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Gifts of the Future Ch. 04

Story Info
Jay and Didi have a wonderful wedding night.
7.2k words

Part 4 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 08/31/2009
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June 2, 1979 had seemed to take forever to arrive for Brad and Barbie Seldon. And then, with all the happy news and events that had happened, the day didn't seem to want to end...

Jonnie and Megan North surprised their best friends, Brad and Barbie, with a weeklong honeymoon in Hawaii. They had bought the plane tickets and paid for the honeymoon suite at a luxury hotel on the beach of one of the less populated islands... so they'd have more privacy if they wanted some outdoor adventures!

Brad and Barbie were so excited... they'd planned to head up the coast to a nice Bed & Breakfast and disappear for the week... something like Hawaii was a bit out of their budget! But they knew their best friends were very generous and truly wanted them to be happy, so they eagerly accepted and hugged them warmly as they thanked them. Brad and Megan had been overjoyed to discover that their affection for each other as half-brother and sister was completely genuine... nothing of their previous emotional attachment and physical relationship remained to taint their happiness with their true soul mates.

After Brad and Barbie had changed into their traveling clothes, Barbie approached Brad's younger sister Didi, handed her the wreath of flowers from her hair and her bouquet, hugged her and wished her and Jay much happiness; then Barbie and Brad departed in a limo for LAX to catch their flight to Hawaii. Tom and Lynda Seldon drove Lt. Jay Hanson to his hotel to change out of his mess dress uniform into a more casual suit, pick up his bags and check out. Then they met Didi back at their house in Brentwood where she was packing an overnight bag for herself.

Tom and Lynda also packed a bag for themselves and then they all headed to the airfield in Santa Monica to ready Brad's Cessna 172 Skyhawk and filed their flight plan with the airfield's control tower. By six o'clock in the evening, they were on their way to Las Vegas. Jay was a very competent pilot and he took advantage of a tailwind that put them at a small airfield outside of Vegas in just under two hours.

By 8:30, they were all standing in the lobby of a small chapel just off the Vegas strip, waiting for Jay and Didi's turn after two other couples ahead of them. Didi started to feel a little nervous when she suddenly remembered that she was still a virgin and she was afraid she'd be a disappointment to Jay... in bed.

She really had no clue as to what sorts of things men and women could share together... she knew the very basics of sex but Barbie had hinted at some very intimate things she and Brad had shared together but she wouldn't go into details. Barbie knew Brad would be very uncomfortable to think that his younger sister knew any details about their sex life so Barbie had told Didi that she should talk to her Mom.

Didi cleared her throat nervously and said, "Daddy... Jay... would you please excuse Mom and me for a few minutes? I just need to talk to her... OK?!!"

Jay frowned worriedly and asked, "You're not having second thoughts are you, Didi?"

She shook her head quickly. "No... not at all!!! I just need... to talk to her... that's all! We'll be right back!"

Didi took her mother's arm and led her to the ladies' room. As soon as the door was shut, she turned her wide eyes to her mother. "Mama... I love Jay... I'm certain of that. And I... want him... more than any guy I've ever met!!! I've been feeling some things with him that I've never felt before! But, other than what I know about how the sexual act is performed, I don't know about anything else!! Barbie has hinted that there are a lot of things that a man and woman can share that I don't know if I'll know how to do! And I don't want to disappoint Jay... if he makes me feel how I think he's going to, then I want to do the same for him!!! But I don't know what to do!!!" she exclaimed in a panic.

Lynda Seldon smiled and then chuckled softly as she wrapped her arms around her nervous daughter. "Oh, Didi... sweetheart... you have nothing to worry about. I can tell from how Jay looks at you that he's well experienced in how to please a woman!" She shushed Didi when she started to interrupt and then continued, "I know you're nervous that you won't be able to please him, but sweetheart, one of the things that a man like Jay usually finds irresistible about a woman is the knowledge that he is the only man who could ever give you such pleasure. As long as you let him know that, you will never be a disappointment to him."

"But Mama... I want to please HIM, too!!!" she cried desperately as she looked into her mother's eyes. "How will I know what to do?!!" she asked worriedly.

Lynda just smiled knowingly and replied, "Your husband will teach you, Didi. Another thing a man like him finds irresistible in a woman is her eagerness to please him and her willingness to let him teach her what he enjoys! Trust me, my sweetheart... and trust your husband!" Then she turned serious for a moment. "Didi... you are aware that... being a virgin, the first time your husband... enters your body..."

Didi put her hand up and closed her eyes as she said, "Yes, Mama... I have been warned about that!"

Then Lynda added carefully, "The only thing you might have to really worry about there is if Jay's penis is as big as the rest of him..."

"MAMA!!!" Didi exclaimed as her face went crimson. "What are you saying?!! Are you saying he might not be able to fit inside me?!! Oh, my God... what if that's true?!! Then what do I do?!!"

Lynda started chuckling again. "Sweetheart... calm down!!! That's not what I meant! If your husband knows what he's doing, and I'm sure he does, then he'll get inside you... no matter how big he is! All I meant to do was to warn you that the bigger he is, the more pain you're likely to experience that first time, so I just wanted you to be prepared!"

Didi took a deep breath and exhaled as she said, "Oh... OK, I got it. I need to go to the restroom and splash some water on my face, and then I'll be fine!" Lynda waited for her daughter and then they went out to join Tom and Jay... who'd had their own discussion while the women were gone...


Jay nervously watched his bride-to-be dragging her mother inside the ladies' room door. Then he turned to look at his soon-to-be father-in-law and noticed a slight smirk on his face. "Do you think she's really ready for this, sir? I mean... we did just meet and I am a few years older... and a pretty big guy... I don't want her be afraid of me! Do you think she's afraid of me, sir?"

Tom chuckled slightly as he replied, "Well, Lt. Hanson, she may very well be afraid of you... but not how you think. Jay... you are aware that my daughter is a virgin, aren't you?" He paused as he saw realization widen Jay's eyes and then he nodded that he'd known, so Tom added, "She's probably just asking her mother if there's anything else she might need to know in order to be a good... wife... if you get what I mean!"

Jay looked down and tried to hide the pleased and amused smile that widened his lips as he tried to imagine the conversation going on between Didi and her mother. Then he looked back up at her father and asked jokingly, "And will your wife have some good advice for her?"

Tom raised his eyebrows at the young man's audacity to ask such a question, but the humor on his face told him Jay was only joking, so he played along. "Son... my wife could write a book about how to please a man and it'd be an instant best seller!!"

They chuckled together for a moment and then Tom grew serious again. "But if I know my wife, she's telling our daughter that the best way for her to please you is to just let you know when you're pleasing her and to let you teach her the ways you want to be pleased."

Jay's face flushed as the thought of Didi following that advice had his loins tingling. He swallowed nervously and tried to keep his breathing under control from the images that were flooding his brain. Then he stared into the eyes of the man whose virgin daughter he would soon be claiming as his as he said quietly, "Your wife is a very wise woman, indeed, sir. There's nothing else I could wish for from my wife..."

Tom recognized the passionate intensity in Jay's golden brown eyes and knew he was probably imagining the moment when he'd take his wife for the first time. Tom clenched his jaw as the image also invaded his mind and then he shook his head forcefully because the image of Jay naked that his mind created had given him a monster cock! Tom's face reddened and he snorted in embarrassment.

Jay shook his thoughts away and looked at Tom as he asked him, "What's so funny, sir?"

"Nothing, son. I just... promise me that you'll be gentle with my daughter! Try not to... hurt her... too badly... the first time... You know?!!"

Jay's eyes widened and his face flushed further as he turned away from the older man for a moment, suddenly remembering his disastrous first time when both he and the girl had been virgins. He hadn't realized at the time that his cock was considerably larger than average and even as gentle as he'd tried to be, the poor girl had screamed in pain after she'd told him to just force his way inside her because his gentle probing hadn't worked. He couldn't stand the thought of causing Didi such pain...

He turned back around and faced her father nervously as he said, "Uh... sir... the last thing I'd ever want to do is hurt Didi, but..." He paused as he looked away in utter embarrassment and fear as he tried to finish explaining. "But... you see... I don't know if I can promise that. I... that is my..."

Jay continued to wince as he looked Tom in the face again and said quietly, "I'm... kind of on the... large size... and my first time was... pretty bad... for the girl." He paused for a moment as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Didi will be the only other virgin I've been with and I've learned a little more since that first time, so I'll do my best to be gentle with her... that I will promise!"

Tom chuckled softly at the young man's embarrassed discomfort and he couldn't stand the thought of sending his daughter and her new husband off on their wedding night with him feeling so self-conscious that he might not be able to bring his new wife pleasure. He put his arm around Jay's shoulders and asked him quietly, "Jay... answer me honestly... does my daughter turn you on?"

Jay glanced sideways at him and nodded as he replied, "Yes sir... very much."

"And you'll know if my daughter is also turned on by you... correct?"

Jay frowned slightly in confusion as he answered, "Uh... yes sir... I believe so."

Tom raised his eyebrows. "You believe so? Jay... did you know if that first girl you were with was turned on enough?"

Jay frowned harder as he tried to dig up more about that painful memory. He suddenly remembered when he'd probed the girl with his fingers before attempting to enter her, she had not felt nearly as wet and ready as the girls he'd been with since... but none of them had been virgins.

"Come to think of it, sir... I don't believe she was. But I had thought that was something that couldn't happen for a girl until she was no longer a virgin because her fear of the initial pain just prevents her from relaxing enough to let it happen."

Tom asked him quietly, "Was that first girl in love with you?" Jay reluctantly shook his head, so Tom made the point he needed to. "Son... that girl probably was nervous just because it was her first time and that's why she wasn't ready. My daughter is in love with you and she wants you and if you feel the same way about her... trust me... she'll be plenty ready!!!" He gave Jay's shoulders a momentary squeeze just before he dropped his arm.

Lynda and Didi came out of the ladies' room and over to join them just as the chapel receptionist came out to say that the justice was ready for them. Lynda went up and took her place as witness for her daughter while Jay stood in front of the justice and watched his bride being escorted down the short aisle by her smiling father while a lady at a small organ played the traditionalHere Comes The Bride.

Tom and Lynda couldn't help but notice that Jay and Didi couldn't tear their eyes away from each other. They quietly murmured the "I do's" when prompted, but when they repeated the vows, the justice looked surprised when both Jay and Didi changed the last line to the same thing they'd heard earlier at Brad and Barbie's wedding...

"I, Jay Alan Hanson, take thee, Diana Yakira Seldon, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, honor and cherish, forsaking all others, I pledge myself to thee for all time."

"I, Diana Yakira Seldon, take thee, Lt. Jay Alan Hanson, to be my husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in heath, to love, honor and cherish, forsaking all others, I pledge myself to thee for all time."

They waited anxiously for the justice to finally pronounce them husband and wife. They were dying to kiss each other again as they realized they hadn't since Brad had interrupted their first magnificent assault on each other. When the justice finally said the magic words, Jay took his time... slowly lowering his head as Didi stared at him with her head tilted up and her lips slightly parted. It started softly... their lips molding together perfectly as their eyes closed... their mouths parting slowly to allow their tongues to mingle tentatively.

Then it deepened... Didi moaned as Jay's tongue rhythmically stroked hers, and she instantly pictured herself lying beneath him, feeling his body stroking hers in the same way... Didi groaned gutturally and her knees weakened as she felt a throb between her legs and a rush of hot liquid that dampened her panties.

She sagged against Jay and he caught her in his arms and picked her up as he broke their kiss. "Are you OK, my love?" he asked quietly and then smiled when he saw the look in her silver eyes as they drifted open and she slowly and sexily returned his smile. Jay knew... she was more than OK... she was ready.


The honeymoon suite was bathed in a soft glow; the glare of the bright lights of Las Vegas was filtered through the sheer curtains on the window. Lt. Jay Hanson and his new bride, Diana Seldon-Hanson, were standing beside the bed and he was carefully undressing her. She was wearing a simple dress with a zipper down the back and she trembled nervously as she felt his large, warm hands slowly lowering the zipper. She jerked involuntarily when his hands slid inside the parted material and caressed her back.

"Diana..." he said gently in his low, masculine voice, "Am I scaring you, my love? I can feel you trembling and you jumped when I touched you... Please tell me you're not afraid of me."

She brought her hands up to his shirt and started unbuttoning it as she stared into his eyes. "No, Jay... I'm not afraid of you," she said softly. "I'm trembling in anticipation... I've never known how it would feel to want a man this way, and I can't help how my body is reacting to you. All I know is that if I don't soon feel you inside me, I'm afraid I'll go crazy!!!" she ended urgently as she hurriedly finished opening his shirt and pushing it off of him.

Jay took over, dropping his arms from around her to finish pushing his shirt off and then yanking his tee shirt up over his head to bare his torso. He growled when he saw Didi's silver eyes widen as she stared at the broad expanse of his chest liberally sprinkled with soft brown hair that trailed down the middle of his abdomen and disappeared into his trousers...

Didi's hands came up and slid over his chest hair as her fingers kneaded the hard flesh of his pectoral muscles. She moaned as the sensation of her hands on his hard body made the flesh between her thighs throb again. Then she shuddered involuntarily when Jay grasped the back of her dress and pulled it forward and pushed down until it slid to the floor.

She froze when she felt his hands on her bra, unhooking it, then she trembled again and closed her eyes as he dragged his palms on her skin from her back up to her shoulders to push the straps down her arms. Then his hands slid back up to her shoulders and down her chest, pulling the silky material away from her breasts. Didi gasped and moaned when she felt his large, warm hands cupping her bare breasts.

Jay didn't think his cock could get any harder until he saw his wife's breasts for the first time... he couldn't have imagined how gorgeous they were!!! So full and firm with dark rosy tips... and her nipples were just right... large and poking out proudly. He loved to take time during foreplay to suck on a woman's nipples... to fill his mouth and stroke his tongue on her firm flesh. He'd always secretly wished he could make a woman climax just from sucking on her nipples...

Jay started stroking Didi's breasts softly just to see how she responded and was pleased when her back arched in pleasure as he ran his thumbs over her firm nipples. He took advantage of her breasts being thrust slightly upward by bending down and laving her left nipple with his tongue and then gently sucked the tip of her breast into his mouth. He groaned as Didi's hands and arms came up to clutch at his head and hold him in place as her body began to writhe with pleasure.

"Oh God, Jay... DON'T STOP!!!" Didi yelled as she felt the throbbing between her legs growing in intensity. She felt Jay intensify the pressure of his sucking and his tongue was swirling on her nipple. She suddenly yelped and then moaned continuously when she felt like her insides had exploded, sending waves of tingling pleasure throughout her body.

She nearly collapsed until Jay slid his hands from her breasts around to her back to hold her while he dragged his mouth from her nipple and kissed his way up her body to her neck and then just held her against him until she stopped trembling as the tingles subsided. Didi's arms had dropped from his head to dangle limply at her sides until she dragged her hands up his arms and wrapped hers around his shoulders as she started to laugh from the realization that she'd just experienced her first orgasm.

Jay straightened up and looked at his beautiful bride, wondering why she was laughing. "What's so funny, Diana?"

Didi smiled widely and replied, "Nothing's funny! I'm just... happy! I had no idea what to expect the first time I... climaxed... and it was way better than I could've imagined!!! My God, Jay... I had no idea you could do that to me so easily!!!"

He smiled crookedly as he admitted, "Neither did I, my love... and you've already pleased me more than any woman I've ever been with! I love your breasts and I've always wished I could make a woman come that way... I'm so glad I can do that for my wife! And I hope you'll let me do that whenever I want!" he ended with a sexy smile, his voice low and husky.

Didi smiled back just as sexily and then they froze for a moment as flames roared in their eyes and they both felt the sudden urgency to complete their union. They released each other and hurriedly stripped out of their remaining clothes, shoes and undergarments. Didi froze again when she looked down and saw the size of Jay's cock.

She gasped and breathed raggedly, "Oh, my God... it is as big as the rest of you!" She guessed him to be at least eight and a half inches long and as big around as... she couldn't think of what to compare it to... all she knew was that he looked HUGE! And she was suddenly nervous again...

Jay saw fear creep into her silver eyes... the flames were still there as well; she wanted him but she was nervous about his size... and he couldn't blame her! He turned and threw the bedcovers back, piled a bunch of pillows against the headboard and then turned to his trembling bride. "Put your arms around my shoulders, Didi, and when I lift you, wrap your legs around my waist... trust me," he said gently and placed a kiss on her nose when he saw her frown in confusion.


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