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Batman and Harley Quinn get together for a quiet evening.
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I've been reading a lot of superhero stories recently, and like the rhythm and flow of them. I'm not a big follower of the Marvel Universe, other than watching the movies. I grew up in a DC Comics house, so Batman, Superman and Justice League are more my speed.

After seeing Margot Robbie play Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad, and Christian Bale play Batman in the Dark Knight Trilogy, the thought of pairing the two characters appealed to me. I was picturing Margot's bright, bubbly Harley counterbalancing Bale's flat, brooding Batman.

Anyway, here it is, lemme know what you think.

* * * * *


Another cool, overcast night finds Batman kneeling on a parapet on a corner of the thirtieth floor of the Bailey building in Gotham City.

It was a moonless night, and the cloud cover obscured the stars, leaving the concrete caverns of Gotham City shrouded in shadow. A perfect night for criminals and miscreants to venture out and play.

Batman had been getting tips that the Joker was planning something big in the area, and he'd spent the past several nights staking out the area. He had surveyed every high value target he could think of, but the Joker was so unpredictable, it was often difficult to gauge what he might consider to be a high value target.

He'd been in his present location for over an hour, and was debating whether to move, or just call it a night when he saw movement on a rooftop down the block. He watched as a figure moved from shadow to shadow, then abruptly stepped into a pool of light cast by a security lamp and began spinning and jumping about haphazardly.

A slow smile spread across his face as he watched her. Even without her distinctive blonde hair, tight t-shirt and skin tight booty shorts, he knew by her antics that it could only be one person.

Harley Quinn.

Batman's smile grew broader as he watched her dance. There didn't seem to be any rhythm or style to her movements, but she moved so gracefully, leaping and twirling playfully, but always staying in the broad circle of light.

After almost ten minutes, she came to an abrupt stop, and strolled casually toward the access door on one corner of the building.

"Shit." Batman muttered, realizing that he might have missed his chance to confront her. Getting to his feet, he leapt into the space over the street, firing a grappling hook toward a building overlooking the one Harley was on. As he started to descend, he felt the Batrope tighten, pulling him to one side. He swung easily over the short distance, releasing the rope as he grazed over the roof and trotted to a stop.

He was about to speak when Harley turned and faced him.

"What took ya so long Bats?" She laughed, letting her bat rest on the pebbled surface of the roof and leaning on it. "I knew ya was up there, I've been watchin' ya for a while. I was kinda hopin' you'd come down and say hi."

"Where's the Joker, Harley?" Batman asked, taking long graceful strides toward her. He stopped twenty feet away, and waited for her to answer.

"Where's Mistah J?" She giggled as she picked up the bat and began walking back and forth. "Don't know, don't care, and it don't matter anyway. He's got some kinda gig lined up, and I wasn't invited, so I'm out seein' what kind of good time I can find for myself."

She paused, turning to face him as she slung the bat over her shoulders and lay her forearms across it. It was a practiced move that he'd seen her use before when she wanted to signal she just wanted to talk.

"So, you got any ideas Bats?" She asked, taking a deep breath that made her full, firm breasts rise up on her chest. She moved her hips back and forth slowly as she looked at him. "About what kind of good time I could find, and who I could do it with, I mean?"

"Are you hitting on me, Harley?" Batman laughed, moving a couple steps closer.

"Well...I guess I am Bats. I mean hittin' you is gettin' kinda boring, cuz you're so strong and all." She giggled, moving a couple steps toward him. "I always thought you was kinda hot. You're nice and tall, and there's solid muscle under that padding you wear. I've felt it when you've pinned me down, or laid on top of know, like when ya have to restrain me...and it just made me wonder how it would feel to have you layin' on top of me...doin' somethin' else."

"You know I've had other super villains try to seduce me, Harley. I know all the tricks." Batman said as he moved closer. They were less than ten feet apart now.

"Aw, I ain't no super villain Bats. I'm just a side kick." She laughed. Dropping one hand off the bat, she reached behind her back and pulled out a gold plated Chiappa Rhino, holding it in front of her.

"This here is my all time favorite gun." She said with a smile, gazing fondly at the gun. "Mistah J had it made for me. I've shot him twice with it."

Looking back up at him, she flipped the gun over, grabbed it by the barrel and flung it the length of the roof. They heard it clatter as it hit some debris.

Raising her hands over her head, she turned slowly, letting him see that she had no other weapons. She smiled sweetly as she came to a stop facing him again.

"What about the bat Harley? You're a badass with that thing." Batman said as he stepped over, coming to a stop in front of her.

"Really? That is so sweet!" Harley said, grinning from ear to ear. "The big bad Batman thinks I'm a badass with my bat!"

She looked at the bat, then back at Batman.

"I'll tell ya what. I'll put my bat down, but if we go some place an' get busy, I gotta take my baby with me." She said seriously. "As much as I wanna bump uglies with ya, I'm not riskin' losin' my baby girl. Me an' her been through too much and had too much fun together."

"What makes you think I want to go someplace and get busy with you Harley?" Batman asked.

"Oh please! I see how you look at me. You may be the Dark Knight and Caped Crusader and all that crap, but yer still a man." Harley said as she let the bat drop to the ground beside her. Running her hand up over her hips, she moved them over her stomach and drew them up slowly until she was cupping her breasts. "I see how that cod piece gets tight, even when Mishah J has you tied up and is threatenin' an' torturin' you, you can't help gettin' a stiffy lookin' at me!"

Batman knew she was right, his cod piece was feeling very tight at the moment as his cock hardened from watching her play with her tits. It was obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra. The stiff peaks of her nipples poked out against the light material of her shirt, and he could make out the shape of both breasts as she massaged them.

"I guess you have somewhere in mi..."

"The top four floors of this building are empty, furnished apartments. You can pick the floor and the apartment."

"So we have to break into a..."

"Are you serious? Yer gonna pass on a chance to pound my ass into a mattress because of a little breaking and entering?" Harley laughed. Reaching down, she pushed her shorts down over her hips letting him see the neatly trimmed little landing strip over her pussy, and pointed at it. "If you break into an apartment with me, I'll let ya enter this."

"Yeah." Batman chuckled, reaching out and grabbing her wrist. "It's not like the police are actually going to arrest me..."

"Hold on a second Bats! Lemme pull my pants up and get my bat fer crissakes." Harley laughed, pulling away from him.

She shook and shimmied as she pulled the shorts up, then leaned down and picked up her bat.

"Okay, let's go. The doors open, I already busted the lock."

"You were that sure I was gonna go along with this?" Batman laughed as he followed her across the roof.

"The only guys that would turn this down would be a dumbass, a holy roller or a fag, an' I know you ain't stupid or a gay."

Batman didn't say anything as he followed her through the door and down a flight of stairs. Harley looked over her shoulder at him as she came to the first landing, and he nodded toward the stairs for her to continue. As they approached the next door, he said, "Take the next one. You pick the apartment."

Harley's laughter followed them down as she took the stairs three at a time. When she reached the landing, she kicked the door open and stepped through, turning right and going to the first door they came to. She kicked that door open, and was peeling her t-shirt off as she stepped though it.

"You can keep the cowl on Bats, but ya gotta lose the cape...the cod piece has gotta go too." She said as she turned to face him. Her hands were already pushing her shorts down over her hips.

"What, you don't want to see my face, Harley?" Batman laughed as he unhooked his cape and tossed it over a chair.

"Oh, I've seen your face lotsa times Bats. We've drugged or knocked you out often enough." Harley said as she stepped out of her shorts. "But I've never let Mistah J see it. I figured that was somethin' special, between you an' me."

She started to unzip her boots, but Batman stopped her.

"Leave the boots on Harley, they look sexy as shit on you." Batman grunted as he hit a release and the upper half of his suit fell around his waist. Reaching down, he opened the buckles on the instep of his boots and stepped out of them, then pushed the Batsuit down over his legs and off over his feet.

Moving quickly, he grabbed Harley by the shoulders, pushing her backwards until her legs hit the couch and she abruptly sat down. Batman dropped to his knees between her legs, pulling her forward until her ass was perched right on the edge of the cushion. He stared at the clean shaved mound of her pussy, licking his lips as he watched the puffy inner lips spread open like a moist pink flower.

"Last chance, on or off." He said, bringing his hands up on either side of his cowl.

"Leave it on...for now." Harley giggled, reaching down and grabbing the ears at the top of his cowl. "I wanna know it's Batman munchin' my muffin, but you can take it off later when we start bumpin' uglies. I like to kiss when I fuck."

"So do I." Batman muttered as he let her draw his head forward, guiding his face between her legs.

Harley shivered as she felt his warm breath caressing the insides of her thighs, then the sensitive skin of her mons. She gasped as she felt his tongue drag slowly up one side of her pussy mound, then the other. Holding her breath, she hoped she knew what was coming next.

Batman started at the bottom of her pussy slit, letting his tongue slip between the fleshy inner lips and dragging it slowly upwards. Her pussy was already wet, and the soft, musky scent enveloped his face in a fragrant cloud.

"Fuck, your cunt is delicious." He grunted into her crotch, making Harley giggle as the vibrations tickled her.

"I'm glad you like it sweetie." She purred as she pulled his face deeper into her crotch. "You just take your time down there Bats, do it nice and slow. We got all night if ya want...I ain't got nowhere to be."

Batman chuckled deep in his throat as he eased his tongue between her pussylips and into the opening of her pussy. Darting it in and out slowly, he plunged it as deep as it would go, swishing it around, gathering up the spicy sweet nectar of her arousal.

"Mmmmmmm, Bats do that soooo good." Harley sighed happily as she writhed comfortably under him. "Somebody taught you how eat some beaver, and you paid attention. Good boy."

Batman didn't answer, he just kept licking and sucking on her pussy. Easing back a little, he took one rubbery labia between his lips, nibbling on it for a few moments, then did the same thing to the other. Sucking both puffy pussylips into his mouth, he slipped his tongue between them, sucking on them as it fucked between them and slithered sensually over them.

Wriggling with delight at how artfully he was munching her muff, Harley moved her hips and his head in unison, guiding him on where and how to pleasure her best. He let her lead him where she wanted his mouth, paying attention to how she was responding to what he was doing for any signs that he wasn't pleasing her. None came.

"Oh you wanna make me cum like this Bats, or are you just tryin' to get me warmed up?"

"Do you want to cum?" He asked, pulling back and looking up at her.

"Maybe later...You can send me to the moon like this if ya want." She giggled, tightening her grip on his ears and shaking his head back and forth. "You been givin' me a buncha mini-gasms that feel really kewl. I could get used to havin' your face between my legs on a regular basis."

"I wouldn't mind doing this on a regular basis. This is the juiciest, tastiest little pussy I've ever had the pleasure to plant my mouth on."

"That's fine lover, you just eat me till yer ready to stop, and I'll just lay back and groove on how good it feels, soaking it all up so I can remember it in case we can't make it happen again."

"It's gonna happen again Harley." Batman said as he got to his feet. Reaching down, he slipped his arm under her legs, then put the other behind her back and lifted her off the couch.

He carried her across the room and kicked the door to the first room they came to open. It was a bedroom with a twin bed, and he turned and went to the end of the hall, kicking open the door there.

"That's better." He muttered when he saw the kingsized bed dominating the room.

"Oooooohhh, you like alot of room when you do the nasty, huh Bats?" Harley giggled as he carried her over to the bed. "I don't car..."

A scream replaced whatever she was going to say as he lifted her and tossed her into the middle of the bed and scrambled up onto it behind her. Grabbing her wrists as she rolled over onto her back, he got settled between her legs, spreading his knees apart so his cock rested against the spit and juice slickened lips of her pussy.

Harley's eyes were wide as he held her hands over her head as his body pressed hers into the bed. He looked into her eyes, knowing she wasn't afraid, just surprised by what he'd done.

"Do you want this to happen again, Harley?" He asked softly, leaning down and kissing her lightly on the neck as he eased his hips forward slowly.

Harley's head bobbed up and down as she stared up at him. She wriggled under him as he kept pressing his hips forward, making the head of his cock force the lips of her cunt apart.

"Yeah, I do...alot. But that your know, your..."

"Yeah, it is. I..."

"Oh god, that feels lots big..."

"Don't say least not yet." He laughed. He felt the tip of his cock pushing against the tight ring of muscle at the opening of her cunt. "Let me get it all the way in, then you can finish that sentence."

"But I do...I don't think it's gonna fit Bats. It feels like...

"It'll fit, and it'll feel good too." He said softly, moving his mouth over her collarbone, then dragging his tongue up over her armpit. Bringing his face over next to her ear he whispered, "Take a deep breath, I'm gonna push hard and worst will be over, okay?"

"Just do it." She hissed, closing her eyes as she took a deep breath.

Not giving her a chance to think about it anymore, he drove his hips forward, and the head of his cock and three inches of the thick shaft plowed into her sopping wet snatch.

"FFFUUUCCCKKKKK!!!!" She said in a breathy groan, her ass arching up off the bed at him as her legs wrapped around his back.

"Count to ten." He said as he pulled back, then drove forward again. Another three inches of cock meat slipped up into her pussy, and he had to pause as the soft, slippery inner walls quivered and spasmed around his shaft.

"Ohgodohgodohgod." She whimpered, rocking her head back and forth, squeezing her eyes shut as she writhed under him.

Stroking slowly, he pulled out, then eased back in, always pushing in deeper than he withdrew. It took less than a dozen strokes for him to bury his cock balls deep.

Raising up a little, he looked down at her.

"Open your eyes pretty." He said gently as he pumped his cock slowly in and out.

Harley opened her eyes and looked up at him, her eyes slightly unfocused. She closed her eyes again as she laid back, savoring the sensation of his cock filling her.

Trying not to smile too broadly he said, "I'm going to let your hands go and raise up. When I do, I want you to look down. Think you can handle that?"

Harley shook her head, keeping her eyes closed. She knocked his hands off of her wrists, and his upper body fell down onto hers. She purred happily as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I already know what ya got Bats. God, that big ol' cock of yours feels so good in me." She purred as she moved her legs up, hooking her heels under his ass. "Now I wanna feel it fucking me, pumping in and out of me and pounding my ass into the mattress."

Her legs tightened, making the heels of her boots dig into his asscheeks, forcing his cock deeper inside her. Her legs moved his lower body as she moved her hands so they rested on either side of his cowl.

"And it's time to get rid of this ugly mask." She whispered as she pulled his cowl up and off, dropping it on the bed beside them. "I always thought you was handsome."

Batman didn't say anything, but the force of his thrusts increased as he pressed his lips to hers, kissing her hungrily. Burying his cock balls deep inside her again, he moved his hips in slow circles, making the thick shaft scrape against the soft, juice slickened inner walls of her pussy.

"Oh god, Bats...that feels so good...keep doing it like that." Harley panted, tightening her arms around his neck and pulling his mouth back down to hers. She kissed him eagerly, her tongue dancing around in his mouth as he teased her with his cock.

"So you like my cock Harley?" Batman grunted as he eased his cock out of the tightly clasping channel of her cunt. He stopped with just the fat knob still inside her.

Harley wriggled under him, working her legs to try to get his cock back inside her. She moaned pitifully as he moved with her, keeping his cockhead inside her, but not letting anymore of his cock enter her.

"Please...please don't make me say it." She whispered, looking up at him.

"Say what, Harley?" Batman grinned, driving his hips forward, forcing half his cock into her pussy, then pulling it back out.

"Tha...That you're bigg...bigger than..."

"Bigger than what pretty? Or do you mean bigger than who?"

"You are...yer bigger than him...lots bigger."

So..." Batman said slowly as he pressed forward and fed the full length of his cock into the clasping tightness of her pussy. He started stroking in and out, each stroke coming faster than the last as he went on. "Am I going where no man has gone before?"

"Oh yeah...Where no man, my bat, a B40 rocket grenade..."

"Too much information Harley." Batman laughed, slipping his arms under her, cradling her on his forearms, his elbows resting on the bed.

He started shuttling her up and down over the length of his cock, pulling out till just the head was inside her, then slamming back in, burying his cock to the balls.

"Oh fuck...that's it Bats...Do it hard...pound my little pussy into the mattress you big bad man." Harley panted. "Oh my fucking god...that cock feels so good in me. Keep fucking me Bats, fuck my juicy little pussy like you want to own it!"

"I do own it." Batman grunted as he started fucking her harder, driving his cock into her as he pulled her body down to meet each powerful thrust.

Humping almost mindlessly, they moved together, their bodies glistening with a sheen of sweat as each met the others strokes eagerly. They both lost track of time as they fucked each other frantically, doing everything they could to bring the other pleasure.

After long minutes of indescribable bliss, Harley felt her pussy explode around the piledriving shaft of Batman's cock, and her eyes rolled up in her head as her orgasm surged through her body. She saw stars as she felt Batman stiffen on top of her, and she whimpered as she sensed what was coming next.

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