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Government Service

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Inside a unique federal agency.
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This story is a work of fiction. Any similarities to any real person, institution, or place are unintentional and coincidental. Sorry, this story takes a few pages to get going.


I was in college on September 11, 2001. What happened that day in New York, D.C., and Pennsylvania caused me to change my major to Middle Eastern studies. I also began to study terrorism and Arabic; although my very academic Arabic was more useful for reading material from the region than for carrying on a conversation. I got my Master's and joined the U.S. Foreign Service. I spent five years primarily in Amman, Jordan and Tel Aviv, Israel. Although I was a State Department employee, not CIA, my duties included liaison with the indigenous security services. The Israelis, particularly, allowed me to observe some of their interrogations of captured terrorists from Hamas and other groups. After five years, I walked away from that job with a better understanding of terrorists and the Middle East and with some decent contacts in Israel and Jordan.

Returning to the States, I got my doctorate and was trying to build an academic career when there was a surprising outcome in a presidential election. As has been widely reported, the new Administration had a serious distrust of the intelligence and national security communities. One manifestation of that distrust that was never reported in the media was the creation of something called the Inter-Agency Collation Group ("IACG"). The IACG brought together a small group of intelligence and security people from CIA, DIA, NSA, and other agencies, and a few academics. The IACG was charged with taking a second look and making fresh evaluations of the intelligence on the Middle East and on "Islamic" terrorism.

As it was explained to me, the idea behind the IACG was to create a new intelligence agency to compete with the existing agencies. The people seconded to the IACG from other agencies were younger, mid-level or lower, personnel who, it was hoped, would use the IACG to distinguish themselves from the more senior personnel in their primary agencies in order to build their own careers. To further dilute the intelligence community "biases," a few academics were brought in. The new Administration didn't particularly like academic types either; but, I was told, the thinking was that a few younger academics who were not identified with any particular views or policies would help wean the intelligence folks away from the orientations they had acquired from their primary agencies.

I fit the bill of the academic types that the Administration was seeking for the IACG and, due I suppose to my contacts at State and CIA, I was offered a position. I was initially inclined to reject the offer. However, some of my academic mentors advised that a few years in a different government position that entailed a very high security clearance as IACG did would enhance my credibility and credentials when I sought to return to campus. I took the job and sailed through my background check.

The IACG consisted of 24 people, 21 of whom were seconded from other agencies. I and two others came from academe. The oldest at 40 was our leader, a career CIA officer named Karen Alexander. "KA," as she became known internally, was very ambitious but in a good way. I think that she aspired to eventually become the Director of Central Intelligence and had decided that the path to realizing that aspiration was to do outstanding work and to be completed devoted to the best interests of her country.

I also discovered that KA was a natural leader. While she would not hesitate to let a subordinate know when his or her performance was deficient, she did it in a positive way. You always felt that KA had your back. She inspired a personal loyalty that motivated all of us to perform better because we didn't want to let her down. You also quickly learned from dealing with her that KA was a very, very intelligent person.

The other two academic types at the IACG were both women. Despite her Anglo-sounding name, Dr. Anna Dowlin was of Jordanian descent. Her parents had emigrated to the US not too many years before Anna was born. Anna had done exceptionally well at the leading universities on the West Coast and, at age 30, had already published a well-regarded book analyzing the modern history of the Middle East. Anna was also a beautiful woman, with the tan skin typical of the Middle East and Mediterranean region, lustrous black hair, luminous brown eyes, and cheekbones that became prominent when she smiled which she did often.

Despite a very keen intelligence and a sometimes unsettling ability to read what others were thinking, Anna was soft-spoken, very personable, and could be very funny. She dressed with an understated stylishness which suggested rather than emphasized that her clothes concealed a very gorgeous body.

The third academic, Dr. Paige Thomas, was, in many ways, the polar opposite of Anna Dowlin. Paige was the daughter of an Indianapolis dentist. She had the blonde-haired cuteness and perpetually cheery manner of the stereotypical cheerleader. You had to remind yourself that she had outstanding credentials and had to be taken seriously.

For reasons that were never entirely clear to me, the IACG was located in a small, remote building that belonged to the Department of Agriculture near Cumberland in western Maryland. None of us knew anyone else around Cumberland and, in recreational terms, it compared poorly to the urban areas from which we had come: D.C., Boston, and the San Francisco Bay Area. The feeling of some isolation drove us together outside of work and we got to know each other pretty well. Because our areas of academic interest were similar and because I was familiar with her ancestral homeland, Anna Dowlin and I became good friends.

Because we were fed all of the intelligence which our government collected on the Middle East and because many of us had well-informed contacts in the region to augment that intelligence, the IACG was able to do some pretty good work relatively quickly. We were able to identify a Saudi program intended to bring down the Iranian theocracy and, on the other hand, a Russian/Iranian initiative aiming to induce Syria-style civil wars in Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. After eight months working together as the IACG, we were feeling pretty good about ourselves.

Disaster struck just over eight months into the IACG's existence. A man had been seconded to IACG from the NSA named Rohan (I could never get his last name straight) because of his fluency in Persian and the local dialects used in Iran. His grandfather had, I was told later, been an official in the Shah's government and had fled to the US with his family when the revolution came in 1979. Rohan's father had grown up and married in the Iranian community in the US. Rohan had done well in college, had done Navy ROTC, and had been commissioned a second lieutenant in the Marines. He had moved from the Corps to the NSA.

Rohan simply didn't show up for work one day, didn't answer his phone, and wasn't at his apartment. A nearly immediate check of his activity in the IACG's computers disclosed that he had downloaded all of our information on the Saudi initiative aimed at Iran including the names of people whom we had identified as working for the Saudis in Iran. This was completely unauthorized and a serious security breach. We later learned that several of the people named in the material Rohan had downloaded were seized by the Revolutionary Guards and executed. We never learned what happened to Rohan.

The security check prompted by Rohan's treachery quickly revealed a second problem. The cyber-security people saw that Paige Thomas had been accessing the IACG files on Russian activity in the Middle East, which was not her area of responsibility. Dr. Thomas was detained in our offices. A body cavity search revealed that she had memory sticks in her asshole and pussy. Analysis of the sticks showed that they contained her own summaries of IACG's knowledge of Russian activity which she had typed, saved to the sticks, and somehow wiped from the IACG system.

These security breaches led to all IACG activity being suspended. None of us stayed in western Maryland while we waited to find out whether we still had jobs. The grapevine was saying that the IACG would most likely be shut down, which, among other things, would have been very damaging to KA's career.

I was told later that both because KA had champions higher up in the CIA and because we had produced some important intelligence that the other agencies had missed, the decision was made to let the agency continue; under much more intrusive security procedures. The new security procedure that impacted us the most began, I was told, as a joke by an NSC staffer. During a discussion of what new security to impose, the staffer reportedly joked, "Well, we could require that they all work in the nude."

We had been in limbo for a little over a month when KA sent out a very short e-mail asking us all to report on a specific day and time to a DOD office near the Pentagon. It was good to see friends again as the 22 of us who remained assembled in a conference room that morning. As I was getting a cup of coffee, Anna Dowlin came up and asked, "So, Harry, what's your prediction? Are we still in government service or are you and I going back to 'publish or perish?'"

It was particularly good to see Anna again. She was actually more beautiful than I remembered. I was going to miss her if the IACG was shut down. "I don't have a prediction," I replied.

KA came in and asked us all to sit down. I took a chair next to Anna.

"You all know," KA began, "that the serious security breaches we suffered put the IACG in a very bad light with our bosses. We came very close to being disbanded, and that could still occur. However, at this point, that decision rests with you. The NSC has decided to allow us to resume our work under very drastic new security protocols. Each of you will have to decide whether you are willing to work under these new conditions."

KA took a sip of coffee before continuing. "The new security rules, in their entirety, are set out in the memo which is being distributed. I'm just going to give you the highlights, or lowlights, depending on your point of view. First, no one will have an individual office. All offices will contain at least two people. You will be expected to keep an eye on what the other people in your office are doing at all times. Second, all internal doors in our building are being removed. Third, cameras are being installed throughout the building. Everyone in the building will be monitored and video-recorded at all times. The videos will be reviewed on an ongoing basis by security staff reporting to DOD. Any even slightly questionable behavior will have to be explained to their satisfaction or you will be summarily dismissed from the IACG."

KA stopped and took another sip of coffee. She paused as if thinking about how she wanted to phrase the rest of her announcement. She had a look on her face which I perceived as being one of both distress and distaste.

KA finally resumed. "I don't know how to sugarcoat the big new requirement," KA said, "so I'm just going to say it. From now on, everyone who is in our offices inside the security checkpoint will be required to be completely nude at all times without exception. All clothing will be taken into the custody of the security staff before anyone is allowed through the checkpoint. Everyone will undergo body cavity searches when entering and leaving the checkpoint. This applies to absolutely everyone." More softly and with an embarrassed expression, KA added "even me."

Anna reached out and grabbed my hand, squeezing it hard. Around the conference room, you could hear exclamations such as "bullshit" and "no fucking way in hell."

KA raised her hand. "I know," she said, "this is horseshit. But, it is a condition which the NSC has imposed. I have pushed back. CIA, DIA, and NSA have pushed back. If anything, that has only caused NSC to become more intransigent about this. Of course, I recognize that his new requirement crosses a lot of lines. But for the 'national security' justification, it would be illegal. I will understand if you decide that you cannot work under such conditions. I have spoken with each of your primary agencies, except, of course for Anna and Harry who came to us from universities. Under the circumstances, your agencies have committed to take you back with no career repercussions if you refuse to work at IACG under these new rules."

KA looked sad. I assume that she saw the assignment which was going to take her career to the next level evaporating before her eyes. "The one thing I ask," KA said, "is that you think about it. We've done some very good work at IACG. We've formed a good team. There is a lot more good we can do. We'll just have to do it naked." KA paused again. "You have a week to decide. Everyone who is staying is expected to be on duty in Cumberland a week from today. If you are not coming back, please call me." KA picked up her notes and left the room. She looked close to tears.

Everyone walked out of the conference room and out of the building in stunned silence. Anna and I stood on the walk in front of the building. It was a warm September day in Northern Virginia. Finally, Anna asked, "So, Harry, what are you going to do?"

I'd been thinking about that since KA had stopped speaking. I thought for a few moments more about how to answer Anna's question. "My 'rational brain' is telling me to say 'screw this.' My slot in Boston was filled after I came down here. There are two places in Chicago where I'd love to teach. Maybe now is the time to apply. But, there is another voice in my head that is saying that, if I walk away, I'll be missing a unique opportunity."

"I know what you mean," Anna replied. "My initial reaction was 'I'm out of here.' Now, I'm thinking, 'not so fast.' I don't know. My parents would lose it if they ever found out. But, who knows, working naked might even be fun." Anna said that last bit with her usual smile, which got me thinking that working naked with Anna would be fantastic, not just fun.

Anna and I looked at each other quietly for a moment. Before she turned to go to her car, Anna said, "Harry, please call me and let me know what you decide."

I had kept my cheap, ratty apartment in Cumberland while we had been shut down but I had been staying with friends in Boston. I was very conflicted as I hailed a cab to take me to the train station for the long ride back to Boston.

While I could quickly conjure up some appealing fantasies about working nude with Anna, the thought of appearing nude in front of KA, frankly, scared me. On the other hand, the IACG paid very well. My old job in Boston has been filled as had all universities' jobs for this academic year. I'd be living off of my meager savings for many months if I didn't go back. Despite my bravado with Anna, I probably wouldn't find a job with a prestige school in Chicago. There was no telling where I'd end up.

I debated with myself through the entire ride to Boston. It wasn't like I'd be nude in public, I told myself. I'd only be nude with a handful of other people who would also be nude. I wasn't married and wasn't seeing anyone, so there was no wife or girlfriend to get pissed off about me working with naked women. On the other hand, I'd have some security guy sticking his finger up my asshole twice a day.

My married friends Jeff and Suzanne, with whom I was staying, picked me up at the Boston train station that night. It was undoubtedly a security breach, but I explained the situation and my dilemma to them.

Neither Jeff nor Suzanne seemed to think that I was facing a really difficult decision. "What's the big deal about working naked?" Jeff asked.

Suzanne, who worked at MIT, said, "Shit, there are a lot of days that I'd love to work naked if they'd let me."

I ended the conversation by saying, "With respect, and I love you guys dearly, I think that your attitudes would be a bit different if you were the ones who were forced to go nude."

I was always an early riser, and my job dilemma hadn't helped my sleep. About 5:30 the next morning, I heard Jeff and Suzanne in the kitchen of their small house. I got up and pulled a t-shirt on to go with the shorts I slept in. I walked into the kitchen and got one of the larger surprises of my life.

Jeff and Suzanne had, I assume, heard me coming. They were both standing, facing the door I came through, each holding a cup of coffee. They were both stark naked.

"Good morning Harry," Jeff said, smiling.

"Want some coffee?" Suzanne asked.

"Please," I replied, too stunned to think of anything else to say.

"As soon as you get those shorts and that shirt off," Suzanne said back to me.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"We're trying to teach you that being naked around other people is no big deal," Suzanne explained.

"But, you're old friends," I protested.

"So, we don't matter?" Jeff asked.

Actually, they mattered a great deal. I'd known them both since grad school. Suzanne was a very handsome woman and a wonderful human being. I'd always envied Jeff a bit for marrying her.

"Come on Harry," Suzanne said, "clothes off. We got naked for you. It's only fair."

"Well, what the fuck?" I thought. If they wanted to play, I'd play along. I pulled my t-shirt off and dropped my shorts. I felt, and was, very exposed.

"Here," Suzanne said as she handed me a cup of coffee. She looked me up and down. "Actually, Harry, you look pretty damn good naked; second to Jeff of course."

"Was that really so painful?" Jeff asked.

"Tell you what," Suzanne said, "for the rest of the time you're here, we'll all three stay nude when we're here at the house. That should get you acclimated. Now, I've got to get ready for work." Suzanne walked out of the kitchen unselfconsciously showing her lovely bare ass.

Once Suzanne was out of earshot, Jeff joked, "Now you've seen why I married her."

We did stay naked the rest of that week when we were at Jeff's and Suzanne's house. Jeff was another guy so that really wasn't much different than being in a locker room. Suzanne was the one who made the impression on me. While she didn't go out of her way to expose herself, she didn't hide herself either. If she needed to bend over, she bent over whether I was standing behind her or not.

By Friday, Jeff and Suzanne had me pretty convinced that I should go back to the IACG. Jeff's argument was hard to beat was, "First, you can use the money. Second, if it really sucks, you can quit after you've tried it. If you don't try, you're just a coward."

Friday afternoon, I picked up my cell phone and dialed Anna. I basically froze when I heard her soft voice answer "Hello?"

"Anna, its Harry Stone."

I'd swear that Anna's voice brightened. "Hey Harry," she said, "How are you? Are you calling to tell me that you're bailing out of the IACG?"

"Well," I said, "I've thought about his a lot, probably too much. I probably shouldn't have, but I told my good friends whom I'm staying with about the situation. They think that I'm nuts if I don't go back and at least give it a try." I saw no reason to tell Anna that my friends and I had been going nude around each other for several days now.

"What do you think Harry?" Anna asked.

I took a very deep breath. "I think that I'll go to work in Cumberland on Monday," I said. "What about you?" I asked Anna.

It was Anna's turn to take a deep breath. She also gave a short giggle. "To be honest, I was waiting to hear what you had decided," she said. Rushing her words slightly, Anna went on, "I'll be there Monday with my clothes off. We can get through this together."


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