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Gifts of the Future Ch. 19

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OPEC's master plan is revealed and IOPF will be ready.
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Part 19 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 08/31/2009
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"Perfect..." J.J. Hanson muttered as he trailed his lips over the creamy globes of his wife's breasts. They had always been so lusciously full but now they seemed even firmer... almost like she'd gotten breast implants only they still felt completely natural. Sophia writhed and cried out when he sucked her firm pink nipples into his mouth... she'd never reacted quite so forcefully to such stimulation before!

"Oh God, J.J. ..." she breathed. "That feels so wonderful! Yes... keep doing that... it feels so good! Ohhhh my God!" she moaned, her back bowing upward... her hands slamming outward to the mattress on either side of her as he locked his lips around the tip of her breast and laved her nipple firmly. She came suddenly when he sucked hard as he slowly released her nipple from his mouth.

J.J. watched Sophia's face as he slid his hand down and massaged her clit as her hips rocked from a deeply intense orgasm. Her head was thrown back and her mouth was wide open but no sounds were escaping other than a few tiny squeaks with her ragged breaths. Then she finally managed another breathy, "Ohhh my God..." as her climax ebbed.

She felt her husband caressing her cheek as she struggled to breathe normally. Sophia could not remember ever having such an intense orgasm before... J.J. had always been able to get her off pretty quickly but they had always been more "localized" sensations. Clitoral orgasms made her whole pelvic area tingle nicely and when J.J. drove his huge cock against her g-spot...

But never had her whole body felt like it was flowing with electric current... waves of tingling pleasure had radiated throughout her body... from sucking on her nipple!!! She'd never come from that before... except while she was straddling his lap riding his awesome dick... but she'd been about to come then any way!

Sophia looked up at J.J. and smiled as he said huskily, "Boy... I don't think I've ever gotten you off quite that quickly before! What was so different about that?" he asked curiously.

She shook her head slowly as she replied, "I don't know... everything just seems to feel a little more intense now. My breasts seem way more sensitive than they've been and I felt that orgasm all through my body! It was the most incredible thing I've ever felt!" she exclaimed softly, not remembering that was what she'd said the first time he'd made love to her...

J.J. frowned. "Well gee... I'm sorry if I was a disappointment to you before..." he began sarcastically.

"Damn it, J.J.!!! That's not what I meant!" she cried as she lifted up on her elbow to face him as he leaned next to her. "You know damn well I've never been disappointed... I'm just saying that all of a sudden, my body seems to feel everything even more intensely than I ever have! And if you think you've had a hard time keeping me from attacking you before..."

She paused as she chuckled, "Heh, heh, heh... you're in BIG trouble now, mister!!!" she growled as she shoved him backward onto the bed and climbed on top of him. "You'd better hope that superior stamina of yours can keep up with me now, Dr. Hanson... if you've given me all your capabilities, we may never make it out of this bed!!!"

J.J. growled as Sophia kissed her way down his body to lick, suck and stroke his superior shaft... she knew that sucking and stroking him almost to the point of orgasm and then backing off several times helped him to maintain his erection longer. And J.J. just loved to relish the feel of her mouth on him...

She couldn't deep throat his enormous cock, but he loved watching the pleasure on her face as she dragged her tongue up all ten inches of his thick pole to wrap her lips over the huge head, swirl her tongue on it and then suck softly until he groaned with pleasure! J.J. was just like his Dad... he'd let his wife play with and suck his dick as long as she wanted... as long as he got her pussy, too!

J.J., Tommy and Jonathan had joked all through their teen years about how often they'd caught their parents having sex! The only scary part had been that none of them were turned off by the thought of that... in fact, all of them had confessed to secretly watching their parents a few times and they'd actually gotten quite turned on...

But all of them had admitted that they'd also witnessed the extraordinary emotions their parents shared when making love... that was how all of them had learned how sex was performed as well as the true joy of sharing it with their soul mate. J.J. had known since the moment Sophia started following him around like a puppy when they were little that she was meant for him.

The only thing J.J. had felt guilty about was the fact that Sophia had managed to seduce him into taking her virginity when she was only sixteen! And it was all Nuri and Jasmine's fault! After they'd shared the story of their wild New Year's Eve at the beginning of 2000, Sophia had been all over him every time they were alone...

Just how much was a nineteen-year-old extremely healthy and virile young man supposed to be able to withstand from a young gorgeous, voluptuous redhead with seductive deep green eyes?!! He'd tried pleading with her to be reasonable because he'd wanted to wait until she was of legal age before fully claiming her body... but she'd argued away his reason...

"J.J. you love me?"

"You know I do!"

"And you plan on marrying me, right?"

"When the time is right... yes! But that won't be until..." She'd cut him off.

"Do you believe that I love you?"

"Yes... of course! But what does this have to do with..."

"Just shut up and answer my questions! Do you want me? Forget I asked that... I can tell you want me..." she'd purred as she stroked his huge, hard cock through his slacks as she was straddling his lap on her knees. Then she'd taken his hand and guided it up under her skirt and into her panties... he'd groaned and hissed as his cock throbbed when his fingers delved into her hot, wet flesh... eliciting a soft moan from her as well.

"And I don't need to convince you any further that I want you... now do I?" she'd murmured huskily as she pumped herself on his fingers. "I'm on birth control pills... Mom put me on them last year when I told her that I was going to wear you down until you finally realized that my age has nothing to do with my level of maturity, responsibility and intelligence! So I outscored you on an IQ test... I'm sorry if that was a blow to your ego! We've seen each other completely naked... you've had your mouth and hands all over my body... I've had my mouth and hands all over yours!!! What on earth makes it seem so much more different to put your cock up my pussy and fuck me until you come rather than let me do that with my mouth and hands?!!" she'd asked in exasperation.

And that's when he'd fallen right into her trap... J.J. had gotten angry with her for using such explicit language and making it sound like it was nothing but sex...

"DAMN IT, SOPHIA!!!" he'd roared at her as he'd pulled his hand away from her crotch and grasped her upper arms to shake her slightly. "This is NOT just about sex for me!!! I WANT to make love to you! I LOVE YOU AND I DO NOT WANT TO USE YOU JUST FOR SEX!!!" He'd stopped abruptly when he saw tears gather in her eyes.

She'd grasped his face in her hands and cried, "But isn't that exactly what you've been doing... what WE'VE been doing? That is just SEX... I'm tired of just having sex with you! I want you... no... I NEED you to make love to me..." she'd whispered desperately and then kissed him tenderly, deepening it as she'd felt his last shred of resistance crumble in the face of her logical argument.

He'd been so afraid of hurting her when he took her virginity. Sophia looked so small in comparison to him... she was only five feet, five inches tall with a small frame even though she was curvaceous. J.J. was over a foot taller, solidly built and muscular, weighing over twice as much as she!

He'd been afraid of crushing her as well as ripping her apart... he'd been convinced there was no way she could handle all of his monster cock! But when he realized that she'd taken over half of his thick shaft before he'd encountered her maiden barrier, he was pretty sure she'd be able to take all of him.

She'd grabbed his ass and helped him thrust his way past her hymen to bury his huge cock fully inside her. They'd both groaned... he with pleasure... she from the initial pain that had gradually turned to throbs of pleasure as he'd held her and kissed her deeply while still buried inside her. A thrill of pure excitement filled Sophia every time she recalled the way her cunt had molded to J.J.'s huge cock the first time he entered her!

And when he started to move inside her, she could feel every part of her being stimulated by every thick inch of his magnificent cock! She did have to be careful at what angles he fucked her... if she lifted her legs too high, she could feel him pounding on her cervix and that wasn't very comfortable! But when he took her from behind, slamming that big pole against her g-spot... she couldn't help but scream from the intensity!

Their first time had been the tenderest lovemaking they'd shared... both of them had shed tears over how surprisingly awesome it had felt to have their bodies so intimately connected. From then on, their wild desire for each other had driven their passion higher and higher each time they'd shared themselves.

Sophia had done her best to wear J.J. out every time, but his physical stamina made him a tireless sex machine. It didn't matter how many times she was able to make him come... no more than fifteen minutes later, he could be up and ready for action again!

And now Sophia was threatening that she felt as though she'd acquired his stamina through the serum they'd developed from his DNA... and it was true!!! The two of them went at each other like animals for hours... she could come whenever she wanted and he could last as long as he wanted! A few minutes of rest and a drink of water after his orgasms and they were good to go...

But after a while, it became less and less about the intense sex and more about sharing themselves again... their hearts and souls... something they'd almost forgotten how to do since that first time. And since the serum had also heightened Sophia's physical responses, she realized that slow, intimate lovemaking added even more to her emotional response...

Which triggered even more of an emotional response for J.J. He did not like feeling as though he was nothing but a sex machine... but as busy as both of them had been while in college and his first years of med school, they hadn't had much time to share anything more than quick, hot, lustful fucks! The times they were able to share intimate foreplay and slow, sweet lovemaking were few and far between...

They made a real effort to change that when they faced the reality that someone had attempted to murder Sophia right after Lana had been raped and threatened and the attempted murders of Tommy and Kira. Everyone started to realize that whoever was behind all of this was probably not going to stop until they achieved their goal...


At the beginning of July 2005, Crystal Seldon announced to her husband's Senate Subcommittee that EFF was shutting down its operations since most of their scientific research thus far was proving inconclusive. The subcommittee members knew the real reason... they had agreed it was for the protection of Senator Seldon and his family and friends that they go along with the ruse.

The reality was that the Earth Friendly Futures organization was going underground. All of the scientists had agreed that they wanted to continue their research but they didn't want everyone's lives to be in danger, either. They'd been able to collect all the samples they'd needed during their year and a half or so of traveling in their regions... all they needed now was the testing equipment Crystal had already purchased and a secure facility in which to conduct the tests.

Wayne and Jada Seldon had some unused space in the WJS building, so all of the equipment was secretly brought in and the scientists gradually started to arrive during the next several weeks. The FBI had placed security and surveillance equipment all around WJS to monitor whether anyone got nosy about what was going on.

The FBI was convinced that there was a conspiracy to halt EFF's efforts for whatever reason but they simply hadn't the resources to do a full investigation while trying to protect the Seldons and their family and friends. That was why they'd agreed to Tommy and Jay's suggestion that they make it look like EFF was dissolved while helping them set up secret funding and facilities.

Everyone began to breathe a little easier during the rest of that summer as EFF got on with their research when there were no further attacks or attempts on anyone's lives. And the scientists had noted during the summer of 2005 that the climate seemed to be on a wild swing... the Atlantic was having one of it's most active hurricane seasons ever!

At the end of August, disaster struck the Gulf Coast of the U.S. Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans and much of the Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama coasts... giving OPEC just the excuse they needed to force the U.S. to drive the price of gas higher than it had ever been! OPEC had been telling the government all along that they would not be happy until Americans were content to pay at least $3 or more per gallon...

Not long after Katrina hit, the Norths and the Madanis made a surprise trip from Saudi Arabia to visit with their families and friends so everyone could finally meet Karida and the newest additions... nine-month-olds Asim and Michael. Jonnie and Megan North felt an instant kinship with their daughter-in-law and especially with their grandson! Little Asim was just like his Daddy... the happiest and most loving little boy! And Charlie and Lily Richards couldn't stop fawning all over their grandson... baby Michael knew just how to wrap them around his tiny fingers!

Charles and Diana Richards couldn't get over the fact that they now had two great-grandchildren... although they were gently reminded that little Asim was technically Tom Seldon's great-grandson as well. All of the older generation had also come to visit for a few days. Jonnie North, Brad Seldon and Jay Hanson had called a "special meeting"... because of the main reason Nuri and Jasmine and Jonathan and Karida had made the trip.

Nuri and Jonathan had learned from the Sheikh that there had not been enough dissenters among the ranks of the OPEC ministers to give up their "master plan." They were going to continue pressuring the U.S. government and oil companies to cooperate in driving up the price of gas. They were actively supporting terrorist activities whenever and wherever possible and they were amassing and stockpiling as much gold as they could.

Their goal was to ruin the economies of all the leading world powers, move in, take over those countries and turn the whole planet into the United Islamic World... they actually believed it could be done. Their Army of Enlightenment would be told to slaughter everyone who would not swear to convert and uphold the Shari'a laws of Islam. Children would not need to be slaughtered... their minds could easily be turned to see that, according to Muhammad, it was what Allah had intended all along... Islam was the one and only true religion... all others were to be abolished!

The OPEC ministers were setting themselves up as the protectors of Shari'a law... many of them were Ulema and they intended to be both the Religious and Governmental leader in whatever region of their United Islamic World they chose. Whatever they decreed would be done... faithful followers of Shari'a law would never dare to question an Ulema or Imam... whatever they said was sure to have come from the Qu'ran... the true words of Allah!

But the OPEC ministers could care less about the true words of Allah... all they wanted was to control all of the power in the world... the rest of the inhabitants of the planet would merely be their slaves to do whatever they bid! As long as they could continue to enforce the belief that their words were law... no one could question them! That was why they were busy gathering up people they knew they could trust to support them when the time came to put their plan into action...

And everything OPEC had been forcing for the last thirty years was playing right into the plan of the dark forces... which was why those environmental research tests had to be stopped. The dark forces knew that the end was closer than the humans could've possibly realized...

Except for the "chosen ones"...


By the end of 2005, the Islamic Organization for Peace and Freedom had spread the word through millions of peaceful Muslims and the rest of the world that was seeking peace what OPEC was planning. That news had swelled the ranks of the IOPF to include so many people of different nationalities and religions that they had changed their name to the "International" Organization for Peace and Freedom!

They had thousands of gatherings at least once a month in just about every country in the world so they could pass along news of known terrorist activities. All communication was either by cell phone, satellite phone, encrypted e-mails and secret messages on some benign "blog" sites that Wayne and Jada had created regarding computer technologies.

But the organization had managed to remain even more secretive than the Free Masons! Everyone understood that the key to their success or failure depended solely upon the element of surprise they would need when the time came to halt the destructive path down which OPEC was leading their world...

And the IOPF also knew that another key element to their success were the thousands among their ranks who possessed certain "abilities"... others had started to refer to them as the "Mustafa"... or "chosen ones." Those members were among the most trusted... they'd demonstrated time and again over the years that they'd never abuse their special "gifts"...


At the beginning of 2006, thousands of devout Muslim pilgrims began to wonder if their traditional ideology was at odds with what Allah had originally intended. Every year during the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar, Dhu-al-Hijjah, millions of Islamic faithful would converge on the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca in order to perform the "hajj"... the holy pilgrimage expected of every able-bodied Muslim who could afford to do it at least once in their lifetime.

In order to keep up appearances, Yosef and Nuri Madani and Jonathan North, alias Habib Hassan, had made plans to travel to Mecca to participate in the pilgrimage. Little did they know the potential dangers they were facing until Jonathan received a call from Tommy and Kira Seldon. They called to warn their friends it was not a good year to perform the hajj, so they canceled their trip...

Near the beginning of the pilgrimage, a hotel in Mecca collapsed killing 76 pilgrims and a week later, a stampede in the city of Mina a few miles from Mecca during the "Stoning of the devil" ritual killed another 362 pilgrims. And things like that happened almost every year during the holy pilgrimage... some began to wonder if it was Allah expressing displeasure for some reason...

But the radicals proclaimed the "accidents" that kept occurring over the centuries of the hajj were the work of Satan. Only the truly obedient followers of Islam would risk their lives to undertake the holy pilgrimage in honor of Muhammad and in worship of Allah. To be killed while performing the rituals of the hajj was as high an honor as hijacking a plane and crashing it... strapping on a bomb or driving a bomb-laden vehicle into a highly crowded area to take out as many enemy infidels as possible. The rewards in the afterlife would be well worth forfeiting their mortal existence...


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