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Great Scott

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A woman pegs her reluctant boyfriend for the first time.
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Scott was the perfect guy for me and he came along at a time in my life when I desperately needed something good to happen. He was a tall, handsome man with dark, pensive eyes, dark hair, and he wore his facial hair in an extremely trimmed beard. He also had a nice ass, which I noticed right away. He was in the military, which was a change from the corporate guys I had dated previously. I had been involved with some men prior to Scott that weren't even close to what I was looking for, but somehow I had allowed myself to develop feelings for them that made things complicated. Of course, those relationships had ended badly and I was just about to give up on love when I met Scott.

It was like a fairytale from the first moment I laid eyes on him. There was something about the way his eyes met mine that made me realize that he was the man I had been searching for. Our first date was filled with moments that I knew I would remember forever and I started to wonder if maybe I had finally met "the one." Scott seemed to be just as enamored with me as I was with him, maybe even more so, and for once in my life, I didn't feel the urge to instantly sabotage things. I wanted to stay and find out what Scott was all about.

As our relationship grew, I realized that he was looking for all of the same things I was looking for. He was looking for a partner and a real relationship, with the right person, of course. He seemed to think the right person was actually me. For once, I was someone's first choice and they were mine! I was so giddy I told all of my friends every excruciating detail about Scott.

"OMG Lindsey! He's hot! What's his dick like?" one of my friends texted after I sent over a picture of Scott and me.

"Oh my God! He's uncut! He's the first guy I've ever had sex with that has foreskin! What do I do?" I answered, my brain in shock. I didn't want to mess things up by not touching his uncut dick properly. Don't worry, I figured it out with my friend's advice and Scott even helped me. He thought it was cute that I didn't know what I was doing, but I quickly learned.

This was the first relationship I had been in where things were actually equal. He loved me and I loved him. I felt a sense of security with Scott because of that, one that I hadn't felt with any of the other men I had dated or slept with. Gone was the desperate feeling of trying to please an unpleasable partner and in its place was the freedom to be who I truly was in the relationship. Scott was open to me being myself and he had said so on many occasions.

The only issue I had with Scott was kind of a big one. He wasn't exactly kinky like my last boyfriend, who was also my boss at the time. He had a big cock and I love men in positions of power. Things were different with Scott and me. Though I had asked him and tried to explain what I needed in the kink department, he wasn't exactly on my level. I wondered if it would end up being a deal-breaker but some of my friends seemed to think that Scott had a more perverted side that was lurking just under the surface.

"It'll come out!" one of my friends had insisted but the longer I was with Scott and the more things stayed in the vanilla realm in the bedroom, the more frustrated I became. I made a decision. There was something that I was into that I wanted to show him. I was ready to show him some of my real perversion so I could see if he could handle it. I started letting hints slip out about what I was into, dropping them in almost every conversation until everything was out in the open and he knew what I wanted to do to him.

"Lyndsey, I just don't think I can get into that!" he told me honestly as he reached up to stroke my blonde hair gently with his fingers.

"Just give it a chance, you might love it."

"I doubt that."

"How do you know unless you try?" I stared him down.

"I'll think about it," Scott had said several times now but he still wouldn't allow me to do what I wanted. I tried my best to be patient. I tried to get him into some of the other things that I liked. He balked at each one with the same lack of enthusiasm and I was really starting to worry. Everything else about Scott was absolutely perfect except for this. It's too bad my sexual perversion was such a big deal to me. I wondered if I would have to break up with Scott for not being perverted enough for me and a few times I even tried.

Scott always had an answer or a way out of breaking up and so the months wore on and I continued to ask him when it would be the right time for me to do that thing that I liked to him. He resisted for almost three months before he finally gave in.

We were out for dinner at a beautiful restaurant in Miami. It was overlooking the ocean at dusk and the sun was slipping down into the water, leaving a glorious trail of pinks and oranges in its wake. I was really feeling the moment with him, allowing the love that had been so startling at first to settle over me as our eyes met. He gathered my hands in his as they cleared the dessert plates.

"You're so beautiful, Lindsey. I'm so glad I got to spend this night with you," Scott said passionately. He always meant it when he said things like that to me and I took in his love and tried my best to show him with my eyes that I felt the same way.

"I'm so happy, Scott. This was a lovely dinner with you. Thank you so much for bringing me here."

"It's my pleasure. You look so beautiful tonight. I'll never forget how you look in that outfit. I can't wait to get you home so I can take it all off." I was wearing a lowcut, sparkly tank top that showed off my slender arms and my small, firm breasts paired with a pair of tight, black pants and silver high heels that accentuated the firmness of my ass and thighs.

"Maybe tonight is the night where I can do that thing to you that I've been wanting to do." I tried my best to keep my eyes sultry and smoldering with the hint of sex, knowing that he wanted to take me to the bedroom next and ravage my body. Too bad my plan was to ravage his first.

"Lyndsey, you just keep bringing that up, don't you?"

"Yeah, I really want to try it."

He paused and let out a heavy sigh that I recognized well. I knew that he was thinking about it and I was instantly turned on. My pussy was dripping and I could feel the sogginess of my tiny G-string panties.

"I'll think about it."

"You said that last night. Why don't you think about it while I'm doing it." I watched him pause to sign the bill for our dinner and then he was escorting me to the car. The ride back to my place was a little strange. Scott was quieter than usual and I chalked that up to him thinking heavily about things. I fiddled with the radio nervously. I wondered if my request had upset him and in a way, I kind of hoped that it had. I wanted him to be a bit wary about what was about to happen to him. That was part of the fun!

"Well, here we are!" I announced, chattering nervously since Scott was still stuck in his own head. "Why don't we head to the bedroom. I'll grab some wine and meet you there. Be naked by the time I get there, okay?"

"You're ready for sex?" he asked, his warm smile returning.

"Yeah, baby. I am." I pulled him to me for a kiss, which turned into three or four kisses and then a bit of a steamy make-out session. "Okay, go get naked and wait for me in my bed."

"Okay, Lindsey. I liked the wine you had last time I was here. Do you have more of that?"

"I do. Now go on!" I shooed him out of my kitchen and true to my word, I fixed some drinks. I also fixed myself up, taking off my clothes and folding them into a neat pile that I placed on my counter. I went to my utility closet and pulled out the item I had been saving for this occasion, the one where Scott finally gave in. It had been a while since I had used it on someone. I pulled it on and adjusted it until I felt ready. Then I snapped a few photos of myself, the strap-on cock and harness making me look extra kinky.

"Here I come, Scott!" I cried as I made my way down the hall and to the bedroom, forgetting all about the drinks I had left on the kitchen counter. "I'm naked! I hope you are too!"

He had left the door open and I walked slowly down the hall until I could see him but he couldn't quite see me. He was completely naked, hiding his body under the covers. He looked like he was praying or meditating as I made my way closer and into the room.

"You ready?" I asked.

"I don't think so."

"Come on. You're going to like this." I could feel something inside of me shift. I felt powerful like I could do anything. I had felt this way before and I knew that it was a part of me. There was a hunger in me to dominate men and there was no one I wanted to dominate more than Scott.

He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes, begging me without words to not do this, to not go through with it but he didn't understand that I needed this. I needed to know that he was my bitch if we were going to be a couple. I needed to know that he could handle me and all of my perversions.

"Get on your hands and knees!" I commanded him. His eyes were fixed on the large dildo that I had attached to my harness and I could see in his eyes that he was afraid. I loved that he was scared and it only made me want to fuck him in the ass even harder. I loved his fear. I could sense it, feeling it with my intuition, resonating with the truth.

"Lyndsey, I-" Scott began.

"Shut up, Scott. I said get on your hands and knees. Now!" Even I was a bit shocked at how forceful my voice sounded. I couldn't believe it, but he actually pulled the covers off of himself and slowly took his position on his hands and knees. His ass was looking sexy and I knew I wanted to fuck it, just like I had known on our first date that he would be perfect if he could just embrace my kinkiness.

I reached for the lube that I kept on my nightstand and I applied some to his asshole. I knew what I was doing. Scott wasn't the only man that I had pegged. There had been quite a few men who had submitted to me and I was proud of my track record and determined to make Scott my next victim. I liked thinking of him as a victim and not just another submissive. I got off on the thought of him mostly hating this but that he was doing it for me.

"Lyndsey, I don't know if I can do this!" he cried.

"Shut up, Scott! Don't be such a pussy!" I massaged his asshole with my fingers before I slid one in to warm him up. I'd learned that warming them up first was the right thing to do. It ensured they stayed for the whole thing, which was what I wanted. I needed time to abuse his ass.

"Lyndsey, you're not really going to do this are you?" his voice sounded desperate.

"You want me to be happy, right?"


"Then shut up and take it you slut!" I took that moment to plunge the plastic cock into his ass. I made sure the head was in and waited for him to react.

"That hurts!" he cried.

"Relax your asshole and it won't hurt. It's barely even in. It's definitely going deeper!" I pushed the cock in further, and further. Scott was howling with pain. "Stop clenching! That's what makes it hurt!" I said impatiently.

"Stop shoving it in so hard!"

"Relax your asshole! Stop clenching. See? There you go, Scott! It goes so much better if you just listen!"

"Lyndsey please!"

"Please what? You male slut! Take my dick!" I screamed as he tried his best to push back and buck me off of him. I knew he was shocked when I pushed him back down onto the mattress and pushed him face-first into a pillow. I held him down as I fucked him and I knew that he was strong enough to overpower me if he really wanted to. He was letting me do this to him and that turned me on a bit. I grabbed a tiny tuft of his hair and pulled it nice and hard and I fucked into his asshole until I could feel it opening up. He was ready to be fucking pounded and I was ready to do the pounding.

"You think you're such a man! Such a big, powerful guy! You think because you're a soldier that you're hot shit but you're nothing more than my bitch!" I screamed these words, slapping first one ass cheek and then the other with firm, hard spankings. All the while, my plastic cock was buried all the way in Scott's ass.

"Lyndsey, stop! Please, stop!" he begged me and this time I could hear the actual worry in his voice. I could hear the fear, the anger and the upset. What Scott didn't realize is that these were the very things that turned me on. He was giving me everything that I wanted by wishing it was over and by not really wanting it in the first place. I loved to force my plastic cock into his ass. I loved the way he was screaming and squealing like a little piggy.

"Great Scott!" I laughed. "You have a great ass for this! You sure you've never done this before? You're taking my biggest strap-on cock like it's nothing!"

"I said stop!"

"Fine," I slowed down and came to a stop. "I stopped. But now I'm going to go again!" I laughed maniacally as I plunged the cock back into his butt, this time not going slowly or waiting for him to relax. I fucked the shit out of his ass and I reveled in each grunt he made as I thrust into him. He was panting like a dog when I reached to his throat and choked him, leaning over his back so I could whisper in his ear. "You're my bitch. Say it. Say you're my bitch!"

"I'm your bitch! I'm your bitch!" He sounded so desperate and overwhelmed and I knew that it was time to stop. I had gotten my way and proved my point. It was time. I reached down and flicked the switch on my strap-on to "on." It began to vibrate right where it hit my pussy. I continued to fuck him as I allowed the vibrations to take me to orgasm. I let out a few tortured screams before I was finished and collapsed on top of Scott, my plastic cock still inside of him.

"That was amazing!" I said with excitement.

"Um, do you think you could pull that thing out of my ass now?" Scott begged from underneath me.

"Oh, yeah! Of course!" I slid the cock out of him and pulled the whole harness off of myself, stopping to turn the vibrator off before throwing it to the floor. "So, did you like it?"

"Damn, Lyndsey. I've never seen anything like what just happened. You are one crazy woman!"

"Yeah, but did you like it?"

"Well, I didn't cum if that's what you mean."

"We can have regular 'vanilla' sex if that's what you need to cum."

"Yeah, that would be nice right about now. Jesus, where did you learn to do that?" he was shaking his head slowly back in forth in disbelief and I tried to see things through his eyes. I suppose I was a bit brutal with him and though I had a great time, maybe it was just too much for Scott.

"I need the restroom. I have to check and make sure my ass is still intact," he joked.

"Haha! You're funny! Just admit it. You liked it," I called after him as he made his way to the bathroom.

"I don't know..." he answered but by the time he was done in the bathroom he looked like he had thought more about what had just happened. "You know, Lindsey, I'm glad you showed me this side of you. I feel really special. Not every guy gets to see you in this domme mode like I do."

"You're right, baby. You're very, very special. You have no idea how much I wanted to do that and how much better it makes me feel about you and our relationship."

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah, I feel closer to you like you're the right person for me because you let me be myself," I tried my best to explain.

"Well, I've never had an experience like that but I can see how some guys would think it's hot."

"Some guys? What about you? Did you like it?" I truly was curious.

"Honestly? Not at first and maybe not even during but now that I see how happy you are I do like it. I want to make you happy. I want to be the guy that you can share your real perversions with. I love you, Lyndsey."

"I love you too, Scott." That was when we kissed and had some more sex in the missionary position the way Scott liked it. He certainly was vanilla compared to a lot of my boyfriends but now that I had seen this other side of him, the side that would do anything to please me, I realized that maybe he was more perfect for me than I thought. After all, if a vanilla guy is willing to take your plastic dick in his ass for you, then he's probably a keeper.

I knew then that Scott truly did love me and from there it was much easier to be myself and show him all of the facets of my perversion. I knew that I would be able to peg him again whenever I wanted to and that made me happy. That meant that we could stay together! Even though he was a vanilla guy I was more than happy to show him the ropes when it came to being kinky. This way, I could mold and shape him into the kind of guy that I wanted and needed. It was absolutely perfect!

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SlutProblemsSlutProblemsalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Since I made my last comment I have specifically tried to write a few love stories. I wrote one called Naughty Alice, then one called Lost Will and another called Free Miles. They are on Amazon. They are all filled with sex but also romance and love. I took the anon comment about love a bit too personally, I think. I'm bipolar and sometimes I get a little bitchy or snarky, but I still hear the feedback. I apologize to the anon I snapped at. I was being a little bitch. Also, I feel this comment hit a nerve in me that propelled me to think with innovation and honestly, writing romance is really fun.

No, not all my stories are going to be romantic, but I think I had something to prove to myself about my ability to write romance. I'm a sexual-minded woman, but I do have a romantic side. As for true love and sacrifice, I don't really see myself sacrificing anything for love. I see myself maintaining who and what I am and hopefully finding a partner that loves me for me. I was lucky enough to meet my soul mate in this life and though we aren't together anymore, we are still good friends. My current boyfriend and I are very much in love, but it's nothing like the fairytale romances you read in books. It's definitely more like one of my less romantic stories filled with sex and wild times.

There are a lot of ways to love someone, but the fact that two readers said they weren't feeling the love in this fictional relationship made me upset with myself. I'm usually so good at infusing emotion into the story, but I failed here. I admit it. This could have been better. Enough time has passed since I wrote it that I can see it now. Thank you for the feedback, everyone. I appreciate it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Not my favorite, but not bad either (gave a 4 over all). And dont sell yourself short either ! True love is willing to sacrifice what you want to give the other person what they want. And it NEEDS to work both ways. This, like all your other stories are made up. IRL, safe words would need to be agreed to and available. But sometimes the sexiest/loveliest thing is what is freely given rather then taken. I think that in EVERY relationship BOTH people constantly grow and change. BUT, the trick is to grow and change together and towards each other rather then apart and away from each other. VERY easy to say BUT very hard to do ( Hence, so many divorces !!). I only hope that I can heed my own ideas the second time around !!

SlutProblemsSlutProblemsover 3 years agoAuthor
If you're looking for love, I'm not your author. *eye roll*

Seriously. If you are looking for love in your erotica, move along please! I'm not your author. I write about brutal, degrading, incestuous, disgusting, depraved, horrible filth. I do also write about love, but that's probably my least explored topic. Don't read my shit and give me crappy ratings because you are reading something that isn't your thing. Smh. I'm a hardcore dark erotica author who prefers rape fantasy over love. Get over it.

The nerve of some people.

Everyone else: Thanks for the constructive feedback!

robert0000robert0000over 3 years ago

Thank you for this. It’s much better that the narrator remained in control to the end. I liked the thrust of the story and only have a couple of quibbles which I offer in an attempt at constructive criticism.

The first is that Scott only expresses his love by saying he thinks she is beautiful, which seems a bit shallow. I’d like it if he were in love with more than just her looks.

The second is her description of herself, as having “slender arms” and “firm breasts” and wearing “silver high heels that accentuated the firmness of my ass and thighs”.

It sounds like a man’s checklist of what he finds attractive rather than how a woman would naturally describe herself.

But these are minor criticisms. I enjoyed the story a great deal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Mixed feelings about this. Every time I read a tale like this, the thing missing is love.

No love, no respect, no warmth just a woman getting off on power, control, hurting and humiliating her partner.

Doesn’t seem like a good way to start a relationship. He seems like a nice guy but she is selfish & brutal. 3/10

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