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Graduation Day

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Widower beds woman & niece at impromptu sex party.
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Graduation Day – Widower follows speaker's advice and beds a woman & his niece at impromptu sex party

"Oh Fran!" I exclaimed.

I felt my balls begin to boil as I as drove my prick again and again between her lovely lubricated tits. Fran's hands pressed her soft 36 B's together and her tongue licked the head of my cock every time it arched up towards her giggling face.

"I'm going to cum all over your face," I promised her.


Groggy, I reached over and turned off the alarm clock. My dick ached something awful. That dream epitomized my life since my wife, Fran, had died. Very unsatisfying.


Graduations are joyous events. A rite of passage. The diploma is a milestone declaring, "Wow! Look how far you've come."

I was in Atlanta attending another High School graduation at Providence Day School. That name always struck me as funny. What? The school founders wanted to make sure you didn't confuse them with the "Providence Night School". The "Day" school is an expensive college prep proud of their beautiful campus, stellar academic record and numerous athletic achievements.

"The 'Night' school," I mused, "must specialize in...breaking and entering, car jacking and prostitution."

My snickering was interrupted by a hard elbow to my ribs. My sister-in-law declared,

"There she is."

The name of my niece, Kay, was being announced over the loudspeaker. Kay stepped timidly up the stairs and shakily walked across the stage to receive her high school diploma. Her parents, Dick and Helen, beamed. Kay's brother, Paul, whistled loudly. From our seats in the bleachers, I could see Kay's face turn bright red as she blushed profusely. She is a shy quiet girl who does not like being the center of attention.

I had been here in this same gym a year ago for Paul's graduation. That was a happier event for me. It's not that I like my nephew more or that last year's pageantry was better, it's that my spirits are low. The love of my life, Fran, my wife of almost 30 years is not beside me. She died just 3 months ago. Cancer. The doctors discovered it after our last trip to Atlanta. It quickly overwhelmed my high school sweetheart. Mercifully, she passed with minimal suffering. I was left alone and rudderless.

After the 124 scholars received their diplomas, a past graduate was called upon to deliver the commencement address. The gist of his words of advice to the black robed students was:

"Aim high. Take risks. Don't focus exclusively on yourself, remember to help others. If you do these things, you will be a success. Your life will have meaning and you will achieve contentment." "I could use a sense of purpose and contentment," I thought. "Maybe I should follow his advice. What was I going to do with the rest of my life? Continue to feel sorry for myself? Drink excessively?"

Well, that had been my modus operandi since Fran had died.

The school provided a splendid buffet after the ceremony. The excited graduates and proud parents mingled with one another. Everyone promised to keep in touch, but a hint of sadness showed on their faces. The parents knew they would no longer be seeing each other at school plays and athletic events. The kids too knew this might be their last time together. After all, they were scattering off to colleges spread across the country.

I returned to my hotel room to pass the rainy afternoon. The bad weather had canceled the scheduled boat ride on Lake Sidney. I rested awaiting our reconvening for the evening Graduation party with neighbors, family and friends.

I showed up at 7 PM for the party with a beautifully wrapped present in hand. Dick met me at the door. He gave me a hearty welcome and a quick lay of the land.

"The beer is outside by the pool and the wine is in the kitchen."

Helen, my sister-in-law, hugged me hard and kissed me on the cheek saying,

"I'm so glad you're here."

"Me too," I mumbled. Being hugged by Helen was like be hugged by a board. She was the most flatchested women I had ever known. She laughed about it and explained her condition by saying that Fran got a double helping from the "Boob" fairy so nothing was left for her.

Kay stood behind her parents. She had on a shiny gold dress that went well with her thick head of straw colored blonde hair. She definitely took after her mom. She too was as flat as an ironing board. Her dress was short, putting on display her shapely tanned legs. It was also strapless. I wondered how it stayed up. Her A- bosom didn't seem capable of supporting it.

Kay gave me a hug too, one that wasn't as welcoming. It was not that she wasn't pleased to see me, Kay was just that shy. There was no kiss and little body contact. I respected her nature and responded with a restrained greeting.

I knew most of the people at the party. It was the same family, friends and neighbors from last year. I drank an excellent wine and mingled. The absence of my wife cast a pall over everyone's conversation with me. I understood. What could anyone say?

A confident young blonde marched up to me and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Alex," she said with a big smile.

"Hello," I responded. "I'm Ike, Kay's uncle. Are you one of her classmates?"

Alex was a little thing; 5' 2" fit and trim. She had on white shorts and a blue blouse. Her scoop neck shirt exposed the tops of well formed tanned breasts.

"No. I'm Kim's daughter."

Kim was Helen's best friend from college. She was divorced and lived in Richmond.

"I met your Mom and brother last year."

"I was sick last year and missed Paul's graduation," Alex explained.

Alex and I talked about Richmond. It was the city where Fran and I met while going to the University. I enjoyed our conversation. Alex was perky, pretty and more self confident than your average teenager. During our discussion, I found my eyes wandering taking in her cute dimples, modest bosom and tight butt. Alex caught me staring at her breasts. Smiling knowingly, she said,

"Nice Ta Ta's, huh?"

Sheepishly, I blushed. I felt every bit the dirty old man I was behaving as.

"Don't feel bad," she chided me. "A woman wants to be noticed. I've worked hard to be in this shape," Alex twirled around showing me her firm ass.

She leaned into me and whispered, "I'll let you in on a secret, there are no accidents. I picked this top because it matches my eyes. I'm wearing these white short to emphasize the deep tan on my legs. And the scooped neckline...well, lets just say we women don't put on display anything that we don't want men to see."

Giggling she backed away.

Alex grabbed a woman who was walking past us. She stopped the lady so suddenly the woman spilled some of her drink.

"Mom, sorry to jostle you. Have you met Ike?" she gestured towards me. "He's a former Spider."

Kim frowned and scolded her daughter. "Oh, Alex! ...Of course I've met Ike."

Kim held her drink out in front of her so that it didn't drip on her clothes as she cleaned her hand with a napkin. As her moment of exasperation passed, Kim turned to me, smiled and asked sincerely,

"Hi Ike. How are you?"

Kim was just a little younger than I. Early forties to my late forties. She had bleached blonde hair with dark roots exposed along her center part. I recalled that she was a brunette the last time I saw her. She had on a short white skirt and a peach colored top. Her ample freckled breasts along with part of her tan colored bra poked out the top of her shirt. Her eyes were green.

"You must be proud of your daughter. She is very poised and well spoken for a girl her age," I said.

"Yes, thank you," Kim replied.

We talked about our days at the University of Richmond. I had graduated a year before Kim and Helen arrived. I noticed that she was giving me the once over. She studied my gray hair, my fit build on a 6' 2" frame and the gold wedding band that I still wore on my left hand.

Alex quietly slipped away leaving Kim and me alone. As we talked, Kim occasionally would clutch my arm while emphasizing something she said. Once when I was speaking, she reached up and adjusted the collar on my golf shirt . Her fingers brushed my neck. I found her touch...comforting.

I gave Kim a closer look. She was 5' 4" and pretty. She had a good figure, the desired hour glass design, just a little fuller through the breasts and ass than needed due to the pounds that middle age adds to us all. In a word she was - Nice. We chatted a bit longer and then parted company when an old friend of hers dragged her away.

I went looking for the two people at the party that I hadn't met before: Paul's and Kay's dates.

Skip is Kay's boyfriend, her first real boyfriend. I wasn't surprised that he was her first. While Kay is pretty, 5' 8", thin, blonde and blue eyed, she is the shyest 18 year old I have ever met.

Kay and Skip look a lot alike. They are both tall, slim and blonde. Skip is 6' 4" and as skinny as a bean pole. His curly blonde hair is so light it is white. Skip is a good kid. He and I discussed his future engineering studies. He is headed to Vanderbilt in the Fall.

Next I went looking for Riley, Paul's girlfriend. I found her to be a talkative girl with sparkling brown eyes and long, light brown hair. Riley has some major curves. She is a little heavy through the hips and bust, but still attractive.

"Well, Paul needs a sturdy mount," I thought. My nephew is a big guy, 6' 4" and 260 pounds.

Riley is 18, but just a junior in High School. She isn't the best student and she had to repeat a grade in school. And unlike the others, she attended a public school. Riley was a delight to talk to. Effervescent. Tonight she was struggling with a dilemma: should she stay and enjoy the party or go home and get a good night's sleep because she was re-taking the SAT's tomorrow.

"Who am I kidding," she said with a smile. " I'm not going to break 500 on the Math portion of the test no matter how much sleep I get." She giggled as she walked away.

Across the room, I spotted Kim perched on the sofa. She was talking with Alex and Kay. Our eyes met briefly. With both of Kim's feet on the sofa, her short skirt could not cover her crotch. I and everyone else could easily see up her skirt. My eyes were drawn to the apex of her creamy thighs.

"How could she not realize that she is exposing herself?" I wondered.

I walked towards her, mesmerized by the squirrel shot. She didn't change her position or attempt to cover up.

Kim smiled at me and continued her conversation with the younger women. I was close enough to see the lacy pattern on her black panties.

"Okay. If you're showing, I'm looking," I thought to myself.

Alex noticed the direction of my gaze.

"Shit, she's caught me at my worst, again," I told myself.

Alex gave me ...a smile. Apparently she was not alarmed that I was enjoying her mother's gift. Alex brought me into the conversation. I sat on the adjoining sofa and now was 3 feet away and almost eye level with Kim's exposed crotch.

I smiled and occasionally joined in the conversation about the morning's graduation ceremony. In between words, I took the opportunities to look at Kay's firm tanned legs and stare at Alex's exposed breasts and of course, look up Kim's skirt. I had the perfect angle to view Kim. I could easily see her upper thighs and their junction point where her sex lay covered only by a thin layer of black lace.

The party broke up and most people began to leave. Reluctantly, I had to move to say my good byes. I was preparing to leave too, but Kim grabbed my arm and invited me outside.

We walked along the pool and past the hot tub. She led me to a path I hadn't noticed through hedges to a private nook where a chair and loveseat overlooked the deserted golf course. She steered me to the loveseat and we sat side by side.

"The moon is huge tonight," she said.

"Uh, huh," I responded using my best college vocabulary.

"I'm a little chilly. Could you put your arm around my shoulders?" she asked with pretended innocence.

I did. She looked up at me expectantly with her big green eyes. I took the risk and kissed her. She responded passionately and groaned with pleasure. We necked like teenagers. I kissed her lips and dueled with her tongue. She put a hand on my thigh and I grabbed a breast. As I slid my palm over her hardening nipple, she caressed my awakening cock through my khakis. My heart pounded in my chest as we groped and deeply kissed one another.

Our hot make-out session was interrupted by a boy's cry of pain and the sound of a girl breaking into tears. We unclenched and heard,

"I'm sorry I hurt you... I don't know what you see in me?" Kay sobbed.

"I love you," Skip said re-assuringly.

Kim and I tiptoed to the hedges and saw Kay and Skip. She stood in the hot tub with her bikini top askew. The clothing malfunction exposed one long hard pink nipple in a flat triangle of white flesh where for any other woman there would have been a pleasant rise of soft breast tissue. Skip's bathing suit was around his ankles as he sat on the edge of the tub. A long white pole of an erection pointed towards Kay.

Kay whined again, "I'm useless. I've got no breasts and I can't even give my boyfriend a blow job without making him scream in pain."

"Honey," Skip cooed while applying pressure to the tooth wound on his prick. "It's okay."

"I told you I'm not girlfriend material," Kay said as she slammed both fists down on the stone edge of the tub. Kay began crying harder and she began moving away from Skip. He reached out quickly and pulled her into a tender embrace.

"This isn't important," he lied to her. "I'm no more experienced than you are. We'll fumble our way through this like other couples do."

"Oh God," Kay exclaimed hit hard by his charge of fumbling.

"I took lessons to learn how to fox trot and for rock climbing. Why can't a girl get help..." her diatribe of frustration trailed off into sobs.

Kim turned to me. I saw that her eyes were filled with a look of compassion and concern. She gripped my hand and propelled us both through the shrubs.

"Kay and Skip," Kim called out calmly as we burst upon them. They were startled to see us so she added, "Don't be afraid."

Kim dropped down and hugged them both. I stood over the teenagers feeling their awkwardness and my own. Kay was embarrassed by her flawed performance. Skip sat there with his skinny hard penis exposed for all to see. Me, I had a tent in my pants and I was wondering what the hell I was supposed to do.

Unsympathetically, I wondered "How hard can it be to suck a dick?"

Kim said, "Kay, I know just how you feel. I had the same fears when I was your age. Luckily, I had an older sister to help me through."

Kay and Skip still looked scared and uneasy, but they nodded their heads. Kim gently grasped the base of Skip's hard cock and began to instruct Kay on the art of a blowjob, Kim covered the basics and emphasized the need to avoid tooth-to-prick contact.

"Kay, remember to use your lips and don't be so...enthusiastic."

"My girlfriends have given me the same advice...and I still got it wrong. Can you..." Kay turned red and gave Kim a helpless look.

"Honey ..." Kim paused hesitant to suck Skip's dick. Then changed her mind and said "Sure."

Kim stroked Skip's slim 7 inches softly and began kissing the head of his penis. Within seconds Skip groaned loudly and blew his load all over her face." Cum covered her shocked face and dripped down onto her top.

Skip was mortified and he began to apologize profusely, "I'm sorry..."

I let out a laugh that I quickly turned it into a small coughing fit when Kim gave me a stern look. Kim turned to Skip, smiled softly and calmly said,

"Don't worry about it, Skip. It happens... sometimes. We'll just have to use Ike for the demonstration."

She looked up at me with an expression that said, "Now the jokes on you."

Kim smiled sardonically and reached for my belt buckle. Soon my half hard cock was glowing in the moonlight as Kim pulled my pants and underwear down to my ankles.

"Kay, you can practice on Ike. He can give you valuable feedback."

"Oh, my God," I thought. I stood there mute with a 'deer in the headlights' look in my eyes as Kim placed Kay's hand on my penis and guided her to stroking me to a full erection. Kim soon had the teenager kissing and nibbling on my erection.

Kim removed her top and used it to wiped Skip's gooey cum off her face.

"Honey, take the crown into your mouth...that's it. Now slowly slide him into your mouth," Kim instructed. "How is she doing, Ike?"

"Err, fine...good." I replied too distracted to carry on a conversation.

It was so hot seeing a beautiful, blue eyed teenager take my dick in her mouth. I could almost forget that she was my niece.

While Kay gently sucked on my dick, Kim instructed her to supplement that action with various hand movements. She had Kay gently caress my balls, finger-brush the underside of my shaft and also vigorously jack me off. Skip's head was on a swivel as he alternated between staring in amazement as his girl demonstrated her new skills and staring at Kim's freckled tits.

I was fully hard and fully enjoying the lesson. Kim was amused by my phony demeanor. She knew I was thoroughly enjoying the blowjob, yet trying to pretend it was for the kids' benefit.

Skip stroked himself to another erection and asked, "Kim, is it all right if Kay tries it with me?

"Sure honey. From the expression on Ike's face I would say that Kay has gotten the hang of it."

Kay smiled and blushed at the compliment. She pulled off me and confidently took Skip's cock into her mouth. My hard, saliva covered cock missed her warm mouth. However, I was not neglected for long, Kim knelt beside Kay in the grass and the two cocksuckers made their men very happy. Kim varied her technique, her motion and speed. Kay watched and copied her actions. Skip and I were the recipients of Kim's considerable skills and we groaned with pleasure.

Our suck fest was interrupted by a new voice, Riley called out,

"That's so hot!"

She and Paul marched over. Startled, the girls stopped their oral ministrations. Kay and Skip blushed at being caught by her brother having sex. I was upset too. I had been close to exploding inside Kim's mouth.

"No, don't stop," Riley said. "We've been watching you guys and we came over to join in."

Paul dropped his shorts and boxers. His erection bobbed in the air in front of him. Riley quickly joined the girls kneeling on the grass and gobbled up Paul's hard cock. The three women sucked and watched each other pleasure their men.

Riley began to jack Paul off with one hand while slipping her other hand into her panties. She strummed her clit. When that didn't give her the level of satisfaction she required, Riley released Paul, sat on the grass and quickly pulled her dress up over her waist and took her underwear off. Sitting bare ass in the grass with her thighs splayed open she said playfully,

"Hey, how about us girls getting some attention?" She stuck a finger in her shaved pussy and swirled it around opening her vagina.

I was game and stripped off my clothes. I pulled Kim to her feet, unhooked her bra, slid down her body and disposed of her skirt and black lacy panties. A nude and laughing, Kim plopped down on the grass and playfully pulled my face to her crotch. I jabbed my tongue into the brown hairy patch at the top of her soft thighs. I penetrated through her thatch and found her sex. It was warm, wet and it tasted delicious.

Kay was hesitant to go along with the suggestion. She and Skip had screwed a couple of times, but they had not done this. Skip's eyes implored her to let him. She too wanted to continue, but had been afraid he would think poorly of her. So with a big smile of relief, she pulled her bikini bottom off. Her pubes matched the hair on her head in color and thickness. Her pussy was hidden behind a dense patch of curly hair.


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