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Girlfriend's Sexy, Slutty Daughter

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He dumps his girlfriend 4for her 24-year-old daughter.
16.5k words
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Warning: Even though there are some religious references throughout the beginning of this story, even though I pray to God a lot in this story, and even though I thank God for all the blessings bestowed upon me, this is not a religious story. God forbid, being that this is a porn site, sorry, I mean, an erotic literature site, of course, that I should reference the name of God Almighty in my story. My apologies in advance for those holier than thou readers of erotica, who are offended by me referencing God in my story. Yet, if God can forgive Mary Magdalene for being a whore, he can forgive me for writing this dirty story, I mean, this piece of erotic literature. As we all know, by all that happens in the world, between death, destruction, and devastation, God does have a fun, albeit a sometimes twisted sense of humor, an understatement.

"Shall we begin? Okay, here we go. Let's pray."

Did you ever pray to God for something, a certain toy, as a child, a new car, as a teenager, a quicker discharge, when in the military, a healthy baby, when married, a job that you hoped to get, when unemployed, a divorce, when stuck in a bad marriage, or a winning lottery ticket, when hoping for a large cash windfall? Well, maybe asking for too much, but throughout most of my life, apparently God wasn't listening to my prayers. No doubt, too busy doing other things and helping other people, who have real problems, woeful troubles, and serious issues than to get me all that I wanted, a toy, a car, a quicker discharge, that job, or a lottery ticket, God did give me the important things that I so wanted in my life, a healthy baby and, much later, a divorce.

Oddly enough though, it was when I stopped asking God for things and just prayed to him or her to give me guidance, peace, and strength to help me through my day, that he or she answered my prayers and fixed those things in my life that needed fixing.

"Wow! All this time I was going about it all wrong. Who knew?"

After praying to God for a while, I no longer had to ask for things to receive them. As if reading my mind in the way that only God can, I just had to subconsciously be mindful of what it was that I really wanted. Now, with God on my side, I developed a positive attitude and whether it was God given, or from my positive attitude, or from a combination of both, from out of the clear blue, as if a miracle, many things came my way.

"Thank you, Jesus!"

...And that was how and when I met my girlfriend's sexy, slutty daughter. Willing to accept her for who she was, a blessing or a curse, she turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Except there was a road hazard with flashing red eyes in our way, her scorned mother. Oh, boy, if you think a woman scorned is angry, try a mother scorned, when the other woman is her daughter. As if her mother was a big, old pothole that got in the way of us flying down our superhighway of love, after making a slight detour in our relationship to remove the obstacle, that was her mother, from our path, I couldn't have been happier.

"Thank you, God."

To be honest, I didn't even know that I wanted my girlfriend's daughter, until she was there standing before me. Thinking that I was somewhat happy in the relationship that I had with her mother, apparently God knew that I'd rather have the daughter over the mother, before I even knew. Certainly, I'm not trying to blame God for being a matchmaker but, strangely enough, as if struck from a Heavenly arrow of love from an Angel, it was love at first sight.

"Oh, my God!" Considering myself as the luckiest man on Earth, as if winning the Mega Millions jackpot, I hit the lottery, when I met her. "Wow! Oh, baby! Oh, baby! Oh, baby!"

Sorry, my apologies for being so rude. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Drew and, if you don't know already by the subject of this story, Girlfriend's Sexy, Slutty Daughter, I'm a dirty old man. Honestly, proud to be the degenerate that I am, a title that I revere, take very seriously, and work hard to keep, I couldn't be happier to call myself a pervert. Raised up in class of degenerates to that of the Grand Wizard of perverts, officially, my perversion started when I dumped my 48-year-old girlfriend, Anne, for her 24-year-old daughter, Ellen. I know, what's most men's dream is most women's nightmare. Suffice to say that I'm just glad that Anne didn't have a gun, when she caught me naked and in bed with her daughter.

"Boy, that was awkward."

Even though I'm 6'2" tall and Ellen is only 5'4" in her stocking feet, accustomed to being with a much taller woman, for my benefit that she does, I'm okay with her wearing high heels and putting up her hair. Even though I'm 26-years-older than she is, more than twice her age, I have the advantage over her of having an extra generation of past experiences from which to draw upon, a good way for me to comfortably excuse and justify our difference in age. Yet, so far ahead of me in her sexual appetite, soon I'll be needing more than experience to sexually satisfy her. Thank God for testosterone supplements and Viagra. Whenever I'm out in public with her, accustomed to people looking, staring, and leering at me, as if I'm her incestuous father kissing and groping his daughter, height and age doesn't much matter, especially in the dark, when lying naked in bed and kissing, touching, fucking, and sucking.

"All that really matters, forgive me Lord, is that I am so fucking happy!" My apologies for jumping up and down like that.

With my testosterone dwindling in relationship to my libido decreasing and my age increasing, way past my twenty-something-year-old sexual peak, as a more mature, albeit fit, 50-year-old man, alas, I was nearing the end of my sexual life. Then, as if my energy was invigorated, feeling ten years younger, just by switching from a girlfriend my age to one more than half my age, I'm reenergized.

"Halleluiah! It's a miracle!"

To be honest, had someone asked me the question before I met Ellen, never would I have thought I'd be in this tricky situation, having sex with my girlfriend Anne's sexy daughter Ellen, but I am. Never did I ever think that a 24-year-old woman would want me but, obviously, by her being naked and in bed with me, while moaning in pleasure, from enjoying my experienced fingers, tongue, and cock, apparently, she wants me as much as I want her. A sexual fantasy come true and one that I didn't even realize I wanted, never would I have imagined how good sex can be with a woman so young, so willing, and so beautiful, but it is.

"Ah, never too old for love so you, thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Jesus!"

Only, now that I licked Ellen's 24-year-old, sweet pussy and she sucked my 50-year-old experienced, albeit not as hard as it used to be cock, now that we made out and made love, before we fucked, holding one another in the afterglow, I should be happier, but I'm not. Instead, that is, during a time before she found out about us, I'm troubled thinking, what in the Hell do I tell my 48-year-old girlfriend, Anne? What does Ellen tell her mother about me? It's bad enough that I'll be breaking up with her mother, it's bad enough that I've already cheated on my girlfriend with another woman, but how do I tell Anne that the other woman is (gulp) her daughter?

"Uh-oh. Dear God in Heaven..." Only, this time, even though the Lord All Mighty provided for me in the way that I got what I had wished for, I was now on my own, but now what? Oh, my God, what do I do now? "Please God, don't let her slash my tires again."

A sex filled family scenario that made Jerry Springer rich and famous, I never thought this would be my life, but it is and do you know what? Too happy to be apologetic, I'm not sorry. Definitely, if my shoe was on your foot, you'd dump your girlfriend, too, if you had the opportunity to sleep with her hot daughter.

"Right? Am I right? You bet your ass, I'm right. You'd be all over a 24-year-old faster than you can say, married? I'm not married."

Finally, after all the shit I've been through in my life, after all my prayers that God didn't answer, I deserve to have a hot, young chick in my bed. I deserve to finally be so sexually satisfied in bed that I'll never look at another woman again for the rest of my miserable life.

"Ah, life is good. My life couldn't be any better than it is right now," I thought to myself while watching Ellen suck my cock.

Now knowing how OJ Simpson must have felt, when his young, beautiful, and shapely wife cheated on him, there's only thing that would make my life really suck, one day. What comes around goes around, if Ellen was to dump me for a much younger man, I'd be devastated. Yet, I'd kill the son of a bitch, I mean, of course, I'll cross that bridge later, if ever that was to happen.

"Oh, yeah."

"Pardon, Drew. Did you say something? I didn't hear you with your cock in my mouth."

"No nothing. I didn't say anything, Ellen. Just so happy to be with you, I was just talking to myself. Now, don't talk and just suck my cock, baby girl. Suck my cock," I said to her, while putting a gentle hand to her beautiful brunette head, while my other hand felt her shapely B cup breast and fingered her erect nipple. "Suck my cock, Ellen. Suck it."

Fortunately for me, as this is my house, Anne will be the one leaving. After this scandal, once we tell her, if Ellen and I are still together, fortunately or unfortunately, I don't think we'll be seeing much of Anne, even over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. If we're still together and if we marry and have children, it would be uncomfortably weird visiting grandma, while knowing we used to be lovers.

Now that I've seen mother and daughter naked, now that I've experienced mother and daughter sexually, they are both so uniquely different in bed, an understatement. Definitely, without doubt, a willingly responsive, sexual partner, daughter is so much better than mother in being proactive in telling me what she wants, while giving me all that I need. Instead, making me feel, as if I'm doing something dirty to her, whenever I gave Anne an orgasm, she muffled her excitement with a pillow held over her face. Ellen, at the other end of the sexual spectrum, screams her pleasure in the way of an opera star to make me feel like such a sexual, superhero, when she experiences an orgasm. Where Ann just dabbles and spits, Ellen is a talented cocksucker and swallows.

"Who's the man? Who's the man?" With both of them so much alike in some regards and so different in other regards, Ellen makes me feel like the man that I am, while her mother is never satisfied with who I am.

Yet sharing so many other qualities, when standing upright and fully dressed, without doubt, I made the right decision to leave mother for daughter. Feeling too happy, that is, until I think about Anne, I'm dreading the reality of having to confront her with an explanation why I don't want her anymore. Even more terrifying than breaking up with my girlfriend is why I want her daughter, instead. If Anne was a man, she'd understand, but she's a woman scorned by her boyfriend and deceived by her daughter. I should feel terrible about breaking up with Anne, but too happy to feel anything but love, I don't feel bad leaving her mother, when I feel so happy being with her daughter.

Other than that bit of unpleasantness hanging over my head, a gross understatement, as if my neck is positioned beneath a guillotine with my head ready to be loped off, I'm sexually sated, and erotically excited, while sick to my stomach by Anne's reaction, when I tell her. The ramifications of what I've done, dumping my 48-year-old girlfriend for her 24-year-old daughter, any man's fantasy come true, hasn't hit me, yet. Too happy to question my decision, I should feel guilty, but I don't. Too busy thinking with my cock, still too shocked and surprised that I bagged the hot, young chick, nothing else now matters but my happiness, her beautiful body, and us living together in sexual bliss for however long she wants me.

* * * * *

It all started, when my girlfriend Anne, asked me to pickup her daughter, Ellen, at the airport. Other than experiencing tunnel vision, while driving at high speed, other than being drunk from having too much to drink, not driving or drinking, I never had a conscious moment, when everything around me suddenly morphed into an elongated black tunnel, that is, until my first time seeing my girlfriend's sexy, slutty daughter. As if she was the only female on Earth, as if looking at her through binoculars and looking at her, as if I had blinders on that obscured me from seeing anyone else, the vision of this stunningly beautiful woman walking towards me filled me with sexual excitement. Never have I seen anyone so stunningly beautiful. Not realizing she was Anne's daughter, when first seeing her and thinking she was someone else, some movie star or famous celebrity, I wished she was there waiting for me. Wishing she was my woman, as if I were a Paparazzi photographer waiting in ambush to capture a candid shot of her, I wished I had brought my camera with me to secretly photograph her. Wondering who she was, who knew I'd be seeing a famous movie star or a celebrity at nearly midnight at the airport?

Had I known she was Anne's daughter, Ellen, the one I was there to pick up at the airport, I wouldn't have felt the urge to pull out my cell phone to snap a sneaky picture of her, and nearly I did. Then, when she spotted me from the distance, opened her arms, and gave me a big smile, expecting her to be smiling at someone standing behind me, I turned to look but there was no one there. Then, recognizing her from her childhood pictures and realizing she was smiling at me, suddenly filled with a glow of sexual lust, I knew it was her.

"Oh, my God! Are you kidding me? Wow, Anne has a hottie for a daughter," I mumbled under my breath.

Better than winning the lottery, better than having a perfect checkup at the doctor's office, and better than no longer having to pay my ex-wife child support, I'm in love. Lust at first sight, she already had a hold on me. Lust at first sight, even though I knew it was a sexual fantasy that would never happen, I've already made an unconscious decision to sacrifice everything I have and all that I will have, just for the chance to have one wicked, outrageous night of wild sex with her.

Almost as if being swept away in a surreal sexual vision, with the flip of her pretty head and a toss of her long, dark, brown hair, as if I was already dirty dancing with her, the sexy sway of her hips mesmerized me. With her body moving in sections, hips and tits and hips and tits, as if watching a mirage of a belly dancer advancing towards me, she was my sexual fantasy come true. With me standing there in a dream like state, unable to move, even though I'm conscious, I'm incapable of uttering a single, intelligible word or thinking a clear, cohesive thought that isn't related to thinking of her in all manners of undress.

Without even having met her to gaze in her big, brown eyes, without hearing her speak a single word to hear the sound of her soft, feminine voice, I'm already doing the unspeakably forbidden. I'm already imagining my girlfriend's daughter naked and in bed with me. What's wrong with imagining that? Until I think, what's wrong with me? Have I suddenly lost my mind? Yet, after checking my sanity and realizing that there's nothing wrong with me, I'm ecstatic that I finally found her, the woman of my dreams. Only, immediately bursting my balloon, doubting that she would, does she feel the same way about me, as I instantly feel about her?

"Nah, how could she? Why would she? Just as I don't know her, she doesn't even know me," I thought to myself, when seeing her. "Two people from different generations, I'd need a miracle for a relationship with her to work and that's when I prayed. Dear God, I haven't asked you for anything in a while, but..."

Ignoring all others around me, with my focused stare exclusively on her, as if my brain was suddenly rewired by the mere sexy sight of her, I've already forgotten everything I know and everything I've learned. If asked my name, I'd have to think twice about it. If asked where I live or where I parked my car, I wouldn't know. Turned into a blithering idiot, as if the stunning image of her is a hallucination, albeit an erotic vision effecting my libido, how can a woman so young have such a powerful effect on a man, who's more than twice her age? How can a woman so young have such a hold on any man, especially on me? Why do I find her so irresistibly attractive and so erotically seductive?

"Good God, Drew, get a hold of yourself. She's your girlfriend's daughter, for Christ sakes. Anne will kill you, if you so much as inappropriately look at her, leer at her, and lust over her, never mind touch her and try to have sex with her. Please God, help me. Please God, make me blind. No! Wait! Just kidding. Please don't make me blind, God."

Is my physical attraction to her so intense because she's my girlfriend's daughter or because she's so young and beautiful? Maybe a little of both. In the way that I wish I could hit the lottery, maybe because I perceive her as so unattainable is the reason why I want her even more. I don't know why I want her and I don't care what the reason is that I want her, it just is and I just want her, have to have her, but how? As if she's a big Hollywood star walking the red carpet to greet me, an ordinary mature man, I'm already lost in her presence.

Whether it's lust, love, or I'm going through a period in my life that I must experience as a required rite of passage path that I must take to emerge on the other side sane, whole, and normal again, how can emotions that feel so good be so wrong? Why must love between a woman so young and a man so much older, be so wrong? In an instant I realize that everything that's wrong with my current relationship with Anne could be corrected by ending it and starting a new one with Ellen. Tired of the same old, same old, tired of playing the responsible adult, doing the right thing, taking care of everyone, and doing all that's expected of me, why can't I have happiness, too, especially with someone like her?

"Dear God in Heaven, thank you for giving me guidance, peace, and strength, but I have enough guidance, peace, and strength in my life now, thank you very much. Please give me Ellen. She's right over there, God. The unbelievably beautiful woman, that's her. Ellen is what I want, God. I want Ellen. Whatever it takes, I'm willing to pay the price to have Ellen in my life. I don't care how you do it, God, but please, just do it," I silently prayed. "Amen. Oh, and thank you, God, in advance."

If I thought it would help for me to fall to my knees in the middle of the airport, I would have but, not wanting to make a spectacle of myself, not wanting airport security to think that I was a terrorist about to blow myself up or light myself on fire, I didn't fall to my knees. If I thought that it would help to summon the Devil to get this hot, young chick, I would have but, picking the better of the two options first and leaving that second option open later, if denied my prayers, I thought I'd try God first.

If only I was someone famous, an aging rock star or movie star, I'd have a model under my arm. If only I was someone influential, a powerful politician or a smart, billionaire, techno nerd, I'd have more of a chance of getting the hot, young chick. If only I had money, a lot of money, in the way of Michael Douglas with Katherine Zeta Jones, Woody Allen with Soon-Yi Previn, and Donald Trump and Hugh Hefner with everyone, I fatalistically realized that I only have one life to live. Seeing her walking towards me, as if she approached me in slow motion, while wishing she was mine and knowing that I'd never so much as touch her, never mind kiss her, feel her, and make love to her, I was filled with a gut wrenching sadness for a life that could have been.

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