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Good Wife Meets the Neighbors

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Moving day is coming and Erica meets the black neighbors.
11.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/24/2021
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Thank you for giving this a read. As an amateur writer, it's encouraging to see people willing to take their time to read your work and sometimes express appreciation. If you want to express your disgust then I encourage that as well, but be constructive about it, please.

This story is thanks to *Bobram* who reached out to me and wanted his wife to be used and abused. He hopes for this to become a series of stories and I think that Erica would make for a compelling character going forward. If you choose to read it be aware that it includes the abuse and drugging of his white wife by black men. Enjoy this fiction for what it is.


Jim and Erica were finishing up packing their house up. They decided that with the cost of homes sky-rocketing that now would be a good time to sell. They had only been living in their modest home for a few years and already the asking price had doubled and they were sure that what happened at the last housing bubble would happen again. They wanted to cash in at the top of the bubble before it broke. They only had their house on the market for three days before it sold. Now they only had two weeks to pack-up and move somewhere.

Jim hated packing and often went slow on purpose. Erica would look over at him and he would either be staring at her watching her pack a box or he would be playing games on his phone, both of those upset her since they needed to be moved out soon. "Hey, let's take a break and get some lunch, I'm starving, and we only have half the house to go." Jim said as he stood up. He looked down and patted his small belly. "It's time to feed the beast." He said playfully as he patted it.

Erica laughed jokingly at his dumb joke but acquiesced and stood up. He loved looking at her. She wasn't tall in stature, only standing 5'6" but her body was built like a stick of dynamite. When you walked into a room that she was in, you knew it. Your eyes would immediately see her small frame and her body that she worked so hard to achieve. The hours of lunges and squats had formed an ass that bartenders could mix a drink on. It was tight and round. For a white girl she was an anomaly and befit a mention by Sir Mix-A-Lot. While her breasts were small, only 32A, they were made all the better by the pink nipples extending from them. When she was excited, which seemed to be all the time they would stretch out nearly an inch from her chest.

Another benefit of her smaller breasts was that she defied gravity and likely always would. She could wear skimpy tops with barely any material and even though she is now in her 40's she can still vie for the attention from 20-year old's and she's even been hit on by a group of high school boys. But her body aside, her face was equally as beautiful. Her eyes held a life and an energy that made both men and women want to be near. They would give you life and take away your breath at the same time. Below those her smile was broad with thick lips and when she was happy her entire face would tell you.

His friends would always tell him that she was built on a small frame but that she was clearly built for a hard ride. He wasn't sure what that meant but it was probably sexual. He knew that his friends all wanted to see her naked and often tricked him into giving them his phone so that they could try and find pictures of her. She was wearing one of his shirts that looked like a tent on her. It was dark red with the logo of a cartoon character, but it was unrecognizable since it had gone through the wash so many times. Now it was thin and worn and he loved when she wore it. Her nipples always poked through and he could swear that he could almost see through it in the right light. Paired with that she had on her black Lululemon yoga pants. She hardly ever wore a bra when she was around the house because she said that no one was going to see her, and it wasn't like Jim cared.

Without taking stock of what they had left remaining Jim and Erica grabbed the keys to their car, some money, phones and their sunglasses. As they started to drive away, Erica finally took stock of her outfit. "We have to turn around. I look like shit and I'm not even wearing a bra!" She told whims he drove. He glanced over at her chest and saw the pronounced outline of her nipples against the fabric.

'Holy shit, she's never shown off outside. I hope I run into my friend Mark. Maybe I should call him and ask us to meet for lunch.' Jim thought as he turned back to the road. Lately he's had a fantasy of Erica being with other men. He likes to fantasize about his friends coming over and getting him so drunk that he passes out and they take turns fucking her and covering her with cum. "It's fine honey, no one's going to care. We're just going over to Chic-Fil-A. We don't even have to get out of the car." He told her.

She glared at him for a moment then pulled down the visor and started to run her fingers through her hair. "I can't believe you pushed me out the door looking like this. I look like one of those hood rats on the other side of town. Speaking of, I never want to live over there." She told him as she continued to mess with her blond hair. Each time she ran her fingers through, it seemed to smooth out a few more wild blond hairs then settle at her shoulders. When they got to the fast food chain there was a long line of cars and they sat at the end of it. "We still need a place to live. You know that, right?" She asked him with a quizzical look on her face. He glanced over and nodded to her.

"I have that list of apartments in town. The houses for rent are astronomical and we can downsize for a bit, right?" He told her as he reached in his back pocket and pulled out a small notebook that he always kept on him. Then he handed her the notebook and found a pen in his center console and handed that to her as well.

She opened the notebook and found the list of places. There were 10 listed, Jim had written down the name, address and phone number. He found this all last night and was planning on calling around today after packing. She looked at the names and addresses of each. "Jim, some of these are in the black part of town. I told you I don't want to live over there. It's not safe." She said and put a line through the bottom two places. She then picked up her phone and started with the top number. Jim heard the Erica talk happily with the person on the other end and write some random numbers down then once she was off the phone, she put a line through the name. "You wouldn't believe what they want to charge. There's no way we would make any money." Jim was doing the math in his head, three down seven to go.

She made more calls which resulted in more lines through the list because they were fully rented out. Only two names remained on the list and Jim knew they were the worst when he found them and added them to the list. He put them on the bottom for a reason and they were only followed up by the ones in the black part of town because he knew that a shitty apartment may still be better than one filled with black people.

She called one of the last two places and a man with a loud voice came on the phone and talked with her. Erica asked questions about the rent, availability and amenities. She was all smiles until right before she hung up the phone. Jim heard the man say something and immediately after that Erica displayed a startled and disgusted look and without saying anything else, she hung up the phone and threw it down into the floorboard, like it was contagious. She then used the pen and drew five lines through that properties name and for emphasis, she wrote NO WAY IN HELL, over top of the lines. Jim glanced at the list and saw just the single lonely name remaining. "That man was a pure pig. He asked if I was planning on being home alone a lot and if my husband minded if I had a little company from time to time. What a disgusting pig." They were nearing the front of the line and after they ordered their food and waited for it, Erica reached down and picked up her phone.

A young man who couldn't have been older than 17 handed their food through Jim's open window. He then handed them their drinks as well. Jim saw the young man look across at Erica. Look may be too loose of a word for what he was doing. This kid was staring a whole right through her shirt and at her pronounced nipples. Jim glanced over and noticed that they did seem to have hardened considerably after that last call. It made him wonder if there was something else going on in her head other than disgust. The young man broke his gaze in time to catch Jim's eye. "Beautiful isn't it?" He commented.

They both understood what it meant but as Erica looked over trying to figure out what they were talking about the kid recovered fantastically. "Sure is. Man, I hope I get a ride as sweet as this one." And he tapped the window-sill of the car before smiling at Jim and returning for his next delivery.

"You men are weird, always comparing cars and dicks." She said with a look that told him that she was only half-joking. She then looked in the book and dialed the remaining number. As she was talking, she pointed to the address in the book and indicated that he should drive there. He looked at the address and began driving there. After she got off the phone, she told him that they were reasonably priced and the woman on the phone seemed friendly. She told her she was going to be there shortly, and they ate on the way. They arrived just as they were finishing their lunch, and both got out at the same time to stretch. There didn't seem to be anyone around, and Jim walked around the car to look at the place with Erica. As they let their eyes wander around the property, they felt like it was rundown but livable. There were mature trees and shrubs to give it a green look, but it was clear that lawn maintenance wasn't a top priority here. They saw weeds and tall grass in every open patch of land. The playground that they were parked next to, was bleached of its bright blues and yellows from too many summers in the sun.

Since they didn't have kids they didn't care much. For them this place just needed to be manageable for a year or two until the housing bubble burst and they could reap the rewards. They walked in and the woman that Erica had talked to on the phone came right out. She was a short, heavy-set Latina woman with black hair that looked wet and she ignored Jim and went directly to Erica. "Buenos Dias, Señorita. How are you? I'm Marisol and we spoke on the phone. May I say that you are more beautiful than you sounded on the phone." She said as she shook Erica's hand. Jim stood next to Erica and he felt ignored because Marisol never even looked at him. "Come, Come, let me show you the apartment. It's very lucky, you coming now. This is the last one and it's right next to mine. We could be neighbors and maybe even good friends." She said as she led Erica forward by placing her hand at the small of her back. Marisol finally acknowledged Jim as he walked behind them when she turned and faced him, "And this must be your husband." She said as she plastered on a fake smile which lasted just a moment before he watched it turn to a scowl as she turned forward.

He then watched as Marisol looked his wife from head to toe. Jim said nothing as he saw her open her phone and point it at Erica's back and he saw that she was taking pictures as she walked. He was about to say something when she announced they were there. The apartment in question was on the ground floor and Marisol pointed across the hall to another door. "This one's mine!" She said proudly. Then she held her phone up and said, "Alright Erica. Let's get a picture of you in front of your new apartment." Erica stood awkwardly in front of the large beige door with the eyehole at the level with the top of her forehead. "Come on, Bella, with how pretty you are, you gotta know how to pose." She said and Erica complied. She raised an arm and placed a hand behind her head and the other she put on her hip. As she pushed her hip out, she also pushed her chest forward. This last movement was what Marisol wanted and she took multiple shots of her. Jim watched Marisol behind her phone, and he saw her lick her lips. Then he looked at Erica and she was laughing and enjoying herself.

"Let's go inside, shall we?" She said to Erica as she walked toward the door. She handed Erica the keys and let her open the door. "You're about 40, right?" She asked.

"Great guess, that's it exactly." Erica said with amazement as she opened the door to the apartment. Both Erica and Marisol then tried to walk through the door at the same time and it looked like it was done as a comedic skit.

When they knocked into each other Marisol placed her hand on Erica's ass intentionally and pushed her through. "Get your tight ass in there, little lady." She said as she looked back at Jim and smirked. Jim wanted to leave but he couldn't think of a good reason. He knew that Marisol was up to something and Erica seemed to be oblivious to it. "Wow, Erica, you must workout a lot. I was only joking but your ass is rather tight. Let's see that shall we? You didn't put the work in to not show it off a little. Am I right husband?" She turned and asked him. Erica also looked at him and waited for his response. When he didn't say anything, Erica lifted the back of the shirt and Marisol breathed in sharply "Ay, Dios Mio! Mamacita el fuego!" She said. She then commended Erica on her work as she blatantly stared at his wife's ass. She also took sneaky pictures with her phone that Erica didn't notice but Jim was familiar with that technique. He had done it to his friends' wives and his friends had done it to his wife. He was about to say something when Marisol pushed them further into the apartment.

As she showed Erica around, Jim was left as an afterthought and broke off to tour the small space by himself. He poked his head into a couple of the spaces and noticed the same inattention that plagued the outside of the building. When he caught up to Erica and Marisol, they were in the Master Bathroom and Erica was standing on the vanity. Marisol had her camera pointed up with the flashlight on. Erica was reaching for something high on the wall and it looked like Marisol was making sure she had enough light for whatever it was. As he got closer Marisol sensed him and tried to shield her phones screen and when he looked, he could see she was recording a video of her. He walked closer and heard Marisol say, "estúpido hijo de puta!!" She then put her phone down and scowled at him as she walked out of the room.

Jim's Spanish was rusty, but he was pretty sure that she just called him a stupid motherfucker. He looked up at Erica to find out what she was doing and saw what Marisol was recording. She was looking straight up her shirt and videoing her breasts. Jim was angry but also intrigued and excited at the brazenness of this woman. Erica seemed to be done with whatever it was she was looking at and Jim helped her climb down from the vanity. They then walked through the rest of the apartment together and Marisol walked them out. She now seemed to be in a sour mood and hastily locked the door behind them. "Would you both like to sign for the apartment now?" Marisol asked as sweetly as she could muster but Jim still felt her shoot daggers at him with her eyes and that frightened him.

"We need to talk about it. Can we call you when we decide?" Erica asked.

"Marisol smiled broadly and simply said, "Sure honey, give me your number so I can text you a reminder later, in case you forget." Erica told her the phone number and Jim watched as Marisol typed it into her phone. Erica then told Jim to give her his number as well and he gave her his number.

"Now you can reach either one of us." Erica said happily. She truly seemed oblivious to the lecherous nature of this woman. They walked back to their car holding hands. As soon as they were in the car and the doors closed Jim saw Erica looking out at the property with the intention of imagining herself living there.

Before they left the apartments parking lot, their phones pinged with a message. "Thank you for visiting me at the Longarm Apartments. I hope that you both decide to come live with us and join our community. - Marisol"

"That was nice of her. "Erica said with a smile and looked up from her phone at Jim. They then drove out of the apartments parking lot and were on the highway before Jim's phone dinged with a new message. Erica picked up his phone and checked the message. She then turned to Jim and screamed and started hitting him. "YOU SON OF A BITCH. YOU"RE CHEATING ON ME WITH SOME FUCKING SPIC! AND SHE AS BIG AS A FUCKING HOUSE TOO!" It took all of Jim's skills as a driver to not wreck the car on the highway and to pull off to the side of the street. Once on the side he grabbed his phone from Erica who released it grudgingly and looked at the message.

The message read, "Sé que me viste mirando a tu esposa y no puedo esperar a que quede atrapada entre estas piernas comiendo mi gran coño descuidado. Solo sacudirás tu pequeña polla. Yo la poseeré." The message was from a number that wasn't a contact and the only indication of who it was came in the form of the attached picture. The picture showed a very tanned woman. Erica described her as a Spic and she very well could be Latino. The woman in the photo was fat and naked. She had her legs spread wide on the floor and her fingers of one hand spreading her pussy. Her other hand she used to hold and lift one of her large breasts with a brown nipple that looked bigger than a half-dollar.

While Erica fumed next to him, Jim started to type in the search function of his web browser on his phone. He copied the text in the message over to the translate site he found and read the results.

"I know you saw me staring at your wife and I can't wait for her to be trapped between these legs eating out my big sloppy pussy. You will only ever jerk your tiny little dick. I'm gonna own her."

"I hope you're telling her you need a place to live because you aren't living with me." She told him with hatred.

Jim heard her but ignored her comment because he thought he knew who would have sent this and opened the messages to the one he received as a group message from Marisol. He compared the phone numbers and they matched. Then he dropped his phone in her lap. "I don't have a girlfriend and I'm not cheating on you. It was that sleazy Marisol lady from the apartments. Check the numbers." Jim said.

Confused by this new development she picked up the phone and looked at the numbers then back at the picture. "Then what does it say? Was she trying to hit on you?" She asked, concerned.

"I don't think I play the right part in her play. If you open the web browser, you can read what it says." Jim replied.

"Jim, I'm sorry that I jumped to that conclusion, but you understand why I would think that, don't you?" She asked him. Then she read the messages meaning and her eyes bulged out of her head. "OMG, there's no way she meant for this to be sent to you. I better tell her; I mean you don't even speak Spanish. I wish they would finish the wall already." She added. Then Jim watched her pick up her phone and start typing then send. She quickly got a reply and laughed and told Jim to take her home.

"What did she say?" Jim asked urgently. He wanted to know how she would be able to justify sending me this message and Erica not care.

"It was a mistake. She was trying to send it to her girlfriends' husband. I guess her husband likes to be treated like a cuckold?" She said as she had to re-read the text. "She said that she was sorry we had to see her like that and that we will still come there." As she finished explaining the answer Jim pulled the notebook from Erica's lap along with the pen. Then as he drove, he found the correct page with apartment names and addresses he lined through the Longarm Apartments. "Why'd you do that? That was the one place left." Erica asked.

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