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Grandma's House in the Country

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We go to visit Gram, run into my cousin & a boy from my past.
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By Emi Tsuruta

When I was studying at university in the States, I used to go back to Japan in the summers to see my family and friends. On one of these trips, my mom suggested that we go visit my grandparents on their farm in the countryside. I hadn't seen them for a while, but I still remember when we used to go visit them. My grandma is so kind and sweet. My grandpa is quiet, but honest, decent, the salt of the earth. There are some things I really like about being out in the country: the open space, the fresh air and just the whole atmosphere. It is nice to get away from the bustle of town now and then.

Anyway, the next weekend, my dad drove us. Shonan where my parents live is a beach resort, but as we headed west we got into farming country. We saw cows and horses, and some of the men were wearing cowboy hats, American-style. When we got to their house, dad turned into their driveway. There was a shed at the side and their big house further in. The front is old-fashioned looking, all wood, stucco and glass with a tile roof and door that locks, but inside there are tatami (straw mat) rooms, sliding doors and an engawa ledge opening out onto the garden. At the back, they've added a modern addition with a western-style bedroom higher up. Grandma came out to welcome us, and gave me a hug.

"Emi! My, how you've grown! And so beautiful too!" she smiled. I don't think I look that different, but it was nice to hear.

Inside their house, Jumpei was sitting on the tatami, while his parents and Grandpa were gathered around the dining room table. Jumpei is like my cousin, but I think my dad said he was adopted, so we aren't related by blood. He's gotten taller, and had a bit of a tan from being outside. His skin is so smooth, clean shaven, but his hair was a bit of a mess. He's a good-looking guy I guess. He reminds me of Ryosuke.

My parents joined my grandma in the dining room. I smoothed my pleated navy mini-skirt, and plopped my bottom down on the tatami across from Jumpei. He peered over at me, clearly curious about me as well. I was wearing a pink tank top, a bit gaudy and revealing for out in the country. Maybe I have changed.

"So Jumpei, what are you doing with yourself these days?" my father asked.

"I'm going to college, studying Physical Education."

"Oh really?" I blurted out. "What sport?"


"Oh really? I swim too," I noted, so surprised he'd chosen the same thing. It turned out their relay team had finished 2nd in the prefectural finals.

"Wow. That's almost like Olympic level!" I gasped, impressed. I'd heard all about the Japanese swim meets from my old classmate, Yoshi in Kamakura. They are ultra-competitive. I eyed Jumpei. His shoulders do seem pretty wide, and I could kind of imagine his pecs even through his jacket. It was nice to hear he is into swimming. Something we have in common! Cool!

Before I could ask more, my dad started asking about the farm. I listened, but Jumpei kept stealing glances at me, peeking up my mini-skirt. In the States, even in Tokyo, most people sit on chairs, so I wasn't really sure how I'm supposed to sit on the tatami. I'd splayed my legs out to either side in an M shape, but that meant Jumpei could see my panties. I tried to recall what panties I was wearing. They might have been Hanky Panky, lace and somewhat see-through. Not sure what to do, I just kind of sat there, letting him look. I had been kind of eyeing his muscles too. Maybe it was just my imagination, but I couldn't help feeling a bit of tension in the air, electricity between us. Dad mentioned the shed we saw on our way in.

"I thought it was a garage for your car," I admitted.

"No, there's just implements out there and a tarai, an old wooden basin from before we got our steel bath tub." I guess I'd heard of tarai, or saw them in old pictures or movies. It looks like a big barrel, and it's used as a bath tub of sorts. You see them in American movies of the old west.

"How did you heat the water?" I asked.

"A big pot on the stove. Or even the water from the hose isn't that cold this time of year."

I mulled this over. In Oceanview, I met a Japanese girl who stayed in the Philippines, and she got a kick out of bathing outdoors there. It seemed she got a sexual thrill out of stripping naked outside her home stay. It did sound like fun, like a hot spring almost. I guess in some hot springs in Japan they still have wooden tubs.

My grandma noted that Seiichirou still lived nearby. He was a local farm boy. Apparently, someone had said that the two of us would get married some day. I vaguely remembered him. He's tallish, earnest, affable. He's nice enough and everything, but honestly, the thing between us wasn't as big as they were making out. My grandma seemed to think it was enormously funny. Maybe she was the one who said we should get married.

"Anyway, where am I sleeping?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"You can use the room in the new extension. The bed's all made up."

"Oh OK. I'm going to get ready for bed. It's been a long trip."

"Good idea," my grandma cooed. "Early tomorrow, we're going over to your uncle's place for brunch and then to the cemetery."

Hmm. I'd been kind of hoping to just take it easy, and stay near here. Anyway, I took my bag up to my room. It was nice, all new, clean wooden floors with a futon laid out for me. I came back down to have a shower. To sleep, I changed into a football jersey. Jumpei was still here when I came out, but I thought I heard he and his parents leave a bit later. The house went quiet, and I drifted off to sleep, nice and comfy.

The next morning, I vaguely remember Grandma calling upstairs that breakfast was ready. I was still sleepy from the flight, so I stayed in bed dozing. It sounded like my parents and them all ended up going without me.

When I finally got up, the house was all quiet. I called my uncle's place. Gram said she'd left a shopping list for groceries we'd need later. I had a bite of breakfast, and then went outside to look for this tarai-basin thingie. I found it in the shed. It was still in good condition, the dark slats of wood bound together with twine or something. I rolled it out of the shed, but I couldn't very well bathe in the middle of the driveway. Cars driving by might see, so I rolled it back around behind the shed. This was next to the hedge, tall enough to block the view from the road, but still quite close to it. I used the hose to put water in the basin, then heated a big pot of water on the stove, and poured that in to warm things up.

A bit hard to explain why, but I was kind of getting excited as I stripped out of my clothes. The sun was shining, and there was a bit of a breeze tickling my skin. I could hear cicadas mee-mee-meeing, the sound of summer. It felt weird to be naked out in front of their house, so close to the road, but I guess in olden times everyone used to bathe like this. I washed my jersey and panties, and hung them to dry on the hedge. The wind was whipping all around getting me aroused, so I eventually stepped into the tub. The water was still a bit cold, but bracing, invigorating.

As I sat there though, savoring the feeling of being naked outside, I heard a scraping sound like boots on gravel. Is someone coming? I guess I should have set up further back from the road. Whoever it is might see me! I cupped my breasts, now quite large, vaguely trying to cover up my body.

I listened some more, and the noise stopped. Did they pass by? Then, back towards the house, I could hear someone knocking on the door.

"Hello. Is anyone home?"

I sat straight up terrified. Here I was naked, and someone, a guy, had come to call. I got out of the tub, and went down to the corner of the shed to see who it was. Shoot! They were definitely here to see us, and looking closer, I realized it was Seiichirou! I guess he'd heard that I was here, his bride to be(?) But I can't let him see me like this! I'm stark naked!

I backed away from the corner, and soon, I heard a second voice. Jumpei it turned out was still here, and answered the door when Seiichirou knocked. Oh no! I've got to hide somewhere before they find me!

I hotfooted away, but in my bare feet, it was a bit hard to walk. I heard Seiichirou say something about the hose, and then, I heard his voice coming this way! Quick as I could, I turned tail, and ran, going all the way down, and around the corner of the shed in view of the road now. Oh oh! This isn't good! I couldn't see any cars, but I could see the fields opposite.

I pushed myself flat against the wall of the shed to hide, but my breasts were heaving, all pointy from the excitement. It sounded like Seiichirou had come around behind the shed, and found my clothes! I didn't know where Jumpei was, but I wondered if I could maybe get back to the house without them seeing. I came out from behind the shed walking that way, but slowed down as I realized I was out in the middle of the driveway now, stark naked, and clearly visible from the house and road.

Seiichirou meantime had doubled back. I saw him come out from behind the shed, but luckily, he was facing the house, so maybe he didn't see me. Panicking, I ran the other way, right out onto the road! I was really freaking out now. I could see a neighbor's house further down and a truck puttering along on a road back towards town. I vaguely covered my pussy with one hand, but I must have looked quite the sight, standing here naked, my breasts glistening in the sun.

Frantic to find cover, I hobbled along the hedge, scampering down to the edge of the property before turning into the trees. I think a policeman lives here, but what could I do? My whole body felt like it was on fire, fear mixing with excitement. I wasn't even touching myself, and already I felt like I might... I might... well you know.

I looked back towards Gram's house, but I couldn't see Seiichirou. I hid in the shadow of the trees, breathing heavily, trying to slow my pounding heart. Once I thought he was gone, I made my way back to their driveway. I went straight to the front door, and came back inside, so glad to have made it!

Unfortunately, Jumpei was there, sitting on the ledge leading out to the back garden. He turned to look at me when I came in. He did a double-take, and laughed, so surprised to see me naked.

"Wha- wha- what?" he coughed. I felt so embarrassed, mortified actually, but I tried to act like there was nothing strange about my being naked. I wiped off the soles of my bare feet, and stepped up onto the landing.

"Here, go have some breakfast," I told him, trying to distract him. Jumpei kept gawking at me, as I tried my best to keep a straight face. I had to walk right past him to get to my room. He eyed me edgily, vaguely smiling.

"Here, go eat!" I repeated.

Once I'd passed, he peered around the corner to check out my bare behind. I felt so naughty. Quick like a bunny, I scampered down the hall, and up the stairs. What on earth did I do that for? I should have been more careful. I sure hope he doesn't tell on me. My mom would freak if she found out I'd been running around naked in front of him. It wasn't like I planned it though. It just happened!

I got the frilly white sun dress out of my bag, and pulled it on over my head. I dug around looking for panties, but maybe the only pair I'd brought was hanging outside on the hedge. This dress has two spaghetti straps leaving my shoulders showing. It was one of those skater dresses, fairly tight around my waist, but flaring out a lot further down. The hem was fairly long going down almost to mid thigh, but the material, a very thin cotton, kind of billowed up in the breeze.

Even though I was still shaking, I grabbed my backpack, and went downstairs. Jumpei was sitting at the breakfast table. Flailing around for something to talk about, I noticed the shopping list of groceries Gram had mentioned.

"I think we're supposed to buy these groceries. I can go," I offered.

"I'll come with," he insisted. I couldn't very well refuse. He did know the area better than I did.

I pulled on my shoes as he finished eating. It felt so weird wandering around with no panties on. I'm going to have to be careful.

Jumpei caught up. When we went outside, I turned to lock the door, but the wind caught my skirt, making it billow way up, exposing my bare bottom.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed, surprised to see me commando now. I looked back at him, my face burning hot from the embarrassment. Jumpei's eyes were wide, but he stopped himself, puffing out his cheeks, and shrugged.

"I didn't... I didn't...," he blathered, although he obviously saw. Shoot! I hadn't meant for him to see me pantiless. How do I get myself into these situations?

I fluffed down my dress as best I could, then took a quick peek behind the shed to see if I could spot my panties. They didn't seem to be on the hedge anymore. Did they fall on the ground? Or get blown somewhere by the wind? I probably should have gone to look for them, but I was so flustered by that point. Maybe I could buy some fresh panties at the store. Jumpei was just standing there dumbfounded. Still nervous, I walked out to the road. Jumpei followed.

"Can you tell me about your swimming?" I asked, still trying to change the subject.

"Um, yeah, I guess," he nodded. "There's a boys team and a girls team at our college. The girls are pretty strong too."

"Girls, huh? Do the two teams practice together?"

"What? No? On different days." He hesitated a second, and then asked pointblank,

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Darn! I really didn't want to get into this.

"Yeah, I do. In the States. You?"

"Me? A girlfriend? Um, no. I've gone out on dates... but just for fun."

My mind raced trying to think of safer topics, but then Jumpei said,

"Seiichirou likes you, eh?"


"I mean, he got up early to come see you."

"Were you the one who told him I was coming?" I countered, suspicious. Jumpei didn't admit it, but I think he was. I guess the two of them are friends.

Soon, we came up upon the main highway. I looked both ways, but then a car came whizzing by, causing my dress to billow up again. Jumpei was trying to act cool, but he might have even seen my pussy this time. I honestly didn't know what to say, what to tell him. He wasn't making a big deal, although he did look a bit awkward. Maybe I was more embarrassed than he was.

We were getting nearer to town, and there were people here and there. I fluffed my skirt back down, and tried to compose myself. It was so weird walking around like this. I kept worrying that my skirt would billow up. Jumpei was trying to be supportive. He always was good in a crisis.

We crossed the road, walked a bit more, and soon, I spotted the store up ahead. The store I remember was gone, replaced by a big supermarket. There seemed to be tons of people inside. Self-conscious, I lay a hand on my dress holding it down as I got to the door. I let Jumpei go first. I hoped he could be my lookout or bodyguard.

There were quite a few customers in the store, guys mostly. They weren't staring, but I think they noticed me. I picked up a basket, got out the shopping list, and checked through it. We went to the vegetable section, and then I caught sight of a familiar face.

"Seiichirou?" I let slip, a shiver running up my (near naked) spine. I could feel myself getting wet. He turned, and saw me.

"Emi! You are in town! I heard you were here!"

He looked good I guess, tall, confident, friendly. I held down my dress, worried he could smell the scent of sex on me. Jumpei twitched his nose. It was quite the coincidence running into Seiichirou here.

"So great to see you!" Seiichirou smiled, his eyes gleaming. "How long are you here for?"

"Just till tomorrow," I told him, too embarrassed to engage.

"What are you up to today?"

"We have to take these groceries back. I'm not sure what we're doing later."

"Could I drop by?" he asked.

"Um, yeah... I guess." I felt awkward. I guess Jumpei is right. He does still like me. Still worried he could tell I was excited, I apologized, and then scampered off to pick up the items on the list. Jumpei and Seiichirou followed, chatting and watching me. I shot Jumpei a look, but he signaled he had this. I was so worried.

Once I had everything, I took it to the checkout. The girl at the cash gave me a strange look. Had she seen my dress blow up, or was she wondering why I was here with two hunky guys? It was hard to tell.

I got Jumpei to carry the grocery bags, so I'd have my hands free to keep my skirt in check. Unfortunately, the wind was picking up again. I waited for Jumpei and Seiichirou, but Seiichirou motioned for me to go ahead.

"Ladies first," he said in English. I was so surprised that he spoke English. I really didn't want to walk in front of the boys. I'd already flashed Jumpei twice, and didn't want to press my luck. I waited, and waited, and finally, Jumpei motioned that Seiichirou should go first. I was so relieved.

I was doing my best to be careful, but one of those small farm trucks drove by, whipping up a wind, and I lost control of my dress. The boys didn't get a good look at me, but Jumpei licked his finger, and stuck it up in the air, to judge which way the wind was blowing. There were other people out here, so I had to be careful. Apart from those small trucks which drove by now and then, we saw a few students in uniform. I tried to settle down, and be good, but I was so horny really.

Jumpei and Seiichirou started talking about the weather and crops and stuff. Once we got back onto the gravel road away from the highway, I felt a bit safer. Just to see what would happen, I let go of my dress, and skipped a bit, deliberately letting my dress billow up. Jumpei shot me a look though, so I stopped. It was nice that he was being protective. I really shouldn't take chances like this with Seiichirou here though.

When we got back to the house, our parents were there, and Gram and Grandpa. Seiichirou had to deliver his own groceries, so he apologized, and headed off. Grandma asked me to help her prepare lunch. I wanted to go find my panties, but I didn't get a chance. Jumpei sat off on the tatami watching me cook. He was obviously still thinking about my naked body, but luckily, he didn't say anything about it.

Soon, lunch was ready, so we all sat down to eat. Jumpei sat next to me, sneaking peeks, but trying to look innocent.

"So Emi. What did you do this morning?" my grandfather asked. My heart almost skipped a beat. I probably shouldn't tell them what I really did.

"Um, not much, just went to the grocery store," I told them.

"Did you try the tarai? I saw it out behind the shed..."

Oh oh. They'd noticed.

"Um, yeah, I did get it out," I admitted, not really wanting to tell them the whole story.

"We found some clothes there by the hedge," Grandma told everyone, obviously surprised.

"Oh yeah? Those must be mine," I nodded. "Where are they?"

"I put them in the wash," she said gently. We could hear the washing machine churning away from the next room. "That's a nice dress you are wearing," she mused.

"Uh, thanks," I blushed.

"We should take a picture later!" my dad suggested.

"Oh, that's a splendid idea," Gram agreed.

After lunch, my mom helped clean up. She suggested I go play with Jumpei. I checked the laundry, but it was still wet. I looked at Jumpei, but he was still playing it cool. He motioned we should go out into the backyard. I was kind of worried, but I went, and got my running shoes, sat on the ledge, and pulled them on. Jumpei peered down at my bare legs. I was careful not to show him my pussy again, but you could cut the tension with a knife. He pointed up the hill to the trees.

"Do you remember the woods? We used to play up there."


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