leave." Delia gave Durante a chagrined smile as she casually yet deliberately walked toward the door.

Durante wasn't sure who would walk through those doors but it wasn't this long brown creature. When the bedroom door opened the smell of coconuts, joy, sex, anxiety, excitement, lust, and sorrow rushed out of the room to greet him. It was as foreign and exciting a mix as she was. Long limbs, round face, skin as rich and deep as coffee, features that looked innocent and eyes that did not. Her hair was a cloud of ink black coils the tips wet and hung like fruit. Her body was shapely and supple.

Durante's own taste in women was always petite brown woman with curls like Gian's mother. He had only expected his son's inclinations would lean thusly. Then again he was young and his senses were easily overwhelmed by the new, different, and seductive. Even Durante felt enticed by her difference. Unlike his son Durante would have control.

"Come have a seat. It seems like Gian won't be delighting us with his company, maybe you can tell us how he has been." Durante said, his voice was smooth and deep, his words perfectly annunciated despite his heavy accent.

"I would love to, but-" confusion flickered in his eyes briefly and Delia remembered.

Gian had told her about vampires and their tendencies to not only read but control minds. Gian couldn't read Delia and had told her that was because of a variety of reasons. He said it was less of an ability like sight and more of skill like playing an instrument. Durante had skills, but apparently not enough to move her. This, Delia realized in that one flicker of confusion.

"I guess it could wait," Delia's quick change in tone was enough to convince Durante that his persuasion had reached her.

Analise wasn't as convinced. Her eyes lowered a bit and flicked between her and Durante. Delia carefully put her purse down on the couch nearest to the door.

"So when was the last time you saw Gian?" Delia asked taking a seat next to her purse. She feigned an heir nonchalance. Her gaze pierced Durante, trying to connect with him through the prolonged eye contact. "Gian has never mentioned any family, or friends for that matter."

"I must admit it has been a long time since we've seen him, but we've been in contact. What about you? You must see him often." Durante took a seat next to Delia looking just as nonchalant. He leaned back into the corner of the couch to meet Delia's gaze. 'Almost twins, almost.' Delia couldn't help but think this as the same green eyes that Gian possessed stared back at her through his father.

"Yeah, a little." Delia said breaking the contact to throw Analise a shy smile. "We're study buddies, I know that it's a little lame, but we found each other through the college student boards. We both have the same major. Found out we don't live too far from each other, thought we can help each other out." Delia told her lie. Rather she weaved it as she went recalling the innocent nature of her and Gian's meeting. Study buddies, no, but they were lunch buddies, not going over facts and statements but burgers and fries. Delia smiled softly at her inner recollection.

"I see," Durante said knowingly.

It all sounded innocent but an inner intuition told Analise that there was more. She listened wordlessly as Durante bantered back and forth with the young lady. Smitten, yes, she could tell that her Mate was. Analise did not feel an inkling of jealousy. Durante's attention can be deadly to human girls and she pitied the girl for not realizing it. Though, something told Analise the opposite was true. Her intuition told her that this girl, Delia, was very much aware of how much danger she was in now and that she would court it for as long as necessary.

Analise used the time to read Delia and found the same thing that Durante must have. She wasn't dissuaded, for she knew that there was more than one way to read a person. Only the strong like Durante tended to rely on mental readings but millennia of experience had made Analise adept at reading physical cues and the slightly tensed shoulders and the way that Delia faced the exit said that the girl was ready to run. The big question was why, what was she hiding? What did she fear from them?

Delia sat and spoke with Durante for what felt like hours. It took a significant effort to not check the time and remain engaged in the conversation but she managed it. Durante asked about her parents, and their parents. He asked about her goals. Delia made something up on the fly and tried her best to keep conversation light. The way Durante looked at her made Delia feel like prey. There was no room for fear she was focused on surviving, and right now survival meant charm and finesse.

"I really enjoyed talking to you," she said once the conversation had lulled into silence. She noted that Durante didn't ask her much about Gian and his mother said nothing at all. Delia felt her gaze the heaviest.

Analise couldn't believe this girl was pulling off her deception of her Mate. She could have blown her ruse, she could, but it was so rare that Durante was bested it pleased her. She would be the only witness to this she would never tell.

"I really should head out now, I picked up a late shift, and they're expecting me any minute." The girl was saying as she pushed to her feet and slung her oversized bag over her shoulder. She held her hand out first to Analise then to Durante. He held Delia's hand a little too long and her gaze a little too deep. So long in fact Delia feared for a moment she was found out as Gian's stowaway lover.

"You know," Durante began still holding Delia's gaze, "If you need a position after you graduate you—" The front door swung open hitting the wall with a crash, startling everyone in the room. It was Gian red eyed and swaying on his feet. Gian's eyes locked on Analise and registered anger. It wasn't until he saw Durante with Delia's hand in his did he break out in pure unmitigated rage.

With a speed so quick that no one but Durante could anticipate Gian brushed past Delia and clocked his father with a brutal left hook. Before Delia even knew what happened she was flung backwards into the couch seat as Durante and his son grappled to the ground, crashing into furniture and landing in the debris.

"Fermare!" Analise shouted rushing forth but avoiding the fallout. Gian didn't hear anything. He swung punch after bone crunching punch. It looked as if Gian would take down his father but he was losing steam.

Soon Durante's blows began to land quickly bloodying Gian's nose and mouth. Finally gaining leverage Durante managed to pin his sons arms beneath his knees and wrapped both hands around his neck and squeezed. He lifted Gian head and shoulders before forcefully slamming it to the ground to quell his struggle.

"Who is she that you would disrespect me and your mother?"

Delia waited with bated breath as Gian's gaze slid to her. "Nobody, I swear!" Delia shouted pleading with her eyes for Gian to agree. Analise looked between her bloodied son and Delia trying to piece together their relationship. Durante paid them no mind silently demanding his answer. Gian's steel gaze slid to his father and just when Delia thought he'd speak he spit defiantly in his father's face.

Angered Durante punched him violently then again and again until Gian's head ragged to the side and he coughed up blood. Durante did not relent. Both women screamed for him to stop but it was as if he didn't hear them. Delia took it upon herself to stop him, afraid she was watching Gian be beat to death. She ran to the wall and grabbed the heaviest looking guitar and smashed it against Durante's back with all the strength she could muster. The acoustic guitar splintered into small wooden pieces as Durante was thrown forward.

Durante slowly got to his feet as Delia stood there, frozen with fear, the neck of the guitar clutched in her hands. She knew she wouldn't survive what was coming to her but neither did Gian. His body lay motionless on the ground. Durante walked slowly toward her and everything in her being said told her to run. So she did, but she didn't make it two steps before Durante caught her by the neck and swung her like a rag doll into the coffee table. The impact of it knocked the wind from her chest and pain shot through her back and legs.

Durante's slow saunter was menacing. He stopped standing above her, a daunting figure.

"Now, tell me who you are," he demanded.

Her heart sped and her body reverberated with pain, "I'm Gian's Mate!"

Durante chuckled half frustration half amusement,

"Oh dear, that's impossible, he's too young,". Analise said, stepping forward her voice soft her gaze pitying, "You're only human, you do not know enough about our kind. Is this something Gian has told you?"

"It's true! Not just because Gian said it but because I feel it too!"


Delia faced Analise when she spoke so she didn't see the blow coming. Durante backhand slapped her causing her to bite her tongue and her face to sting.

"Stop your lies or I'll drain you here!" He said,

Sudden tears spilled from her eyes as Delia covered her hot throbbing face.

"I'm not lying, I am his Mate and you tried to kill me," Delia sobbed, "Maybe the universe gave him a Mate because he has parents like you two. A father who can beat his own son like someone he didn't know and a mother who'd just watched."

Delia's angry watery eyes switched to Analise, "How can you call yourself a mother and a woman? How can you stand beside the man who could do this to a child you bore?" The derision in her voice made Analise drop her gaze in shame. "It makes you a coward,"

"Enough!" Durante shouted, wrapping both hands around her neck and lifting her up, up until even her toes barely touched the ground.

She scratched and clawed at his forearms in panic, she fought until she depleted her energy and began to feel floaty. This was how she was going to die. Durante's green eyes filled with hatred stared her down, enjoying the sight of watching her die in his hands. The evil bastard, if she had the energy she'd kick for his groin.

It was useless her grip on consciousness was loose and she knew it was only a matter of time. Her heart broke and all she could think was 'my baby, my baby, my baby'. It was a chant and mental shout, one that projected through the room. All those who could read minds could read it. Delia's unseeing eyes slid to Analise pleading.

"No!" Analise shouted.

Everything she had witnessed that night finally made sense in Delia's mental pleas. This girl was her son's Mate. She was doing everything to be with him and she was bearing his child. She had been so foolish, so scared, and so untrusting of her own judgement that she allowed hell to descend upon her and her only born child.

No more.

With grace and fierceness she strode over to Durante placing a hand on his arm and guiding them down.

His face never lost its feral rage but his arms gave under his Mate's touch, releasing the girl to the ground in a boneless heap.

Delia coughed and wheezed as sweet air filled her lungs and relief turned her bones to jelly.

"Delia," Analise said gracefully kneeling beside her, "You truly are his mate?"

"Yes," she croaked, unable to pull herself up.

"You stayed with him even after you almost died, you love him?" Analise continued as Durante muttered angrily in Italian getting louder and more irate.

"Yes," Delia's eyes flooded with uncontrollable tears.

"Are you pregnant with his child?"

"Yes," Delia admitted, placing her forehead on the cool floor and crying.

The girl's sobs broke Analise's heart. She too was pregnant and she too would do anything for her Mate. She asked herself, did that include allowing him to destroy the family of the only person she loved more than herself, her son?

"Is this what makes you powerful, mi amore?" Analise asked Durante in a soft voice. She lifted Delia, head and shoulders, pulling her onto her lap and caressing the young girl's face.

"Is this what makes you a shining example of a Contiello man?" The contempt in her voice made her words sharp.

Durante glowered wanting to feel anger but all he could muster was shock and shame.

Analise's deep brown eyes pierced straight through his rage. "If so, I want no part of it. I won't give you any more children to turn into Contiello Men. I will no longer sacrifice my voice, my very long life, my children and my lineage to uphold your idea of power. There my son lies! Dead! Before my eyes! And I did nothing! All that I have left of him lives in the womb of this girl. If you kill her, kill me as well."

"Dulcezza you're speaking nonsense, I knew you could not handle this in your state,"

"No!" She said firmly if not loud. "You heard and understood me clearly,"

"Analise I have been patient with you up until now, I will NOT continue to do so."

Analise called forth all of her anger, all of her pain and shouted "Do it, Durante! Kill us or leave!"

They flared at each other, Analise never wavering. Durante's whole body stiffened as he began to consider all that had brought him to this point. In a rush of anger, he picked up a side table and slammed it against the wall. Analise and Delia both jumped yet Analise still did not bow.

"Your son!? Your mess to clean. They will not be welcomed ever! Not in the court of princes not in our jurisdiction and not in our family! They have twelve hours to leave my jurisdiction or even God won't be able to help them. I will slaughter her, her family, and your precious son. I expect you back in my home by sunrise."

With that Durante straightened his clothes, finger combed his mussed hair and phased away.

"Delia," Analise said gently. "There aren't enough words to apologize for what my Mate has put you through, nor is there a way to atone for what he may do next. What I can say is that you are not without allies in the courts, I will always do my best to protect you, my son, my grandchild, and my lineage."

Delia managed to sit up, her body aching.

"Do you have somewhere to go? Far from the eastern shore?"

Delia nodded, "We were going to escape to Portland, and Gian secured us an apartment there."

"Then go there quickly, I will be in touch and I will send you help."

"But—"Delia began to ask her how she was supposed to do all of this in Gian's state but she was interrupted by Analise.

She pressed the palms of her hands to Delia's lower stomach and closed her eyes and spoke a soft prayer. As Analise spoke her gentle prayer Delia felt her palms warm against her skin. The warmth intensified to tingling heat that began to sink beneath her skin. Delia wondered what more vampires capable were of. Just as the sensation became too much for comfort Analise pulled away and opened her eyes.


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