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Girlie Girl or Wife Material?

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34/M meets a 19/F on Literotica forums.
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So I meet this pretty young woman on line. We joke a bit and interact through a forum site, 'Literotica'. She catches my interest with some uniquely placed words. I tend to like her humor and open minded thoughts. Seriously I did not single her out just because she is a female. I have plenty of those friends and at the moment I am not hunting for kitty.

Being a man with a sincere heart and a twisted mind I take a close look originally just to scope who she might be. Upon some petty talk in a few letters I soon discover she is not only interesting but in a weird coincidence she also lives nearby my native hometown. Having left that area some years ago in search of who I was; I find it peculiar that my life suddenly circles back to home if only in thoughts.

Within days I learn some things I like, but question. Being no dog my self I have the confidence and means to take on any situation. It is, just as I mentioned before I am not really looking for female comforts. I am looking for friends, but I never rule out the possibility of a relationship growing.

My mind perplexes with thoughts, I am a 34 year old male and this sweet lady of the north is 19. Letting that sink in for a moment I ponder the thought. Ok it is not like I have never been hit on and I can fathom the maturity of a young female. It just was never a consideration before now. My eyes roll back as I brush my hair. For God's sake what am I thinking?

Briefly after a few letters are exchanged the fair princess of the north disappears from my screen. Not really knowing what to make of it I continue along with nice thoughts. Never really stopping to take a second look back. It would have been different if my goals were to see how many females I could tag. Really now if that was the case I surely would not be playing on line. As I live next door to spring break USA there is never a shortage of willing participants.

Within weeks posting at my favorite boards I stumble upon this woman once again. Not wanting to be a pest; it was more a happy to see she has returned. I feel the pleasure arise as I post my usual not so politically correct responses in a silly thread. Now some of what I write was more or less humorous but in a deep manner it also has a bit of reality to it. Underline message was, 'Yea, I am interested but not willing to make the first move.'

Allowing the screen to fade to black! A few days pass and being coy I play the subtle cat and mouse. Posting, and then ever watching for her to post a reply. Being careful not to look to zealous I restrain from an immediate response. Give it a few more days, and it ends, poof she is gone!

Not gone just minimal sightings. Hey all is well and good in the land of make believe. What should one expect? Be honest with your self and realize this is not a place to find the right one. I know many relationships have developed right out of the forum pages. I guess it is an excellent place to look for like minded people.

If you the reader can't tell up to now I am interested but not willing to actively pursue. My dick says yes, but my mind says don't be retarded. Escaping the cyber world for a few weeks my self I return to find among my Private Messages a familiar name. Alright they are all familiar names, but one name in particular makes me leap.

I respond with proper etiquette and am very pleased when she responds back. My apologies to all who are waiting and this one person jumps to the top of the list. Could it be... nah keep a level head? The thought secretly turns my heart something within is wishing.

The day passes to the next, when another kind response is read by my eyes, from her: "I was thinking of a story along those lines the other day, playful chat, and perhaps while visiting family we happen to arrange a meeting... which leads on to other things... I never thought about the happily ever after tho... lol, you read my mind."
Like an adolescent I read her words not dissecting them, just enjoying the moment. In the back of my mind I try to rationale with myself. While in the moment I take pleasure in loosing my mind to the next step. Now taking a closer look did she mean story or is that just a way to break in without actually having to ask for real?

Mystifying my thoughts; as unbelievable as it could possibly be. I want to know and there is only one way. Taking a deep breath as this is a long shot in the dark.

I begin to type: "My fine female friend from the north, what a delight it truly is to read your words. I take pleasure in the thought of what you say. I am not sure how to propose this question. As much as I wish to write such a story, I need to ask; do you think it might be possible to effectively meet? I understand there are some things that may hinder any relationship between us. Still since I will be headed your way soon, it would be real nice if nothing else; could we meet and at least allow me to take you to dinner?"

I close my eyes and hit send. Frozen in the shock of what I have just asked, and sweating with anticipation of her answer. My thoughts run distorted this could go real good. Oh, that would be so sweet like hitting the Lottery. Then again I could very well frighten off a wonderful friend. Oh, that would be awful as that was never my intention. When did meeting someone become so complex?

I awake at 6 am. turning on the magical glass box I look into my messages, nothing. Again at noon I find nothing. Not giving up hope as I know it is early for her to respond.

Then at 4:30 there it is, the return response. My heart flutters with anticipation of the greatest magnitude. I am excited but scared of her response. The questions dart through my mind as I prepare to open her note. Simple but I was in relief to read: "I suppose I don't know as much about you as you might know about me, but I'd like to learn. However I am unsure of what I should say in response. Almost all of your messages make me smile, and/or laugh, that really is a good thing. And yes, I am of sorts hitting on you also. Just as you mentioned age is a consideration, and I agree. So if we are going to meet, we should wait until we know each other better."

I know for many this might seem like a bit of nothing. To me right at the moment it was the world. I understand this was not a definite yes to her heart. But it sure was a far cry from a flat 'No'. Like a youngster heading to the Circus I spun around in my office chair with cries of joy and splendor.

Coming back to the keys my fingers trembled with a tingle, the excitement was bona fide. Pulsing through my veins the blood pumped me to a condition, I felt incredible. Stroking the keyboard the journey had begun.

Day after day we write and I will admit with each day I feel more comfortable. The gap in age quickly is reduced until it no longer seems to be there. Still being careful for the stumbling blocks it was just a pleasure to be greeted with her genuine letters each evening.

I never thought I could be so into a young lady. I really wanted to know her day and everything she felt. Yes, I had descriptions of her facial and body language, I wanted more.

I wanted to feel her soft skin, and brush my hands through her gentle hair. I wanted to experience her quirks and smell her fragrance. Each night as I turned of the screen my heart ached for someone to hold. The time spent between getting ready for bed and closing my eyes was the longest part of the day. I never whimpered, though I came close many of nights being lonely inside.

The months had indeed past quickly, before long it was May the tenth and I was headed north. With a quick bumpy ride soon the plane had landed in Providence RI. My Brother greeted me with warm welcomes as we picked up my luggage and headed to his home. Though my feelings of joy were wonderful to see the family, I could not help the knot in the pit of my stomach. I knew how close I was in respect to meeting this girl for the first time. I had to wait my time and be pleasantly sociable as I waited for my moment.

The second day after my arrival I borrowed my brother's vehicle and traversed to the location of our meeting. I tried to remain composed in my thoughts, as my breathing became rampant in the excitement. Perspiring from nerves I walked into the quaint little diner. I knew I was twenty five minutes early, and had plenty of time. Surely I was not going to be late.

I waited and waited what seemed like an eternity. I wondered and almost felt foolish, was I being stood up? The clock on the wall clicked slowly as the second hand made a distinctive sound. She was overdue and the time still passed. I thought it was to be expected but hoped for more. I wanted to leave but now I was unsure. What if she came right after I had left?

Holding my ground I set a time on the clock no matter what when it passed I would leave. Taking hold of the now almost cold coffee cup I downed the drink and headed to the rest room. On my return I paid my bill and tipped generously.

The gentle man behind the counter handed me a piece of paper and said a young woman just left this for you while you were gone. Opening the note sized paper there was a phone number scratched across the interior. Stepping outside into the brisk air I called the number on the paper.

A voice answered a female voice says, "Hello."

I respond, "Hello why did you not come, why did you not meet me?"

There is a noticeable pause then I hear, "I was afraid you might not like what you saw. So I stood out side watching you from a distance."

With a grin and a sigh I asked, "Well, did you like what you saw?"

She answered, "You're very handsome."

I said, "Why thank you, I think? Do you suppose I could see you now or shall I head back from which I came?" Walking toward the vehicle, I had had enough games and was prepared to leave as much as I wanted to meet her.

I rounded the corner of the truck and standing beside the driver's door was a young lady. I knew who she was and put away the phone. She stood there quietly looking back at me. She was everything my mind had placed into an image from the words we traded off the page on the computer. I looked her up and down. I could not understand why such a beautiful young lady would think, I would not find her attractive.

Just as in a fairy tale story she glimmered like a princess into the twinkle of my eyes. My first thoughts were on just how pretty she was. My mind soon raced with betraying thoughts, she was young. It was not that she wasn't an adult it was she was so much younger than any woman I had ever considered for a relationship. I deeply looked at her and the slight smile that was coming to her face in a shy kind of way.

I reached out my hand in a friendly gesture to greet her saying "Hello, my friend it is nice to finally meet you. Might I say you are much more beautiful than I ever imagined." The response may have taken me by surprise a little, but in a nice way. She moved forward and gently at first then more secure hugged me dearly. With a brief mention, "Hi, it is sure nice to finally meet you too. I have wanted this moment for so long." Her light hair tickled my face and nose as the wind teased it slightly into my smile.

Her smell was so sweet and the hold was so genuine my senses evaded me, leaving warm feelings of love hidden in my mental being. I would not tell her just how much of a captive I was to her beauty. All in all I guess you could say right at that moment she owned me, and I was afraid.

Parting the moment we made our way to a fine establishment and enjoyed the food served to us. The conversation was light and flowing at a good pace. The nerves of our initial unease soon past into a friendly paced chatter, as if we always knew one another

In a polite manner she soon excused her self to the ladies room. I watched as her figure arose from the chair, then turning she walked to the restrooms. Her buns avidly available to my view made my mouth water, as her fine legs parted with each step. The trace of her muscles flexed with a perfect pinnacle proportion into her lower back. Like Squiggy from "Laverne and Shirley" I bit at the palm of my hand in lust.

My heart palpitated, my thoughts bounced inside my skull. How could this be? I must be the luckiest man in the world I thought. She is young, funny, kind, beautiful, and sexy. I even know the kinky dirty thoughts of her mind from Literotica chats we had. What in the world is she doing with me? I also know her intentions are to have a long term relationship/marriage.

Whoa! I thought to my self as I felt my face flush with heat, being overwhelmed by my own quiet feelings. Taking a sip of water I place the glass down slowly.

Upon return she is chattering about the restrooms and all the amenities they have. I let out a slight chuckle finding great delight in her excited talk. It was easy to find pleasure in her as she was easily entertained. After a bit I asked her to a dance, she denied me with a cringed face and a reply, "I really do not know how to dance like that very well."

I rose from my seat and took her hand with a grin and said, "All you need to do is sway slowly to the music." She stood and we proceeded to the dance floor. It was fairly empty, but taking a nice corner we held one another as we made the song a lasting impression on our minds. When the last roll of the song played I took the opportunity in my hands and kissed her gently on the lips. With her arms around my neck she held me there as she kissed back. Holding her waist I pulled her closer as the soft tender lips made me melt.

The song had ended and we stood together with a broken kiss, we looked into each others eyes. Almost like we were trying to both ponder the others intentions, but really just lost in the moment. She spoke saying to me, "I liked that, I hope there is more." As the next song began to play I leaned in and kissed her without hesitation this time. This was a long and sultrier kiss. The reaction it was having on me was a bit noticeable; I can only guess from her enthusiasm she was feeling the same.

This time she was a bit more calmed when she spoke soft toned and earnestly looking. She held my hands and asked, "Do you think we could go someplace a bit more private?" Of course I agreed. However I did not know where, did she want to go to a Hotel? How does one ask such a question and not be rude?

Entering the vehicle she reaches over and attacks me. No you can't rape the willing and I am more than doing my share of holding and returning the kiss. As the petting heats up more and more I finally stop to ask, "Can you hold that thought for about fifteen minutes?"

Her response is a little frowned but says, "Sure I can, but why?" Holding onto my right hand.

I give her a peck on the lips then say, "Not in a car, That can be fun, but tonight I want you to have comforts and niceties. I also wish to have a private access to you without a center console in the way."

She smiles with a slight laugh and says, "Yeah that would be nice." Hugging and holding my arm with her head pressed on my shoulder I drive off swiftly. I imagine it was closer to forty five minutes before we entered the room. Placing some music on the radio helped to rekindle the mood. Before long we were embraced in a kiss of passion.

My shirt was soon unbuttoned and hers undone from the confines of her pants. As she traced the definition of my hairy chest, my fingers danced about the skin of her tender stomach and back. Clasping my hands under her buttocks; I with gentle care kissed down her neckline to the slight beginning of her cleavage. She removed her shirt while my hands paced rapidly to remove the limitations of her bra.

With a little magic and a hell of a lot of luck the elastic band separated and drew limp. The small cups drew in form and soon fell to the floor. Her nipples perked in an astonishing display of excitement. The areolas peaked in a strawberry color upon the contrast of the milky white skin of her breasts. My open hands pressed the sides of her chest filling the gap between her breasts to a nice seam.

Admiring the perfect shape for a brief moment, I soon placed a simmering kiss of suction and playful tongue on her left tit. Anxious I then compensated to the right for the wait of my kiss. I could feel the weight of her body trembling as her legs became like rubber. Kissing her lips she replied, "I think I need to sit down." Never allowing me to be more than a mere foot away from her she moved toward the bed.

Unbuttoning her pants she shimmied out of them sitting back kicked off the remainder and lay back onto the mattress. Making a separation of my own trousers, they dropped to the floor with ease. I never took my eyes off her. She looked unreal dawning, a big happy smile, exposed perked breasts, and the finest of black thin laced panties which covered but the smallest portion of her exquisite figure.

With her legs overhanging at the crest of the mattress, and bent at the knees so her feet just dangled above the floor. I kissed her inner knees as my hands traversed up like on rails her legs. Slightly with a slow pace I brought the kisses to a closer level raising the desire of my touch of intimate places. Soon my fingers moved the fine lacey material to the side of my final destination. The sweet tangy smell whispered an invitation to proceed. Though her legs were parted her lips were closed in a delightful looking mound that just hinted of her youth. I was not surprised to find no pubic hair as I was well aware of her shaving procedures.

With my nose I pressed the crevice to gently part her womanhood, followed in trail by the touch of my tongue. Her hips slightly moved up as the silky smooth taste embellished my senses. Like a faucet she began to drip a slow stream of nectar from her body. Slippery and tasteful it was the best experience I have ever encountered. The tender flavor was one I could never get enough of.

Managing to move my lips to her clit, I kissed her sex with an earnest love and desire to make her feel exactly what I wanted to give her. The nub of her clit playfully bounced about between my lips and tongue. While my fingers searched into the opening feeling what she had to offer.

Tugging at my hair she then dropped a rolling orgasm onto my touch. I was pleased and surprised at the short time it took.

Pulling me by my hair in a loving way she said, "Come here." I lifted my self up, wiping my face on the spread. Then scooting her up further onto the bed I crawled kissing her body past her stomach, over her breasts and onto her waiting lips. Gentle moans gave way as we kissed each other. Her legs rested as the heels of her feet found my hips crouched above hers.

This position was good and bad. It was good because I loved to feel her chest pushing into mine as we kissed, the firmness of her stiff nipples could be placed on my skin, and her arms holding me around my back felt so nice. It was bad because I could feel the tip of my cock bobbing about touching the wetness of her pussy. I had brought condoms for this very moment; they sat still only a few feet away in the pants on the floor.

I could feel the pre-cum making a bridge of fluid between our sexes as they touched and parted slightly. With out the aid of a hand soon the head of my cock located the opening between her legs. I was waiting for her to request some protection. The request never came and soon the slippery opening parted and the knob eased in a bit further than planned.

Despite knowing better I allowed it to travel into her womanhood with no plastic wrap to separate my fluids from hers. Her Legs pushed at my rear in an attempt to hold me inside and the kiss grew more ferocious.

My cock was rigid and pulsing as her flesh enveloped it tightly but capable. I held her tight as I began to fuck her with love and lust. Each stroke was a divine travel into her; I had never felt this way before as if she was the younger sister I never had. It couldn't be true love as we knew each other on line but just met. Was it lust for such a young woman, or is it true what they say about soul mates?


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