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Grandma's New Year's Resolution

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Her vow to end the immoral trysts with her grandson fails.
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The wrinkled fingers that were gripping the sink so hard had turned an even more ghostly white than usual, and when 64 year old Grace Billings glanced up into the mirror of the medicine cabinet she had trouble looking at the image.

"This is all going wrong," Grace whispered to herself, the talking to herself a habit she had picked up from living alone in the farmhouse the last four years after her husband Edgar passed. "It wasn't supposed to be like this."


Just that very morning Grace had gone to church - not HER church but one almost a hour's drive away so she was sure what she had to say was really confidential - and she had confessed to the voice on the other side of the dense screen what she had been doing with her grandson Timmy.

As she explained to the priest the way their relationship had changed from the normal grandmother/grandson relationship to one that was so immoral even the man she was speaking to seemed shocked at hearing it, she was careful to explain that while it was Timmy that instigated it, she felt responsible that she did nothing to stop it.

"I've always been like this," Grace had said. "My husband - no matter what he told me to do - no matter how vulgar or immoral it was - I did it, believe you me."

"And he would hurt you if you didn't comply? Physically abuse you, or even mentally?"

"Well not exactly," Grace admitted and after being pressed confessed, "I just wanted to make him happy. That's the way I've always been. I just have trouble saying no."

"And now?"

"Timmy is coming tonight to visit me on his way back to school," Grace explained. "He's a brilliant student - Dean's List and all - and because he skipped grades he's already a junior in college and still only 19. Such a cute little boy."

"He's a man, may I remind you. And you're a woman," the priest declared.

"Yes, I know. Tonight, I'm going to make him a nice dinner, and then I'm going to tell him - no more!" Grace said. "It must end and it must end now. I will apologize to him and tell him how wrong I was to let this go on."

"And this is what you will tell Timmy at dinner this evening?" the priest inquired. "You won't wait until morning?"

"Oh - why yes of course," Grace announced with a bit of hesitation. "Tomorrow is a new year after all. That's my resolution. To start living my life the right way and start going to church regularly again. When that ball drops there will be a new Grace Billings. A better one."

"I sincerely hope so but I get the feeling your faith is wavering," the priest had said before she left the booth, but at least he tried to sound more certain than Grace had been, and now in the bathroom looking at her own worst enemy she realized that this was all coming apart.

As the time Timmy was supposed to arrive neared later that afternoon, Grace was already wavering to the point that she was so excited at the thought of being with Timmy again that she had amended her plans.

After tonight was the plan. That would be it. She would tell Timmy in the morning, after they had made love. One last time, although with Timmy being so virile and almost as insatiable as Grace herself, the one time would likely be two or three times.

As Grace had looked at Timmy's picture while waiting for him to pull into the driveway, she recalled how he had been in the beginning. Although he had been the aggressor he was woefully inexperienced and painfully inept, but in time he had become a wonderful lover who used his modest equipment just as masterfully as her late husband had used what they used to playfully refer to as Edgar's 'big love log'.

So the "no more" had become "one more night" by the time Timmy had pulled into the driveway. The idea that Timmy could drive still seemed strange to Grace because he was still a little boy in her eyes even as he approached 20.

When the car stopped though, Grace was startled to see the passenger door open too, and when another younger man stepped out of the old Toyota along with Timmy, Grace was both relieved and disappointed.

Timmy had brought a friend from school, and as it turned out Timmy was driving back to the campus with him. In his adorable boyish shy way Timmy had asked if she minded if his friend could stay the night, and she assured her grandson it was fine and she could make up the guest room with no problem.

"We'll work that stuff out later Grandma," Timmy said as he thanked her. "You'll like Rudy."

Then Timmy kissed Grace and hugged her like he had been doing in recent times, and as Timmy's tongue found hers and they dueled while he ground into her - out of his friend's sight thankfully - she found her will weakening further much like her knees were.

"I've told him all about you," Timmy said with a wink and added. "He's a great guy and I think you're REALLY going to like him if you know what I mean."

"Huh?" Grace had mumbled as she tried to recover from the kiss, but Timmy was already rejoining his friend by then.


Grace ran some water in the sink and splashed some on her face, realizing she had to rejoin the boys in the living room eventually.

"Boys?" Grace muttered, remembering that they weren't boys but men.

Timmy's friend Rudy was surely a man even though at 18 he was almost two years younger that her grandson. Timmy still looked like he always had, and Grace figured he would be like Dick Clark as he aged, never seeming to grow old.

Rudy, on the other hand, was over 6' tall and looked very muscular. Timmy had explained that Rudy was a football player which was how they met since Timmy was on the team as well - sort of.

Timmy was a student manager for the team, although it seemed to Grace that what he mostly did was hand out water and pats on the back to the players, but he seemed to like it and loved football too. Since her grandson was only about 5'5" and 130 pounds, this was as close as he would get to the field, even though he had always dreamed of playing the game.

The two boys seemed to get along really well even though they were Mutt and Jeff both physically and personality-wise, with Rudy the obvious alpha male. Rudy for his part had already managed to make that clear in the past to Timmy, but also to Grace over the last few hours.

"Those eyes," Grace said softly, remembering how piercing and intimidating Rudy's blue eyes had been when he would look at her, and then Grace looked down and cringed as she saw how much of her was revealed in the scoop-necked blouse she had worn for Timmy's sake only because he had bought it for her and thought it would just be the two of them tonight.

The blouse was not meant for a senior citizen but for a woman much younger and bustier, and the way the front hung open and revealed so much of her hanging breasts as she leaned? No wonder the boy looked when she bent over, although Grace shook her head at what a sad sight her modest breasts had become over time. It hadn't stopped this Rudy fellow from looking though.

"I must go change," Grace said to the mirror. "Better yet, I'll tell the boys I'm tired and have to go to bed. They'll understand."

"Grandma?" came Timmy's voice from the other side of the door along with a gentle tap on the door, and as it opened and her grandson eased his way inside the bathroom with her he said, "Getting worried about you out there. Rudy and me - we're anxious for you to come join us. He really likes you."

"Honey, I'm a bit tired," Grace started to say and then suddenly noticed that Timmy was only wearing boxer shorts and a t-shirt, and in his hand was a little pink bag.

"No you aren't Grandma. You're just shy and nervous like always. That's what I love most about you," Timmy explained. "In no time at all you'll be a wild and sensuous nympho, only this time you'll have two guys to take care of you. Just like what you said Grandpa and his friend used to do with you."

"Honey, I can't do that with a strange boy - and I surely can't wear that in front of him!" Grace gasped when she saw the frilly little nightie her grandson expected her to put on. "It's - it's like wearing nothing at all."

"And you will look great in it," Timmy said as he began undressing Grace while she made a token effort to fend him off. "Rudy was drooling already but when he sees you in this? He'll explode!"

"Rudy? You? I can't! What kind of grandmother..."

"The best kind. The sexy kind. You don't have to worry. Rudy introduced me to his Grandma over Thanksgiving recess. He's got a special Grandma too and he shared her with me."


"Rudy's grandmother is a nice lady but you're much prettier," Timmy said as he lifted Grace's blouse over her head, and as he did he leaned down and planted butterfly kisses all over her softly scented underarm.

"I should have called and told you not to shave," Timmy explained. "I told Rudy how the first time I had sex with you hadn't bothered shaving since Grandpa died and you had really hairy armpits, and he thought that must have been cool, but that's okay because you're sexy anyway, and I know you love it when I kiss you there."

"Please don't make me do this," Grace said as her panties came down and she was naked in the cold harsh bathroom light, and she started babbling as she often did when she was nervous. "You should have a girl your own age. I went to church today. I swore to the priest that this was over. Old women and young fellows..."

"Are meant for each other," Timmy said in finishing her sentence differently that she would have, and as he held the yellow nightie in front of his grandmother she lifted her arms like she was a little child instead of a senior citizen and let him drop it over her. "There. You look amazing."

Timmy brushed a little of her silver hair from the front of her face and took a step back, smiling when he looked at the dark triangle visible through the lemon-toned silk. It was a lush bush that still showed no gray thanks unknown to him, her occasional plucking of the silver.

Grandma's legs were as trim as her arms, and while the tiny veins and little wrinkles showed that the limbs obviously weren't attached to a girl his own age, his grandmother was in great shape for a woman of 64 and he couldn't wait to show her off to his best friend.

"I love you Grandma," Timmy said as he opened the door and ushered her out towards the living room. "Rudy's waiting."


Grace Billings felt like she was walking on legs made of jello as she was herded into the living room. The lights had been dimmed and the TV that was going to show the ball getting dropped in Times Square had been muted.

On the couch, sitting in the corner with his arm draped over the side and smiling broadly as he saw Timmy and his grandmother approach, Rudy was indeed waiting. He had also shed some clothes while Grace had been in the bathroom and was now looking casual in a tank top with their college emblem and boxer shorts.

"Oh man Mrs. Billings!" Rudy said excitedly as he looked at Grace shivering in the nightie which hid little but made her look angelic in a way. "Timmy told me how hot you were but I thought he was bullshitting. You don't look anything like 64."

"Told you," Timmy said as he brought his grandmother over to the couch under his friend's watchful eye.

"My own Grandma - I love her and all but she's nothing like you," Rudy gushed as he padded the cushion on the middle of the sofa."

"Your Grandma's a really nice lady," Timmy assured Rudy as he tried to move his grandmother between the couch and the coffee table, but she seemed frozen in place.

"I - I..." Grace mumbled as she looked at her grandson's friend who looked like Goliath compared to her David-like Timmy.

Rudy's arms and shoulders were muscular, his broad chest looked like that of a bodybuilder, and the thick tufts of flaming red hair that filled the lad's armpits and sprouted up from the neck of his tank-top made him look older than his 18 years.

"Relax Grandma," Timmy was saying in an attempt to break her out of her trance, placing his hand on her pale slender shoulder and easing her down to the cushion before sitting on the other side of her. "Sit down and let's get cozy."

"We're like a Grandma sandwich," Rudy joked as he put his arm around Grace's shoulders affectionately. "You don't mind if I call you Grandma sometimes, do you Mrs. Billings? I feel like I know you already."

"This is all - too much," Grace said as she wondered how her firm resolve in the confessional booth had evaporated so fast, and she shivered when the coarse hairs on Rudy's legs pricked her smooth calf.

"It sure is," Timmy was saying as he watched her friend hold his grandmother smugly with his massive arm, and as he nibbled on his Grandma's earlobe he whispered, "I'm so proud of you. You and Rudy seem as right together as you and me."

"Nice," Rudy was saying as he turned a little towards Grace and ran his beefy hand up the senior's pale thigh.

"Oh, that's so hot," Timmy was saying softly as his own hand did the same to his grandmother's other thigh. "Yeah! Look at the bulge in Rudy's boxers Grandma. Look at it."

"I see it," Grace said although her cracking voice was barely audible.

"See how big his cock is Grandma," Timmy said loud enough for his friend to hear. "His is way bigger than mine, isn't it Gram?"

"Doesn't matter," Grace tried to say but her mouth was dry from the wine she had enjoyed earlier and also from fright, but she had already noticed what looked like a salami straining in the tight fit between Rudy's thigh and the underwear.

"Let Grandma get a look," Timmy was saying as he leaned up a bit and reached down to yank his own boxers down, exposing his long slender member which was erect and curving towards his stomach.

Timmy heard his grandmother gasp just as clearly as Rudy must have when the football player stood up long enough to tug down his own boxers, and as his friend sat back down Timmy whispered, "You should see how big it gets when he's fully erect. It's close to twice as big as mine. Touch him."

"It's alright Grandma," Timmy was reassuring her, and when Grace sat there frozen her grandson took her weathered hand and put it on the semi-turgid organ himself, even helping her wrap her hand around the thick uncut organ and catching her shocked reaction when she saw him touch his friend's manhood in the process. "Don't be shocked Grandma. We're friends but not that way. Right Rudy?"

"Can't help the occasional touch when there's a couple of guys trying to take care of one sexy little lady," Rudy opined, smiling when his friend's hand let go of his grandmother's and the bony little fingers began moving up and down his semi-turgid cock on their own. "Oh yeah."

"See?" Timmy said as his hand went back onto his grandmother's slender thigh as the yellow nightie started moving towards her waist. "See how big it's getting?"

Grace nodded, ashamed that her wicked side had overcome the virtuous part of her, and as she felt the blood rushing through Timmy's friend's organ which seemed to be getting even larger than her late's husband's had been, she subconsciously rubbed her legs together a bit.

"Better give me a break Ms. Billings," Rudy said as he pried her hand off his cock as a bead of pre-cum appeared on the tip of his manhood which was peeking out from under the shroud. "Getting too excited, and besides I want to enjoy you now."

"Let's help you off with this," Timmy said, and as a team they lifted the lemon-chiffon nightie up and over her head, exposing Grace's long hanging cones with the rose-colored aureolas covering nearly the entire ends of the teats.

"Gotcha!" Timmy said with a chuckle as he wrapped his grandmother's wrists in the nightie after clearing her head, and pulled the tangle over the back of the sofa, leaving her exposed and helpless.

"Nice," Rudy sighed as his hand cupped the breast closest to him and squeezed the plaint flesh. "Really nice."

"She shaved," Timmy said as he nodded to the deep pale hollows of her underarms which were smooth as silk. "But she loves it when I do this."

"I do too," Rudy replied as after watching his friend kiss his way up from his grandmother's rib cage all the way up to her bicep, he did the same to the other side, and after a couple such travels through her armpits the senior citizen was writhing into the cushions.

"She's wet Rudy," Timmy exclaimed when he put his hand between Grace's legs, and Ruby chuckled when he reached down himself and confirmed that.

"Oh yeah," Rudy cackled as his hand raked through the soggy bush. "Dripping wet, and her pussy is just as hairy as you said she was."

"Please," Grace whimpered as her head rolled from side to side as her labia were rubbed.

"Okay Grandma," Timmy said in releasing his grandmother's wrists and put his hand on her neck, easing her face down to his friend's lap. "Show Rudy how great a cocksucker you are."

Through her glazed eyes Grace saw what her grandson was moving her face toward, the monolith that rose out of the burnt orange nest of pubic hair looking larger and larger the closer it came to her lips.

The light beige organ was erect and twitching, the tip of her bulbous knob peeking out from inside the foreskin while the single plump vein that meandered up much of the length of the shaft seemed to pulsate as Timmy's hand kept the pressure on the back of her neck.

"Oh!" Rudy moaned as Grace opened her mouth and let her lips slide down to the ridge of the glans, and then Timmy let go of his grandmother's neck when he saw her hand reach over and grab the stump of Rudy's manhood.

"That's it Grandma!" Timmy said excitedly while getting up and standing so he could watch his grandmother's sweet face as she sucked his friend's cock and stroked the shaft, her flushed cheeks straining to accommodate the girth which got greater the farther down her thin lips went.

Grace was dimly aware of Timmy standing there stroking his reed-thin prong which had seemed long to Grace before she had been introduced to his friend's massive organ which was already beginning to make her jaws ached a bit.

"Oh man, she's good - too good," Rudy exclaimed to her friend who clearly wanted some of his grandmother's affection too, so much so the pre-cum was hanging off his dick as he pulled on it.

"Told you," Timmy chirped as his grandmother's lips went halfway down Rudy's cock each time her head bobbed down.

"Let's get her into the bedroom so we can both do her, man," Rudy declared, and with that Grace's head was lifted off her grandson's friend's lap so he could rise to his feet.

"Here we go Mrs. Billings," Rudy said cheerfully as he leaned down and picked Grace up from the couch and as Timmy led the way the football player effortlessly carried the little senior citizen down the hall before depositing her onto her bed.

Grace was breathlessly hyperventilating as she was placed on the edge of the bed before the two boys moved in front of her side by side, their erections obscenely swaying in her face while her mind went briefly to Father what's-his-name and his feeling that her faith was wavering.

It was doing more than wavering, it was leaving her at least for the time being as the burning in her belly and her lust for sex took over. She reached out with both hands and grabbed the stiff flesh, bringing the two organs close to each other before leaning forward.

Back and forth Grace went taking turns briefly sucking on them, going from Timmy's acorn glans to Rudy's plum and back again. Her mouth was filling with their dick drool as she squeezed the shafts, even bringing the tips together in a failed attempt to fit them both in her mouth that made them both cackle with glee.

"Gonna cum too soon again," Timmy cried out, a habit he had trouble controlling when he grandmother was involved.

"Let's get her on her back and you can eat her out while she sucks on my balls," Rudy suggested and his friend quickly agreed, easing Grace onto the back and helping her up towards the headboard.


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