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Gina Carano - Last Chance

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A last minute encounter with the MMA star.
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This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

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Gina Carano pulled down intently and powerfully on the weights machine, drawing the heavy weights vertically up as she let out a hard, controlled breath in response as she worked through another set. Despite being done with UFC and competing in competitive mixed martial arts, she still worked out intently and kept herself in shape, not just for her own career but her own health, finding calmness and order in focusing on herself. She was working out at her favourite gym, a place she'd been for years and felt completely at home, loving the friendly atmosphere and despite her burgeoning celebrity she was never harassed or bothered, only shown politeness by fans and friends at the gym. Perhaps it was because of who she was and nobody wanted a punch off her if they said the wrong thing.

It was going into the evening on a Friday and the gym was quiet, most people having packed up for the weekend and gone home to get ready for a night out or an evening in, leaving her working out in a much less busy gym. There were still a few people there working out, including a guy she knew there called Adam; he'd been coming to the same gym for years and she knew him pretty well. He'd initially been quite small and slim, quite weak, coming in after an illness she knew little about and didn't intend to pry, valuing her own privacy and respecting his. That was ages ago and he'd worked hard for years just like her and was now in good shape, strong and defined with lots of pure, natural muscle. She was quietly impressed with his progress and dedication to it; they had a friendly relationship and got on well, with plenty of hello's and some small talk, though she couldn't say they were close.

As she worked out, she could see him giving her glances, taking her in when he thought she wasn't looking or paying attention to him. She was a little perplexed as he knew he could chat to her if he wanted to, it was no big deal and she wasn't some ice queen as perhaps people expected or other celebrities were. She kept on working out, figuring he'd make something of it if there was anything more than checking her out which she had noticed a fair few of the male members were want to do, focusing on pumping her weights hard and getting the burn she desired. She continued on through her sets, finishing up her set at the machine and moving over to free weights for some dumbbell rows. Gina set out her chosen weights and got to her set, focusing again and working her biceps and back as she pumped hard, carefully controlled sets. She did both arms before a rest, deep hard breaths before resuming again, noticing out of the corner of her eye that he'd finished up and was heading in her direction.

Adam bit the bullet and headed towards her, taking in her muscular, toned form as she worked out, like many loving the beautiful definition of her body, the evidence of her work in the gym. His heart pumped intently despite the familiarity he had with Gina, something different this time.

"Hey," he said, not wanting to interrupt her sets as she paused between them.

"Hey, Adam, how's it going?" she asked with a smile, leaning up from the bench to greet him.

"Going good, Gina, how about you?" he replied.

"Hold on," she said. He watched and patiently waited as she did another set with the dumbbell, working hard, watching her muscles ripple beneath her skin, her strength evident.

"I'm good," she said, kneeling up on the bench once more, "what you been up to?"

"A bit of everything right now, wrapping up my job," he said.

"Wrapping it up?" she enquired.

"Yeah I've got myself a new job," he replied, sharing the news he'd been intending to.

"Congratulations, doing what?" she asked. He was sure it was mere politeness.

"Something boring in engineering, don't worry about it, thanks though," he said with a smile, breaking the tension.

"I'm sure it's not boring to you," she replied with a smile.

"No, it's very interesting actually, but most people don't seem to think so," he said.

"Well let's not get into it but congrats, the next step in your career so good luck," Gina said.

"Thanks, it does mean I'll be moving out of state though so this is my last day here," he replied, getting to the crux of the conversation.

"Oh wow, really? That sucks," she exclaimed, genuinely disappointed to hear of his departure.

"Yeah it's a downside," he conceded, "but with that in mind, how about a drink?"

Gina looked up a little surprised, since he'd never even suggested anything similar before and she was at a loss for words momentarily.

"Come on, have a drink with me," he offered again, reaffirming his initial invite.

"Well...I...don't know," she said shyly, her true nature far more reserved than any public appearance would suggest.

"It's my last chance so I'd love to take you for a drink, if you'll have me," he said, playing all his cards in one fell swoop.

"What do you have to lose? You can kick my ass if I step outta line anyway," he smiled.

"True," she laughed.

"So what do you say?" he asked. Gina paused a moment to consider it, figuring it was only a drink or two and if things didn't go anywhere they could just say their goodbyes and leave it.

"Sure, I'll come. Just give me a bit to finish up and grab a shower, ok?" she replied. He struggled to keep the joy from his face as he smiled and replied affirmatively.

"Meet you out front," he said before walking away to pack up himself, his final gym session with her over with as he headed for the changing rooms. Gina smiled to herself at his nerves but also straight forward, no fuss invitation as she picked up the weights to hit another couple of sets, focusing her mind once more to pump a few more hard sets and get them right even as her mind mulled over his sudden, all-or-nothing approach to taking her out for a drink. She finished up and headed for the showers, stripping down and casually cascading herself with the refreshing spray. Soaping up and rinsing off, her hands ran smoothly over her muscular body as she washed herself off and stretched gratefully under the water for a few minutes before heading to get ready.

She walked out to the front of the gym to meet Adam standing waiting for her, dressed casually in jeans and a shirt which matched her own equally casual outfit since they'd both just been to the gym for a workout...though perhaps he'd had the hope to ask her out.

"Hey, didn't sneak out the back door then," he said with a smile as she walked up to him.

"No, I said yes so let's go," she said with a laugh.

"Sure, straight forward I like it," he said as he turned to lead the way towards the bar he had in mind. It was just a casual place, only a few minutes walk from the gym and they made small talk as they headed down there, the pleasant evening fading gradually as the sun declined in the sky. The barman greeted them and if he knew Gina didn't show it as he got them two beers, Carano not being the type to bother with anything fancy. They grabbed a seat near the windows and slid into them, the green leather of the booth smooth and cool.

"So how's it been going, Gina?" he asked, taking a sip of his beer and willing his heart rate to slow as he was suddenly in the moment with her.

"It's been going alright, ups and downs like always of course," she replied, measuring her response as she realised it'd been a while since she'd been on a simple, casual kind of date like this.

"I'm sure it's all up, Gina, you're doing great," Adam said, referencing her burgeoning acting career and general increase in recognition.

"It's never all up. Not like you, new job and everything, that's a step forwards," she said, turning the talk back to his new opportunity and essentially the reason for their date.

"Yeah certainly a step forwards," he said, sipping his beer.

"Getting a raise to go with it?" she asked.

"Yeah, pretty decent one at that, nearly twenty percent," he said with a smile. He couldn't deny how pleasing that was to go with the move, it certainly softened the blow of having to up and leave his life behind.

"Wow that's great, can't complain at that!" she exclaimed, smiling broadly and offering her beer for a toast.

"To the future huh?" she said, both of them taking a drink, his eyes catching a glance down over her body as she shirt pulled tight, the cotton pressing to her and outlining her lacy bra through it.

"So you gonna continue working out at your new place?" Gina asked, his glimpse not going unnoticed but she didn't call him out.

"Yeah definitely, and a perk is my new place has a gym with it so I don't even need to travel to get there," he smiled as Gina covertly glanced over him, noticing his shape; he'd come a long way from when she'd first met him years before as a skinny guy looking to really sort himself out.

"That's good, you've made a lot of progress here," she said, giving a smile that had just a little hint to it as she reached out and playfully squeezed his arm, impressed by the muscle beneath her fingers as she felt his arm. She couldn't help but grin as he blushed a little, embarrassed but also proud of himself as she felt him flex.

"Thanks, I've certainly made big strides," he said, loving how Gina was feeling his arm, moving to give a proper feel of his bicep as he tightened his muscles.

"You really have, I remember when you joined," she replied.

"Yeah, after all that illness stuff I had, really had to work to recover," he said as Gina sat back, again stealing a glance at her fantastic chest again as she gave a stretch and arched her back to push her firm D-cups out against the shirt.

"Well you've done a great job," she said.

"Thanks, it's easy to be motivated when I've got you working out right there as well," he said with a smile, glancing down her figure quickly.

"Oh really?" she said, sitting up and giving him a look that demanded further explanation.

"Yeah I mean come on, it's great to workout with you and it always gives me that bit more drive to work harder and achieve more. I've got to live up to the MMA star somehow," he laughed.

"I haven't been an MMA star for quite a while now," she replied with a smile, draining her beer. He'd already done the same and she managed to signal to get a couple more.

"You're still an MMA star, and in great shape, come on don't try and deny that," he said.

"Well...thanks," she said, shyly accepting the compliment. There was no doubt that despite no longer competing she kept working hard to maintain her strength and physique. As she looked away in a moment of bashfulness he couldn't resist another chance to glance over her, the way her shirt pulled snugly around her impressive tits and her jeans wrapped tightly around her toned legs. His stolen glance was cut short as she looked back, just catching him checking her out a bit which made her smile; she wasn't stupid, she knew full well he liked her and had taken a final chance to ask her out for a beer. She was just contemplating where things were going to go now as their evening descended into casual chat about everything from sports and movies to further career talk and even dream holidays. It was just a fun night at the bar that evolved from them drinking beers to knocking back whisky, both of them loving the smooth, woody burn of a nice barrel from Tennessee.

Gina wasn't sure what to expect as the night wound down, the clock drifting effortlessly past till it was late with both of them a little tipsy on the bourbon that they'd both downed more than a few of.

"So, what are you doing with the rest of your evening?" he said, failing to register the late hour. Gina paused, looking him in the eyes with her own deep, dark browns, before tipping her head back and downing the last of her whisky.

"You, I figured," she replied simply, taking a step and being forward with him since he hadn't made the move she'd expected despite the whisky to loosen him up. He practically recoiled with shock at her coming on strong, eyes widening.

"Wha..." he mumbled, struggling to process it.

"What? Isn't that why you invited me out for a drink?" she said with a smile. He stumbled over his words, trying to form a sentence as his mind raced uncontrollably in that that.

"Shh, it is. So come on, drink up and let's go, you've pulled," she said with a naughty smile and a wink, knowing the deal was done. He couldn't keep the smile from his face as he quickly downed the last of his Jack Daniels and stood up, stepping away from the table as Gina followed to the door and out into the cool night air. Breathing it in deeply helped to slow his heart, racing with excitement at getting what he'd barely dared dream of as she slipped her fingers into his and held his hand.

"You alright?" she asked, just wanting to make sure she hadn't overwhelmed him.

"Yeah, definitely," he replied with a smile. She smiled back, a little nervous now as they walked to get on with things.

"We need to go to your place, alright?" she said.

"I figured. Come on, it's not far," Adam said with a smile, squeezing her hand a little and leading her towards his apartment which thankfully was only a few minutes walk. His excitement spread through him, stiffening his cock in his jeans, already semi-hard in readiness for her the second he could get her back to his place, having longed to get his hands on the gorgeous MMA star for so long. Whilst short, the walk felt like it took so long, hearing her somewhat rapid breathing beside him, loving that the world famous cage fighter was nervous about this encounter and it also made him feel a bit better at his own trepidation.

Finding his way to his place, he invited Gina to scale the stairs ahead of him, out of politeness and the fact it gave him a good chance to take in her ass as she walked up the steps, hips swaying with the motion of it. Gina glanced back over her shoulder with a smile, knowing full well what he was doing but she liked it and wasn't going to complain now. He followed her up and fumbled for his eyes, finding them and managing to let them in without problem, ushering her inside and closing the door behind them. In an instant Gina grabbed hold of his shirt and shoved him back against the wall hard, using her strength and technique to easily manhandle him despite his decent size, several inches taller than her and no lightweight. He didn't care as she immediately craned up to kiss him, hard and aggressive, mashing her lips to his as she pressed her body against him, his arms pulling around her to accentuate it as they made out. Their kisses were hot and hungry, tongues messily entangling in their first kiss before they found each other out, passions unloading.

"Oh fuck," Gina breathed as she broke away, both of them breathing hard, pulses racing.

"Goddamn," he mumbled in return, loving her forward she was, almost unleashed now despite her somewhat shy nature in person.

"I'll get nervous if I wait so we gotta do this. I gotta get things going," she said softly.

"Go for it," he encouraged, certainly not interested in holding back her passions. She smiled a little shyly, ridiculous considering the circumstances, then pulled back in close to him and leaned up more slowly, softly to kiss him again. Their lips met much more slowly this time, almost tenderly as they kissed and their tongues explored, massaging and pushing at each other, his hands pulled her close by the small of her back as she murmured in pleasure and let him envelop her. He didn't immediately move to do any more with her however which she was a little disappointed by, figuring he was still nervous to take her to task even though she'd come onto him so hard.

"Come on, don't hold back. I'm game for whatever so just enjoy yourself and do what you want," she said with a smile, flicking her eyebrows before she kissed him again. His hands were more mobile now, freed and excited to explore as they embraced, pushing straight down onto her toned ass and squeezing hard, a good handful that made Gina murmur in approval as she shivered with arousal. He gripped her through the snug denim of her jeans to take her in before his hand slid back up and then down her trousers over her panties. She was impressed at his sudden approach, taking a far bolder route as his fingers slid over the slender cotton waistband and onto her bare ass as he took in the simple black thong she was wearing underneath, giving a squeeze and letting his fingertips play up the back of her underwear to make her shiver as he withdrew.

Suddenly he released her, urging her away so she stood back down on her feet looking up at him a little confused until he swiftly grabbed her shoulders and shoved her back hard against the wall behind her, throwing her strong body against the plasterboard with a hefty thump that she was sure would leave a mark.

Gina just growled sexily with a naughty, lip-biting smile, tingling with imminent pleasure as he stepped to her and kissed her again hungrily as his hand pushed up her body to cup and squeeze her fantastic breasts through her top, feeling the lacy bra below. She hadn't expected him to be like this once she got going and it was exhilarating, loving how potentially rough he might be with her, his hand pawing aggressively at her ample tits now through her thin cotton shirt. His hands explored her body as they kissed, his lips moving down her neck as she gasped, hand sliding down her waist to her trousers, fingers just hooking into them as if he might try and push them down. Instead he suddenly pulled her away from the wall, using that strength he'd spent years building up, spun her and slammed her back against it, making Gina gasp and brace herself with her arms.

He kissed hot and fast across the back of her neck, making her shiver and tingle before groaning with a shudder as he bit into her. His teeth just dug firmly into the soft skin of her shoulder, sending an undeniable tremble through her as she got wetter, loving when guys did it to her. Despite her strength and evident ability to turn things around on him any time she wanted she loved being teased and dominated, not having to think and just enjoying the carnal pleasure. She didn't always want to be in charge and right now he seemed to somehow realise that, having figured it out and now he had her going with ease.

"Fuck don't tease me, take me!" she gasped hungrily, almost desperately over her shoulder as his hands pulled round her sides to squeeze both her tits simultaneously. It was all he needed to hear it seemed, not wasting his chance and grabbing her hand to pull her along the hall as she almost stumbled after him to the bedroom. He yanked her into another deep kiss at the foot of his bed as her hands immediately went to his jeans, deftly releasing the belt and button as he grabbed her top and yanked it up, breaking apart to haul it over her head as she then reciprocated with his to strip him topless. They embraced again immediately, hands sliding over bare skin now, his eyes taking in a glance at her fantastic chest pushed up in the black lace bra before he did.

Their hungry, tongue entwined kisses were a mere distraction from the focus of their hands as they hurriedly stripped one another, Gina shoving his jeans off as his hands fumbled with hers, managing to get them undone and shove them down her thighs as she did similar to him. He leaned down to shove them and everything else off, leaving him naked and achingly hard in front of the martial arts star as she smiled playfully at him.

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