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Growing as a Pair


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"Tomorrow I'm going to take some of the meat from the deer and see if I can trade for some things at the store." I said to my brother.

"Okay." He said.

"You're going to have to keep hunting, to provide something for us to eat and trade for stuff we need. We don't know how long it will really be, and having extra won't hurt us." I said

"Sounds good." He said with a smile on face.

"You wanted to anyway, didn't you?" I asked him.

"Yep." He replied.

"What is this, some kind of big fucking vacation for you?" I asked him angrily.

"Yes it is." He replied. "Before you get mad, hear me out. I know you would much rather be going to your classes, and making sure your life was on track. You only came out to spend time with the family, but you were supposed to go back to your life already. While spending time with you was a nice situation, I came out here for vacation. I've wanted to go hunting. I wanted a break from high school, I wanted to wake up and do whatever the hell I wanted to do. Here I am, free of school and I get to fuck a beautiful woman regularly... So what if it is my sister? I couldn't ask for a better vacation. I'm enjoying myself more than I ever have in my life. This will probably be the best vacation ever. I don't mind if it keeps getting longer. I wish it would end so you can get back to your life, but I'm not going to shed a single tear if it doesn't. I'm going to enjoy the moment and take things as they come."

I looked at him for a moment. I didn't know whether or not to be mad. He was right, for him it was a great vacation. He should be living in the moment, happy to be free of his responsibilities. Even though I was enjoying myself, I would have been happier elsewhere. For him there was no better life. I couldn't really be angry at him for enjoying himself, could I? Of course I couldn't really control how I felt, I only could control my own actions.

I went over to him and kissed him angrily on the lips, and then went to bed. After a few minutes I felt the blanket shifting as he joined me. He started pulling down my pants. I huffed angrily but I didn't stop him. He moved his head between my thighs and started gently probing my labia with his tongue.

I spread my legs apart and let him have better access. He started to rub my clit in circular motions with his fingers as he sucked on my pussy lips. He gently inserted his middle and index fingers of his other hand into my vagina. I started moaning as he worked my female parts with his fingers. I became hornier and hornier as he brought me closer and closer to climax. I started thrusting on to his fingers. He moved his mouth up to my clit and brought the hand that was playing with it down the labia. He started kneading and massaging them. I didn't last long impaled on his skilled hands.

I considered things as I recovered from my orgasm. I enjoyed fucking my brother, even if I didn't enjoy being stuck in the cabin. It was okay for him to enjoy himself, just as it was okay for me to wish to be home. We were different people with different desires. Even if we shared one, we didn't have to be like the other. Reassured, I fell asleep beside the comforting presence of my brother.

*** Tuesday ***

I woke up first as usual, and made breakfast. He woke up from the smell, and I served him a plate. While he was eating I crawled under the table and undid his pajamas. I lightly licked the tip of his cock a few times, then I took it into my mouth. I sucked his cock hard and fast, and he came quickly in my mouth. I didn't swallow, instead I got up and spat his semen all over my food. I spread it around, spicing all of my food with his seed. My brother watched me finish off my food and licked my plate clean.

Breakfast done, I gathered the dishes and put them in the sink, while my brother grabbed his hunting gear. I met him at the door on his way out and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks for the delicious meal. Now go catch yourself a critter." I told him, slapping him on the ass as he walked out the door.

"Sure thing Kay." His departing form said.

"I have a good day." I shouted to him.

"Sure will!" He replied leaving.

I went back inside. I washed the dishes and did what laundry we had. I found a small cooler and packed it with snow, and put some of the meat that hadn't been smoked yesterday in it. I put it in my SUV and headed towards the store. I browsed the store, there were some foodstock items that came from local people, but nothing worth reducing the amount of food we had on hand. I did trade some of the venison for spices and staple foods that gave us a larger supply, but I kept most of what I brought. I returned to the cabin and put my purchases away, and then started preparing dinner and studying. Stephen caught two rabbits that day, which we put away. I talked about what the store had to offer and he told me about his hunting trip, then we laid down together and fell asleep in each other others arms.

*** Wednesday ***

I got up early and prepared breakfast. Stephen was still sleeping in, but had a major case of morning wood. I took out a condom and applied it on his cock. He shifted a little bit, but didn't wake up. I positioned myself over him, and then lowered myself on his shaft. He gave a deep pleasurable sigh in his sleep. I started working my way up and down his hard cock. After a little bit I was really pounding myself with him. The shaking must have woken him up however, because he grabbed my hips and started moving me to his rhythm.

"Oh little brother..." I moaned as he massaged my pussy walls. "Oh yes..."

"You're going to cum on me, aren't you sis?" He asked, smiling.

"Uh huh." I manage to pant out."

"Cum on me then, you dirty little slut." He said. "Cum on your brother's cock!"

I realized I was his dirty little slut, fucking him awake. The realization, and how he just talked to me hit me hard, and I followed his order and came on my brother's cock.

"Oh god yes!" I screamed as waves of pleasure traveled from my vagina down my body.

He hadn't had his pleasure yet though, and I collapsed on him, holding him tight as he thrust into my overly sensitive pleasure organ.

"No more..." I whimpered. "Its too much."

My brother viciously did not pull out, and I came a second time. My quivering muscles were too much for him though, and he filled his condom.

Back in control of my facilities, I slapped him. "You shouldn't talk to your older sister like that." I said.

He flexed his semi flaccid member, which was still inside me. I shivered and let out a little pleasurable moan.

"mmhmm." He said.

I pulled my hypersensitive pussy of it's skewer, emitting a quivering sigh as it's poor over stimulated nerves voiced their protest. I stayed there laying on top of him, my thighs not yet ready for the job of holding me up. He was hungry though, so he pushed me off of himself and got up to go eat. He was almost done by the time I was able to join him.

"Oh little brother..." he pantomimed towards me as I sat down.

"Cum on your brothers cock." I threw back at him.

"What a fine pair of sluts we are eh?" He said.

I grunted back, not willing to admit anything now that I was seated safely at the table.

My brother put his dirty dishes in the sink, and then got ready to go hunting. On his way out he looked at the spent condom. He picked up and carried it over to me. He turned inside out and dumped his still warm cum on the side of my plate. I glared at him as I dipped the food on my fork in the milky dipping sauce he just gave me. I slowly put the food in my mouth and chewed it, closing my eyes and savoring the salty taste.

When I was done swallowing I saw him still standing there.

"You're such a slut." I told him.

He laughed and kissed me on the cheek.

"Have a good day." He said and left.

I ate everything on my plate, then did the dishes. I processed the rabbits and tidied up the house. That done I sat down and got some serious studying in, pausing only to cook dinner. I had a heavy load of classes, and I was already three days behind my planned self study. While I had done a pretty good job of keeping on top of things, without direct instruction it was going to be a struggle to understand the concepts my teachers were instructing when I got back. Stephen brought back only a single rabbit that day. He got back as the Sun was going down, just like usual. I served us both dinner. We ate, I cleaned up and we went to bed.

*** Thursday ***

I woke up feeling like I was punched in the breast. I punched Stephen awake.

"You asshole." I said to him. "You hit me last night thrashing around."

"Sorry." He said.

He rubbed his forearm as I rubbed my sore breasts. He got his hunting stuff together, then started preparing the rabbit himself as I cooked breakfast.

"Put the rabbit down, wash your hands, and come and eat." I told him as I finished breakfast and plated it. He did as instructed. He ate quickly, I took my time. He came over and kissed me on the cheek before he left.

"I love you." He said. "Have a good day."

"You too. Bring us back some venison." I replied.

I finished eating, then finished preparing the rabbit, then cleaned up the house. I got a lot of good studying in that day. I had dinner prepared by the time he got home. He was empty handed.

"Where's the venison?" I asked

"I figured I'd give you a break today." He replied

"I suppose you caught one this big," I said stretching my arm out as far as I could, "But you had to throw it back."

"Yep. Can't take them too young." He replied laughing

I served us both dinner. We filled up our bellies and then settled down cuddling in each others arms.

*** Friday ***

I got up early. My breasts were still sore from when he accidentally punched them the night before last. I hoped where I hit him hurt just as bad when he woke up. I thought about hitting him again, but decided to be nice instead. I made breakfast, and the smell woke Stephen up. I served us. When breakfast was finished he got his hunting stuff together and I cleaned up. I met him at the door on his way out and kissed him passionately.

"Good luck." I said to him.

"Thanks sis." He replied.

I got my morning chores done, and studied most of the rest of the day. I had dinner prepared for when he got back. He came home empty handed again.

"Sorry." He said sheepishly.

"Its okay." I told them. Our food stocks were still alright, so I wasn't worried about his bad luck. We ate dinner and he told me about his day.

After we finished eating I cleaned up, and then joined him in the blankets.

I kissed him passionately, and he returned it with gusto. He started kissing me down my neck, and rubbing my breasts. Even though they were still tender from two nights ago it felt good, and I rubbed his back. I reached over to where I usually kept the condoms but found them missing. I looked around the room but didn't see them.

"Shit. Fuck!" I swore.

My brother kept kissing my neck..

I was horny and frustrated. 'Fuck it.' I thought.

"You're going to have to be careful." I whispered to him as I started kissing him back. "I can't find the condoms."

"I'll be careful." He promised as he continued to kiss me.

"Good." I said and kissed him.

He laid me gently down and I spread my legs apart. He climbed between my legs, and gently guided his throbbing cock into my sopping wet pussy. He slowly slid his shaft all the way in and I felt his bare skin touch my cervix. The sensation gave me a reminder of the dangerous game I was playing, and filled me with fear. It was already too late for second thoughts though, as my brothers bare cock was inside me.

I just had to trust him to control himself. My younger high school aged irresponsible brother. I knew he could do it because he did it the day he got the deer, but it has been very close. I couldn't believe how crazy I was being, but trusting him and knowing the risk I took made it all the more intense.

I didn't last long, and was soon spasming on his dick. It must have pushed him over the edge, as my hyper sensitive pussy felt his muscles contract, a sign that he had already gone too far as was going to come no matter what. I mentally prepared myself to feel the splash of his cum inside the back wall of my pussy, eager to feel it even as my mind was screaming 'no' repeatedly in horror. All of that occurred in the blink of an eye. I felt my brother shove in deeper.

I knew what was coming then, but somehow he managed to withdraw quickly. I felt a blast of hot semen strike me just to the left of my belly button. This was followed quickly by another on the bottom of my right breast. A third sticky globule landed a little above and to the right of my belly button. I felt a fourth hit me next to the second one, and then I felt a fifth fall down on me right where my pubic hair ends. I pushed my brother over and off of me before any of his semen dropped even closer to my vaginal opening. I grabbed my panties and wiped the cum that landed on my pelvis upwards to keep any extra strong swimmers from having a chance.

My heart was beating rapidly, and I had butterflies in my stomach. It had been exhilarating. I kissed my brother multiple times and then collapsed on top of his chest, holding him close. We both basked in afterglow and then fell asleep.

*** Week 3 ***

*** Saturday ***

Thanks to the mauling that my brother had given me last night, my breasts were still sore and not healed from when he hit me thrashing around several nights ago. I got up and went to the bathroom. My brother's cum had dried on me during the night. I scrubbed all the best I could. I made us an extra large breakfast, partially in celebration for the restraint my brother managed to exercise last night.

With breakfast made I went to wake my brother. I saw that he had a little dry spunk at the tip of his penis. I put my lips around it and lick it clean. He got hard in my mouth so I continued to suck him off. He woke up shooting his load into my mouth. I sucked the residue cum out of his penis, then I helped him up and brought him over to the table.

"I made us a nice large breakfast." I said.

"Thanks." He said and started to eat.

I served myself a very large portion of food and ate with gusto. We ate until we were sick. I set my brother off hunting while I cleaned up around the house. When I was done I was feeling really lethargic from the big meal I ate, so I laid down and took a nap. I woke up after a while and started dinner.

I spent a little bit of time looking for the condoms, and found the box and crushed under a blanket. I put them in a safer place where we might be able to find them in a passionate moment. My brother came in a happy mood.

"I almost got another buck!" He said.

"Good job!" I congratulated my empty handed brother. I was starting to worry just a little bit about food again. Who know how long it would take to get the bridge up? I served him dinner and listened to his hunting story. I wasn't really hungry after the big breakfast I had that morning. My brother ate my portion. When he was done eating I stripped naked slowly in front of him. I grabbed him by his hand and lead him to the blanket pile. I pulled down his pants and grabbed a condom. I unwrapped the packaging and brought it up to his penis to apply, but he grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"It feels so good to do it bare, and I can keep myself from cumming inside you. Let's go without the condom." He said.

I looked at my brother. He had exhibited self control. He showed me that I could trust him. On the other hand, it only took a momentary slip up and I could get pregnant. Still, he could have cum inside me when I told him he could have me any way he wanted, and he didn't. I felt that I could trust him. Besides, the risk had made it feel a lot better the last time.

"Okay," I said, "But be careful."

He laid me down gently, and begin kissing my boobs. He rubbed his hand up my leg, up to my clitoris. He sucked on my nipple as his hand massaged my sex.

"Oh Stephen..." I moaned.

"Oh Kayla..." He whispered into my breast as he brought his free hand to my free breast.

My breasts were still very tender from the abuse they had taken the last few days, but what he was doing felt very good. I involuntarily drew a sharp intake of breath and bit my lip.

"Ohhnnnj..." I moaned loudly as his hand found unexpectedly sensitive place.

His mouth worked up my breast and found my neck. He kissed along my lower jaw and up to my ear.

"I love you, sister." He whispered softly in my ear as his fingers continued to work me.

I shivered in pleasure.

"I want your cock inside of me." I lustily told him.

He robbed me for a few more seconds and then I felt his leg move between mine. It shoved one of my legs to the side and his other leg joined it. His knees went up my thigh and then his legs forced mine open. He moved his hand away as he slowly lowered himself into me. I groaned in pleasure as the tip of his penis split my labia, and separated the walls of my pussy. I squeeze him with my cunt, relishing in the feel of every contour on his dick. Even with my resistance he slid easily inside the slick channel. He pressed himself in and out of my depths as he worked me up into a frenzy.

"Oh Stephen!" I screamed.

I bore down with all of my might on his dick as I came hard. That was the wrong move, since he had been on the brink the entire time. The increased lubrication, pressure, and warmth was too much. He pulled out, grabbing for the cum stained panties from yesterday. His cock spasmed as it hit the open air, and semen splattered against my left inner pelvic area an eighth of an inch from my swollen pussy lips. My heartbeat doubled as I realized how close I was to being filled with my brother's sperm. He managed to catch the rest of his cum with my panties from yesterday.

"Sorry." He sheepishly said as he wiped the cum off of me with my cum stained panties.

"That's okay." I said "It was my fault. I knew how close you were, I shouldn't have squeezed you like that. Thank goodness you have such good reflexes."

"Yeah." He laughed. "That was dangerously close."

I sat up and kissed him on the lips.

"This is the reason why you should be hoping the bridge gets fixed soon. Our one on one time may end at first, but when we do get to do it again I'll be on the pill and you can do whatever you want to me." I said.

"You mean you still want to, after we're back?" He asked.

"Of course." I replied "Don't you?"

"Hell yeah!" He said.

I kissed him again. "We'll figure out how to keep this going." I said.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said. We fell asleep cuddling each other.

*** Sunday ***

I woke up feeling horribly sick. I ran to the bathroom and started dry heaving. After a few minutes it passed.

'Oh no...' I thought as I did a quick calculation. It should have been Friday...

"Fuck." I said out loud.

Stephen was still asleep, so he didn't have any clue at all as to my predicament. It was possible that it was just a stomach bug, but thinking back on it I realized that the day we first did it should have been my most dangerous day. I fretted about it while I made breakfast. As soon as breakfast was made I got Stephen up, encouraging him to eat quickly and get an early start to his hunting. As soon as he left I went to the store.

I heard people talking about the bridge, something about it being done by Tuesday, but I was too concerned with what was going on in my immediate future to be happy about something several days off. They had a pregnancy test at the store, and I purchased it for some smoked meat. I took it home and took the test.

"Please don't be a plus..." I pleaded with the piece of plastic as I waited for the results to appear.

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