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God Mother - Complete


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"Oh god daddy, I love you so much, god you feel so good inside me. Now make love to me," Jackie cries, tears rolling down her cheeks as the joy she felt from her father's cock washes over her like a tidal wave.

"Oh my god, Princess, I love you so much," Calen too is crying with joy.

I lay there, propped up on my elbow, caressing Jackie's hair watching them enjoy each other for the first time in their lives. As Calen starts to buck his hips, he couldn't help himself, Jackie did too. They were now fucking each other.

Looking up, I notice Jenny in the doorway, watching. A tear rolls down her cheek as she watches her husband's cock slide in and out of their daughter. Looking at me, she waves for me to come out and join her. I start to move off the bed when Jackie grabs me.

"I'll just be in the other room, I promise I won't leave. I'll be in the living room when you two are finished."

Nodding she lets go turns back to her father and kisses him hard on the lips as he starts to pound into her fast and hard. When I get to the living room, Jenny is nude and waiting. Sitting on the couch, I watch as she straddles my legs and slides down my hard cock. Then we are kissing and touching each other.

Fifty minutes later, Jackie and Calen walk into the living room to find Jenny bouncing up and down on my hard cock. She has taken her time so we would finish after they did. She shouts with her orgasm as she hears Jackie's gasp. I just smile up at her as she shudders.

"My god Cole, what are you doing?" Jackie screams.

"Jackie, what I do with Cole or any other man or woman is none of your business," Jenny said softly, climbing off my cock.

"Yes, mama," Jackie replies quickly.

"Did you and your father have fun?"

"God yes... you knew too, how?"

"Dad told me of his feeling long ago. I just wasn't sure of yours until today. Now come here and give me a hug and a kiss."

Jackie literally runs into her mother's arms as she gives her a kiss on the cheek. Jenny kisses Jackie on the cheek giving her a squeeze. Getting up, I go to Jackie's bedroom and get dressed. As I am coming out, Calen and Jackie are heading back. Jackie stops me and kisses me hard on the lips.

"Thank you, Cole. Anytime, let me know, we'll go somewhere."

"You're welcome, my love. I'll let you know and I look forward to it and have just the place."

"Good," she said, turns and hurries to her bedroom where her father waits.

Jenny is waiting at the back door, a wide smile on her lips. She hugs me and kisses me hard.

"Thank you, Cole," she tells me.

"You're welcome, Jen. We have to get together again, sometime when no one else is around or better yet, you, Jackie and me."

"Ooh, kinky. You bet," she tells me kissing me again.

Chapter LVII

That summer is so much fun. Mom, Jenny, and Jackie fill my days when I wasn't with Karen or Joan. I never tell Joan about Jackie. She did ask frequently about Jenny. I tell her about Jenny after she assures me she would not be jealous or hurt because of her. I also told her about Karen. We always had great sex when I did. I think Joan may have been a bit of a voyeur at heart. I know I am, I loved watching mom and Calen or Jenny and Calen when I had the chance. I just wonder if I could ever watch my Joan with another man, but she never ever seems interested in other men.

When the summer semester is over, Joan met me at the resort. We had two weeks to just lie in the sun and relax. It is good for Joan to be able to unwind and I unwound her as often as I could. On the beach, in bed, in the water, you name it we fuck there. Toward the end of the second week, Joan told me she misses Karen. I called my cousin and told her to get her ass over here. Twenty minutes later, she is at the door to our room and naked two minutes after stepping in the door. The rest of the stay is consumed with passion and pure pleasure. Joan seems so much more relaxed with Karen there, that she is willing to leave the curtains open all the time. Karen and she have a bit of exhibitionism in their psyche.

When we leave the resort, we have just two weeks left until the start of the school year. Joan needs to get home to prepare for her courses. Karen and I were basically free to do what we want. After just three days, I couldn't help myself and call Karen for a date, she accepts with some hesitation. It turns out she is expecting her friend to call her about a date that night. I tell her to give me a call if he does, we could always get together another time. Needless to say, I don't go out with my cousin that night. To tell the truth, I was happy for her, even though a little sad. I think I know how a parent feels when one of their offspring leaves the nest.

That two-week period went by slowly. Dad is back in town and even though he went to work every day, mom just didn't satisfy me as she used too. Maybe we were together too much. During the day, I start spending more time next door with Jackie or Jenny when she wasn't working. Calen works strange hours, so it wasn't often he and Jenny were gone at the same time. If I want to see Jackie for some practice, I have to take her to the motel. She likes going there as she can relax and scream all she wants. I like going there too, no interruptions. During those sessions, I show Jackie how to really suck a cock and enjoy doing so. I also show her what I have learned from Joan. She is very happy after those lessons

The new semester starts and we are all back at Joan's place. Joan is happy to see us, again and we are happy to see her. The first night the three of us spent hours in Joan's bed together. It is pleasant to have both women at the same time again.

The routine of school and weekends home settles in rather quickly. Classes are a little easier, but the homework has increased. I am in another of Joan's classes this year. She is such a good teacher in class and out of class. Yes, she is still teaching me new things in bed and that is the best part. No, not the sex, the learning, not only on how to please a woman but the things I am learning about Joan. I love learning things about Joan. My heart still ached for her, even when we are together. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Did I care she couldn't have children, no, we could always adopt if we want children? I just want to spend my life with my God Mother and I was going to find some way to do just that.

I didn't go home on a weekend for three months. I did talk with mom often. She sounded happy and content and didn't mind me not being home as often as last year. She is getting used to life without her baby. I did miss Jackie in a way. She is a beautiful young lady who is a more than willing partner. I enjoy her lovely body and miss her soft lips. The weekend I go home, I make sure she is there too and Jenny makes sure Calen is not.

When I knock on her door, she squeals with joy at seeing me. It seems both Jenny and Calen are gone for the weekend and her sister and brother are at her grandmother's. She pulls me in the house and makes me promise to teach her everything I know. Laughing, I follow her into the bathroom where I watch her shower.

"I probably can't teach you everything, there's not enough time until we both have to leave to go back to school."

"Then teach me what you can."

"What's the hurry?"

"I found him."


"The guy I'm going to marry."

That stuns me. I sit there on the toilet seat, watching her soap herself through the glass door.

"Is he nice to you?"


"I mean really nice to you?"

"Yes. He treats me like a princess. No demands, no slurs, no name-calling, he professes his love for me from today to the end of time."

"Just so he is nice to you."

She pulls the door to the shower open and stares at me with a questioning look on her face. I smile sheepishly, looking her in the eye.

"Jackie, all I want for you is to be happy. I have to admit that if I wasn't already in love with someone else... you... you would have been my first choice."

Jackie gasps at my admission. Stepping back under the water to rinse, she pulls a towel from the rack and dries off. Stepping out of the shower, she flows into my arms, warm lips pressing against mine, wet hair dripping on my neck and shoulders. She has to reach down and take my hand, placing it on her breast. I am in shock at my own sudden admission. Then something even more shocking was uttered from her lips.

"I have loved you for years," Jackie whispered in my ear.

Standing up with her in my arms, I carry her to the bedroom. That it is her parent's room doesn't matter to either of us, except the bed is much bigger. I am naked, pressing my exposed skin to hers within minutes. After much kissing and fondling, I pull back just slightly, to gaze into her eyes.

"Jackie, you didn't have to say that," I whisper.

"I know and I don't expect you to tell me you love me."

"Of course I do, but I... my heart... she is just so... I can't live without her."

Jackie is silent as she peers into my eyes. First one then the other, then nodding slightly, she kisses me so gently our lips may not have even touched.

"Tell me," she said.

"You don't want to hear about the other woman," I tease.

"Tell me," she said again, gently taking my cock in her hand.

"You have met her."

"Karen? Your cousin?"

"While I love Karen dearly, no it is not her, I want to spend the rest of my life with."

"Then tell me."

"My... my God Mother, Joan," I tell her, my voice shaking with emotion.

"Oh my, she is very beautiful. Does she know?"

"Yes, she knows," I laugh a little as I tell her.

"Does she feel the same way?"

"Yes, she does thank god."

"What's the problem?"

"She is my second cousin."

"Oh, OH, my god, what will you two do?"

"We will find a way. I already live with her during the school year, it's during the summer we would be hard pressed to explain my being there with her."

"Oh I'm so sorry," Jackie whispers, she understood the stigma associated with what we wanted to do. Just as she understood, the same thing attached to her love of her father.

"Not your problem and I'm so happy you have found someone that will love you like you should be loved."

"Thank you, now you were going to teach me... things," she said smiling at me deviously.

I laugh as I squeeze her breast in my hand. Then I start to teach her what I knew about pleasing her man.

Chapter LVIII

The second year of school is ending. I desperately want to stay with Joan, while she works the summer semester, but she tells me no. Her thinking is I would have nothing to do all day and would be so bored I would want to... well I would anyway, but she is right, so I leave. Mom is happy to have me home during the day, just like last summer. Jenny is thrilled and when I am able to talk to Jackie, she too is glad I would be around to practice with her. We both laugh when she put it like that.

I still see Joan on Saturday and Sunday each week, but Karen has her hands full with her guy and didn't have all that much time to be with me. I am sad she wouldn't be around as much, but happy she has found someone. I have only met him once and I hope he is making her happy. If he is, I am extremely happy for her. If he isn't... well let's said there would be no place he could hide to escape my wrath. I really hope it didn't come to that, but I would avenge her if needed.

Jackie and I spent quite a bit of time at the motel. Most of the time we split the cost, as we were both benefiting from the visit. On those nights, I took her out on a date, I insisted on paying for everything. Jackie is becoming a very knowledgeable woman. Now I am an avid reader. I read everything I can get my hands on, erotic or not. Some of the things I read I truly thought were flights of fantasy, yet when Jackie starts to ask about them, I reevaluate what I have read.

There is one time she won't let me relieve myself while we were out to dinner. She keeps telling me, she wants me full for when we get to the motel. All our dates end at the motel these days. I have to go so bad I can't get out of the car to get a room. Jackie happily does. When I get into the room, she has me strip down and stand in the bathtub. Then she sat on the toilet and told me to pee.


"I want to watch you pee. Do it, in the tub.

Shrugging my shoulders, I start to relieve myself. Jackie sighs as I do. She leans in close, watching my stream flow from the tip. I pee for a very long time. By the time, I'm finished, Jackie has her hand in her panties frigging herself to orgasm. She startles me when she leans forward and licks the tip of my cock and shivers with another orgasm.

"That turned you on?" I ask incredulously.

"Very much," she stammers. "I don't know why, but it does."

"Okay," I tell her stepping from the tub.

"Would you like to watch me?"

"If you want me too, I'll give it a try."

She strips down and stands in the tub, pulls her labia apart and let's fly. While I like looking at her pussy, I am not particularly turned on by watching her pee. I watch until she is finished.

"Well?" she asks.

"What? Oh sorry, nope, nothing except my dick getting hard because you are naked and I'm looking closely at your pussy. Other than that, all I can say is it was interesting."

"Oh, okay," she said shrugging her shoulders.

Laughing I hug and kiss her.

That is the beginning of a long list of things we try together. Jackie is kinky and loves to experiment in and out of bed. I become her sounding board about things she learns. Some of them I have heard about, some I hadn't. Some sound downright disgusting even to Jackie. Soon, though, we just settle down to giving each other pleasure, lots, and lots of pleasure.

One night I take Jenny out, Calen is home and the younger kids were at grandmas. Jackie asks me to take her mom out so she and Calen can be alone. It seems Jenny always wants to watch and this inhibits Calen a little. So, he asks Jackie to ask me to ask Jenny out to dinner and whatever. Jackie told me his exact words were, "could you get Cole to take your mother out to dinner. Tell him he can do whatever he likes to her just so long as they are gone all night."

I laugh and tell her I will be happy to take her mom out to dinner and fuck her brains out all night long. I then tell her to tell her dad that after we leave. She promises she would wait until her dad is ready to come to tell him that. I laugh again, Jackie is a little devil, just like her mom. Jenny is dressed to the nines. She has on a short black dress, with a stylish pearl necklace and bracelet. Her hair is done up real nice and her makeup is flawless. She has on three-inch black pumps and black stockings. As I help her into the car, her dress rides up showing me she isn't wearing pantyhose or panties. She looks stunning, slutty, but stunning.

I take her to the Italian place. The valet almost has a heart attack as she slid out of the car. Her dress rides up her legs again. She is turning heads as we walk to our table. Once she sits all eyes go back to their previously scheduled broadcast. She is delicious looking and tonight she is mine as she has never been before. Although dinner as we talk she asks me what Jackie and I do when we are together. I didn't want to break that confidence, so I excuse myself and find the payphones.



"Yes, dear. Your mom is grilling me about what we do when we are together and I wanted to check with you if it is okay for me to tell her."

"Sure no problem, she already knows 'cuz I tell her the next day?"

"Ah, so she is just checking if you're telling the truth?"

"Probably, but if you want, tell her anything you like, I won't mind and it will serve her right for prying."

"I'll think of something. Thanks have fun with your dad."

"I am, don't worry."

Chapter LIX

When I return to the table, I stop behind Jenny. Looking down at the top of her head, I put my hands on her shoulders. Slowly, I slid the thin straps of her dress off, so they dropped down her upper arms and peel away from her breasts. She had no bra on and as I watch, her nipples tightened up as the top of the dress stops short of dropping to her waist.

"What are you doing Cole?"

Leaning down I kiss her neck gently, then her ear.

"I'm showing you what Jackie and I do when we go out. You have a very kinky daughter who likes to show herself off to strangers."

"What?" Her voice is full of shock at what I tell her. Of course, Jackie is kinky and probably would show herself off if asked, but we haven't gotten that far yet.

"Yep, she likes to show parts of her body to men, women, it doesn't matter to her. The only reason I'm along is to keep her safe."

"Okay," Jenny is breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling, pushing her nipples against the material of her dress.

I move around to my seat and sit, staring at Jenny. She starts to reach for her dress straps.

"Don't," I said just loud enough for her to hear the harshness in my voice.

"Cole, what are you doing?"

"I'm showing you what Jackie and I do. You do want to know don't you?"

"Yes, but I want you to tell me, not have me sitting here one little slip to being topless."

"Your daughter seems to get off on doing just that. She is so hot when we get to the motel that I can hardly keep up with her."

"Bullshit! She tells me everything you two do," she said smugly.

"Well now, it would seem not. Leave it!"

Her hand freezes, then slowly drops down to the table. Her eyes close and she shakes with excitement as her body betrays her. She is having an orgasm and her dress on the right side slips, allowing any who wish to see her breast. Shivering, the other side slips down. Jenny is sitting there topless.

"Cover yourself," I said softly to her.

She quickly pulls her dress up and puts the straps on her shoulders. I smile at her as she glowers at me. I have found her secret desire. She likes to be placed in situations like this. I didn't know if it is because she is exposing herself or someone might see her exposed. It didn't matter, I knew. Once she calms down and I don't make any more demands of her, we have a pleasant dinner.

"Would you like to see what else your daughter and I do?"

"Yes," she croaks without hesitation.

As we leave the restaurant, she again has every eye watching her glide across the floor. She is a beautiful woman. I have admired her for a long time. As we pulled up in front of the motel, Jenny gasps but doesn't say anything else. Once in the room, she looks me squarely in the eyes.

"So Jackie and you come here to fuck?"

"Among other things," I quip.

"Well then show me."

"Strip," I tell her as I start to take my clothes off.

Since the incident in the restaurant, her demeanor has been different. Once we were naked, I lead her into the bathroom.

"Get in the tub," I tell her.

Jenny steps into the tub and stands there.

"Pee," I order her.


"Pee for me or I will pee on you," I tell her.

She shakes at my words, but pee starts to dribble down her legs to the tub bottom. Smiling I just watch her pussy as the yellow fluid sprays her legs. She stands there glowering at me until she finishes.

"My turn," I said.


"You don't what to watch me?"

"Not particularly."

"But you enjoy me watching you?"

"Yes," she said softly.

Standing, I step into the tub and we shower, dry off and head for the bed.

The rest of the night, we spend in pure bliss. Jenny shows me things I don't think Joan knows. We fuck and suck most of the night away. We are soon exhausted and lying next to each other, our eyes locked in a lovers gaze.

"God, you are so good. So Jackie likes to watch you pee?"

"Not so fast, there Jen," I tell her.


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