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Gotham City Whores Pt. 02

Story Info
Black Canary gets sent to meet a Black crime boss.
8.8k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/25/2017
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WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, comic books, franchises, places etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I am making no money off the writing of this story. I do not own DC Comics or any of its characters.

Starring: Black Canary (Dinah Lance)

Gotham City Whores – Part 2

An erotic DC Comics fan-fiction story.

by DaxG2001

Codes: Cons, MF, Oral, inter.

* * *

'Why has nothing changed?'

The thought kept racing through Batgirl's mind as she stared at the computer console. Up on the main screen was the currently held Gotham City Police Department file on the stripper bar known as 'Delicious Delights'. A couple reports of suspicious activity, a noise complaint, and the tip-off about the alleged sighting of a missing person. The same lead that had led the red-headed crime fighter to investigate the club, and the surrounding buildings also owned by the club's owner.

Samuel Tud. The apparent crime boss who had been a complete unknown to her prior to the evening. Yet over the course of a single encounter had not only dominated her, but broken her. Fucked into submission as, by his own admission, he had done countless times to many other women. Women far less stronger in mind and body than she. Yet he, and his huge black cock, had easily turned her from crime fighter into... Well, the 'evidence' of their encounter that she would have to wash off from not just her own face, but the stained insides of her mask showed what she'd been turned into.

The thought of that... And his cock... Made Barbara Gordon squirm in her chair. Thighs slightly rubbing against one another as she remembered vividly what he'd done to her. His cock slamming down into her throat. The grasp onto her hips. How his cock had ploughed so deep into her pussy that not only did it feel like she was almost getting split in half, but her inner walls were being resized. No normal white cock would ever stretch her out like he'd done ever again. The most worrying, and sinful, thing about it all? She hadn't tried to stop it from happening. She let him... No, she had willingly let herself become his fuck-toy for those couple of hours. Sucking his dick, taking his shaft... Even revealing her secret identity to him before taking his load and being sent on her way. Not once did she say no. Even when he bossed her around, telling her to get rid of the evidence held against him did she say no. The same evidence she was now staring at.

So, why indeed had nothing changed? To be clear, it was not about her internal mental issues and this still craving for that huge, thick piece of dark man meat she was referring to. Why had her position as a crime fighter not changed? Why was this villain, clearly having the information to bring her down and expose her to the world, not acting on it? Blackmail? Enjoying the thrill of having power over her? Or was there something more? Something she was missing... Was it a case of just testing to see how much he could get out of his new conquest? So many questions, and no answers...

After that encounter, the first thing Batgirl had done was lie. She lied to her allies in telling them the stake-out was a bust. Telling them the club was 'clean' (as strip clubs go anyway) with no activity to warrant investigation. The responses were as expected – a couple of 'I told you so's, a few 'maybe next time's. And so things were seemingly set to return to the usual normality of the work of a super-heroine. No one had noticed any change in her yet, or perhaps they were just leaving her be to get the case she'd investigated for so long fully out of her system.

Staring at the computer screen again, her hand hovered over the Enter key. The option to fully delete the record on S. Tud's club, as she'd been ordered to do, open for the taking. In doing so, she'd been turning her back on everything she had stood for and fought for over many years. Against injustice, criminality, and everything morally wrong. Not too mention how she'd be cast out from the inner circles of friends and allies if the ever found out. A right minded person, even a rookie to the Teen Titans never mind a Justice League veteran, would easily know the choice to make here.

Yet... The thought struck Batgirl that if she didn't do this... She might never get that wonderful cock ever again...

The finger pressed down as if on instinct. Not the mind or heart at work, but her dirty desires. Ones that before that night she never even knew existed. A few seconds later, and the flash of some code on the screen, and the job was done. Record deleted, thanks to the skilful hacking of Batgirl. Staring at the now empty record, the masked crime fighter rested back in her chair. Letting out a sigh before biting down on her bottom lip. What had she done? What was she getting herself into? How could she possibly look at any of her friends in the eye again after doing this?

...Would Samuel reward her for it?

Before that naughty thought could fully grip her, an electronic bleep made her shoot bolt upright in her seat, faster and sharper than even the most twisted of horror movie jump scares. Letting out a sigh of relief, she pressed a couple of keys to bring up the messengering system. A familiar name over the encoded communication system. 'Ironic timing' Batgirl thought as she entered in a reply.

Black_Canary_Cry: Hey Barbs. Sorry your case hit a dead end. Knew that meant a lot to you.

Oracle_BatGirl: Thanks. Yeah, it wasn't the outcome I'd expected. Not much I can do about it.

Black_Canary_Cry: Don't beat yourself up about it. There's gonna be more cases to crack and more creeps to teach a lesson to soon enough ;)

Oracle_BatGirl: No doubt about that LOL. Trust me, I've already gotten the 'pep-talk' from the Dark Knight about my 'time wasting' -_-

Black_Canary_Cry: I bet. Need me to come over there and give him a Canary Cry to knock some sense into that cowl of his? =D

Batgirl was about to try a reply to her friend, when she froze in place, hands over the keyboard. A thought striking her mind, almost as if it was Samuel Tud himself whispering into her ear.

"After that... After that, go tell your girl friends... Any other super-heroines you might now? Tell them to swing around this place. Tell them... Fuck it, just make something up and send some of them here." She remembered Samuel telling her, along with the proud chuckle of his triumph over what he'd done to her.

Oracle_BatGirl: I don't need you to do that... But if you're in the mood for doing a Batgirl a favour, there's something you could help me out with.

Black_Canary_Cry: Sure! Us Birds of Prey should be sticking together after all ;) What do you need?

* * *

The roar of the motorbike slowly became a purr, then a hum as Black Canary came to a stop in the back street just near to the location she'd been told to check out. Switching off the engine and sweeping out the stationary leg, she dismounted her vehicle of choice with a swing of a fishnet tight-covered leg before the heeled black boot touched down on the ground. A brush back with her fingerless gloved hand to send her long blonde hair back over the shoulder of her black leather jacket. Matching perfectly to the tight black corset-like bodysuit that showed off her large tits wonderfully, and her choker around her neck.

'Delicious Delights' wasn't a club she was familiar with – then again bar-tending with her often didn't always work out well anyway. However she agreed with what her good friend and ally in and out of the Birds of Prey had told her – it was suspicious, if the rumours were true, that the guy who owned that club also owned the buildings around it. An awful lot of real estate for someone running a dive joint. It would make sense for her to be able to investigate the place somewhat 'undercover' in her current get up. Canary did find it odd when Batgirl told her she'd 'fit right in' with her usual crime fighting attire like this. She was sure Barbara meant it as a compliment, but it was slightly back-handed considering she was dealing with a strip bar. Still, a favour was a favour. All she had to do was meet up with a 'contact' that would fill her in on the details of what was going on around here. Plus, Batgirl could do with probably having a night off after that case she was investigating collapsed.

As Canary walked forward into the dimly lit alley, she already saw a suspicious sight. Two smartly dressed guards standing by a doorway. From the looks of them not the average low-level thugs stuck onto guard duty as you'd expect from Two Face or The Penguin. Looks like Batgirl's informant was right after all. Even as odd as it is for Batgirl to rely on this kind of source actually, now that she thought about it...

Her heels clicking on the ground instantly grabbed the attention of the guards, one nudging the other as the two turned to look at her.

"Hey honey..." The first leering man said with a smirk. "The staff entrance for the bar is back down the street..." He said with an assumption as he motioned back down the direction she'd come from.

"Unless you're here to give us, uh, a little performance..." The second said with a chuckle. "We might put in a good word in with the Boss for ya..."

Resisting the urge to see how far her fist could knock their noses out of place, Canary narrowed her eyes as she glanced between the two goons. "I'm here to see a friend of mine." She flatly said, choosing to rise about their mentally undressing gazes. "So if you'll let me through, I've got things to do."

"Oh? That so sweetie? And who is the lucky hunk gettin' a piece of you tonight, huh?" The first man said, almost laughing at his own words.

"Samuel Tud, as it goes." Canary stated. The name she had been told was of her informant to meet by Batgirl.

Hearing that name, the two men's faces became serious as the looked to one another. A reaction that made Black Canary raise an eyebrow. Not quite the reaction she had expected either.

"How'd she know...?" The first one attempted, badly, to whisper to try and be unheard as he spoke to his fellow thug.

"Say... You don't think..." The second man glanced at the blonde for a moment then away. "What the Boss said last night, you know?"

"...Damn! Yeah, yeah... I bet... Yeah!" The first replied with a nod, before the two turned back towards her and he let out a cough. "My uh, my apologies Miss!" He said, his tone now quite clearly changed now. "Just let us, ah, buzz ya in and we'll get one of our boys to escort you up!" He said, before turning away so he could punch in a combination into the high-tech keypad on the wall by the door.

Canary didn't respond, still watching on with both curiosity and caution as the new turn of events unfolded. Seems like that name made them change their tune very quickly. A Boss? It definitely sounded like something was going on here... What the Hell was Batgirl sending her into now? She was certainly going to be asking a couple of questions to her friend once this was all over.

* * *

"Samuel Tud?" Black Canary assumed as she locked eyes onto the man in an expensive, custom made suit with all the 'bells and whistles' from the shoes to the cuff-links. A face she didn't recognise, not that she had truthfully come into contract with too many crime bosses who were black and built like a brick wall before.

She was placing the pieces together that there was a criminal organisation at work here. Led through one building into another, seeing pieces of technology and security that were far beyond what should be needed for a basic strip club like this. Never mind how luxurious this executive office was – paintings on the walls, long leather couch, several TV monitors showing what looked like CCTV footage. This wasn't exactly a group of amateurs at work here. Actually, she hadn't noticed any cameras on the trip being escorted up here now she thought about it. How had they been hidden from sight so well?

"That's me..." He said with a confident smirk as he looked over the blonde standing before him. "Well well... I didn't expect to see the Black Canary herself stepping into my office tonight... But I'm glad you did..." Samuel stated before he let out a short chuckle. "I didn't expect my new... 'Business partner' to get to work so quickly..."

"OK, spill it." Canary said with the kind of tone that showed she wasn't going to take no for an answer here. "What's going on here? This is way too high-end for just some strip club." She pointed out the obvious. Already clenching a fist in case she had to put her offensive skills to good use.

"Now now baby girl... No need to get all aggressive up in here..." Tud calmly replied, unfazed by the threats from the blonde bombshell in front of her. His words certainly doing nothing to change her increasingly foul mood. "Perhaps that ain't the question you should be asking..."

"Is that so?" Canary replied flatly. "And what exactly should I be asking?"

"What your friend Barbara Gordon was doing here last night... And why the Batgirl has sent you here to me." He replied boldly, following up with an open leering look as she stared with approval at the curvaceous body of the blonde in front of him.

That statement made Black Canary freeze on the spot. Eyes wide with shock and mouth hanging open slightly. Barbara? Batgirl?? How could he have known?? The secret identities of the masked heroes were kept so closely guarded that even some family members didn't know that they punished criminals by night. But to place the real name and the crime fighter so close together was too much to try and write off as a coincidence. Not to mention the confidence... No, the pride with which he just said that.

"Don't believe me?" Tud cut in before she could form a response. The cocky smirk on his handsome face showing he knew already he had her where he wanted her. Gifted another beauty to break in and claim as another of his whores, just like he'd done to her fellow crime fighter Batgirl the night before. Stepping across the room, he picked up the remote for the monitor system in the room. "See for yourself..." He said, pressing a couple of buttons before the screens all changed to some new, and very lewd footage.

This time Canary's jaw dropped further with a stare as she saw, and heard, the unthinkable being broadcast to her as she turned to watch the screens. Batgirl on her knees, in full costume, gagging and groaning as her red haired, mask-covered head bobbed along the cock of Samuel Tud. Not just a black cock, but the thickest and longest dick Canary had ever laid eyes on. The sound of slobbering and choking with each push up or down the crime fighter delivered leaving the blonde watching this more suited for a porn website footage speechless. The accompanying visuals from multiple angles, letting not just the sight of Batgirl's saliva dripping off that dick onto her own bodysuit, but of how her make-up was running only adding to that. All Canary could do was stare in awe and horror at what her friend, her ally was doing. Not just doing, but doing willingly – no chains or bonds forcing the redhead to perform this sexual act.

Samuel Tud couldn't believe his luck. It was one thing to have Batgirl walk into his wicked web, and then be able to fuck her into submission like he'd done. But for it to so perfectly work and result in him being sent another fine piece of super-heroine ass so soon after? His wildest, filthiest dreams were coming true. While Canary was preoccupied with her staring, he was using some staring of his own to 'motivate' himself. Looking down at the curvy, plump backside of the blonde in her bodysuit, along with the lovely legs in those tights and the killer boots. Pumping his dick in his hand, getting his tool to it's massive, rock hard full size with ease. He'd silently already taken off all of his clothing, upper and lower, while Canary had been rendered almost into a trance-like state by the footage she was watching. A 'skill' of his that he'd more than perfected over the course of 'convincing' many a beauty before into joining his operation. Women who had been far less on the level of this one however... But if he'd tamed Batgirl like he'd done so clearly well last night? Then this one should be just as easy... And just as fun.

"Like what you see?" Tud asked, but already from his tone of his voice having decided an answer on his own from her reaction. It wasn't just his words that finally snapped her out of it. The feeling of his cock sliding against her thighs, and the crotch of her bodysuit, that made her gasp as he pushed himself forward until his bell-end was sticking out from the other side of her.

"Holy fuck!!" Black Canary exclaimed, now starting down to see that fat, thick rod between her legs. Groaning as he took it upon himself to slide backwards and then right forward again. Rubbing his member against her snatch through her clothing. "That... That can't be!" She tried to form words as she stared at the shaft she'd just been watching face-fuck her friend. Now that same pole was fucking her, through her crime fighting attire as she felt it grinding against her pussy through the tightness of the bodysuit. A feeling that was making her groan in a way that she knows is totally wrong, never mind how dirty it is.

"It fucking is girl..." Samuel said almost tauntingly. Making it all the more worse, yet better for certainly him, by reaching forward to grab her hips. Pulling her forcefully against his muscular and ripped frame. Pressing her gorgeously rounded backside against himself as he pumped his cock in teasingly slow fashion back and forth between her tights-covered legs.

Canary was completely disarmed by this all. Looking back at the man dry-humping her, even though he was completely naked himself right now. Finding herself gasping at the sight of a complete hunk of a man that looked like he belongs on the set of a porno shoot. Ripping her eyes away from him, it was back down between her legs at the mighty cock thrusting slowly and deliberately against her folds through her clothing. Finally a moan coming from her from the stimulation being delivered, just as her mind finally sent out instructions for her hands to move. Sliding up onto his broad arms, but only seemingly grabbing them for a moment just for something to hold onto. Making absolutely no move to stop him, stop this sexual act, or to even move away from him. She was letting this happen. She was letting him have his way with her.

"Mmmm... You've got one Hell of fine as fuck body on you Canary..." Samuel said with a grin, locking eyes with his latest target when she looked back again at him. Seeing the delightful look of conflict on her gorgeous face as he gave both of them some sinful pleasure by rubbing his fat black cock against the white, blonde beauty's crotch. Almost feeling the outline of her pussy already from just these slow and steady thrusts. A good sign that this skin tight attire of hers was such that she couldn't even have a thong on underneath it all. "Can't wait to see what it looks like..." He added with a confident chuckle before he groaned his approval. Keeping her juicy ass up against his frame as he fucked the stunning Bird of Prey without even penetrating one of her holes. Hearing her low moans just over the moaning footage of him fucking another member of that heroic faction played out on the screens in front of them.

"Uhhhhh! You... You bastard!" The blonde snapped defiantly as she gritted her teeth. Casting a glare at the smirking stud working his huge rod against her stunning body behind her. Clearly furious at how he's so openly and pervertedly using her clothed frame for his own pleasure. Yet at the same time she's groaning herself in not exactly displeasure from his pumps. Allowing this thrusting to go on even though she could, and knowing herself should, stop this and break away from him. "You... You tricked me! I bet... Ahhhhhh... You did exactly this to Batgirl as... Mmmmm! As well!" She pieced together correctly current evens. Not exactly a victory considering how she was made to moan again. That big cock sliding impressively smoothly back and forth between her legs even with the friction of the fishnet tights covering her.

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