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Growing Pains Ch. 1

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Maggie and Ben take martial arts together.
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Beads of sweat rolled down Maggie Seaver's pretty face and dripped off the tip of her nose and chin. The black headband didn't seem to help much. She still had to use the sleeve of her white Gi to wipe the sweat from her face and eyes. Her shoulder length, blonde hair was tied back in a pony tail to prevent it from being plastered against her face. She was totally exhausted from the intense work out and again wondered why she was torturing herself so.

Maggie enrolled in the combination fitness, self defense class following an incident where she was mugged and her purse stolen while she waited for a cab right outside her office building. She was not injured but terribly shaken and made to feel very vulnerable. She realized just how dangerous it was on the streets of the city and decided to make an effort to minimize her chances of being seriously hurt or killed.

Ben, the Seaver's number two son had been in Mr. Myoshi's self defense class for about six months. A couple of older students at his school had been harassing him and after discussing it with his parents he decided to enroll. The experience had done wonders for Ben. His confidence and maturity level improved drastically. He walked with a new spring in his step and took pride in everything he did.

When Ben suggested to his mother that she enroll in his class she laughed and totally dismissed the idea but when she found out that she could combine the self defense aspects with a fitness program she decided to give it a try. Now after three months she felt great. She was in great physical shape and was beginning to gain confidence in her ability to ward off would-be attackers. She felt so good about what she was doing that she converted the basement recreation room to a fitness room, complete with three large mats on the floor and several weight machines.

Maggie and Ben used their work out room whenever possible. They tried to convince the rest of the family to join them but without much luck. Jason was always too busy. Mike was usually out searching for his next girl friend, and Carol thought is was very un-lady like to sweat.

"Okay," said Mr. Myoshi in a heavy Japanese accent to the entire class, "This is last class of session. You have two weeks off. Be sure to work on your own. Don't want anyone falling back into bad habit. Remember, stay in shape. Keep mind and body working as team. See all of you in two weeks."

"Wow," said Maggie as they got into the car. "That was some work out. I'm exhausted."

"Me to," Ben said. "But just think about how good it is for you."

"I know," she said. "I guess we will have to do it on our own for the next couple of weeks. I really want to stay in shape. Maybe you can help me with some of the self defense work."

"Sure," he said. "No problem." I need the work too." Let's start tomorrow night after dinner."

"You've got it," she said.

Jason and Carol had dinner nearly ready when the two warriors arrived home. They had become very capable at self survival since Maggie started her work out program in addition to her full time job at the TV station.

"Ben," Maggie hollered from her upstairs bedroom. Throw your Gi in the laundry so I can wash it with mine."

"Okay," he replied.

Maggie untied the yellow belt which held the wrap around top of her Gi closed and slipped the sweaty white garment off. She looked at herself in the full length mirror in her white athletic bra and the long, loose fitting, white pants of her Gi. "Yes," she thought. "It is worth the effort and sweat." Her large breasts contained within the tight, sweat stained, sports bra appeared to be a little smaller than a few months ago but were firm, nicely shaped, and rode high on her chest. Her stiffening nipples made tell-tale bumps through the fabric of the tight bra.

She struggled to get the wet, sticky bra over her head and off. The loose fitting, white pants slid easily down her full hips and shapely legs. She stood in front of the mirror clad only in a black head band, a sweaty sheen and white, silk, bikini panties. Her hands cupped the underside of both full breasts and raised them upward. Her index fingers teased the small, sensitive, pink nipples. She slipped the silk panties off and inspected her exposed hips and rear. "Jason's right," she thought. "My butt probably is my best feature." Her hands moved over her full hips and firm, shapely buttocks. The few months of vigorous exercise had improved the shape and firmness of her already great rear. Her fingers combed through the narrow strip of damp, blonde hair on top of her prominent pubic mound. "Not bad," she said to herself. "Not bad at all for an old broad."

A hot shower never failed to bring Maggie back to life. She felt totally refreshed as she dried off and slipped on a pair of worn, gray, sweat pants and sweat shirt. Since it was not that long till bed time she decided to forgo underwear. "It's not like anyone can see through my sweats," she thought.

The entire family sat down for dinner together. "Gosh, this is a rare occasion," said Maggie. "We're actually all at the same table at the same time. Thank you Jason and Carol for a lovely dinner and thank you Mike and Ben for doing the dishes.

Mike and Ben looked at each other then at Maggie. "But Mom," said Mike, "I have to eat and run. I told Julie I'd pick her up at 7:00."

"Really, Mom," said Ben, "I have a ton of homework. I really don't have time."

"Sorry," said Jason, "But your mother has spoken."

"Yes," laughed Carol, "Your mother has spoken."

Mike and Ben picked up the table and cleaned the kitchen and Carol went to a movie with Bobby, her current boy friend. Jason and Maggie sat together on the couch and read the paper while watching television.

Maggie snuggled against Jason's shoulder and whispered in his ear. "I had a great work out today Jason. You know what that does to me don't you?"

"No," he said, "What does it do to you?"

"It makes me very horny."

"Noooo, really," he said.

"Really, it does." She pressed her mouth to his and flicked the tip of her pink tongue at his lips. His lips parted and her tongue slipped deeply inside his mouth. Her hand slid up his thigh and rubbed against his emerging erection. She felt his hand cup her breast and tease at her stiff nipple through the fabric of her sweat shirt. She was just about to wrap her hand around his familiar hardness when a noise came from the kitchen.

"Well, that's it," said Mike, "Anyone care to inspect it?"

Maggie and Jason separated abruptly, both relieved that they had not been caught by their own children in an act of passion. "A practicing psychiatrist and a professional journalist married for 20 years behaving like a couple of teenagers," thought Jason. "Who would ever guess?" Maggie's fitness craze had certainly improved their sex life. She felt so good about herself and her high level of energy that she wanted to share her spirit with everyone.

Jason's erection subsided immediately when he heard Mike and Ben approaching the living room. "Hey Dad," said Mike, "The Knicks are on TV and since it's too late to go out, want to watch it with us?"

"What do you mean us?" asked Jason. "Ben has tons of homework, right Bennie?"

"Oh, no Dad, I forgot. It's not due until next week."

Suddenly the Knicks and Bulls were on TV, the Seaver men were glued to it and Maggie was alone, at least in spirit. She excused herself and went upstairs to bed, alone. Not exactly what she had in mind. She slipped out of her sweats and between the cool sheets and drifted off to sleep dreaming strange things about Mr. Myoshi and that proper Karate etiquette did not allow for teachers and students to engage in sexual activities.

Maggie poured herself a glass of juice and cup of coffee. She had only about an hour until she had to be at the office. Jason had left early for a meeting down town and Ben and Carol were stumbling around the kitchen fixing their own breakfast. Mike was either still asleep or trying to make an early morning class. Things were their normal hectic self.

As Maggie drove to work she admonished Jason for staying up late to watch a stupid basketball game and not taking care of her sexual needs. Now she was going to have to think about it all day and probably wouldn't be able to concentrate on her work. "Oh well," she thought, "Tonight I'm not going to let him go to sleep until he makes love to me, and I mean it."

Maggie's day went slow. Her head was filled with memories of past sexual encounters with Jason. After all he was the only lover she ever had and they had a very fulfilling sex life, at least until lately. It seemed that she was always thinking about sex and was almost always horny. "Maybe I should quite exercising and all the martial arts stuff," she thought. "No way," she reconsidered, "I love how it makes me feel. After all, what's wrong with being a little horney now and then? Jason will just have to learn how to take care of me."

Three messages were on the recorder when Maggie arrived home. Carol would not be home at all. She was staying with a friend. Mike had a date and wouldn't be home. Jason was in another meeting and would be very late.

"Well Ben, It's just you and me for dinner," she said. "What would you like?

"I don't really care. Something light before we work out."

Maggie fixed a fresh fruit salad and a toasted bagel. When they finished she said, "Okay, I'll meet you in the basement in half an hour and we'll work out."

"Great, half an hour," he replied.

Maggie pulled her hair back in a pony tail and put on her head band. She slipped into the tight sports bra and her white Gi. She tied the yellow belt, the symbol of a beginner in martial arts, around her waist and went to the basement. Ben was already there, stretching and going through his pre-work out routine of jabbing at the air and making weird sounds. Maggie joined him, stretching all of her muscles then taking her defensive stance and making weird noises of her own.

"Okay Bennie, it's time. How about a little one on one sparring."

"Sure, but I don't want to hurt you."

"What," She said, "You don't want to hurt me? Remember Bennie boy, right now I'm not your mother. I'm your opponent and I'm going to kick your butt."

Ben laughed. "Okay, I'm not your son. I'm your opponent and you are in trouble."

The two bowed and squared off, facing each other. Legs apart and hands open, moving slowly back and forth. They jabbed towards each other, careful not to make contact. Ben was much more adept at the art, moving around and scoring point after point. But as soon as his guard was down Maggie took a shot and caught him in the stomach with her fist. He fell to the mat gasping for air.

"Oh, I'm sorry honey. I didn't mean to." Before she could finish her apology his foot shot upward and caught her in the ribs. "Oooomph," she fell back against the wall. Ben was on his feet and slowly coming for her. Both of them were caught up in the heat of battle. They stalked each other around the mat. Sweat began to form on both their faces as they became more intent on the battle.

Maggie took a swing and just missed Ben's chin. He spun around and caught her shoulder with a high kick. She crashed to the mat and grabbed her shoulder. "Ouch."

"I'm sorry," Ben started to say, but before he could finish she leg whipped him and he fell on his butt. Before he could get up Maggie was on him straddling his waist and pinning his arms to the mat above his head. Both of them were covered with sweat and on the verge of exhaustion but neither would give in. Ben's hips bucked up off the mat, trying to free himself from his mothers's weight. She slid back towards his hips to prevent him from bouncing her off him.

Maggie gasped. She was surprised and shocked. All of their struggling and physical contact caused Ben's young organ to grow and now it pressed against her crotch. Every time his hips rose up against hers, she felt it rub against her neglected pussy.

"Ohhh no," she thought, "Now what. This is very wrong." But it felt so good. She had been in a state of arousal for several days and this was the first attention she had received.

His slim hips bucked again and his stiff young cock pressed against her moistening pussy. She closed her eyes and stretched forward keeping his hands pinned over his head. This had the effect of opening the top of her Gi and pressing her bra encased breasts against his face. Again he bounced his hips up and down and rolled to his side trapping her leg beneath him. He rolled over until he had reversed their positions and he was now on top of her and nestled between her legs.

He pinned her hands over her head and lay full length on top of her. She began to buck her hips to displace him but suddenly she realized that what she was doing was making matters worse. Ben's hard, virgin cock was rubbing back and forth against her swollen womanhood. Maggie was no longer fighting. Her hands escaped his and gripped his tight butt through the material of his Gi and pulled his hardness against her moist, swollen pussy.

Ben had never experienced anything even remotely close to this. He knew about sex but this was his only real encounter. He really had never even kissed a girl other than a quick peck on the cheek.

Ben buried his face in Maggie's neck and his hands slipped inside her Gi top and found her heaving breasts and slowly explored them through the fabric of the bra. His fingers discovered the erect nipples and pulled gently at them. Maggie moaned as Ben's hips pumped away against her own. She was so close to orgasm. "Ohhh Ben. Ohhh Ben." Then she felt his hips stop and his whole body shuddered. He stiffened against her and she knew. He experienced his first orgasm with a woman. He had come inside his sacred Gi.

"Oh no," he cried. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Maggie comforted him. But he quickly got up and ran upstairs. Maggie lay on the mat, confused and troubled. What had she done? Did she ruin him forever? Could she make him understand that it was not his fault and that it just happened?

Her pussy still ached from their encounter. She had been so close. Just on the verge of a giant orgasm, then nothing. Her hands moved to her breasts and pinched the still erect nipples, then moved down her stomach and slipped inside her pants and under her panties. Her right middle finger slipped between the honeyed lips of her swollen pussy and stroked slowly up and down. She let it slide slowly inside her hot cunt and began to move it in and out. Her hips rose and fell as her finger pumped in and out and just as she was about to come.

Rrrring, Rrring, the stupid phone rang. She was instantly snapped out of her moment and back to reality. "Hello. Oh hello Jason what's up. What do you mean you won't be home? Not at all tonight? Okay, I understand I guess but I really need you. In fact you wouldn't believe how much I need you. Oh well I'll see you tomorrow night. Good night darling."

"Just what I needed," she thought to herself. "Never around when you need them."

Maggie went upstairs to get ready for bed. She stripped off her clothes and threw them into the hamper and noticed that Ben's Gi was also in it. "Poor guy," she thought, "He must be so embarrassed." Following a nice long bubble bath she put on white, silk panties, one of Jason's oversized, gray tee shirts, and a long, white terry robe. She brushed her teeth, polished her nails, and brushed her beautiful blonde hair.

She slowly crept down the hall just to quickly check on Ben and make sure he was asleep. She slowly cracked his door open and looked inside. The room was illuminated by a single desk lamp but was light enough for her to see Ben sitting on the edge of his bed in his red pajama bottoms holding his head in his hands.

Maggie softly tapped on his door and asked, "May I come in honey?"

"Yea, sure," he said sheepishly, "Come on in."

"What's wrong," she said, as she sat down on the bed next to him, "Can't you sleep?"



"Because," he said, "I can't decide whether to use a rope or a gun."

"Oh, Bennie honey, you shouldn't be so upset. You didn't do anything wrong. If anything was wrong it was all my fault. You did absolutely nothing that was not perfectly normal. Boys your age have very active hormones and things like that happen."

"I don't think so," he said. It's just that I got so caught up in our sparring that I forgot who you were and what I was doing. My mind kind of turned to mush."

"Oh honey, you're so sweet," she put her arm around his shoulders and pulled him against her. "Please don't feel like you did anything wrong. It's all just between us anyway. No one else will ever know."

"Promise," he said, "You won't tell anyone. Not even Dad."

"No one," she promised, Not even Dad." Now lay down and get some sleep. She pulled down the bed covers and he lay down and waited for her to cover him up. She pulled the covers up to his chin then without warning she jerked the covers off the bed and jumped on top of him straddling his hips.

"Okay Bennie boy, now we finish the battle."

Ben was shocked but then a big impish grin crossed his face and he laughed, "Okay, but be warned, my body is a lethal weapon and I'm not responsible for what harm it may do."

"Big talker," she said as she leaned forward until her lips were close to his face, "Take this." She kissed him on one cheek and when he turned his head to avoid her she kissed him on the other cheek. She then kissed his forehead, his chin, and his eyes all while he half heartedly protested and pretended to try to escape. Without warning her lips pressed against his and she felt him shudder and squirm beneath her, still trying to escape. But she persisted and kept her mouth pressed against his until he stopped struggling. Her mouth opened against his and her tongue tried to slip between his clenched lips. "It's okay sweetie, just relax," she said. She felt his lips slacken slightly and slipped her tongue between his teeth into his mouth.

Ben gave out a low moan when he felt the tip of her tongue invade his mouth. It was his first kiss of that type and it felt incredible, but suddenly fear set in as he felt himself getting an erection. He knew that the same thing that happened earlier could easily happen again.

Maggie also felt his young cock growing against her and realized his apprehension. She removed her mouth from his. "It's okay honey. Don't be afraid." She crawled off his hips and stood up beside the bed. "I think I better leave you alone now. I'll see you in the morning."

Just as she was going out the doorway beside him Ben called to her. "Mom, please stay with me for a while. I really don't want to be alone."

"Okay honey, if that's what you want, I'll be happy to keep you company."

Maggie walked back towards his bed, stopped at the foot of it and untied the belt of her robe. Ben watched as the robe opened and she slipped it off her shoulders and dropped it on the floor. She stood before him in a thin, gray tee shirt that came nearly to her knees. She looked beautiful. There was just enough light in the room for him to see the outline of her full breasts and stiffening nipples against the shirt. Her honey blonde hair shone in the light and she smiled and said, "Ben, I want you to just lay there very still and don't worry about anything. I won't do anything to hurt you and I'll stop when you tell me to."

She could see the large bulge beneath his red pajamas and was pleased that he found her physically attractive. She lay down next to him and put her hand on his bare chest. "Oh no," she said, as he began to flinch, "Remember you're not to move. Just lay there quietly."

Ben nervously nodded his head and stared straight up at the ceiling. Maggie's fingers traced around his smooth, bare chest and stopped to delicately touch one of his tiny nipples. She teased at it until she felt it stiffen against her finger then moved to the other one. Ben's eyes closed as he began to relax and enjoy her attention.


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