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Gotham Girls Pt. 10

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Selina relieves her boredom with Barbara Gordon.
2.8k words

Part 10 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 10/08/2014
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All characters appearing in the following narrative are fictional. Any resemblance to any real persons - either living or deceased - is entirely coincidental on the part of the Author. Unless otherwise noted all persons appearing in the narrative are written as being of the majority age of eighteen years owing to depictions of graphic sexual activity contained throughout the body of this work.


Barbara Gordon reclined on the mountain of pillows on Bruce's bed and hungrily fingered her pussy. Two of her digits where buried in her slit to the third knuckle and those, along with most of her hand, was sticky with her own juices. Still, despite her efforts, orgasm refused to come and she finally relaxed and brought her hips back down until her shapely ass was back on the mattress. With a heavy and exasperated sigh she removed her hand from between her legs and gently began to suck and lick it clean. It would not do to go around the mansion and the grounds with a hand smelling of sex. Finally, she kicked off the bottoms of her pajamas, as well as her moistened panties, and padded bare foot toward the mammoth shower in Bruce's private bath.

"It's all her fault," she sulked and lashed out with her other hand at the door frame and smiled as the wood splintered. Maybe the shower would help her forget about Selina Kyle being in the mansion, or Batman's preoccupation with the simmering gang war between Boss Maroni and Two-Face.

Selina had been watching the little red headed piece of jail bait through a crack between the double doors of the master bedroom. The sight of those soft young hips and that tight little muff trying to get one off had gotten her own body responding in ways that she had begun to think never could happen again after what Two-Face had subjected her too. Most of that night had been a blur as her mind tried to block out the memory of her coerced sex with a gun-wielding madman. Being brought back to the Batcave and given a thorough exam by the competent and professional Alfred Pennyworth had revealed that no permanent damage had been done and that there was little likelihood of her having been gotten pregnant for her ordeal. Selina had not cared for the way that the two men had bandied about the word 'rape', because it implied that she had been victimized. Having been installed in a suite of rooms here in the Wayne Mansion under a sort of loose house arrest had been the worst part. As Catwoman she was used to going where she wanted and doing what, and whoever, she wanted. Now all she had to do to occupy her mind was watch Bruce Wayne's little piece of ass trying to rub one off, or take another walk around the grounds. It was enough to drive her very nearly insane. Although fantasizing about finally landing in the sack with her hero-crush was beginning to come in as a third option. Maybe she and the little red head could make some fun of their own and get Bruce out of that damned cave below the house and into one - or both - of theirs. . .

Bruce Wayne, aka Batman, was indeed brooding down in his high tech hideout looking for a pattern to emerge in the war that was building between Maroni and Harvey Dent. He had taken Selina Kyle under his protection because the whole East End of Gotham was fast becoming a war zone and she was not up to protecting the people by herself. Not when you considered that Maroni and Dent were prepared to burn down the entire area in their attempts to kill one another. Dent had already captured and raped Selina. The only thing that had spared her a bullet had been the toss of a 'lucky' coin. Literally. As a result of that he had been making several alterations to the Catwoman's apartment / lair, as well as upgrading her costume and fashioning her some tools and new weapons to help her out. He did not intend to keep her here forever. He could not afford to. Barbara was already acting put out by another woman being under the same roof with the two of them. Not to mention the simmering sexual tension around Selina which made some little piece of him want to just fuck the shit out of her. . .

The shower had felt great and loosened her up. Barbara toweled off until her skin was warm and dry and then thought about opening the curtains in the master bedroom and lying out across the bed in nothing but her skin and enjoying the warm sun. Maybe, her body would cooperate this time and give her the orgasm she needed. If she decided to try and masturbate again. Looking down the length of her body she noticed that her pubic hair could do with a trimming - a lot of girls were grooming it up nowadays - and she reached above the sink for a small pair of scissors she kept there. Her roommate at college had once confessed, after a couple too many beers, that hers was as bald as the day she was born, and that her boyfriend could not seem to get enough of eating it, or fucking it. Somehow though, Barbara doubted very much that Bruce Wayne was going to jump at the chance to fuck someone that barely looked older than a twelve year old if he found her sprawled out across his bed and willing to give it up. After all, her tits had never gotten any bigger after she had turned fifteen and with a shaven pussy it would look as though she were not but a girl going through puberty. Walking out into the bedroom after cleaning up the small pile of hair she had made, Barbara fell across the bed and closed her eyes. Her hand was already pinned underneath her and, knowing that she still needed a release, her fingers found her slit and began moving of their own accord.

Selina was hiding behind the same dressing screen that Barbara had concealed herself behind when she had first appeared and begun having sex with Bruce. Sure, there had only been the one time - so far - but Selina could not have known that and she watched as the younger woman began masturbating again.

"Shit," she whispered to herself. "This one has got it bad."

A small bag lay open at her feet. Inside it were a few things she used on herself to let off steam when she needed to. It wasn't like Holly was around anymore to help her with that when she needed it. Maybe she could help Bruce's little girlfriend and then the two of them could focus on him. Deciding on a course of action, Selina grabbed up the bag as she rounded the screen and crossed the room, silently, toward that bed and the girl that was upon it.

Barbara felt the bed shift but neither stopped what she was doing, nor bothered to open her eyes. She did not care if Bruce caught her jerking off! It was not as though he were making a conscious effort to please her and address her physical needs since he had taken in Selina Kyle. Besides, the first small stirrings of orgasm had begun building somewhere deep inside of her and she needed her release.

"Do not roll over and do not open your eyes." Came a woman's voice from somewhere over her shoulder.

Barbara froze and stiffened up. What was she doing in the room? She had two fingers back in her vagina and had been grinding her mount against her hand. Sometimes doing this while flat on her stomach with a hand trapped between her legs was the surest way of getting off.

"Just relax. If I had wanted to hurt you I would have already done so. Probably while you were in the bathroom trimming your bush." Selina chuckled at letting the girl know just how long she had been being watched and her obvious consternation at the idea that her shower, and her earlier attempts to get off might have been seen as well. "Nice job, by the way. Red is not one of my favorite colors, but you bring it off well."

Barbara slowly removed her hand from between her legs and shifted enough that it was no longer trapped underneath her body. Sadly enough her own orgasm had dried up at the sound of Selina's voice and she had the strange feeling that she was not going to get off any time today. That realization only made her moodier and she found herself wanting to hit something. She rolled over in a flash, opening her eyes and aiming a fist for the sound of that tormenting voice! When she hit nothing but air, she was disappointed. Selina had rolled completely off of the bed and was sitting in a deep crouch and ready to retaliate.

"Someone does not know how to take direction," she pouted. "All I wanted to do was help you out."

Barbara saw the small bag then and recognized some of the toys that were inside of it. She had never done anything with those sorts of things and had developed a disdain for young women that could not manage to pleasure themselves without using them. Her fingers and her imagination had been good enough since she was fourteen. Still. She would have been lying to herself if she had not admitted to being even the smallest bit curious about the 'other' lifestyle. She was in college after all. And being a major in library and computer sciences meant that most of her classes were filled with the lass than glamorous sort of girls that might have been willing to try it - if they were not already lesbians.

"I've never . . . not with those anyway. And never with another woman," Barbara confessed and felt the warmth of a deep blush spreading from her cheeks clear down to the red tuft of hair above her pussy.

"Then, let us try this again," Selina said in a soft and seductive tone. "Roll back over, Close your eyes, and do not move."

Barbara felt her body responding to that tone and her own piqued curiosity at how this was going to finish? She only hoped that the older woman did not expect her to . . . She decided not to focus on any negatives and just try to relax and take this as another learning experience. That was part of the reason she had talked herself into doing what she had with Bruce already. Trying to gain more experience and make herself a better woman, and lover, in the process. Besides, she rationalized as she rolled back over onto her stomach and parted her legs slightly, if she did not enjoy it then she never had to admit to having done it, nor ever do it again. . .

Selina savored the warmth trickling out from between Barbara's legs as she gently parted her labia with two fingers and began massaging her inner folds and lips. The younger woman groaned into the mattress but neither moved nor opened her eyes. Selina used her other hand to rub lightly over the gently rising swell of her tight little ass and found herself wondering - not aloud - if anyone had ever played back here before. Her teasing fingers easily found the opening to her vagina and rubbed over it, exciting the millions of nerve endings located there. Just like doing the same to the head of a man's penis, Barbara twitched her hips and moaned a little longer and louder at her fleeting touch. Digging into the small bag of tricks she had on the bed, Selina removed an egg-shaped device attached to a thumb control by a thin wire. It was one of her favorite vibrators and she, very badly, wanted to introduce it to Barbara. Warming it between her hands and blowing on it, she then lowered it between the other woman's slightly parted legs.

"A little wider dear," Selina said and tapped the inside of her thighs. Barbara did not say a word and did as she was asked. Parting her legs wide enough for oral sex - if that was what Selina had in mind - or whatever it was she was planning.

The 'egg' was pressed against her opening and Barbara tried her best to remain relaxed and not to recoil as the foreign object was gently, and slowly, inserted inside of her sex. It did not hurt and since it was smooth it went in like the head of a penis. It did not stretch her either so there was none of the momentary discomfort of being opened up. She felt herself closing around whatever it was that Selina had slipped inside of her and then jumped as the slight buzzing began inside of her!

"Holy shit!" Barbara gasped.

"All the pleasure of being opened and filled, and without the messy clean up in the end," Selina chuckled. "I have it lodged against your g-spot, so this is probably going to get a little intense." She cautioned.

Barbara's hips twitched and jumped the longer that the vibrator was inside of her, and she, very quickly, found her former attitude to be unfounded and silly. She was being given some of the most sublime pleasure she had ever enjoyed and she had been getting herself off on a regular basis for almost seven years.

"Mmmm," she moaned. "More." Barbara heard herself begging.

Selina removed a small, completely smoothed, dildo - no more than three inches long - with a flared base and paused from ministering to Barbara Gordon's tight little twat long enough to lube it up. After all, she had just begged for more. Pressing the head against the puckered font of her, obviously, unused ass, Selina applied a little pressure and smiled as the younger woman opened up and took half of it before she even realized what was being done to her! Barbara balled the covers in her fists at the sensation of having her holes used and Selina sank in the last half until the base prevented it from going any further. So as not to make things too uncomfortable, she also turned up the vibrator in Barbara's pussy so the buzzing became a steady, thrumming, pulse.

"Ohhhhhh," breathed Barbara as the sensations filled her and her mounting orgasm built with a sudden fury. Threatening to spill over and consume her utterly.

Selina then went in for the finish and eased her own hand underneath of Barbara's shifting hips and pressed her long, graceful, fingers against the swollen bud that was her clitoris. With her g-spot being stimulated and her first anal penetration, Barbara groaned as those sweet fingers found her button and applied consistent pressure in time with the pulsing of the 'egg' in her pussy. Selina savored the warmth and wetness of her new friend. Thinking back to many a lonely night when it had been only she and Holly in that squalid apartment in the East End when they had been turning tricks for a living and these distractions were the only way to forget the sweaty Johns that were paying to cheat on their wives with her, or taking Holly because she had the misfortune of looking a lot younger than she actually was, and they harbored some pedophilic tendencies. . . There had been no other escape. None before the Batman had started cleaning up the city and had given her the inspiration for becoming the Catwoman . . .

Barbara came, whimpering, moaning, and biting down on her bottom lip until she tasted blood as the plethora of sensations ripped through her and the fingers of Selina Kyle never quit working at her. She had never once paused to think that such release could be had from the touch of another woman. This new knowledge opened her up to other possibilities even as her cunt soaked Selina's hand and the covers beneath her and she slipped into unconsciousness on clouds of the most perfect bliss. . .

She awakened only a few seconds later but it had been long enough that Selina Kyle had already removed the toys that the two of them had used. She had cleaned them and was slipping them back into the bag on the bed. Barbara noticed that the other woman had stripped off her denim shorts and top so that she was only in her bra and panties.

"You're going to need another shower," she offered. Even as Barbara became aware of the sticky mess she had made of her own upper thighs. To say nothing of Selina's hand and the bed clothes. "While we are in there, maybe you can think of some way to repay my kindness?"

The older woman then helped her to stand as she slipped off her own underwear and turned them both in the direction of the bathroom.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Your writing is just astounding! Love how much detail you put into these scenes.

If you're taking requests, can I suggest Barbara watching as her Birds of Prey gang up and have their way with Nightwing? Or perhaps Batwoman having a "training session" with the younger Batgirls.

lordroxburylordroxburyover 9 years agoAuthor
Always a Chance

Now that all the other requests from other readers have been fulfilled I will see about roughing one out and see if it works before I actually write it. Thanks for the idea and for reading my work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

That was hot. Always wanted to see Catwoman seduce Batgirl. Any chance to see the other Batgirls and Nightwing join in for a big orgy?

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