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Gotham Girls Pt. 08

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Batgirl and Blackbat enjoy two guys and one another.
5.8k words

Part 8 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 10/08/2014
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All characters appearing in the following narrative are fictional. Any resemblance to any real persons - either living or deceased - is entirely coincidental on the part of the Author. Unless otherwise noted all persons appearing in the narrative are written as being of the majority age of eighteen years owing to depictions of graphic sexual activity contained throughout the body of this work.


Fall foliage was in abundant evidence as Stephanie Brown - aka Batgirl - stood on the curb side bus stop and awaited the arrival of a good friend. Out of costume and back in college on a Wayne Foundation scholarship, she felt uncomfortable in street clothes and felt more than one set of eyes undressing her as she awaited the afternoon arrival. The cold of winter had not yet appeared in Gotham City so many of the college students walking around the GSU campus were still dressed for summer, herself included. Her cut off denim shorts barely dared to cover the curve of her shapely ass and the t-shirt she had worn out of the dorm today had long since lost its sleeves to her scissors and desire to show off more skin. Socks that barely came above the top of her sneakers and a short, black, and denim jacket completed the outfit. Stephanie only wished that Tim Drake were around for the fall semester to see her in this get-up. She sometimes wondered what got him hard faster. Her Batgirl costume, or her civilian clothes? Thoughts like those made her flashback to a certain rooftop in Gotham City where the two of them had enjoyed one another for a few hours one night when they were out on patrol.

The bus rolled to a stop and the air brakes hissed as it came even with the curb and Cassandra Cain - one time Batgirl and current Blackbat - came to her feet a fraction of a second before everyone else on the bus. Her ability to read minute body language served her as a vigilante working for the Batman in the Far East as one of his agents, the same as it had done when she was Batgirl, as well as when she had still been an assassin. A slight smile touched her lips as she spotted Stephanie standing on the curb and waiting for her to climb down for their weekend together. She had passed the mantle of Batgirl to Stephanie when she had decided to leave Gotham City, but she had missed her friend terribly in the time that the two of them had been apart. She easily slipped around and under the other passengers as they struggled to reach the stairs and claim their luggage. There were a few scattered oaths and more than a few finger gestures aimed at her but she was not about to allow them to deter their reunion. . .

The campus sandwich shop was a nice enough place to grab something to eat while the two of them caught up on what was going on in their lives. The talk flowed easily - as though the two of them had not been separated for months and by most of the civilized world.

". . . Gun runners with Cobblepot, and they dumped the entire shipment and tried running." Stephanie easily shared a few of her anecdotes about being Batgirl. Including a rather lengthy and lurid one concerning exactly what she and Timothy Drake had done with one another.

Cassandra listened easily enough, but even sitting in the open she could not stop her eyes from moving between the employees and other diners in the shop, picking out exits, and sizing up the other people here to pick out which of them was trained and might present a potential threat. Nobody so much as gave her, or Stephanie, a second look and they were two of the most dangerous and highly trained women in the world when it came to personal combat techniques.

". . . and do not even get me started on what a horny old man Alfred is. Don't let that polished English butler bit fool you for a moment because he can fuck with the best of them." Stephanie blushed a little in ending the story about what she and Alfred had done down in the Batcave.

"You and Alfred?" Asked Cassie. Her hands mimed two bodies smacking together in sexual intercourse.

"It is not as bad as you are making it out", said Stephanie. She crumbled up the butcher paper in which her sandwich had been served and casually tossed it into the trash can without standing up.

With lunch finished the two girls decided to head back to Stephanie's dorm room so that Cassie could unwind and relax before the two of them had to decide what it was that they wanted to do. Grabbing her bag and flinging it over her shoulder, Cassie followed her friend out of the diner and began the ten minute walk across the campus and toward the housing units.

Maybe it was the fall weather? Or it might have been that Cassandra Cain exuded a foreign allure with her Eurasian features and flowing black hair? Her eyes never stopped moving as the two of them walked and about once every minute she was pointing out to Stephanie a guy - or guys - that were stimulated by their passing. She could also tell which of these guys was a little more than 'stimulated'. Tenting shorts and bulging jeans seemed to be the order of the day but the tall, blonde, girl claimed to only have eyes - and wetted loins - for her fellow crime fighters. Cassandra had been so busy on her mission in the Far East that one of her goals upon getting back to Gotham had been the hope of getting a little action. When the two of them finally arrived outside of Hamilton Hill Hall - residency named for the one-time Mayor of Gotham - and the Residency Advisor buzzed them in, Cassandra's panties were wet from looking at the available men and the thoughts that had invariably entered into her own mind as she had spent a few seconds on her favorites sizing them up in turn.

"Hey Steph," called out the lanky guy behind the front desk.

"Martin," Stephanie acknowledged him but barely slowed as she strolled past the entryway and entered the elevator.

"He desires you, Stephanie. Why do you not allow him to take you?" Asked Cassandra. Part of her curiosity stemmed from having been raised as a functional mute and illiterate until she had broken away from the control of her father, the assassin David Cain. Her learning to speak had interfered with her other abilities for a while but time away from Gotham had honed them again and she was happy to say that she was back in prime form. Aside from learning to speak and read, her sexual awakening had happened in short order as well. Once she learned to interpret what the miniscule changes in pulse, body temperature, and certain blood flow registered in a man. In short order Cassandra Cain discovered that she enjoyed sex and enjoyed men taking pleasure in her body.

"He's been sniffing after me since our freshman year," confided Stephanie. "I almost took him to bed once or twice, but other things came up."

"Work, or pleasure?" Asked Cassie.

"A little of both actually." The elevator slowed to a stop and the two of them got off and walked down the hall to Stephanie's dorm room. Once the door was unlocked the girls stepped inside and collapsed on the small couch and chair which served as the main room's only pieces of furniture. Aside from these there was a microwave and a hot plate in the 'kitchen', a door on the left opened on the small bathroom and the opposite door opened into the bedroom. "Now that he knows that I have company for the weekend you can expect to be seeing him again. Probably tonight as a matter of a fact." Cassie suddenly felt herself looking forward to tonight and knew from the slight rise in Stephanie's pulse and body temperature that it had been long enough since her last man that she would not mind a visit either. . .

Martin did not disappoint as it turned out. Appearing outside of Stephanie's room shortly before 8pm on the trumped up excuse that she had not in fact signed in her guest. Stephanie smiled at Martin - and the shy younger man standing behind him - as she signed Cassandra into the visitor's register. For her part, Cassandra measured up the two of them and could tell from heightened blood flow, temperature spikes, and the barely concealed foil squares in their pockets exactly what the real reason for their visit was. Or so they hoped. The young man standing behind Martin smiled at her as he nervously shifted from one foot to another and kept his hands in his pockets. He was Asian in ethnicity but from which country she could not say. His mumbled greetings came in unaccented English so he was probably not an exchange student. No doubt, just another hapless young man that did not know how to be forward in his requests for fear that a woman would be offended - or that she would reject him. Cassandra took another quick look and decided for herself and Stephanie that their desire, and the respective sizes of their penises merited inviting them both in for sex.

"Did the two of you want to come in for a beer," asked Stephanie. She flashed a smile back at Cassandra and put her friend at ease.

"You know alcohol in the dorm rooms is against the rules," droned Martin.

"You can have Commissioner Gordon call Batman then," teased Stephanie. "You two want a beer, or not?"

With a shrug the two young men walked into the dorm room and Stephanie eased the door shut behind them. As Cassandra opened the small refrigerator and began handing out beers she distinctly heard the lock turn in the door leading into the room, and then also detected the almost inaudible pop as Stephanie loosened the top button on her denim shorts. . .

The beers went down easily and the four of them were quick into conversation. Stephanie and Cassandra kept the conversation to topics with which they were comfortable and familiar. Crime fighting and vigilantes in Gotham City. The two girls were, of course, pro-vigilante. Go figure. Martin was a little more reserved. His family had been sending men into the GCPD for generations and he was in school on a criminology program with intention of entering the force once the ink was dry on his diploma. Kim Huan - his friend - was more anti vigilante, and even seemed to think that the various villains in the city had it tougher because of the police and the plethora of crime fighters that seemed to lurk in the shadows. Cassandra - having fought on both sides of the issue - could see his side, even if it was not exactly well thought through. Besides, she wanted very much to have a closer look at what was stirring beneath his jeans and did not think that starting an argument was a good way to end the night in bed with him. As a hint she casually stretched her muscles and teased the bulge in his pants with her toes. A wicked smile told him just what it was that she was thinking. . .

Stephanie rolled her eyes at Cassie's blatant flirting and the direction in which she was leading the evening. Sure. It had been long enough since that tryst in the Batcave with Alfred that her pussy was beginning to feel forgotten about. Aside from a night or two with her vibrator after coming in from patrol there had been no action between her legs and she found herself looking at strangers and wondering; 'What if. . .' She knew that the plans for the night were set once her friend dropped all pretense, leaned over, and kissed Kim full on the mouth and parted his lips with her eager tongue. Sometimes she thought that her friend had had it easy. Growing up without the social conventions of society as she was raised to only ever be a killer. It meant she saw nothing wrong with just saying what was on her mind and then going after whatever it was that she had been desiring. When she had first discovered sex it had been quite the task to try and explain to her that a woman was not supposed to simply go after and take whatever man it was that caught her eye and that it was far more entertaining to keep them guessing and chasing after what it was that she was willing to give them in the first place - sex. By the time that Stephanie was inviting Martin in for a kiss of his own, Cassie already had Kim's jeans opened and was eagerly stroking him to full hardness. . .

Cassandra let her head roll back onto her shoulders as she sat next to Stephanie on the couch with their respective partners faces buried between their parted legs and eagerly eating their vaginas. Kim was skilled and his tongue had little problem in parting her pubic hair to find the top of her slit and the nodule that was her clitoris. The sensitive little bud was eager tonight and did not keep him working at her long before it emerged from its sheath and he pressed directly against it with lips and tongue before she moaned her pleasure and felt a wash of warmth from between her legs. For her part, Stephanie was breathing heavily as Martin tongue-fucked her hole and slipped a finger into her puckered asshole until she began to grind her muff against his mouth. Both young women were leaving tell-tale wet spots on the furniture beneath them and their friends had begun eagerly pulling at their cocks as they ate them out!

"Mmmm . . . Yes . . ." Groaned Stephanie. Enjoying the tongue in her tight little box as well as the finger in her ass. "Ahhh . . . Uhhn . . . Oh god, yes!" She raised her hips and met the thrusts of that tongue as she tried to coax Martin into sliding more of that finger into her backdoor. She had always loved oral sex and was only sorry now that she had not allowed Martin into her before tonight. Her blonde pubic hair was matted down from the sweet mix of his saliva and her own wetness and an orgasm was teasing her but refusing to crest.

"Mmmm . . . Mmmm . . . Mmmm . . . Ahhh!" Cassandra cried out. Stiffening as her first orgasm took hold. It built quickly and the waves of delicious euphoria carried her out of her own body even as Kim continued eating her out as she washed his mouth and chin in her juice and the heat from her cunt.

Cassie came around slowly to see that Stephanie was really into the cunnilingus she was taking from Martin - and that he seemed more than a little gifted at giving oral sex - but her body language told her that orgasm was holding off for something else and that she might be better off if the four of them adjourned to the bedroom to finish what they had begun on the sofa. . .

The bedroom door was left open and the trail of discarded clothing told the tale of how quickly the four of them had abandoned the couch for a more comfortable setting. Stephanie's bed was a queen-sized, so it filled most of the limited space afforded her as a 'bedroom'. What it did leave was room for the four of them to continue exploring each other's bodies, sucking and fucking until they were spent.

Martin finished stepping out of his briefs and guided Stephanie onto the mattress at the foot of the bed. Her legs parted of their own accord and he took in the sight of her honey-blonde bush crowning her wet and inviting pussy. He had wanted to fuck her since the first time he had seen her strolling into the dorms - some stodgy old man and a string of guys hauling in her shit behind her - knowing that the resident recipient of a Wayne Foundation scholarship was probably in need of a little adventure in order to break up the dull drums of ceaseless studying. The fact that she seemed to like taking something in her ass was only going to make things a little better too. Maybe before the night was over he and Kim could work one of these hot pieces of ass into a position where they were being fucked in both of those holes. Martin was hoping that the one would end up being Stephanie Brown.

Kim dropped his jeans to reveal that he was wearing nothing underneath of them. His member was erect and ready to go, as was Cassie's warm and wet squeeze box. Her ebony muff was damped down thanks to his tongue and, if he were any judge, a long time between fucks. She had been so eager to get with him that the beer was barely in his stomach before she was fishing inside of his pants looking for his goods! He had enjoyed eating her out. She had tasted sweet and somehow innocent. Though he doubted that she was anywhere near to being a virgin. He took a quick glance over at Martin as his friend was guiding the head of his engorged penis between the other chick's pussy lips. Maybe, before the night was over, the two of them could fuck each of these girls at the same time while the other one watched? How fucking hot would that be?

Stephanie pulled Martin down between her legs and helped him ease between her lips and tender folds. He was not as large as Tim had been but he was bigger than Alfred so she had found a happy medium. Her inner-slut crowed at finally being fucked and a renewed feeling of wetness and warmth flooded into her cunt and down her uppermost thighs. Martin was not wearing the rubber that he had brought with him but she did not care. Her regime of birth control pills and the careful count of her days told her that she had enough time to not have to sweat getting pregnant from a little casual sex. She raised her hips off of the bed and met each of Martin's thrusts at her twat. Rising into them and hearing his balls slapping off of her ass made her think of that long, delicate, digit he had fucked her ass with earlier and a hope of getting his cock in her backdoor before the night was done suddenly came fully formed into the fore of her mind. Maybe, if Cassie did not fuck the other guy to death, he would be willing to plug her other hole? With the prospect of a second cock to fuck tonight egging her on, Stephanie gave herself completely to Martins thrusting shaft and began to feel the renewed energy of her impending orgasm as the two of them came together repeatedly.

Cassie grunted as she guided Kim into her and felt the first thrust of his penis into her. Pain and unspeakable pleasure blended as she stretched to take him in and then, using the almost perfect control she had over the muscles of her body, gripped him and pulled him as deep into her as the length and girth of his shaft would allow. She moaned at the feeling of his pendulous balls touching the thin stretch of skin between the bottom of her cunt and the puckered font of her asshole and wondered if he would want to fuck her there as well. She remembered the obvious pleasure that Stephanie had been taking from just a finger in there and, having never thought to allow a man to use her like that, was intrigued as to what it might feel like. She lost her train of thought for a moment as Kim found the rhyme and pace and began sliding inside of her with more urgency as he tried to bring her to another orgasm before spilling his load inside of her. The urgency of this coupling had been more important to Cassie than the thought of protection so the fact that Kim was not wearing a condom was not foremost on her mind as she surrendered to the feelings of her first fuck in months. Only dimly dwelling on the idea of possibly allowing both of these men to take her at the same time as Stephanie watched.

Stephanie was looking down the length of her naked body and between her parted and raised legs as Martin fucked the length of his cock into her hungry hole. His balls slapping off of her upraised ass each time he sent the head and shaft diving into the depths of her quim. She thrashed and balled the sheets and coverlet on her bed with every thrust, feeling her own long overdue orgasm as it teased her by cresting but never quite releasing the energy that it was building up. Her tits bounced as those thrusts became all the more urgent and Martin hooked his hands and forearms around her raised thighs and truly began to pound inside of her. The thrusts became almost more pain than pleasure and still her fucking orgasm was not coming - if you can pardon the pun - and she desperately needed the release. Her head fell backward as Martin reached the end of her and his mushroom head brushed against her cervix. Raised on her elbows Stephanie bore down on him and trapped him between her folds even as he cried out and she felt the first jets of his semen spilling and pooling inside of her!


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