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Gifts of the Future Ch. 05

Story Info
Rickie Estevez takes Cadet Karen Moss for "a ride."
6.5k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 5 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 08/31/2009
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Rickie Estevez tracked down Cadet Karen Moss a few days after Brad and Barbie Seldon's wedding and reception when Jay Hanson told him that Karen's family lived somewhere in Pasadena. He looked up her driver's license information, found her address and rode his new Harley out to the valley to hunt her down. He just had to know if she'd felt the same thing he did when they'd first touched and, if so, why she had avoided him the rest of that day...

Her family owned a modest middle class home in a neighborhood not far from Eaton Canyon Park. Rickie pulled up in front of the house, stopped his bike and let it idle as he worked up his courage to go knock on the door and find out if she was even home. While he was looking toward the house, the front door opened and Karen came out with a smile on her face as she approached him.

His breath caught in his chest again as he watched her walking toward him... her long, well-toned legs bared by the workout shorts she was wearing. Her breasts were small, but perky, and it was obvious she was not wearing a bra, as her firm nipples were clearly visible under her tight tee shirt. And her emerald green eyes were alight with excitement... Did he dare to hope that she was glad to see him?

Her shoulder length hair was pulled back in a short ponytail. He had originally thought she was a brunette; her dark hair had been covered by her uniform hat at the wedding and reception most of the time, but he was surprised to discover it was actually a deep, rich auburn with the sun highlighting it. He continued to stare at her behind his sunglasses and it took him a moment to realize she was saying something but he couldn't hear her over the low rumble of his Harley, so he killed the engine...


Karen Moss was in her bedroom doing part of her usual exercise workout routine when she heard the sound of a motorcycle coming down the road and her longtime fascination made her peek out the blinds on her window to watch as it rode past. Her eyes widened when she saw it come to a stop out front as the driver sat looking toward her house. She had no idea who the man was... maybe he was lost and she could get a better look at his bike as she gave him directions.

She bounded out of her room to the front door and went out to greet whoever it was and see if they needed her assistance. The driver was looking toward her, but she couldn't see his eyes for the mirrored shades he had on and she wondered if he was perusing her body they way she wished she could his... from what she could tell, he obviously had a great physique!

"Can I help you with something?" she asked when she stopped a few feet away. She noticed the man shake his head slightly and then cut the engine of his bike, killing the low rumble that had always given Karen tingles whenever she was close to one of those powerful machines. She almost frowned in disappointment when she no longer felt the heady vibrations from the Harley's engine until the driver returned her smile...

The tingles in her body roared to flames when she instantly recognized that dazzling smile... Rickie Estevez. Oh, hell... she was in serious danger. Why the hell did the guy have to be so damn gorgeous AND ride a motorcycle?!! When he took his sunglasses off and she saw the heat in his large, dark hazel eyes, she froze, unable to tear her gaze away from him. She struggled to keep her breathing smooth and even... though she wanted to pant with excitement!

Rickie watched the smile slowly disappear from Karen's face when he removed his sunglasses. Then he realized that she'd had no idea who he was until that moment... and she didn't look glad to see him. He took a deep breath and sighed heavily as he said, "Well... I guess it was a mistake to track you down. Look... I don't know what I did to give you such a bad first impression, but I was hoping you'd give me another chance. But it doesn't look as though that's going to happen, so I'll just leave..."

He went to put his shades back on and then stopped when she reached out and put her hand on his and he felt that same crackle of electricity tingle through his hand and up his arm. He also noticed that Karen's body jerked slightly, but she didn't take her hand away this time.

Instead, she moved closer, taking his sunglasses from him and replacing them with her other hand as if they were greeting each other again. Then she said softly, "I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I didn't like you when we first met, but you... intimidated me. I... I'd never had quite this reaction to a guy the first moment he smiled at me... and then you touched my hand. It scared me... I... wasn't sure what had happened between us..." she finished quietly and then swallowed nervously.

Rickie's dazzling smile slowly returned when he realized she was admitting that she'd felt the same thing as he. Then he said teasingly, "Karen... it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's happening between us. This is simple chemistry... very real chemistry... and I want to find out if there could be more to it than just chemistry. Don't you?"

Karen smiled back at him, shyly at first, and then chuckled when she realized he must've asked someone for more information about her and had learned that her double major at The Academy was in Systems Engineering and Astronautics with minors in Physics and Bioengineering. She could, quite literally, be considered a "rocket scientist!"

Then she smiled even wider when she further realized that he was in no way intimidated by her genius level IQ... in fact, he seemed genuinely intrigued with her as a person. Yes, there was the initial rush of a physical attraction between them, but he was looking into her eyes like he wanted to see beyond the flames of her desire for him... he was hoping for more than just desire...

Rickie felt Karen's hand tremble in his and he frowned questioningly at her, wondering why she was so nervous with him... why he intimidated her so. She was the one who was smart... what could she ever see in him other than his moderate good looks?

He wasn't quite as handsome as his dark skinned Latino father, though he did have his dark brown hair, his bright smile... and his thicker than average cock. His skin was fairer like his mother's and he'd also inherited her large hazel eyes, but his were a little deeper in color. He was also somewhat short for a man, only five feet, nine inches tall. So he was grateful to see that Karen seemed to be a little shorter than him... she appeared to be around five – seven or so... but she was looking down at him as he was still sitting on his bike.

Rickie extracted his hand from hers and removed his helmet, hanging it on one of the hooks beside the buddy seat behind him as he set the kickstand and then swung his leg over the seat to stand up facing Karen. He'd guessed correctly... she was only a couple of inches shorter than him. He grinned when he saw her eyes slide quickly down his body and back up to his face... his cock stirred when he could tell from the flames in her eyes that she liked what she saw.

He tried to keep his eyes glued to her face, but he couldn't resist the urge to do the same with her... he nearly groaned when he noticed that her nipples had hardened even further, looking almost like slightly worn pencil erasers poking through the fabric of her tee shirt. Her chest was heaving slightly and he was having a hard time not imagining what her naked breasts looked like... and how his hands would look grasping their round firmness...

Rickie growled softly as his thick cock hardened inside his tight, faded Levis... making it painfully obvious to him that he'd made a mistake in not wearing his under shorts. His eyes lifted to her smoldering emerald gaze and he had to literally hold himself back from grabbing her and kissing her, clenching his hands at his sides from the effort.

OK... they wanted each other... that much was obvious. But would they be good together? He had no doubt the sex would be good... but would they be good for each other?!! How would he be good for her... other than the sex?!! He was nowhere near as smart as she... what else could he possibly offer her other than great sex?!! He had no idea... he just prayed that would be enough for her.

Karen recognized the full-blown desire in Rickie's blazing hazel eyes, but the clenching of his jaw gave away his hesitation and she wondered what was causing it. Then she realized that he might very well be intimidated by her intelligence... worried that he'd have nothing to offer her in the way of stimulating conversation.

She had no doubt that he'd be able to stimulate her physically... but she'd have to prove to him that she had other interests beyond the scientific that they could share together. Starting with that magnificent machine he'd rode up on, and she wondered how good it must feel rumbling between his powerful thighs...

"That looks like a brand new Electra Glide... that must've cost you a pretty penny! What on earth made you splurge on such a magnificent machine?!!" she asked excitedly.

Rickie grinned at her enthusiasm. "Well... I've been with the L.A.P.D. motorcycle patrol for just over a year now, and this is the type of bike they issued me to ride and I just fell in love with it. So... I saved some money for the down payment and I just got this baby about a month ago. I... uh... take it you have a thing for motorcycles?" he asked provocatively with a sexy grin.

Karen grinned widely as she replied just as provocatively, "Ohhh... I have waaay more than just a 'thing' for them... I've been fascinated by them my whole life!!! Riding gives me such a feeling of freedom! It's almost like... I can just let go and forget about all the... 'stuff' that's constantly crowding my brain and making me think all the time!!! Sometimes... I just need to stop thinking and there's only one way I've ever been able to just relax and be me... and that's when I'm on a motorcycle! Even SEX has never been able to make be stop thinking like I do when I'm riding!!!" she blurted before she even realized what she was saying as she stared in awe at the big, shining black and silver Harley.

Rickie snorted quickly and then chuckled softly when her face snapped toward his and flushed crimson when she realized what she'd said. He moved toward her until the front of their bodies were just barely touching, his smile faded and he said huskily, "I bet I could make you stop thinking, Karen... even during sex. You want to find out? You wanna... go for a ride?"

Karen Moss' brain had ceased to function as soon as she'd felt the heat of his body touching hers. She was staring into his deep hazel eyes, feeling the flames roaring in them singeing her body all over. His lips were moving and the sound of his sexy voice was vibrating through her soul but she was incapable of comprehending his words. The only thought in her genius level brain was, "Take me... I'm yours!"

Rickie Estevez knew in that moment that Karen was his. Her eyes were reflecting her soul and it was crying to him that she needed to know how he could make her feel... she was no longer thinking at that moment... she just needed to feel. He slid his arms around her and molded their bodies together as his lips sought hers.

Karen whimpered softly and sagged against Rickie's solid body as he crushed her against him and parted her lips. Then she moaned desperately when she felt his tongue coaxing hers to life... and in the next moment, her whole body roared to life! She groaned wildly as her arms wrapped around his shoulders and back and one of her legs lifted to wrap around his ass and press their hips together.

Before she even realized what was happening, her head was falling back and she was moaning from an orgasm as she rubbed her crotch against his hard cock through his jeans. She felt like she was never going to stop coming when Rickie continued to thrust his crotch against hers with slow, hard strokes. His cock felt huge and Karen kept imagining how he would feel inside her...

Rickie forced himself to stop rubbing against her when he realized he was about to come as well... he didn't want to have to ride all the way home with the crotch of his Levis soaked. He held her tightly against him, stroking her back and whispering soothingly in her ear until he felt the trembling of her body subside.

"My God, Karen... you're so beautiful... so sensual... I know we'll be so good together... I love you!" He released her slowly when he felt her body suddenly go stiff in his arms. She warily backed away a couple of steps and he frowned as he asked with concern, "What's the matter, Karen?"

She swallowed nervously and replied uncertainly, "Rickie... I, uhh... I know, too, that we'll be good together, but... I can't let myself get caught up in a relationship right now. I have just one more year at The Academy and I have a very full schedule because of all the extra classes I'm taking. I cannot allow myself to lose my concentration at this point. I'm afraid if I let myself fall for you now that I won't be able to concentrate and finish this last year!" she whispered hoarsely as fear constricted her vocal chords.

Rickie smiled softly and reached out his hand to stroke her cheek as he said, "Karen... my beautiful rocket scientist... I'm afraid it's too late. You've already fallen for me... just like I have for you. But I think you'll find that when we're separated, your genius brain will still function just as well as it always has! I think it's only when we're together and I'm touching you that your brain ceases to function. I told you I could make you stop thinking!" he finished with a sexy grin.

Karen frowned in confusion at first, but then she grinned with him as she realized he was absolutely right... she had already fallen for him... it was too late to try to deny that. She would just have to pray that he was right and that she'd still be able to focus on her studies when she was back at The Academy and away from him.

And she also had all summer to spend with him... maybe the newness of their relationship would wear off by then and it would be a little easier for her to be separated from him. But she seriously doubted that a little while later when Rickie took her for a ride on his Harley and they ended up in a secluded area of Eaton Canyon Park...

Karen had been on the verge of an orgasm the whole time she was perched on the buddy seat clinging to Rickie's solid torso with her breasts flattened against his muscular back. The rumble of the Harley's engine vibrating beneath her was keeping her stimulated and nearly driving her insane! Her hands kept wandering down Rickie's body to fondle his stiff cock and she was nearly driving him insane!

He finally drove to a dark area and parked the motorcycle, killing the engine and ordering Karen off of it while he pulled his helmet off and dropped it on the ground. Then he climbed off, turned around and tugged her helmet off, also dropping it. Then he immediately grabbed the front of her jeans, undoing them and forcing them and her panties down her hips and legs until she could pull her feet free after she nudged her shoes off.

Meanwhile, he was throwing his boots off, unbuttoning and also carefully unzipping his jeans and forcing them down and off of him, freeing his throbbing cock. The vibrations from the Harley usually kept him at half-mast, but the feel of Karen's body plastered against his back had put him at full salute and her hands fondling his erection had made him ache with need...

Rickie turned around and straddled his bike, loving the feel of his bare balls resting on the warm leather seat. He pulled Karen to him and helped her also straddle the motorcycle... facing him. She was wriggling her hips, rubbing her sopping pussy on the head of his thick cock and trying to force herself down onto him. He was holding her hips, stopping her at the last moment as he remembered a fairly important factor...

"Hold on, Karen... what about birth control?!! I have a condom... in my wallet... if you can reach down... and get it out of the pocket of my jeans!" he breathed raggedly from trying to control his lust and desire.

Karen groaned in frustration as she arched her back and once again tried to force her body onto his awesome cock. She straightened up again and grasped his face and neck and gritted through her teeth, "No need for that... I'm on the pill!!!" Then she crushed her mouth to his and they both groaned deeply as he forced her hips downward while thrusting his up to meet her.

They both broke apart at the same time, moaning loudly as their backs arched in pleasure, driving his cock even further inside her. He braced his hands on the seat behind him and continued to thrust upward while she leaned toward him, pushing his shirt up and kissing his smooth torso while she rode him to her first of several climaxes.

After that first one, Rickie sat up straight again, pushed her tee shirt up to expose her breasts and leaned her back until she braced her hands on the gas tank cover and her feet on the rear turn signal light bars. Then he was able to lean down and suck on her taut, pink nipples and fondle her small, firm breasts as he stroked her through a few more mind-numbing orgasms.

Then he did what he'd been dying to do ever since he'd first straddled a Harley... he reached forward and hit the electric start on the handlebar and they both moaned as they instantly felt the vibrations when the powerful engine roared to life. Karen sat up with his cock buried fully inside her, wrapping her legs around him and her arms over his shoulders while Rickie grasped her ass. They just barely moved together, feeling the vibrations from the engine further stimulating their genital areas.

When Rickie felt his orgasm beginning to build, he reached forward, grasped the accelerator and revved the engine slightly, watching with excitement as Karen moaned loudly and arched against him, grinding her pussy even harder on his cock. He revved the engine again and moaned with her when he felt her flesh clench on his, signaling another orgasm for her and triggering his. He didn't even realize that his hand was still clutching the accelerator... revving the engine in rhythm with their climax...

His hand finally fell away from the handlebar a few moments after the last spasm of his cock inside her. Karen had been clutching his shoulders as her body had arched away from him when she came, but then she collapsed against him with her head on his shoulder and was clinging to him as they both gasped for air.

Rickie reached forward again, killed the engine and then wrapped his arms around the woman he knew he had to spend the rest of his life with. He knew her brain was still not functioning properly, so he figured this was the best time to get her to agree to that. "I'm not letting you go until you tell me that you're going to marry me, Karen. Say it..." he whispered urgently in her ear.

For Karen, it was a no-brainer. This was a decision that she was more than happy to make without her brain being involved. She lifted her head and stared into his eyes that she could see were still blazing even in the darkness. "You're damn right I'm going to marry you, Enrique Emanuel Estevez... Junior."

She'd almost forgotten he was named after his father... she chuckled slightly as it just struck her as odd that he had such a Hispanic sounding name and yet he looked so dissimilar to his sexy Latino father. But Rickie was still gorgeous... he had his own special kind of sex appeal... and a truly awesome cock, which she could feel slipping out of her. She whimpered softly when it did.

Rickie leaned forward and kissed her tenderly and then helped her to stand. Then he was curious as to what she'd just laughed about. "What was it that amused you a moment ago?"


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