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Gotham Nights Ch. 07

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Batgirl gets caught in Poison Ivy's jungle.
2.4k words

Part 7 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/19/2016
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Cassandra Cain dodged left as the assassin swung his sword down, cutting the air where her body was less than a second before.

(Right handed. Weapon hand open to attack. Right leg wobbling, possibly recovering from recent injury.)

Cassandra swiftly struck at the assassin's vulnerable points, knocking loose his weapon with a chop, and then sweeping the weak leg. Before the assassin even hit the ground, she struck the back of his head, rendering him unconscious.

The sound of a gun cocking directed Cassandra's attention to the assassin's partner.

(Hands unsteadily shaking. Eyes darting elsewhere, possibly looking for an escape. Sweat dripping down side of head.)

Cassandra had the bolas flying through the air before the man even turned to run. The bolas wrapped themselves around his ankles, tripping him to the ground. A kick to the side of his head ensured that he would not get back up.

Finished with the minor distraction, Cassandra turned back to peer out from the building rooftop, hoping that she didn't lose her target. She had been tracking the new Batgirl for a week now, finding an opportune to approach her. But there was something about the new Batgirl that intrigued her. Despite knowing little about her, Cassandra was... captivated by the blonde teen's spirit every time she observed her. She also had what one might consider an attractive body...

Cassandra made a second sweep of the surrounding area, with no luck in sight. The subject had disappeared. From her eavesdropping, she knew that Batgirl had last been searching for a "poison ivy". Cassandra noticed a greenhouse nearby.

(Should investigate greenhouse. Subject possibly located. Should approach.)


(Well, Steph. You've gotten yourself into quite the predicament.)

Stephanie Brown was a bit tied up. Several vines had wrapped themselves around her arms, pinning them behind her, while a particularly thick vine had bound her ankles together, pulling her feet behind her. The rookie Batgirl hung, suspended in the air by her arms and legs, her chest jutting out.

(Stupid, Steph. Shouldn't have gone running into that greenhouse without confirming it with Oracle. Babs would never get herself into this mess... would she?)

Before Steph could entertain herself with the vision of a tied up Barbara Gordon, the woman that she had been chasing appeared in her sight. Poison Ivy, or Pamela Isley as she was once called, sexily approached. Stephanie couldn't help but be entranced by the sight in front of her. She wore a tight-fitting bright green tube top dress, that came down only to her thighs, showing off plenty of leg. Her luscious, wavy red-orange hair fell to her chest, where her ample bosom was begging to break free. Stephanie could make out every curve of her supermodel-like figure. On closer look, she could see that the vixen in front of her wasn't even wearing a dress at all, but rather some sort of covering made up of leaves. And lastly, Ivy's lips were coated in the most seductive shade of red, with hints of green on the fringes.

Stephanie hadn't been laid ever since her impromptu get together with Red Robin and Red Hood, and her body had been craving gratification ever since, even tonight. Maybe it had something to do with that mysterious figure that had been following her. Steph had caught glimpses of a diminutive Asian woman every now and then, when she was patrolling around the city as Batgirl, but the stranger would always disappear before Stephanie could investigate. She hoped that the stranger was friendly. She always had a thing for Asian girls. In college, she had definitely rubbed a few out to her cute Asian roommate at night, sometimes even when she was in the room. But tonight, she could only think about redheads, particularly the bombshell standing in front of her.

(Geez, Steph. Desperate much? You don't really want to be knocking boots with Poison Ivy, do you? Just get through this night, and Barbara will take care of you. She always takes good care of her girls.)

"You better have a good reason for breaking into my home, little Bat," Poison Ivy demanded.

"Yeah, you're wanted for the murder of three scientists at Waynecorp! They died overdosing on some sort of gas toxin! The same gas toxin you use!"

"I think you're mistaken. The formula that my babies produce are not fatal. They have... other effects on humans. I don't do those terrible things anymore. In fact, why don't I give you a sample for you to test out yourself?"

On cue, a small vine wrapped around a miniature test tube vial appeared to Stephanie's side. Another vine unbuckled a punch on her utility belt, while the first one neatly placed the vial inside.

(Whoa, those things are very responsive. I wonder if Poison Ivy ever.... Nah, don't be gross.)

"Is that all you came here for, little Bat? You're free to go... if you want." Ivy questioned. She leaned in close to the Stephanie's ear. "Or did you want something else from me?"

Stephanie shuddered. "Y-y-y-your feminine tricks don't work on me, you tree-hugging hippie!"

"Oh honey, if you're talking about my pollen, I haven't used any on you." She then whispered sultrily, "Maybe you're just a horny slut."

(Okay, that's actually true. You are a horny slut right now, Steph, but don't let her get in your head.)

"Hey now, you wanna get that far, you gotta buy me dinner first," Stephanie quipped. "And I don't just go for salads!"

"You're a funny one. I like funny blondes," Ivy continued, inches from the blonde's face. She gently blew on Stephanie's lips, as she traced a hand up along her chest, up to her breasts.

And that's when Stephanie just gave in to desire.

"Oh god, please."

Poison Ivy smiled. To Stephanie's disappointment, the redhead seductress took a step back. A single vine appeared in front of Stephanie's face. At its end, was a razer-sharp blade-like edge.

(Please tell me that's not going to do what I think it's going to do.)

It didn't. Rather, it lowered its end towards her torso, cutting away segments of her tight Kevlar suit. When it was done, the upper torso of her costume fell to pieces, exposing her B-cup breasts and her slim athletic body that showed just a hint of a six-pack. Impressively, it had managed to make short work of her outfit without nicking her skin in the slightest, and her cape was at least intact. She then felt the thick vine that was wrapped around her legs loosen, only to be replaced by two separate vines, each of which grabbed a separate ankle.

The vines then flipped her around, and re-oriented her such that her arms were spread out to her sides, and her legs were seemingling hanging from the ceiling. If she raised her head, she could get a nice upside-down view of Ivy's face. Two more vines approached her from either side. These were noticeably smooth, with almost a fleshlike texture. Gently but firmly, they encircled her breasts, while their puckered ends captured her stiff nipples, evoking a squeal of surprise. The razor blade vine came into view once again, this time cutting slits along the lengths of her leggings, and then cutting along the circumference of her belt, leaving her bare legs and blonde muff for the world to see. At that point, she was buck naked, save for her mask, cape, and boots. Even her belt had been unbuckled in the process.

(Oh god, this feels like something from one of those dirty anime videos that Barbara watches when she thinks no one is looking.)

The craziest thing was that Stephanie kind of liked it. But hey, that's what being college-aged was all about, right? Trying out strange and exotic things?

"Have no worry, dear," Ivy spoke as she planted an upside down kiss on Stephanie's lips. "These babies are an extension of me. They do what I want them to do. They feel what I feel."

With a snap, the leaf dress scattered, revealing Ivy's perfect naked body. The vines suspending Stephanie's body lowered her, such that her face was level with Ivy's crotch. Staring at her perfect legs, Steph noticed that Miss All-Natural was certainly not opposed to the idea of shaving. Or Brazilian waxes for that matter.

Stephanie arched her head to get herself in a good angle to tongue the puffy lips presented in front of her. To her dismay, Ivy stepped out of Stephanie's range, instead stepping around her splayed body, to where Stephanie's own snatch was showing. Somehow, Steph failed to notice that the vines that had previously held onto her ankles had made their way up to her thighs, just above the knee.

As Poison Ivy kneeled, Stephanie felt the leg lines tug at her. She obliged, opening her thighs to give the redhead seductress access to her goods. Ivy placed her tongue on her, licking around Stephanie's labia and blowing softly on her pearl, bringing her to the edge with just her teasing. Her pussy trembled with her every touch.

(Oh god, please. Just do it already.)

As if she could read her thoughts (God I hope she's not a psychic. She isn't, right?), Ivy plunged her tongue into Stephanie's wet depths. She explored her slick heat in full, occasionally flicking her tongue to brush up against the blonde girl's aroused bud. Stephanie shut her eyes and grit her teeth as the part-time villainess ate her like no other woman had eaten her before (sorry Barbara).

It didn't take long for Stephanie to come. Ivy didn't even pause when the blonde college girl convulsed as she reached the peak of her pleasure, and the redhead lapped up the spoils.

Stephanie opened her eyes to find herself facing very thick vine with a phallic end. There was little question as to what Ivy intended to do with it.

"Whoa whoa whoa, there. Didn't I just say I'm not a vegetarian?" She protested.

"You'll learn to enjoy it soon enough, dear," Ivy replied, taking a break from her oral activities as she inserted two fingers into the blonde's wetness. "Think of it as a toy. An organic toy."

Hesitating, Steph parted her lips, allowing the phallic vine into her mouth. She licked the "shaft", coating it with her saliva, knowing very well where it was going next. Oddly enough, it hardened in her mouth. It tasted almost like... a cucumber. When it was well-lubricated, it returned to the hand of its owner.

Poison Ivy wasted little time letting the quivering blonde recover from her climax. She touched the tip of the phallic vine up against the Batgirl's hungering lips, and pushed through into her chasm. Stephanie grunted, as she felt herself stretched to accomodate Poison Ivy's "toy". The villainess continued to fill the teenaged blonde until the tip hit her cervix. Stephanie gasped in wonder of how much she had inside of her. She didn't even want to guess. Ivy retracted the hardened vine briefly, before plunging into her again, at full force. Repeatedly, Ivy penetrated her, perpetually increasing the pace as the blonde cried in pain and pleasure. Her body tightened up with every thrust while eagerly anticipating the next. Even more, Ivy placed her hand on the girl's blonde bush, her thumb rubbing her clitoris without a shred of restraint.

In her frenzied state, Stephanie lost control of her own body, as her second orgasm wrecked her, and left her completely wiped. Mercifully, Ivy pulled the penetrating member out of her depths, as the vines that suspended the girl in place slowly lowered her down onto a makeshift bed of leaves. She panted a few more times before fainting from the throes of passion.


Pamela Isley draped the unconscious blonde with blanket made up of thick leaves. Her vines would protect the Batgirl from any predators trying to take advantage while her body recovered from her exhaustive workout. Pam was always happy to introduce new exotic pleasures to any woman who walked to her domain. It was a shame that the previous Batgirl, the redhead, had never come by.

Out of the corner of her eye, Pamela noticed a dark figure sneaking through the greenhouse. Carefully, in the darkness, she monitored the figure as it approached the sleeping Batgirl. After careful study, Pam deduced that the intruder was a friend, someone who came to collect Batgirl, not harm her. She allowed the two to pass.


When she awoke, Stephanie found herself in the comfort of her own bed, naked. She was also not alone. She gasped as she opened her eyes to find the Asian girl that had been following her was inches away from her face. The strange girl leaped back to the other side of the bed, just as startled as Stephanie was.

"Uh hi," Stephanie started. "Did you bring me home?"

The girl was silent. If Stephanie had to guess, she was probably around her age. Maybe a tad older, at most.

"I'm Stephanie," she said as she gestured to herself.

The strange girl smiled shyly. It was quite heartwarming to see, actually. She placed her hand on her own chest. "C... Cassandra," she spoke.

"Well, Cassandra," Stephanie said as she inched towards her new friend. "I'm very grateful that you brought me home. You could stay and keep me company." Steph patted the bed space next to her. Sure, she was sexually exhausted, but for this cute thing, she could certainly go another round. Anything for Cassandra.

Stephanie leaned her head in for a kiss, and Cassandra, hesitant at first, reciprocated.

(Probably her first time. Maybe I'll let her take charge. Let her have her own pace.)

The blonde lied on her back, her knees bent. She parted her thighs just slightly, giving Cassandra an invitation. Stephanie closed her eyes, savoring Cassandra's touch as she felt the Asian girl's hands nervously wander up her legs. And a second later, they were gone.

Steph opened her eyes to find that Cassanda had vanished, without a trace, save for one. Disappointed, she shut the open bedroom window that her rescuer had slipped out of.

(I hope we see each other again, Cassandra.)

Still, she had work to do. She dialed up Barbara, initiating a face-time call. The screen turned on to reveal the mousy redhead seeming exhausted, with her hair frazzled, a clear sign of a woman who had just finished a session of lovemaking (or perhaps just fucking).

"Stephanie? Are you okay? I was worried when you didn't call."

"I'm alright, Babs. I had a nice long talk with Poison Ivy. She gave me a sample, and ..."

"And what?"

"Well, I know she's not exactly our style, but I think she could make a useful ally someday. There are certain needs that she can.... fulfill."

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