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Gotham in Distress Pt. 03

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Could this be the end.
6.5k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/06/2021
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Chapter 15: Dusk til Dawn


Selena swung down from the ledge and through the open window, landing gracefully in a dark space. She stood still for a moment, listening for the slightest indication that she wasn't alone. The room was warm and very humid from the newly spawned jungle only a few miles away, but everything was quiet, just like she liked it.

Selena clapped her gloved hands and soft red and pink lights lit up around the room. Her sanctuary. Her den. Her east side apartment.

"Home at last," she said as she crossed the studio apartment to her bedroom area. A slender cat layed across the top of her head board, watching closely as Selena slid her cat suit off her body and slipped a silky nightgown over her naked body. She massaged her aching muscles and stretched. Rough night, she thought to herself. Selena found the small vial she had snatched from Wayne Tech during her errand for Ivy and held it up to the light. The clear cool blue liquid swirled around the tube as she spun it in her gentle grasp.

"Amazing how something so small can have the potential to change so much," the woman mused. "Just the insurance a cat needs to survive in a Gotham run by plants." I'm definitely gonna need it after the plant bitch escaped, she thought.

A soft knock rang out from the door, startling Selena. She stuffed the precious vial in a hidden compartment in her desk and peered through the peep hole to the hallway. She sighed in relief and opened the door.

"Fuck, Holly, you shouldn't be here this late. Especially with the shit going on out there."

The young woman pranced passed Selena and jumped onto the bed, motioning for the cat to join her.

"I'm not kidding, it's fucking dangerous here and you need to leave," Selena stressed.

"Aww chill out. I'm safer here with you than I am walking on the street or alone at my place. The neighbors got a little nutty after all those plants came out of nowhere. Especially the guys," Holly said.

Selena wasn't having any of it. "You need to go! People will be looking for me and I don't want you involved."

Holly perked up. "Who's after you? What can I do? How can I help?"

"Calm down, Holly. I don't have time for this. I just stopped in for a few hours sleep, so you can't stay. I'll come get you when all this is over. Right now, I need to get some rest. Then I have to find Batman...again."

"At least let me stay until you leave. Pleaaaase?"

"Fine you little punk. Just don't make too much noise. It's gonna be another long night."

Selena collapsed on her bed and slept straight through until evening. Despite the racket that Holly surely made, Selena didn't awaken until the sun was dropping below the cityscape and the glow from Ivy's jungle was bright within the city. She put on her equipment, complete with claws, goggles, whip, and bolas and sprang through her window out into the darkening metropolis.

"I'm gonna need a drink after this," she thought before leaping forward.


Chapter 16: Breaking News


Vicki Vale sprinted around the street corner and ducked into the alley, nearly hugging the damp brick wall in her attempt to stay out of sight. She squeezed the large envelope in her arms tightly, feeling its bulky contents pressing into her chest and hands. The excited voices and stomping footsteps approached her small hiding spot. They couldn't have been more than 15 feet away.

"She definitely went this way," shouted one of the pursuers. "Check down that alley."

She heard someone grunt and the footsteps grew louder. Beads of sweat collected along her hairline and glided smoothly down her forehead, dripping into her eyes. It burned. She stayed low and crawled behind the dumpster, trying to slow her breathing and go unseen and unheard.

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.

She let out a slow breath, just now realizing she had been holding it.

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.

The scuffling sound of boots on pavement was clear as day now.

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.

Vicki could hear the man's rugged breathing, but she kept her own mouth covered. Whether it helped or not, she couldn't say.

The heavy steps passed the dumpster, paused for a moment, then continued until they became faint. The reporter let out a sigh of relief before glancing around the dumpster for a view. The coast was clear and everything was silent once again. She slowly stood up and rounded the corner back the way she'd come.

A rough hand grabbed her by the throat and threw her against the wall, knocking the wind clear out of Vicki.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to play in dark alleyways, little girl? You could get hurt. You're very lucky I found you."

The man looked her up and down, brushing her coat aside to get a better view of what was underneath.

"Mmhmm. You're VERY lucky."

Vicki tried to break free, but his grip was too strong and she could barely breathe with the pressure on her throat. The thug grabbed a handful of her breast and squeezed, eliciting a sharp protesting gurgle from Vicki.

"Oh, yes, you are just perfect. Maybe the mistress will give you to me once this is over," he whispered into her ear. "Until then, I'll just take that package you took and give you an escort. I wouldn't want you getting hurt out here."

He released her and yanked her by her coat out to the street and into a waiting SUV. Vicki was still gasping for air when they sped off and a bag was pulled over her head. They drove for what felt like an hour along winding roads before they came to a stop and she was forced from the car. Wherever she was, it was humid and the air felt claustrophobic.

Her captors led her blindly foward for several hundred feet, her heeled knee high boots causing her to stumble on the uneven ground. It felt like theynwere traveling at an angle.

"Where the hell are we going? " Vicki asked.

"Quiet. We're almost there," came the response.

In a moment of hope, Vicki tried to twist away from the kidnappers and make a run back the way she'd come, but they were too strong and the effort was futile. She ended up pinned to the ground with her hands tied behind her back. Well that was a shitty idea, she thought to herself. Her two guards carried her the rest of the way and down a wooden switchback staircase, finally throwing her onto a...bed of grass? How could that be?

The black bag was removed, revealing a large atrium covered in grass and various exotic plant life. All growing without the sun. Several old stony pathways swept through the space and a few large patios overlooked the area from above.

"Gorgeous, huh?"

Vicki looked up, startled away from her amazing view. Poison Ivy, aka Pamela Isley, stood next to her, red hair flowing over her shoulders and pubic area and breasts covered in leafy vines like a living bikini.

"How is this possible? How is anything you've done possible?" Vicki asked.

"My precious children are quite powerful already,  but it's truly amazing what they can do with my power influencing them. And a little help from a Wayne Tech serum played a part as well. The days of humans destroying this world will be over soon," Ivy boasted.

"And why am I here? Do you need some press release or something?" Vicki said with an eyeroll.

"Ohh, no no no. You're here because you took something you shouldn't have known existed. Those files you stole from the Mayor's office have certain, shall we say, facts that cannot be flaunted around on the news."

"You just don't want Gotham to know that you've had the Mayor under your spell for weeks! Vicki spat.

"Of course not, sweetheart," Ivy said. "I quite enjoy having that pervert in my pocket. It makes my job sooo much easier."

"Then just take your files back and let me go! I can't rat you out without evidence, so there's no point in keeping me here."

Ivy circled around her new hostage and knelt down to her level. The pair locked eyes, the bright green piercing the bright blue.

"That's where you're wrong, Miss Vale. Now that you decided to join us, I might as well make good use of you."

" so? In what way?"

"Don't worry about that precious. Not yet. When the time comes, it won't be anything you don't want though."

Ivy kissed her firmly on the lips, sliding her tongue deep into Vicki's mouth. The reporter found herself returning the kiss for a moment before she recoiled.

"The fuck, Ivy? You're not exactly my type. "

Pamela Isley laughed. "But I will be."

At her cue, the bewitched guards grabbed Vicki and brought her into Ivy's quarters. Her head was spinning and her cheeks beginning to flush when they untied her and shoved her onto a moss covered camping cot. It was incredibly soft and Vicki found herself snuggling into it, the warmth that had started in her lips had now spread to her chest, making her heart tingle a little with some sort of excitement. Ivy flicked her hand as she sat down near Vicki's legs and multiple vines reached out, gently caressing the her body through her clothing.

The heat seemed to be increasing, so Vicki had to remove her coat, but she still felt as if she were sizzling. That wasn't all though, her heart was fluttering and she could feel that her panties were soaked. Poison Ivy, looked stunning, she thought to herself.

"What did you do to me? she asked.

"Nothing that you didn't want," Ivy replied. "I did, however, give you a concentrated dose of pheromones when you kissed me."

'You kissed me," the reporter said drunkenly.

"Did I?"

The tingling reached her toes and Vicki was unknowingly grinding her hips against the soft surface. The warmth moving through her body suddenly exploded within her pussy and she leapt up in surprise. She jumped up and straddled Ivy before her brain recognized her body was moving. The two kissed deeply, the sweet taste of honey emanating from Ivy's lips sent shivers down Vicki's spine and made her pussy quiver. The kiss became passionate and Vicki wrapped her arms around her mistress, feeling the vines detach from her skin and revealing her naked body.

Ivy's eyes glowed an even brighter green as she influenced her vines to spring up and tear the clothes off her new lover's body. Vicki just moved in tighter and kissed harder as her blouse, tight pants, boots, bra, socks, and panties were ripped off her. Both women were sweating from the humidity, but their nipples became hard as diamonds and dug into each other's soft skin as they ground against one another.

Everything in Vicki's vision had taken on a pinkish hue and her body felt like there was a steady current of electricity moving through her, making her more sensitive to each and every touch. She moaned as Ivy's plants tickled her ass and she bit her lip hard to avoid screaming when she felt Ivy penetrate her with two fingers. She rocked her hips while she was fingered roughly and bit Ivy's ear. Ivy rolled on top of Vicki, pinning her down with her weight as she continued to fuck the other woman. Vicki couldn't contain the pleasure any longer and screamed, bucking her hips and begging for more. Ivy answered by diving down and sucking her clit, swirling her tongue around the hard nub and occasionally flicking it. Vicki continued to writhe on the bed, clamping her legs around Ivy's head as she reached orgasm and yelled for Ivy to keep going. Ivy obliged, fucking her newest conquest with her long slender fingers and rubbing her g-spot intensely. It wasn't much longer before the wave of orgasm washed over her, her muscles spasmed, her eyes squeezed shut, and she moaned loudly while taking a handful of Ivy's thick hair.

"Am I still not your type?" Ivy asked, crawling up and kissing Vicki.

Vick answered by crawling on top of and straddling Ivy's face. Ivy pushed her face against Vicki's pussy and started lapping up her juices while massaging her ass. In turn, Vicki laid forward and went down on her partner. The pair licked, sucked, and rubbeed each other's wet pussies vigorously. Their moans echoed throughout the makeshift bedroom and likely out to the atrium beyond.

Vicki spun around and attacked Ivy's neck with rough kisses, leaving a trail of red hickeys down to her shoulder. She pushed a couple fingers into the redhead's tight pussy and found her g-spot, earning several appreciating groans. She removed her fingers and went to lick her again. Using her tongue, Vicki placed pressure on Ivy's clit and nodded her head up and down to create friction. Her juices had a strange taste to them, almost like a bitter fruit, but sweet as well. The juices dripped along her chin and seemed to numb her tongue a little.

"Ooohhh yessss, ohhhh yesss!!! Keep doing that. Fuck me!"

Several vines pinched Ivy's hard nipples and she screamed as her body gave way to an orgasm. Her eyes lit up green and she shook all over, her hips bucking into Vicki's mouth. The walls around them even shook as the deep roots within them shifted in tune with Ivy's orgasm.

The guards burst in, thinking something was wrong only to be strangled by the strangler vines Ivy sent to stop them.

Vicki, content with her work, fell to the side, her head spinning and her energy sapped. Ivy rose from the bed and walked, naked, to the door.

"Sleep it off, honey. We'll continue our little chat later."


Chapter 17: Curious Cat


It had taken two hours, but Catwoman had finally found a way into the sub basement of Wayne Tower and into the not so secret laboratory inside. A few security hacks and one tight squeeze through a ventilation shaft later and she was in. She quickly found the main terminal and accessed a program called "Green Guard". The lab burst to life, computers whirring, lab equipment booting to life, and the small chemical vats heating up. She selected the "initiate" button and placed the vial she had stolen into the indicated slot.

Selena watched the blue liquid drain into the synthesizer and waited impatiently.

"I know you're a master thief and all, but you could have just asked to use the lab for your science project," said Nightwing from the entrance.

Catwoman turned around nonchalantly. "Took you long enough. You guys should probably update security here. I got inside in minutes."

"I guess you're just to smart for Bruce's security techs," Dick said, rolling his eyes. "What was so urgent that you had to break in?"

"This," she purred, holding up a vial she had just retrieved from the synthesizer. It held a blue liquid that had a purplish tint to it.

"And that is?"

"I'm not sure of the specifics, but according to the "Project Green Guard" I learned about while taking a tour of Wayne Tech, it's something Bruce has been working on to counter some of Ivy's powers. I think it's time for a field test."

"Are you nuts?! We can't use some experimental chemical on Gotham!"

"What do we have to lose? All we have to do is break it open near the hub of her root network and it'll poison all her plants. It's the perfect plan."

"The fuck it is! You could end up poisoning the whole city," Dick shouted in frustration.

Right then, the ground beneath them trembled as if an aftershock from an earthquake had hit.

Selena looked around nervously. "Look! We don't have time for this. We need to get this to wherever Ivy is and at least try to use it. If you can find another way to beat her, I'm all ears sweetheart, but I'm taking this with."

"Fine, but don't you dare use that unless there's no other option," he said firmly.

"Whatever you say, darling," she responded seductively, swaying her hips as she walked to the exit.


Chapter 18: What Lies Beneath


Batman lowered his BatScope and peered over his city. His home. His view from the top of Wayne Tower was both exquisite and terrifying with the sprawling city of Gotham laid out before him. The problem, however, was the unnatural jungle covering a third of that city. The night was young, but the the iridescent lights emanating from the various flowers, spores, leaves, and vines around the urban jungle were already bright and powerful, illuminating each city block better than any street lights he'd ever seen.

His comm chirped with an alert from the Batcave and Alfred's voice came through when he answered. "Master Bruce, we have received informed that Vicki Vale has been abducted near the Mayor's office. She was spotted by security cameras at the Museum of Antiquities, but was taken to the subway station. Miss Gordon has already dispatched herself to the station near the Museum and Master Grayson is off to the police department to fetch Gordon. Your assistance could be useful, sir."

"I'm on my way, Alfred. Tell Barbara I'll meet her in the tunnels."

"Best hurry, sir. Miss Gordon is in rare form tonight."

Batman nodded before closing the channel and rising to his feet. He spread his arms and jumped, activating his glider and soaring towards the museum. He could hear the shouts, screams, and cries from beneath and could only imagine the perils his fellow Gothamites were facing. The thought enraged and focused him at the same time. Talia may be right about Gotham, but now was not the time to make a run for it. Poison Ivy had gone too far this time.

The dark knight dove down to the street, deploying his cape to slow down at the last possible second and burst through the glass roof to the subterranean station below. He landed with a roll and struck out at the patrolling police below.

"Don't kill him!" One shouted. "The mistress wants him alive!"

The cops attacked with their batons, striking quickly and ferociously. Batman deflected the attacks with his gauntlets while ducking around his assailants. He bobbed, weaved, and spun around his foes, leading them to the nearest track. The enchanted men surged forward in a rush to push him off the platform, swinging with all their might. Batman continued to avoid the assault, leaving his attackers heaving for air and barely capable of lifting their arms.

"My turn."

He sprung forward, taking down the leader with a left hook and planting his boot into his nearest partner's chest. He leapt into the air, flipping behind the group and fired Batarangs, taking down two more men. The last man stood before him, his eyes wide.

"Run away," growled Batman.

"Ye...yessir!!!" The officer stammered as he dropped his weapon and ran up toward the surface.

Batman turned and ran down the flight of stairs leading to the lower station dispatching several of Ivy's charmed henchmen in his way to Batgirl's beacon. He ran down the lower tunnels until he reached a side corridor. He slid under the security gate and found a small maintenance room with a gaping hole in the concrete wall. Barbara's beacon showed she was nearby. He crept along the newly carved tunnel for about 200 meters before finding Batgirl crouched over a small hole in the ground.

"What have you found?" he asked.

Batgirl shrugged. "Looks like a hole, Batman."

Batman tilted his head and stared into her blue eyes. She smiled in return.

"Let's take a look, shall we," Batgirl quipped.

The pair repelled down the vertical tunnel, increasingly aware of the unstable soil and the chance of a cave in. The shaft ended abrubtly and they found themselves in yet another tunnel, except this one had a light nearby. They crawled to the light and exited onto a stone balcony with multiple walkways branching from it. Still crouched, the crime fighting duo approached the balustrade and Batman used his BatScope to take a closer look. There were very few guards, but the strange and exotic plants were everywhere. Huge vines the size of pillars reached toward the atrium ceiling and enormous carnivorous plants were scattered around the subterranean garden.

"She's been busy down here," Batgirl said quietly.

Batman nodded. "It's strange that she doesn't have more goons down here. There must be more to her plan for this place."


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