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Helena learns the difference between sex and love.
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Greed. Everything that drove Martin Simpson was based on greed. I should have realized that from the very beginning of our relationship but was so in awe of his power and success at the time that I was blind to what he was about. By the time I saw through the bullshit that surrounded him I was married to him and totally under his domination.

Greed. Even sex with Martin Simpson was based on greed. He sought me out for attention at a time when I was working for his company. Not that I needed to work, I had enough money from an inheritance that would have allowed me to laze around, visiting the trendiest boutiques in New York and Paris for my wardrobe, winter in the Swiss Alps and summer in the Bahamas, but no, I wanted to put my College degree in Business Management to good use. So there I was, Helena Manning, a junior executive in the brokerage company Bonner Simpson and Associates and, like all of the other young women working there, totally in awe of our charismatic boss in the corner office on the top floor.

Martin Simpson graduated from Harvard Business School at the same time as his wife Therese Bonner. They married soon after in what was written up in those publications that write about these things, as the 'society wedding of the year.' Over the next twelve years Roger Bonner retired and appointed Martin Simpson to succeed him as the company CEO, Therese Bonner Simpson stayed at home and cared for their three children leaving the running of the business totally in her husband's control.

The business thrived, due in no small part to Martin's greed. Every decision that he made was about making more money for the company, and of course, himself. This greed flowed into all parts of his life; everything that he bought had to be negotiated down to the point where the vendor was lucky to recoup expenses. Every time that he flew he was able to get upgraded to the best seats. He was only seen at the most important events and made sure that his presence was duly noted in the gossip columns. Sometimes Therese accompanied him while on other occasions, when it suited his purpose, he either went alone or with business associates. The bottom line was that he always made more from these appearances than he had outlaid to be there. If there was no profit in it he just didn't bother going.

I had been there for six months when Martin began to pay attention to me. At first it was little things, just a nod in passing, a quick smile in the elevator, then the attention began to become more obvious, but never that obvious that it attracted attention. Then, very subtly the attention became more open and this started a whispering campaign behind my back. I couldn't understand why women that I had regarded as friends now began to avoid me and then one day I confronted Margie Jensen in the ladies room. "Why are you girls avoiding me? What have I done, tell me, please."

"Helena, I can't believe that you are so naïve that you can't see that Martin is hitting on you."

"What? He is so not hitting on me, and even if he was I'm not interested. He's married for God's sake!"

"And that will stop him how?"

"Give me credit for having some scruples, there is no way that I am ever going to get involved in a relationship with him." As it turned out these were famous last words. A month later I was invited, no scratch that, ordered, by my immediate boss to accompany Martin on a business trip to London and Paris. There were probably a dozen women in the company who would have killed me for the opportunity, and I was on the point of handing in my resignation when I was called into the corner office.

"Helena, I understand your reluctance to come with me, after all there are probably any number of people in this company who will tell you that I cannot be trusted alone with a woman, but let me assure you that you will be perfectly safe, this is a business trip only, there will be no shenanigans. I just need your expertise for some of the negotiations that will happen over there."

Martin was good to his word for the first two days and I was beginning to feel a little more comfortable with him until we arrived in Paris and there everything changed. The first evening it was dinner at Maxims that included the finest wines. Every time I looked at my glass it was full and over the course of dinner I had drunk more than I was used to, to the point that I was drunker than I had ever been. He walked me back to our hotel, to sober up he said, but I was feeling even more inebriated when we got to my room. He took my key card from me and opened the door, his arm was around me as he ushered me inside. Once there he leant towards me and kissed me. I tried to turn my head away but resistance seemed to desert me.

By the time we reached my bedroom I was vaguely aware of his hand squeezing my butt.

He turned me towards him and drew me into his arms, kissing me on the lips, at first softly and later with more passion, his tongue pushing against my lips. My mind kept yelling at me to break free and tell him to leave, but my body was just as insistent, telling me to 'go for it girl, how many months has it been since you had sex, take the chance when it presents itself. Who's to know.' The body won.

"Please, you promised that nothing would happen." Even I wasn't convinced.

His hand took mine and guided it to the front of his trousers where it encountered his rampant cock. Instinctively I stroked it, feeling it throb under my touch. His other hand had drawn the zipper at the back of my dress down to the base of my spine and them moved up to unclasp my bra. I was powerless now to stop what was happening. My dress was pulled down over my shoulders and his lips had sucked my nipple into his mouth. He released my hand and opened his flies, releasing his cock into my hand.

He pushed my dress to the floor and I stepped out of it, now naked except for my panties and somehow the shame that I had anticipated didn't eventuate. Martin dropped to his knees in front of me and began to kiss me through the thin material and I could feel myself getting wet. His hand drew the material aside and his tongue licked at me. My knees gave way and I collapsed onto the bed, his head between my legs, his tongue probing inside my wet pussy.

I lost all track of time, I don't know how long he was down there, all that I could remember was the two, or was it three, orgasms that shook my body before I felt his cock push into my now willing pussy.

Let me tell you that my experiences with sex up to this point were not very memorable, just a couple of semi-long term relationships at college with boys who seemed to be intent on breaking the speed sex world record. There was none of what Martin had just done, more often just a quick grope followed by a cock shoved into my unprepared (read dry) pussy, a couple of quick strokes followed by the sound of the condom being removed.

Martin's cock was causing all sorts of sensations to take over my body, his slow movement heightened all of these and I was soon experiencing the 'most amazing orgasm ever' followed some time later by the new 'most amazing orgasm ever'. It was just as the fourth 'most amazing orgasm ever' wracked my body that I felt the flood of sperm enter me. I held him to me, not wanting to let go of this new experience, of him. I drifted off to sleep with him still on me, my arms still around him and his, by now limp cock, still inside me.

Consciousness came with daylight through the curtains and I rolled over in bed only to encounter a body, a naked body, here in my bed. Then it hit me, Martin, sex, great sex, shit, no birth control, what am I going to do? I can't get pregnant, not now, not to him. Damn it girl, how could you be so stupid? I scrambled out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I don't know how long I sat on that bidet washing myself, trying to rid myself of all traces of him, the warm water soothing my sore, and when I looked at it red, pussy. God, how long did the sex last? Memories flooded back, his cock felt huge, but he was gentle with it so my memory of it was that it felt great. I couldn't remember how many times he came inside me but was sure that it was more than once, and I had let him, I couldn't stop him invading me, my body.

The bathroom door opened and Martin walked in, his cock swinging from side to side, shit I looked at it before I looked at his face, what does that mean? He sat on the toilet and looked at me, "How are you this morning?"

"How am I supposed to be? We had sex last night after you promised me that nothing was going to happen, I'm not on any birth control and I seem to recall that you came inside me at least once so what am I going to do about that little problem, huh?"

"Funny, I don't seem to recall you putting up much resistance to me making love to you."

"I was drunk damn it! You got me drunk and seduced me."

"As for birth control, I have a pill that you can take that will solve that problem, it's called the 'morning after pill'."

"Okay, that's fine for now, but I don't think that I'll be able to face the whole working for you scenario when we gat back to the States."

"No one needs to know about this."

"Especially not your wife."

"My wife doesn't care any more."

"And now I suppose that you're going to spin that line about her not understanding you and your needs and that what sex you've had lately has been most unsatisfactory for both of you and that you've discussed divorce and even as we speak your lawyer and her lawyer are locked in negotiations as to how the divorce will pan out."

"It's not a line, in fact it's true."

"And I've been chosen to succeed her, is that it?"

"Something like that, yes."

"I wondered why I was chosen for this trip, after all there are any number of women in the company who could not only do the job but would jump into bed with you at the first opportunity. So why me?"

"Because I've had my eye on you for some time and chose you because you've never shown any interest in me as a person. I took that as a challenge. As you've said any number of the others would have jumped into bed with me on the first night, but not you."

I suddenly burst out laughing. "What's so funny?"

"I just had a vision of what it must look like, me sitting on this bidet with your fingers holding my pussy lips apart so the water can get right inside while at the same time you're sitting on the toilet with that monster of yours pointing to the ceiling. We must look a sight."

He smiled and at the same time his fingers slid inside me. I closed my eyes, oh God here we go again. I reached over and took his cock in my hand, it was rock hard. He turned the water off on the bidet and lifted me up. He spun me around so that I faced him and parted my legs so that I straddled him. I felt him slide inside me as I lowered myself onto him, another series of firsts for me; this was the first time that I had ever had sex in this position, and definitely the first time that I've ever done it on a toilet.

Some time later we were in bed again, his cock making funny slurping noises as it slid in and out of my sopping wet pussy, God what a slut I'd become in such a short time, I just couldn't get enough of him, the person him as well as the cock him. Such stamina, such control, we made love for at least an hour before he, with a cross between a sigh and a grunt plunged his cock as far into me as it would go and flooded me once more with his sperm.

For the next four days it was the same thing, a couple of meetings during the day followed by dinner at a top restaurant followed by incredible sex in either his room or mine. Sex before breakfast, sex after breakfast, sex before dinner and lots of sex after dinner. In spite of my feelings I was falling in love with this man, this man that I had sworn to have nothing to do with and it was because of this that what followed slipped right under my radar.

"Well?" Margie confronted me as I walked into my office.

"Well what?"

"Come on girl, spill the beans, what happened over there?"

"Nothing." I lied. "What's happened while I was away?"

"Well," she said in a conspirital tone, "Martin and Therese's divorce has gone through and he's up for grabs. Interested?"

"No way! I want nothing to do with him!"

"Methinks thou doest protest too much."

"You can think whatever you like."

Just then Martin walked into the building and ran the gauntlet of simpering women on his way to his office, pausing for a brief moment in front of me. "Helena, I'd like to see you in my office so that we can go over the details of our trip."

"Yes sir."

"Listen to you, 'yes sir', details of the trip indeed, more likely so that you can get your stories straight to make sure that the expenses tally, you know, champagne magically becomes mineral water, make sure that no-one knows that you've been screwed from now until next year, stuff like that."

"I'm not going to stand here and listen to your fanciful ideas about what did or did not happen with him." I picked up my papers and headed for the corner office.

"I suppose you've already heard of the divorce?"

"Yes, Margie just couldn't wait to tell me about it. She's also been pumping me about what happened. Don't worry I told her nothing."

"That will soon be academic."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, soon I will propose to you, after a suitable period of mourning my lost marriage of course, and then, after another suitable period we'll get married."

Thoughts were rattling through my head, questions like 'where was my acceptance of his proposal?' He just assumed that I would, of course I would, but that's not the point. And what would my friends and family think? I know that the girls in the office will come to the conclusion that Martin and I have been having an affair for some time, but what would my family say, after all I've never even spoken of him to them and they have never even met him and suddenly I'm marrying him.

"And in the mean time, what do we do? Do we carry on as if there is nothing going on between us, or do we let it slip in subtle ways that there is something going on, or do we come right out and announce the fact that we've just spent the past four days fucking each other stupid?"

"We carry on as if nothing is going on, but we can be together away from the office."

"Where are you staying, or has she gone home to her parents?"

"She has gone to Europe on an extended vacation to give me time to find somewhere else to live and she's taken the children with her, but I was thinking that I could stay with you for the time being, until I can find somewhere."

If I hadn't been so under his spell I would have realized that he was manipulating me, and that all wasn't as I had been led to believe but you know what they say, 'love is blind'.

The charade had begun. Martin moved in with me and we made love every night. Each morning after sex and after breakfast, we left for work separately and only talked to each other when necessary at work.

"When is he going to pop the question?" Margie asked one morning over coffee.

"What ever are you talking about?"

"Come on girl, you two are fooling no-one, the more you try to carry on as if there is nothing going on between the two of you the more obvious it becomes. He's living with you, isn't he?"


"Look, it's not rocket science, his personnel record doesn't list an address, just a mail box, now why would that be if he had nothing to hide do you think? And then there's the fact that we've all been curious so we've had you followed. Come on, 'fess up, how long has this been going on?"

What's the use pretending I told myself, limit the fall-out I told myself. "Since Paris."

"I knew it! You never fooled me for one second, you had sexual satisfaction written all over your face when you got back from that trip. Tell me all, is he as good in bed as we all think he is?"

"This is strictly between you and me, right?"

"Of course! Do you think that I would blab it to all the world, my lips are sealed." She made that zipper sign to reinforce that statement.

"If you must know, he's better."

"You can't just leave it at that! Details girl, and plenty of them."

"If you must know, his cock is huge but he is so gentle that I can take it all without any discomfort, and stamina, until I met him, until he made love to me, I thought that five minutes was a long time, but with him, we can go for literally hours, and I must have at least three orgasms to his one. It's like I'm in heaven when we make love."

"Shut up woman! Now I'm jealous. I want one like him. I don't suppose he has a brother some where that I can meet, does he?"

"I don't know." Suddenly I realized that I knew nothing other than what he had told me about his personal life.

"Just asking, a girl can hope."

So much for keeping a confidence, by the close of business everyone knew about Martin and me, that we were lovers and had been for some time, so it was inevitable that we should get married. It was a simple ceremony with just my parents and a couple of friends present. Martin's children didn't come which I thought was strange. I had met them on a couple of occasions and, while they were shy at first, they seemed to accept me as their father's new partner.

Married life was great for the next six months until we made a trip to Paris on the anniversary of our first trip, you know the one where we first made love. All was going fine until the third day, we had made love before breakfast, as before, after breakfast as before and had gone to lunch at a restaurant that we'd been to the previous trip. Martin had placed his credit card on the platter to pay for our meal but a few minutes later the waiter brought it back. "I'm terribly sorry M'sieur, but you card has been rejected."

"What! I don't understand. Darling, do you have a card, I'll sort this out as soon as we get back."

I paid the bill, and all the bills after that. And after we returned home I waited for him to repay me, and waited, and waited.

I called Margie into my office, "Can you do something for me?"


"I want you to find out as much as you can about Martin's finances, and I want you to be discreet about it, not even he must know I'm checking up on him. Can you do that for me?"

"You know I can girl, that's what they pay me for, to run credit checks."

I sat in my office all afternoon thinking about my dilemma. Had I been stupid marrying Martin? The more I thought about it the more I became convinced that I'd made the biggest mistake of my entire life. I then thought about how I could extricate myself, I didn't even think about whether I'd lose face over it, but I did want to protect my parents.

Margie came into my office just before days end. "Do you want the bad news or the worse news or the really shitty news."

"Whatever, just tell me all." I was prepared for the worst but the worst wasn't even in the same ball park.

"Martin Simpson is not only flat broke but he owes something in excess of a million dollars."

"But I thought that the business was doing well."

"It was until Therese found out about his affairs."


"Gee girl, you don't think that you were the first do you?"

"Well, I suppose not."

"It seems that he would romance rich women and strip as much money from them before dumping them. He was a little indiscreet when he did it to one of Therese's best friends and she blabbed about it. Any how, it seems that much of the business of this company comes from the Bonner side and very little from Simpsons, so when Therese decided to divorce him she took a large slab of his business with her. And the worst news is, and I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the reason that he hit on you was because he had found out that you were a very wealthy woman. By the way you kept that quiet didn't you? And there's more.


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