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Grapevine Manor

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Benjamin finds his true love in a haunted mansion.
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Charlotte sat up in bed and looked around. She wasn't sure why she was awake, but as her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room, she tried to figure out where she was. She felt soft silk on her body and realized she was wearing a knee length babydoll and no panties. The sheets under her were soft flannel and the pillows that her head was resting on just a few moments ago had a soft downy feel to them. She blinked and remembered she was in her bedroom. She could see the outline of her large dresser along with the door to her walk in closet. She could barely see the moonlight shining in from the three, floor to ceiling, windows that lined one wall of her room and the fireplace on the opposite side was dark. The embers of the roaring fire were smoldering to nothing.

Charlotte noticed that the hall light was on and remembered that her parents were gone to Paris. They had left her alone and were supposed to be returning soon. She got out of bed quickly and rushed to the door. Swinging the door open she screamed as a man made his way into one of the guest rooms at the end of the hall. He turned and was white as a ghost as he saw Charlotte.

"Who are you?" Benjamin asked quietly, clutching his toiletry bag in his hand.

"I'm Charlotte. I live here. Who in heavens are you?"

Benjamin blinked and tried to comprehend what she was saying.

"I'm Benjamin. I'm staying in the house for a little while. Is that O.K.?"

"Oh. I'm sorry. My parents rent out the guest rooms a lot, normally in the summertime, but never in the middle of winter. They normally call to tell me."

By this time Benjamin had calmed down a bit and was looking at the beautiful woman in front of him. She had dark red hair that was in a ponytail and her curvy figure was visible through her cute babydoll. He couldn't help but smile.

"Hey! I don't normally walk around in this. Stop looking!"

Charlotte tried to cover herself up, but it was no use. She giggled a bit.

"I'm sorry I screamed. I'm going to go back to bed now."

"Good night, Charlotte."

Charlotte made her way back to bed and settled into a deep slumber. She dreamt of Benjamin and how cute he looked in his pajama pants and t-shirt. The last thought she had before falling asleep was how rude she had been screaming like a little girl when he had startled her.

The next morning Charlotte awoke and got dressed. She put on her designer jeans along with one of her university sweatshirts. She had about five of them because she loved showing off that she had gone to Oxford. Of course, no one had to know that she hadn't actually graduated from Oxford. She went down to the kitchen to get breakfast and as she glanced out the window, she noticed the snow was swirling around She made the decision that going outside today was a bad idea. She had enough food in the pantry to last months and later that day she was going to call her parents to confirm that Benjamin had arrived.

Her parents were philanthropists. Both families had large sums of money so in the winter months they would travel around donating money to those in need. Grapevine Manor was close to a few universities. The four large guest rooms on the third floor were always being used to house students and those not having the best of luck. Charlotte picked up the phone and called her parent's cell phone. There was no answer so Charlotte made a mental note to call later that afternoon.

After breakfast, Charlotte made her way to the study and picked up the book she was reading. It wasn't until lunch that she realized Benjamin had not left his room. She didn't want to be rude so she just left him in there. Her parents had probably mentioned where the pantry was located and there was enough food in the fridge to feed an army so if he needed to eat, he knew where to go. Charlotte ate lunch in silence and then went back to her novel. As the sun set outside, she got dinner ready then decided she was going to have a long bath and then go to bed.

She made her way up the stairs to the third floor. The rooms on the second floor were all closed up. The north wing of the house was where her parents stayed when they were at home and had been closed up for the winter. The south wing was its own apartment that could be accessed from the side entranceway. As she got up to the third floor she noticed that the lights were on in her bedroom as well as three of the guest rooms and the bathroom. She didn't remember leaving the light on in her bedroom, but didn't think much of it. She grabbed her robe, along with another novel she was reading, and walked down the hall to the bathroom. As she passed Benjamin's room, she saw the light on and knocked lightly.

"Benjamin." She could hear moving around and finally the door was open. Benjamin was wearing jeans and a sweater and looked even more handsome and rugged then he had the night before.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing. I'm going to have a bath and then go to bed."

"You're still here. O.K." Benjamin looked a little frazzled and what he said was confusing to Charlotte. Of course she was still here. Where was she to go?

Charlotte got into the bathroom and closed the door. She drew her bath and chose the vanilla bubble bath. As she sank down into the bath, she tried to figure out what, exactly, was wrong with Benjamin. He had been white as a ghost the first time they met. He wasn't very talkative. He had remained in his room all day and now was wondering why she was still here.

"Maybe he expects me to move into my parents' suite." Charlotte spoke aloud to herself and then climbed out of the bathtub. She dried herself off and then made her way back to her bedroom. She didn't notice the camera that had been set up at the end of the hallway and definitely didn't notice the infrared contraption that was hidden in her bookcase. She settled into bed and fell asleep immediately.

"You've made contact twice already? So it's true." Benjamin was on the phone with his boss trying to explain that in just one short day he had met Charlotte and had videotaped her coming and going around the third floor.

"Yes sir. I have. She doesn't seem to suspect a thing although seeing her only at night is creeping me out."

"We'll send Jeremy and Molly tomorrow, once the snowstorm clears."

Benjamin crawled into his bed and tossed and turned all night. When the sun rose, he woke up and began to document what had been captured from the tapes the night before.

Charlotte awoke and screamed at the top of her lungs. Benjamin was sitting in the lounge chair in the corner of her room. She continued to scream as he got up and made his way to her.

"It's O.K. I'm sorry I frightened you. Really, I am."

Charlotte was sobbing and gasping for air. One moment she was dreaming of the white sandy beaches of Jamaica and now she was sitting up in bed as a stranger looked on. Benjamin walked over and sat on the bed. She really was beautiful he thought, much more so then at night.

Charlotte reached out and slapped him hard.

"What the hell are you doing in here?"

Benjamin held his face and felt the sting of her slap. Had it been nighttime he would have been freaking out, but in the daylight he realized he had really scared her.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to talk to you. There are two more people coming today and I can't find the shovel to shovel the snow from the front walkway."

Charlotte looked at Benjamin suspiciously and then, realizing he was actually sincere, she spoke.

"We don't have any snow shovels. The snow removal company comes whenever there is a snowstorm. They should be here by lunchtime."

Benjamin opened his mouth to speak and then closed it. He really didn't want to explain to her that the snow removal company would never be coming since their contract hadn't been renewed.

"After breakfast, do you want to chat in the living room?" Benjamin waited for an answer. He could feel the warmth of her body under the blankets and really wanted to get to know her.

"Sure. Can you leave so I can get dressed?"

"Yeah. Sorry."

Benjamin left the room. Charlotte got up and got dressed. She made her way to the kitchen and, after eating toast and cereal, walked into the living room. The snow had stopped, but it still looked cold. The sun was shining, but it was that bright deceptive looking sunshine that hints at warmth when in reality it's cold as hell.

Benjamin was sitting on the couch waiting for her.



"So, I was wondering if we could get to know each other a bit more. I can start first if you want."

Charlotte was confused for a moment and then realized that Benjamin was probably a loner, someone without a lot of friends. He had probably flunked out of university and needed a place to stay until the term was over. She grinned and sat on the opposite side of the couch and crossed her legs, facing him.

"I can go first, but I talk a lot when I want to. You sure you want to hear about me?"

"Of course."

Charlotte took a deep breath and began to speak.

"I'm twenty years old and I'm the only daughter of Francis and Mary Lewis. My parents are very rich, but I'm sure you figured that out already. I flunked out of Oxford last year and haven't applied anywhere else. I spent the summer in Jamaica and for some reason am here for the winter. My parents are in Paris or at least that's where they were the last time we spoke. I'm a Capricorn which means I'm stubborn and all my boyfriends in the past have called me cute."

Benjamin laughed at the last remark. "I didn't want a personal ad, but thanks. So when was the last time you spoke to your parents?"

"Oh about three months ago. They're really busy and I'm old enough to stay here on my own."

"Do you remember how you got here?"

Charlotte blinked, confused as the question. "What?"

"I mean you said you were in Jamaica for the summer and now you're here. Do you remember how you got here?"

"I probably took a flight from Jamaica to Heathrow and then took a limo out here. I don't remember. Actually, my memory isn't the best, probably why I flunked out of history."

Benjamin asked a few more questions and then asked if she wanted to hear about himself.

"Sure. Let me just go get us some drinks, O.K.?"

As Charlotte left the room, Benjamin grabbed the tape recorder from his pocket. Making sure it was still taping, he spoke into it quietly.

"Charlotte is demonstrating memory problems and is unsure of how she arrived at Grapevine. She doesn't seem to realize what has happened to her at all."

Benjamin quickly put the tape recorder away as Charlotte returned with two cokes. As she handed him the drink their fingers touched and he took a deep breath. He had felt the intensity of the touch and was even more confused then ever.

"You O.K.?"

"Yeah sorry."

Just then there was a knock at the door. Benjamin got up to answer it, leaving Charlotte in the living room alone. Jeremy and Molly practically fell into the house.

"Thanks for shoveling Ben."

"They don't own a shovel."


"Yeah don't ask. She's in the living room."

Jeremy and Molly's eyes grew wide and before he had a chance to say anything else, they dropped their bags and rushed into what they thought was the living room. The room was empty.

"This is the living room right?"

Benjamin rolled his eyes. He knew for a fact that most mansions had their fancy living rooms in the front of the house, whereas the less formal family rooms and dens were in the back of the house. He entered the living room and she was gone.

"There's no one here."

Benjamin looked around and only saw the opened can of coke that Charlotte was drinking before he left her.

Later that night Benjamin, Jeremy, and Molly were inside one of the guest bedrooms. The two new guests had reviewed all the videotapes and Molly had quickly transcribed the tape recorder from the morning session.

"So what do we do next?"

"Well she seems to be very responsive to you and it's possible that you are the only one she'll talk to."

"Damn it." Benjamin paced the room as he tried to figure out exactly what he was going to do. He wanted to go into her room and hold her close all night. He needed to tell her about her parents, but hated to be the bearer of bad news.

"Ben?" Molly looked up from her laptop where she had a few documents open. "Just tell her and we'll watch and see what happens."

"Fine." Ben walked across the hallway and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Charlotte was sitting up in bed reading another novel. Her hair was in two French braids and she was wearing pink flannel pajamas.

"I have something to tell you."

"Yeah you do. You never told me about your life. Come sit."

Charlotte patted the other side of her bed and Benjamin climbed up and faced her. Taking a deep breath he began the speech that he had rehearsed in his head three times before entering her room.

"Charlotte, my name is Benjamin Caldwell and I'm a researcher. I have bad news about your parents and I wish I wasn't the one to tell you about this. They were killed in a car accident three months ago. It was a horrific crash. I'm sure you don't want me to go into the details, but what's important is that you're still here. I'm here to help you if you'll let me."

Charlotte burst into tears and flung herself into Ben's arms. He wrapped his arms tight around her body and rocked her gently as she sobbed. He could feel his t-shirt getting soaked from her tears and as he ran his hands up and down her back he could feel her muscles and her ribcage expanding with each breath. At this exact moment, he forgot what she was and wanted nothing more then to kiss her and make the pain go away.

Holding her face in his hands, he kissed her softly. She responded by kissing him back, her sobs turning into loud hiccups as she tried to stop crying and kiss him properly. His lips felt so good on hers and his warm body felt amazing. She knew nothing about this man she had met just yesterday, but she wanted more of him.

"Thank you." Charlotte pulled away from him and smiled. Her pouty lips were wet from the kiss and she was breathing hard. He didn't even notice that she had climbed into his lap and he didn't remember putting his hands around her waist. Benjamin's erection pushed against her thigh and he blushed. It had been over a year since he was with a woman and now he was aroused with her.

"I'm sorry." Benjamin pushed her off him and stood up. "I have to go."

"Why?" She spoke so softly and quietly. He had hurt her with his harsh words.

"I can't tell you why. Can we talk in the morning? I need to sleep in my own room tonight."

"I understand."

Charlotte watched as Benjamin left her room and she snuggled into bed, the sheets smelled of his cologne and she realized that she was falling head over heels in love with this strange man.

Benjamin entered his room and was faced with two blank stares. Molly and Jeremy had been watching the whole thing on the video recorder and had for the first time seen Charlotte.

"We need to bring in Cassidy tomorrow. This is getting way too complicated."

Benjamin nodded as he lay in bed. He heard Molly and Jeremy make their way to the other guest room and fell asleep thinking of the gorgeous redhead across the hall.

The next morning Benjamin was awakened by the squeal of Cassidy's voice. He sat up in bed and was face to face with her.

"Good morning dear. You look fantastic. This is so exciting to be speaking with her. Oh this is wonderful. Molly and Jeremy have gone out to buy a shovel to shovel the snow. You'd think that this big place would have a shovel or something. I nearly fell down three times getting from my car to the door of the house. In any case you are in love. She is your soul mate."

Benjamin blinked as he tried to wake up and understand what Cassidy was saying to him. She had moved to sit in one of the chairs and her long flowing pink and red skirt was bunched up as she crossed her legs and waited for a response. Her purple hair was in a French braid and her shirt was about ten different colors, probably matching the nail polish on her nails.

"Are you crazy? She can't be my soul mate. Why isn't she gone yet? I thought you said that once we made contact and she knew her parents were dead she'd go too."

"She's holding back for you."

Benjamin knew that Cassidy was never wrong. They were brother and sister and he had grown up dealing with his psychic sister. She would predict the weather. She would tell you who was going to get into trouble at school the next day. She even announced a week before the homecoming nominations why a certain blonde cheerleader was going to decline the nomination. She was always right and this was the only time where Benjamin prayed that his wacky sister was wrong.

"So I tell her I love her and she leaves. Where does that leave me?"

"You really want to know?" Benjamin gulped and saw the look his sister gave him. She used those words whenever someone asked to know something that they shouldn't. It was the look she gave when she knew she had to tell someone something scary, sad, or horrifying. The last time he saw that look was when her uncle had casually asked why her parents hadn't called. Of course, the reason they hadn't called was because they hadn't made it to the cottage. Their car had driven off the road into a river and the car had sunk to the bottom like a brick. Cassidy hated when she saw these flashes and wished she could keep the secrets of her family away from her subconscious.

"No. Don't tell me."

Benjamin was sitting in the kitchen sipping some herbal tea. His world has been turned upside down in few short days. He had been called in to work one cold winter's day and now he was being told that he was destined to be with Charlotte. Charlotte was living in the Grapevine Mansion and, in just a few short days, he had fallen head over heels in love with her. It was impossible. He had never fallen in love before. He was twenty-five years old and had lived his life full of risk and adventure.

"So what are you going to do?" His sister Cassidy was sitting on the counter across from him. Today, she was wearing jeans with a bright orange shirt. Her purple hair was in a ponytail and she had changed her nail polish to all green.

"I don't know. Can't you tell me what will happen if I tell her I love her?"

Cassidy bit her lip. She knew exactly what was going to happen, but wished she were wrong. She loved her brother so much, especially after their parent's death two years ago.

"Just go upstairs and tell her. If she doesn't love you then we'll pack up and leave. Our clients will not be happy, but remember the rule we made three years ago -- family comes first."

Benjamin smiled and kissed his sister on the forehead. She was wacky and weird, but definitely the most amazing sister he had. But then again, she was the only sister he had. As he made his way up the stairs to the third floor, he got nervous. Everything was moving so fast, but from the first time he had seen her picture, he had felt a connection to Charlotte.

"Charlotte?" Benjamin knocked lightly and opened her bedroom door. She was sitting on her bed reading the same novel as the night before. He couldn't help but smile as she twirled her red hair in one hand. Her feet were tucked under her and she had a fire going in the fireplace.

"Hi, Benjamin. I'm sorry about last night."

"No, don't say that. I told you bad news and it was a natural reaction. I actually liked it."

They both stared at each other and then giggled. It was like they were teenagers again, nervous about their new crush.

"So what are your plans for today."

"I'm going to finish my novel today and maybe have a bath."

"Why don't we go outside? We could make a snowman."

Charlotte bit her lip and thought hard. Benjamin had told her yesterday that her parents had died in a car accident and now she was being pulled in two directions. She had dreamt of the funeral last night and realized she had suppressed the memories of the car accident and the funeral. She remembered they had been driving home from dinner while vacationing in Jamaica. A van had come out of nowhere and, before she knew it, she was at the funeral for her parents. Then she had arrived here. She felt so sad about her parents, but at the same time she felt a deep connection to Ben. All she knew about him was that he was a researcher and had come to tell her about her parent's death.


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