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Girlfriend Experience Experience

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The stars of "The Girlfriend Experience" come together.
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*I do not own any of the characters from either "The Girlfriend Experience," the film, or TV Series. This is a work of fiction, and did not happen.*

For the third season of Starz' "The Girlfriend Experience," the writers wrote a three-episode arc where the focus of both the past two seasons of the film, and the Steven Soderbergh film, crossed over. Just in case season three would be the final season, the show-runners wanted to write a few fan-pleasing episodes...

It was easy to convince Riley Keough, who played Christine Reade in season one, and Louisa Krause, who played Anna in season two, to return for a brief reprise of their roles. It was slightly more difficult to get porn star-turned-actress-turned-electronic-musician-turned-author-turned virtual museum tour guide Sasha Grey, who played Chelsea in the film, to agree. After weighing the offer for a few days, she was reminded by a few people, including Soderberg, who was still on as a Producer for the show, that "The Girlfriend Experience" helped legitimize her. Eventually, she'd realize that it would feel right to shoot them.

With Sasha now on board, the writers could establish a greater "Girlfriend Experience" cinematic universe, and have the episodes with Chelsea, Christine, and Anna. The episodes would kick off the season, and be centered around a top-secret conference with high-class GFEs around North America, which would then transition into the rest of season, with two other women at this collective being the focus of the rest of season three.

While the film version of 'The Girlfriend Experience' was mainly set in New York, filming of season 3 was going to return to Toronto, where some of the Season 1 was filmed. Before filming began, the three female leads all got each other's phone numbers and began texting about their respective returns to their roles in the series.

The night before shooting the first episode, Sasha, Riley, and Louisa planned to meet up at a small bar in downtown Toronto. It was the first time any of them met in person, and they all really wanted to get some camaraderie before filming.

Riley Keough was the first to arrive at the bar. "The Girlfriend Experience" was a major point in her career, as it was her first starring role in a series or film. Since then, she had roles in films such as 'Logan Lucky,' 'Paterno,' and 'The Discovery.' She had other projects in the works, and was able to work around them to return to the role of Christine.

The bar was pretty big, with a lot of tables surrounding a four-sided bar area with around eight bartenders. The room was pretty dark, with minimal ceiling lights, giving way to the walls that had cool cylindrical blue lights. The booths were big enough to give the three stars enough quiet.

Louisa Krause arrived next. Since season two aired, she continued to appear on Showtime's "Billions," and appeared in the movies 'Dark Waters,' and 'Skin,' but not quite the prominent run that Riley had had since her season ended. Although season one did air a year and a half before season two, so Riley was a bit ahead there.

The two actresses hugged and exchanged pleasantries and '"it's good to see you"s' even though they had never met before. They waited for their third co-star, who they knew took some time to decide to take part in the series' story arc.

Louisa was wearing something very similar to a dress that Anna had worn- a plain, black, sleeveless dress as she sat across from Riley. Riley was dressed more like Christine the law student than Christine the escort, in a black turtleneck and dark blue jeans.

"Excited to get back into it?" Louisa asked when Riley sat down.

"Yeah, I wanted to say 'yes' in a heartbeat, but the way my schedule was, my agent had to do some finagling." Riley answered.

"You've been busy. You were SO good in 'Logan Lucky.'" Louisa said and smiled.

"Aw, thanks! Yeah it was one of the best things I've been int." Riley said. "How's it going for you since your season ended, I loved yours' and Anna's story, by the way. I legit cried during the last two episodes."

"Thanks, too bad she wasn't a part of this, or Carmen." Louisa said, even though she understood why Anna Friel's character wasn't written in, she would still miss her co-star. While Carmen Ejogo's character would also not be written into season three.

"I think with the way Carmen's storyline ended, her character would just stay in hiding. Bria spent a whole season trying to hide her past self, she wouldn't come out in the open like that." Riley suspected.

Just then, Riley felt a hand tap her left shoulder, and a barely audible voice say "hi." She turned around and saw that it was Sasha Grey, the third actress whose character would be briefly returning. Riley stood up to hug Sasha, although she did jump a bit at somebody touching her before actually talking, being a famous actress has that effect on people.

"Sasha, it's so nice to meet you!" Louisa said, after Sasha and Riley hugged each other hello.

"You too!" Sasha said as she greeted the other two actresses. There was some awkwardness, partly because the three had never met. Also, perhaps, because Sasha had gotten several more looks from other patrons of the bar as she made her way to the table than Riley or Louisa.

Off-camera, Sasha had always been a bit shy at times. Not anti-social, but not extremely social, which is what made her on-camera transformations in the profession that made her famous so spectacular, and what gave her so many thrills in those days. Sasha had gotten the unspoken black memo, wearing a black button-down shirt with a pair of black slacks. She had her top two buttons of her shirt unbuttoned.

"Have y'all been here long?" Sasha asked.

"No, we both just got here." Louisa said.

"Yeah, we had never met either, so we were just talking about how we've been since the show ended." Riley answered. "I know you've done a lot and it's been A LOT longer since the film..."

As Riley was finished, a waitress came over to the three ladies' table to take their drink order. It was certainly not the best timing, as Sasha was a second away from describing what one of the most famous porn stars in the world had been up to in the years since leaving the industry. Sasha ordered a Jack and Coke, Riley ordered an old fashioned, and Louisa ordered a Cosmopolitan.

"Sorry if I had you guys worried that I wasn't gonna sign on." Sasha began, "It's just, eleven years. That part of my life is so long ago. Plus, I haven't even done acting of any kind in a while. You can imagine how easy it was to transition, at the time." She was referring to how everyone thought the transition from a porn star to playing a character in a movie who has sex for money would be so seamless.

"I would've understood." Louisa said, "But we're glad you did."

"Thanks. And yeah, I have done a lot besides acting in the last ten years, between my books, my music, my YouTube channel, some other things I've been asked to host. Returning to the role of Chelsea, I just, it just felt too much of a reversal. You know? ...Only at first though." Sasha explained, she was trying not to sound stuck-up at all, with how much she had done in the last decade, but she did want to clear the air on why she needed some leg-pulling.

"But I got away from that line of thought." She continued. "I just didn't want people to think that, even though 'The Girlfriend Experience' was my first serious movie, since the character is one whose profession is sex work, that I was failing at everything else." She continued..

"Fuck what other people think." Riley said.

"Yeah," Louisa agrees. "It's a great time to reprise the role, plus you still look great, it won't even look like Chelsea will have aged much." Louisa smiled as she finished that sentence, flattering the starlet who was just 21 when the film came out, and 32 now, but still looked really hot, even Louisa thought so.

"Thanks. And yeah, I've never really cared what people thought anyway, it was just, that role was going to remind me of what I was doing that made me such a great fit for that role, and then I didn't want people to think that would tempt me." Sasha clarified.

"Anyway," Sasha tried to awkwardly change the subject. "I gotta admit, I didn't catch much of the first two seasons when they first aired, but I watched all of both of them in the weeks leading up, and that really got me excited. You both were great."

"Thanks." Louisa and Riley echoed. "You were a great inspiration." Louisa added.

"Well, I guess." Sasha began as the waitress brought their first round over. "Thanks." She said to the waitress. "It matches your hair," She said to Louisa when Louisa took her Cosmo.

"You were so good in the film that you didn't know that were going to inspire both us when you did it!" Riley said after the waitress left.

Sasha smiled, it had felt good to hear such flattering remarks from a legitimate actress, and continued her analysis. "I feel like Riley had to do the most "acting" out of all of us because we watched Christine develop a passion for being an escort. It becomes the thing she's the most obsessed with. I know as someone who's had my toe in a lot of different waters, I know that feeling of when you lose interest in something you were passionate about, like the law for Christine, because you've found something else you've enjoyed."

"I know what you mean." Louisa said, "Because Anna and Chelsea were GFEs when you first meet them, and Christine's transformation made for great television."

Riley smiled at the compliment of her talents by her co-stars. Starz' new holy trinity continued to sip their drinks and discuss their roles, and the world in it.

"But Louisa, don't take away from everything you put into Anna." Riley said, trying to deflect the praise. "I think, the viewer assumes Anna had never fallen for a client the way she had for Erica, and maybe that's "The Girlfriend Experience" FOR the GFE. Sometimes the experience for them is wanting to BE the girlfriend of someone, a client or otherwise, and not just give the experience, and I got that from you."

"That's really good." Sasha said, and nodded. Hearing Riley excitedly break down Louisa's role made her even more excited to get to work later in the week.

"Yeah." Louisa said, a bit flustered. "I don't even know if I even thought of it that way myself."

The three of them finished their drinks, and when the waitress came back they switched to wine- They each ordered of the three ordered three different reds- Sasha, a Merlot, Riley, a Malbec, and Louisa, a Pinot Noir. The waitress wrote down their order nodded, and left again. In between bringing their first round and taking an order for their second one, an excited fan in the waitress' section had informed her who he was serving, of course, the patron was one of the ones who only recognized Sasha.

Sasha couldn't tell the waitress was interacting with her any differently than before. She knew that after almost eleven years, she's gotten used to the attention. Riley and Louisa both noticed occasional moments where Sasha would, not necessarily drift off, but look a little pensive, and see her face turn down for a sec before snapping back to it.

"You okay Sasha?" Riley asked once, when Sasha looked back at the waitress a few seconds after she left, and seemed to study the room somewhat intensely.

"Yeah.. Yeah I'm good." Sasha said. Even though it had been eleven years, she could go literally anywhere and have someone recognize her, and she might have made accidental eye contact with that same patron who exposed who Sasha once was to their waitress.

It was something she still had to shake off. Sasha just tried to remember she was in the company of soon-to-be co-workers and to shake off whatever might have made her hesitant to sign back on. The waitress brought their wine order, and politely asked if she could get them anything else- she was trying to be as friendly as she could, now knowing she was serving at least one celebrity (not knowing it was actually three.)

"We're good now, thanks!" Louisa answered, as the three of them grabbed their respective wines.

"Steven and Lodge will be happy we all did this." Riley said referring to producer Steven Soderberg and co-writer Lodge Kerrigan. "Y'know, gotten to talk before we all got to set."

"Yeah, I'm happy we did too." Sasha said and smiled at both women. As she sipped her second drink, she was able to calm her nerves, a bit, which usually happens when she went out.

"Well," Louisa began, "I'm definitely even more excited now, that we've all talked. I watched the movie again, Sasha, to get a second gauge on what else I can maybe take from Chelsea and put into Anna."

"From the script, it looks like Anna's recovered from a breakdown, and doesn't have another one that bad." Sasha said, "I think Anna was perfect. When we meet her, she's at the stage Chelsea was, at the end, comfortable in her role as a GFE, and knows how to take care of her clients. I wouldn't change a thing."

"And," Sasha continued, turning to Riley, "Now when the viewers are re-introduced to Christine, they'll see her at that stage. Killing the game, being a badass escort, with high-end clients. I mean, that's how all three of our characters get to this large-scale conference."

Riley nodded, and took another sip from her wine. As the night went on, any reservations Riley and Louisa had about hanging out with an ex-porn star, not that they had any strong reservations in the first place, were long gone. Sasha was just another actress, one who's gotten to exhibit her very cultured, and well-rounded mind.

"You know one thing that is gonna be missing from Season three," Sasha began, and then took a big sip of wine before she continued. "Is our three characters don't interact enough."

"Well, we're interacting now." Louisa said.

"I know." Sasha laughed. "But, we aren't them. Like how Christine gets involved in some super-hot group settings."

"I mean," Riley paused, "I know I have some kinky scenes to shoot this week, but yeah, sorry our characters are mostly doing their own thing."

"I think..." Sasha began, "That us three could... and should make up for that." And she took another giant swig of wine.


"You..." Riley began before pausing. "Are you asking..."

"I think it would really strengthen our rapport that we've talked about." Sasha said. She didn't want to come off as the sex-obsessed porn star. The offer was on the table, and it was a serious one. She did think Louisa and Riley were both really hot, both in person, and when she watched seasons one and two preparing to come up to Toronto.

"I... I don't know." Riley said, she looked to Louisa to try to gauge her reaction. She had never had a co-star this forthcoming so soon into meeting them. Louisa had a smile on her face and was flattered by Sasha's offer. She kept that smile as she turned to Riley. "I can't." Riley could only muster.

"Why not?" Sasha asked. "We've had a fun night so far, right? We've enjoyed each other's company, and the subject matter we've discussed..." She trailed off. They probably thought that perpetually-horny side of her is still in there, but she wasn't embarrassed. She was to persistent to be.

"What's the matter, Riley? I hope it's not because I did porn you wouldn't fuck me. I mean we are going to be on the same bed when we're shooting." Sasha said, being a little more direct with her language strengthened her case.

"Of course not!" Riley replied. "The show was about not judging women for their life choices, Louisa and I all night haven't said..." She trailed off, but she wanted to make sure she didn't say she wouldn't because of what Sasha once was.

"...No. It's.. I.. I'm married." Riley sputtered. "It's not the same as doing a scene. If we were in a scene, it wouldn't be a problem." Riley was a little blunt, insisting that there was a difference between porn and sex scenes in a movie. However, she knew that Sasha was smart enough to know that.

"What if we filmed it?" Sasha said. "This could be beneficial for both of you. I mean, you two both looked so hot in all your scenes with your characters and their clients, and David, in Christine's case. I could, in the process, give you two a little lesson in looking even more believable fucking on camera."

Louisa looked back at Riley. Being the only married woman of the three of them gave Riley a bit of innocence to her. However, as Sasha looked directly at her, she knew that when she made this proposition, she saw a little of Christine in Riley, which meant she knew she was considering it, as was Louisa.

"I know most viewers thought your hottest scene was with Paul [Sparks], or the scene that was on video, but for me, it was the scene with Avery. I saw more passion in Christine's eyes than any of her clients. That's a sign. I bet.. I think that means the real Riley'd want to know what having sex with a woman is really like." Sasha said.

Louisa nodded, as the same kinda went for her. Neither Louisa or Riley had been with other women, although the intensity Louisa brought to the character of Anna in all her scenes with Anna Friel, might've made viewers think otherwise.

"Your husband, doesn't have to know." Louisa said. "When he asks how was shooting, just say you had a lot of sex. Little white lie is okay."

She hadn't said it yet, but Louisa took another sip of wine and realized she was ready to take Sasha up on her offer, and might have been ready to head to Sasha's room, with or without their third. Though it would be much more fun with Riley. When Louisa watched the film, and season one, she saw a lot of similarities between Christine and Chelsea, and thought that it would be really hot to see those two similar people, together.

"Don't think of it as Riley having sex." Sasha said, she could tell Louisa was in, so she focused on convincing Riley. "Think of it as Christine. Another part of her journey."

Louisa put an arm around Riley. "You know, I don't know if I can handle her all by myself. I mean look at her. I'd really like to be able to share her with someone, but if you don't want to join us.."

'Oh, I've looked at her,' Riley thought. She took another sip of wine, trying not to stare at Sasha, so alluring as she made this odd proposal. Now Louisa was tempting her as well. Louisa looked back at Sasha and the two exchanged more seductive looks with each other. She was starting to pick up on a vibe, the kind of vibe that Riley was more and more, not wanting to miss out on something.

"I'm just gonna throw something else out there." Sasha added, "Back when I was... in the industry, I worked with a lot of married female porn stars who all said their at-home sex life was more fun and more interesting after they had been in the industry for a while."

"That's really interesting." Louisa said, trying to help out any way she could. Then turned back to Riley, "And who knows, even though this is a one-time thing. Sasha's one of the best to ever do it, so we might both learn a lot from one night."

Riley was clearly mulling it over as she sipped more of her wine. She thought what Sasha said about putting herself into Christine and going back with them, not as Riley. Sasha was very persuasive, but not coercive.

"Maybe, I'll go back with Sasha, and Riley, you can go back to your room and take some more time to decide." Louisa said, as she got closer to finishing her wine. She definitely started to drink it a little faster, in anticipation of having sex with the beautiful woman sitting across from her, a woman millions of people had watched have sex.

"Maybe... I will join you guys." Riley said. It was almost inaudible. Riley sort of mumbled those few words, but Sasha was able to process them.

"One thing that was not very far off from my character in the movie and myself is," Sasha began, "That I always give my clients, or whoever I'm sleeping with, the time of their life, or in this case... lives."

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