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Grandpa Shares

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A senior citizen wants his grandson to be happy.
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Please note that while I do not know whether this story will be place in the INCEST, GROUP SEX or GAY MALE category, the tale involves all of these themes.

There are three people in this tale.

Lester Turin, a senior citizen who had taken a special interest in the daughter's only child after her husband had left her, and that interest blossomed as the child aged.

Eric, the young man who had welcomed his grandfather's influence in his life and had savored everything his mentor had taught him. Now heading into his second year of college, he was the apple of his grandfather's eye.

And then there is the Professor, Dwight Graves, and although the scholar was now a retired teacher he enjoyed the respect the title gave him. A life-long friend of Lester Turin, he was a regal looking man with a Sebastian Cabot-like look and an appetite for all things sexual that had not diminished even with his wife's passing and his becoming a senior citizen.

Lester and the Professor had long shared everything between the two of them, even more than the bodily fluids and affection they often exchanged, but it took a lot of soul-searching before Lester had finally decided to share with his dear friend his most cherished possession.


This wasn't the proudest moment of Lester Turin's life, he mused while climbing the steps of his best friend's porch with his grandson in tow, and there would be no Grandfather of The Year awards on his horizon unless they gave them out in the afterlife. If there was such a thing, he sure as heck knew which direction he would be going in to qualify for such an honor, he chuckled to himself with gallows humor.

"You're sure about this Eric?" Lester asked his grandson, who looked as innocent and as pure as the driven snow while dressed in a crisp button-down blue shirt and matching pants, almost as if he was on his way to a job interview or a church service instead of about to be introduced to a crusty old coot as perverted as Lester himself was.

"Yes Grandpa!" Eric replied enthusiastically. "And don't worry, I'll be good."

"I know you will Eric," Lester agreed as he looked at his slightly effeminate grandson, and he had to admit that the absence of Eric's father, no matter how worthless he was, was obvious in the way Eric had become so much his mother's son. "You're always a good boy."

Eric grinned at that, a toothy grin that never failed to melt his grandfather's heart, and with that out of the way Lester knocked on his friend's door.

"Well well!" the booming voice called out as the door opened and the former professor who still looked the part stepped aside to allow the company to enter. "Right on time. And this has to be Eric."

"Yes sir," Eric chirped as he stuck out his hand, and as the beefy paw reached out to gather it in the lad added. "It's a pleasure to meet you Professor Graves. Grandpa has told me so very much about you."

"Let's not stand on ceremony," the retired teacher bellowed. "Please call me Dwight. And as for you Lester, not only is young Eric here everything you said he was but more. Such a handsome young man, and such wonderful manners."

"He's a fine grandson Eric is," Lester agreed. "But as for his manners, let's just say that he's not always that prim and proper. I think you'll find that Eric also has a rather wicked side."

"So you've said," The Professor said, reaching over to pat Eric's cheek, and after he did he ran his fingers across the soft cheek that had likely never seen a razor. "And you're 18?"

"Almost 19 sir," Eric chirped. "I'll be a sophomore at State this coming year."

"Eric is on the swim team Dwight," Lester beamed. "You should see him dart through the water like a fish."

"So you've said," the Professor said as he looked over the lad. "I would very much like to see the lad in swim trunks, although if he's anything like you've described him it's a wonder he could wear one of those skimpy suits."

"It's a mystery to me too," Lester said as he stood behind his grandson with his hand on his shoulders. "I think Eric is quite anxious to let you take a look at him too, since he's very excited about all this. Not an ounce of fat on him either."

"So I gather," Professor Graves replied as Eric blushed, the older man chortling as he patted his stomach. "I wish I could say the same

"Do you want me to..." Eric began to ask his grandfather as he appeared ready to start to disrobe, but Lester shook his head.

"I think we would rather do that in Dwight's bedroom, isn't that right?" Lester said as he looked toward the professor who was rubbing his mostly grey beard and looking quite philosophical.

"Quite. I was planning on us having a cocktail first to break the ice," Dwight Graves responded. "But seeing how eager young Eric is - and frankly I'm rather taken by the boy too."

"I knew you would be."

"So let's not hesitate," Dwight said, as as a team the three of them went to the master bedroom, which was spacious and full of mahogany furniture that spoke of his late wife's exquisite taste.

"Wow," Eric said as he paused in the middle of the room, which his grandfather right behind him while the hulking form of the professor, who at 6'3" was only an inch taller than Eric's grandfather but nearly a head taller than the student, towered in front of them.

Eric reached for the buckle of his own belt but his grandfather stopped him and then reached around to begin to unbutton his grandson's shirt while suggesting, "Why don't you let us do the unwrapping?"

Addressing his friend Lester remarked, "I think you'll find that Eric here is rather insatiable. He's about worn me out this summer. My pecker is drained"

"Grandpa!" Eric scoffed and then turning to Professor Graves he explained. "Grandpa's a great man. He's just kidding."

"Oh I don't know," Professor Graves said. "What is it that you like best about your grandfather?"

"He doesn't treat me like I'm a goofy little kid." Eric declared, and then mumbled something the Professor couldn't make out so he asked him to repeat it."

"I like his penis. It's enormous," Eric said with a red face as his shirt was pulled out from under his trousers.

"I agree," Professor Graves concurred as he looked at the boy's smooth chest with only the rather plump nipples breaking the paleness. "Lester is quite well endowed. May I?"

After Eric nodded the professor's hands went up to Eric's chest, and after his beefy hands slid over the firm and sleek skin, pausing to tweak the rose colored nipples, he sighed and softly said, "Lovely."

"And here's something else you'll like Dwight," Lester exclaimed, and the old man lifted Eric's arms by the wrists and brought them up behind his head before adding. "See? Eric shaves his entire body so his swimming times are faster. He put the razor away for the summer but it's almost time to start shaving again right Eric?"

"Yes Grandpa," Eric said, his whole body shivering when the professor's fingers left his nipples and slid up and over so he could stroke the faint patch of peach fuzz in the center of his deep armpits.

"You shave all over son? Even the places the trunks hide?" Professor Graves inquired as he toyed with the silky down moist with perspiration from anticipation, and after Eric nodded Dwight asked Lester, "I wonder how young Eric would like having his armpits being plucked while shackled on one of the toys in the cellar? Might be tough to get a grasp on these little sprouts but it might be fun to try if they grew a bit longer, what say you Lester?"

"Yes," Eric's grandfather replied, knowing full well the Professor's fondness for smooth lads and remembering one time when the two of them had spent an evening in the basement plucking every armpit and pubic hair off one of Dwight's students while the boy was shackled to the cross, the exquisite torture proving erotic to all three of them.

"Whatever Grandpa wants," Eric said, wincing a little when the professor managed to grasp a tiny hair and gave it a little tug before letting it go.

"I think Eric is having fun so far, aren't you son? Aren't you excited?" his grandfather asked as the old man reached around and groped the front of the boy's trousers, and after he found it he let his hand trace the bulge all the way over to the pocket and added, "Very excited."

"My word," the professor said after looking down to the obvious narrow bulge in the boy's trousers, and then he let his hand go down to inspect for himself.

"Like one of those foot-long Fenway franks, isn't it Dwight?" Lester glowed as he heard Eric moan and writhe in place while the elderly Red Sox fan examined the boy meat.

"Quite impressive," Dwight said, admitting that while the lad's organ felt very slender there was no disputing the prodigious length of what he was groping. "And you fit that in your trunks?"

"Eric packs it down between his legs," Lester explained while Eric's eyes rolled back in his head from the trouser massage he was getting. "You know that he can almost have intercourse with himself? He can pull his penis back long enough to reach his anus - until it gets too erect that is."

"Just the tip," Eric mumbled.

"Perhaps that's something young Eric here can demonstrate later for me, but as for right now, as much as I love looking at you as you are," Professor Graves mused as he gazed at the nubile young man with his hands linked behind his neck, trickles of sweat rolling down from his barren armpits and a widening wet spot in the side front of his trousers. "Let's get rid of these."

Professor Graves seemed pleased that Eric had stayed in the position his grandfather had put him in, and for all intents and purposes the lad might as well have been shackled onto the wooden cross in the basement considering how motionless he had remained. With one hand Dwight Graves deftly undid the belt and made quick work of the clasp on the trousers, having spent the vast majority of his 65 years doing just that to young men.

What the former professor hadn't done often was show his shock after dropping the pants of a fellow, but that was what he did when the trousers went down to the carpet and young Eric was left standing clad only in socks and underwear.

It was the underwear that commanded the senior's attention, because it looked as if the briefs were about to rip open because of what was stuck inside of them, the leg hole pulled away from the lad's skin by the arching prong within.

"My word son," Dwight exclaimed at he visually examined the tight white briefs that were clearly not meant to house such an endowment, and the visual effect was enhanced by the huge wet spot the covered the entire side of the underwear. "You know you really should wear boxers. This type of brief is not made for fellows as well endowed as you are."

"I've suggested that to Eric," his grandfather said from behind his grandson as he let his hands slide up and down his grandson's ribs which were slick with sweat. "He says he likes the way these feel."

"To each his own," Dwight philosophized as his hand made the lad groan when his fingers traced the outrageous bulge of what looked like a snake throbbing in the fruit of the looms, and when he reached the tip he felt a little more thoroughly before asking, "Circumcised?"

"Yes sir," Eric said as the older man pinched his glans through the damp cotton. "Wish I wasn't. I like the uncut ones like Grandpa's. Grandpa said that you aren't circumcised either."

"That's correct. Well why don't we get these briefs off of you Eric?" Professor Graves suggested as he started to remove his own sweater and added, "Should let your grandfather do the honors. After all, you're his boy."

"Tonight he's ours," Lester reminded his friend, since this was an offering meant to repay Dwight for the many boy toy students of his that the Professor allowed him to sample with him over the years. "Here we go."

With that Lester gingerly took the elastic of the briefs in his weathered hands and pulled them down. With Lester standing behind his grandson he didn't see the actual unveiling, something he had witnessed many times, but was able to watch Dwight Graves and his reaction to seeing his grandson's cock spring free.

The former professor tried to remain poker faced as was the nature of his character, but his eyes widened when he saw the boy's cock springing around crazily, the absurd length of the pale organ compounded by the slender body it was attached to as well as the relative absence of pubic hair save for a tiny patch of peach fuzz that had grown since he last shaved.

"Well Lester," Dwight Graves said as he started to unbutton his shirt. "I wouldn't be surprised if your estimate for the lad having about 8" might have even been conservative."

"Runs in the family," Lester explained. "He's already bigger than his father was, and he's just as large as I am."

"No I'm not Grandpa. Yours is still bigger," Eric gently corrected as he clearly reveled in being praised liked this.

"Thicker for sure," his grandfather amended. "But your penis is just about just as long as mine is."

"I think that Eric is a fine chip off the block regardless," Dwight said, and as he observed the young man's body practically dripping with perspiration he asked Eric if he would like the air conditioning turned on.

"No - I seem to sweat a lot when I'm nervous - excited," Eric explained.

"He's been looking forward to this ever since I told Eric about you," Lester told his friend. "After he told him about what you can give him that I can't."

"Grandpa, I love you," Eric whined.

"Your doctor still won't give you that prescription?" Professor Graves asked his friend.

"No, because of my heart thing," Lester lamented. "Thankfully I can get hard enough to ejaculate, but not hard enough for what Eric wants."

"It's partly because your dick is so thick too," Eric chimed in.

"I think that I might just say the hell of it and get some pills anyway, because ever since Eric and I have gotten - so close - his ass is on my mind. Guess it's on my bucket list."

"So you truly do love anal sex?" Dwight asked Eric, who nodded as he blushed deeper.

"And not only does he like it, he prefers older men too," Lester said as he kissed the top of his head. "Plus, not only does size not scare him, he actually prefers his men well hung as well as aged."

"Is that so?" Professor Graves mused aloud as he admired the long, sleek and pale erect missile the boy had swaying in front of himself and the relatively tiny hairless scrotum underneath.

Eric whispered something to his grandfather as the former professor shed his shirt, and Lester smiled when he looked over at his friend who was now naked from the waist up.

"Eric says that he likes your hairy chest too," Lester said as Dwight rubbed his hand up and down the mostly silver cloud that covered his barrel chest.

"I guess then that young Eric is in heaven here, being with a couple of hairy elders like us," Dwight said after stepping out of his trousers and pulling his boxers down. "As for being well hung, I think while your grandfather might be a little bigger than I am, I think..."

"Holy shit!" Eric mumbled when his grandfather's friend's appendage come into view, and then after realizing he swore quickly apologized.

"That's quite alright," his grandfather said with a chuckle, amused at Eric's reaction to seeing the imposing manhood his friend had been blessed with. "Feel free to introduce yourself to Mr. Graves, if it's okay with him that is."

The silver haired scholar had barely gotten the word, "Quite," out of his mouth before Eric had dropped to his knees in front of the professor, gently lifting the weighty, rubbery hose and looking at the over-sized organ as if it was a treasure.

"Oh man," Eric declared as he held the shaft with both hands, coaxing the long foreskin back and forth over the crimson helmet and looking back at his grandfather.

"I'm afraid that I'm more of what you would call a show-er instead of a grower like your Grandpa," Dwight explained as he ran his hand through the lad's light brown hair.

"That's a good thing," Eric said. "I mean I like big ones but if your penis got much bigger than it already is..."

"The good thing is that unlike Grandpa's, Professor Graves can still get it up nice and hard to penetrate a tight anus like yours is. You think you can take all that?"

"I dunno. Sure hope so, if Professor Graves will have me that is," Eric said, and after looking up as if he was expecting there was a chance the answer would be no, opened his mouth and brought the vein-riddle member to his lips.

"Ahh!" the retired teacher sighed as Eric's mouth slid down back the ridge of the glans, proving that no matter how sweet and innocent the lad appeared, he was no stranger to fellatio and was determined to prove it.

"He is quite good at it," Lester said as he quickly undressed, and after stripping down the senior citizen stood beside the two while pulling on his semi-turgid member and philosophizing, "Must be more than two feet of cock here between the three of us."

"Safe to say that none of us were cheated in that regard Lester," the retired scholar noted, and as his cock began to get erect suggested to the lad who was making it happen, "Why don't you give your grandfather a little love too? I'm interested to see if you can take that mushroom head of Lester's into your mouth."

"Oh he can Dwight," Lester crowed as he waved his flaccid hose around, stretching the rubbery organ before presenting it to his grandson, who promptly proved him correct as he opened wide to accommodate the bulbous knob, although the outrageous thickness prevented the lad from going much farther down. "That's my boy."

Professor Graves kept his eyes on the grandson of his friend, the boy's nubile body proving to be intoxicating to the man who had sampled more than his share of such tender flesh, and while still observing he fumbled inside the night table drawer before pulling out the tube of lube.

"He knows what his grandfather likes, I notice," Professor Graves observed as Eric jerked the shaft of Lester's cock with one fist and let the other hand go down to his Grandpa's balls, and while to most people the way the lad was roughly twisting and churning Lester's balls would make them wince, Dwight knew that was the way his friend liked it.

"Come on over," Lester said, extending his arm to welcome his friend by his side, and as the two seniors stood kitty-corner to each other with their cocks touching, Eric dutifully went back and forth between the two huge members and serviced them both.

"Thank you," the normally dominant and forceful Professor whispered to his long-time friend as they had their arms around each other backs, and after Lester smiled and nodded they kissed, tongues swirling as their cocks were licked down below.

"You know, it's not my nature to be so rushed, but I simply must taste your boy," Dwight Graves lamented, the nubile teen making the always randy educator almost beside himself with lust.

"Eric?" Lester asked as he looked down and interrupted his cock being sucked. "Professor Graves would like to rim you. Would you mind?"

"Yes - I mean no!" I don't mind. I would love it!"

"Well why don't you get up on the bed here," Lester instructed as Eric scrambled up to his feet and jumped onto the luxurious bed, getting on all fours and presenting his pale white butt to the seniors who both took deep breaths as they took in the sight of Lester's grandson in all his glory.

Lester watched his friend looking at his grandson, and although somewhere in the back of his mind he felt a little guilty as the lecherous old teacher salivated over the sweet lad presenting himself as he was, it wasn't any different than he himself had looked at Eric.

The boy was perfect. Eric's cock - now semi-erect - swayed down almost to the bedding, the reed thin pale organ flawless. His scrotum, a perfect little pouch whose modest size produced such ungodly amounts of semen, looked mismatched compared to the manhood it supplied.


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