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GTA: Bitches of Liberty City Ch. 05

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Allie deals with Brucie and the Angels of Death.
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"Angels and Assholes"

"So, how did Javier take the news?" Allie asks, behind the wheel of the Sabre, driving down the Broker Bridge.

"Not that well." Hector answers from the passenger seat, putting away his cell phone. "They're really pissed off about this. This was supposed to be a simple pickup and delivery, but now it's becoming a shit storm."

"I should have known that girl was playing me." Allie says.

"You had no way to know." Hector assures. "A hottie with a body like hers in lingerie, I would have done the same thing."

"No doubt." Allie snidely agrees. "All it took was a few tears and a sob story and I became a complete sucker. I should have just kept her in her place and if she kept on whining, I'd smack her to shut her up."

"Allie, you're a lot of things." Hector states. "You're defensive, hot-headed, abrasively cynical and unpleasantly opinionated, but you ain't stone-cold."

"Still doesn't change the fact that I fucked up." Allie states as she continues down Dukes Boulevard.

The rest of the drive was silent as Allie turns to Creek Street and proceeds down Mohanet Avenue. Allie slows down and parks the Sabre at a small parking lot a block away from the Broker Navy Yard. Waiting for them is Javier, accompanied by five Spanish Lords.

Allie and Hector exit the Sabre as Javier and his fellow gang members approaches them.

"So, what the fuck happened, Hector?" Javier displeasingly questions.

"Okay, we fucked up, Javier." Hector states. "We lost the drugs and the money but we didn't leave empty-handed."

"Yeah? It better be good." Javier warns.

Allie opens the hood of the trunk and pulls out a naked Mike by the arm. Still wet and never got the chance to dry himself, Mike shivers from cold night air as he stumbles to stand.

"Hey, Javier, amigo." Mike smiles through his discomfort and lack of dignity. "I think there's been a bit of a misunderstanding that I may be partially responsible for, but I..."

A quick and hard punch from Javier slams into Mike's stomach, causing him to double over and collapse to the pavement. Before Mike could catch his breath, Javier grabs a hand of his hair. Mike screams from the pain of Javier pulling him up to his knees for him to face each other.

"You thought you could rip me off and not face the consequences, pendijo?" Javier angrily questions. "I have no idea how wrong you are...yet."

Javier releases Mike and steps back. Mike falls on his hands, gasping and sobbing. Two of Javier's Spanish Lords grabs Mike's arms and drags him away.

"So, we good now, Javier?" Hector hopefully asks.

Javier steps in front of Hector. "Fuck, no, we ain't good."

Allie stays still but keeps her gun hand ready to act.

"I took a huge chance bringing in you and your cousin." Javier points at Hector's face.

"Okay, I admit it. We fucked up." Hector humbly yields. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

"You can take the car." Allie steps next to Hector, holding out the car keys. "It's worth at least $15,000. I'm sure that can compensate with what you've lost."

Javier looks over the Sabre GT for a moment before taking the keys from Allie.

"So, we good now?" Hector asks.

"No." Javier harshly answers. "But you're off to a good start."

As Javier walks away, Hector takes Allie by the arm and guides her out on the lot.

"Listen, cuz." Hector says. "I'm gonna try and smooth things over with Javier." Hector takes out a Whiz Wireless cell phone and hands it to Allie. "Here's my old phone. I'll call you if anything happens. Maybe things will pick up for us."

"You sure you should be with Javier?" Allie questions with caution. "What if he decides to have you wacked after he's done with Mike?"

"Didn't think you cared."

"Of course, I fucking care. You think I want to explain this to your mother? Plus, they'll probably try to wack me next."

"Well, if that were to happen, I'm sure you'll put a few of them in the ground before you go down."

"If there's gonna be blowback from this shitstorm, don't try to talk your way out or shoot your way out. Just run. We'll figure something out."

"Have some faith your cousin's powers of persuasion, cuz." Hector boasts as he backs away. "I've got us this far, haven't I?"

"You mean by the fact we're not dead yet?" Allie questions.

"Finally, some optimism." Hector says, turning away to join the Spanish Lords as they prepare to drive away.

Allie does the same and departs down the sidewalk down Mohanet Avenue. She looks over the list of contacts in Hector's cell to find a familiar name to put her up for the night. The names she did know were friends of Hector, most she doesn't like or trust and names she didn't know were of women, like Patty or Carmen, who Hector probably dated.

Allie wonders if one of the females would be like to have her over as a favor to Hector, maybe even willing to share their bed with her, seeing to where it would lead.

Halfway scrolling through the contacts, Allie hears yelling from ahead of her. Looking up from the phone, she is surprised to see Sasha in front of what looks like an auto shop wearing a tightfitting red velvet minidress. Yelling back at Sasha is a white man with a shaved head and a highly-muscular body, wearing only grey jogging pants, a gold watch and a gold medallion that reads 'NO. ONE'.

"Listen, lady, I paid you to leave, so fucking leave!" The muscled man loudly exclaims.

"You owe me another hundred for Greek, Brucie." Sasha argues.

"Babe, you should be paying me!" Brucie boisterously states, using both hands to point at Sasha then his thumbs at himself.

"Hey, limp dick." Allie calls out, approaching Brucie from behind him.

Instantly offended and ready to beat whoever insulted his precious penis to the ground, Brucie turns to face his adversary with his fists out. The first thing he sees is Allie standing in front of him.

"Who the fuck are you, bitch?" Brucie rudely questions.

"I'm the one calling you limp dick." Allie assertively answers, firmly standing her ground.

"Don't think because you're a chick, I won't kick your ass." Brucie threatens. "Now, mind your own business and walk out of here, senorita."

"Give my friend the money you owe her." Allie demands.

"The fuck you gonna do about it?" Brucie harshly asks.

Allie just smiles at Brucie, waiting for a reply. He feels something slender and hard pressing against his crouch, prompting him to look down to see the Glock 12 in Allie's hand, pointed directly at his organ of joy and reproduction. This sight causes Brucie's eyes to widen with fear and his mouth to drop, letting out a high moan.

"Hey, now. Let's not do anything crazy now." Brucie says with a high and shaky voice, keeping still.

"I don't know. I think I'd be doing the gene pool a favor if I prevent you from procreating." Allie says.

"Okay, okay. She wants another hundred, I'll give her a hundred." Brucie yields.

"Make it two hundred for wasting her time." Allie urges, pressing the gun harder.

Brucie softly whimpers as he slowly reaches into his pocket and holds out the two hundred dollars.

After Allie gives a quick neck crane to her friend, Sasha steps forward to her client to take the money she earned, then moving to Allie's side.

"Okay, we cool now?" Bruce asks, still gazing at the gun still aimed at his groan.

Allie is silent for a moment which feels longer for Brucie.

"Yeah, we cool." Allie says, withdrawing her gun and concealing it under her jacket.

Brucie sighs relief which is interrupted by Allie thrusting her knee into his crouch, causing Brucie to double over and fall to the sidewalk, screaming in pain.

"MY BALLS! MY PRECIOUS BALLS!" Brucie yells. "You fucking bitch!"

"Next time you fuck my girl up the ass, it's an extra hundred." Allie demands.

"Alright, alright." Bruce yields, nursing his pain-throbbing balls. "You her pimp?"

"Pimp?" Allie is offended and reaches for her gun. "Hijo de puta madre, I gonna fucking end you!"

"Allie, no." Sasha steps in, grabbing Allie's arm. "Let's just go."

Looking at Sasha, Allie tries to calm down. With Allie in a more amenable mood, Sasha guides her from the still down and moaning Brucie.

"Hey, Sasha." Brucie calls out. "We still on next week?"

"Yeah, our usual time." Sasha confirms as she continues to depart with Allie.

* * * *

"I can't believe you going to see that pendejo after how he treated you." Allie says, sitting in the passenger seat of Sasha's Banshee. "Y'know that's your problem, you let assholes like him use you."

"But I get paid to be used." Sasha replies as she drives up Mohanet Avenue. "And before you even start, I know you don't approve of what I do but what you do isn't exactly legal. So, don't you go judging me on how I make my money."

"Okay, I'm sorry how I handled it at your place." Allie apologizes. "You do want you gotta do."

"Thank you." Sasha says turning on Cisco Street. "And thanks for coming to my rescue back there."

"I've been coming to your rescue since the seventh grade." Allie matter-of-factly reminds.

"You mean when punched Brad Hargreaves at recess?" Sasha asks as she turns to Iroquois Avenue. "Served that asshole right after he told everyone in school that my mom was a hooker working in Chase Point."

"I didn't punch him for that." Allie clarifies. "You were so pissed off, you thought you could put him in his place with a slap across his smug face."

"Well, yeah." Sasha replies. "I admit I lied when I told everyone that mom was a receptionist at the Majestic Hotel but she wasn't a Chase Point hooker, she was an escort. Most of the time she did work at the Majestic, so it wasn't that big of a lie. But the way Brad told everyone she was a junkie whore, I just lost it."

"And after you slapped him, Brad and his mouth-breathing friends grabbed you and tried to drag you behind the dumpsters to rape you." Allie harshly states.

"And he would have if you did step in and broke his nose." Sasha says, smiling.

"I also took out three of that fucker's teeth." Allie adds with some pride. "I never stuck my neck out for anyone back then."

"Except for the shy girl with braces who shared her lunch with you." Sasha says as she turns on Bart Street.

"Why you going this way? You meeting another john?" Allie asks.

"Oh, no. Whenever I'm at this part of the city, I'd go to the 69th Street Diner." Sasha answers. "I thought we'd get some pie before heading home."

"You want me to crash at your crib?" Allie asks.

"Of course." Sasha replies. "I felt bad how you left, letting go into the streets so soon after getting out of prison. I hope it wasn't too rough out there for you."

"Nothing I couldn't handle." Allie states, hoping not to give any further explanation.

Sasha slows down as she drives her Banshee to an available parking spot in front of the 69th Street Diner. As both get out of the car, the sound of revving motorcycles is heard from the Mohawk-Bart intersection, drawing their attention to see a small group of the Angels of Death turning on Bart Street. Allie discreetly strides to Sasha's side while observing the bikers. She counts five bikers, one road captain leading, one lieutenant at the captain's side and three enforcers behind the captain.

"Let's get inside, quick." Allie urges, taking Sasha's arm.

As the bikers turn to the parking lot, Allie guides Sasha to pick up their pace but appear walking to the diner's door. But their path is abruptly blocked as the accelerating lead biker brakes his Wayfarer chopper in front of them.

"Good evening, ladies." The road captain boisterously greets.

The biker has scruffy, short dark brown hair with a weather-beaten but handsome face. He looks at Sasha with a friendly smile as he parks and dismounts.

"Hey, idiota." Allie berates. "Use your fucken eyes. You could have ran..."

"Allie, chill." Sasha urges to Allie.

The biker steps close to Sasha. Sasha pauses as she perceives the biker to be a foot taller than her and impressively broad shoulders. Through his open leather jacket, she could make out the firm chest muscles from his tight black t-shirt.

"How do you doing, beautiful?" The biker asks. "Friends call me Throttle."

"Overcompensating much?" Allie snidely utters.

Throttle's smile vanishes as he peers at Allie.

"Ah, I'm...good." Sasha says, taking a step back from Throttle. "Excuse us."

"You look real hot in that dress, honey." Throttle compliments, taking a wide step to Sasha. "Going to a party, maybe?"

"Yes. I'm...going to a bachelorette party." Sasha says, moving to Allie. "My bachelorette party."

"Yeah? Who's she?" Throttle points to Allie. "Your maid of honor?"

Allie and Sasha notice the rest of the bikers already off their bikes and walks towards them. One biker Allie notices from the rest is Throttle's lieutenant, a bald, tall and burly man with a thick black goatee. Sasha clutches her purse, feeling like a lone gazelle about to be surrounded by a pack of wolves. She side-eyes Allie slowly reaching for her concealed gun.

"No, I'm her parole officer." Sasha states with conviction.

Allie stills her hand.

"Now, if you don't mind, we're already late for a job interview." Sasha says.

"I've seen my share of parole officers and I'm sure would know about one with legs like yours." Throttle says.

"Get a fucking clue, cabeza de carne. She's not interested." Allie exclaims. "Now, fuck off."

"C'mon, babe. Get on my ride." Throttle demands. "My friends and me will give you a really good time."

"No, thanks. I stopped dating bikers when I was fifteen." Sasha replies, less polite.

Throttle grabs Sasha's arm and roughly pulls her to him, causing her to nearly lose her footing.

"You think I'm giving you a choice?" Throttle rhetorically asks. "If I want you, I have you. The only choice you have when my entire chapter gang-bangs you are like or don't like."

"You let go now or I will end you." Allie threatens as she hurries to Sasha.

"Del, shut that bitch up." Throttle orders the burly biker.

Allie stops when she sees the big and mean-looking Del approaching her with clenching his huge fists.

"Back away, cue ball." The nowhere-near-intimated Allie warns.

Del keeps walking to the black girl with the Puerto Rican mouth until he gets close enough to wind up and knock her to the asphalt with one punch.

But halfway through the wind-up, Allie's foot swiftly flies upward between his legs and strike hard against his testicles, instantly bringing him great pain. A second later, Allie's fist swiftly hits his nose hard. Disoriented by the excruciating pain from his crouch and his nose, Del falls to his side on the asphalt.

"The bitch broke my nose!" Del whimpers.

Near the downed Del are the three AOD enforcers, shocked to witness their toughest brother taken down so quickly. Allie sees them about to draw their guns, she instinctually draws her Glock 12 out at them at the same moment their guns are aimed at her.

"Back off, asshole!" Allie yells. "I can take down two of you before any of you can get a shoot."

"What about me, bitch?" Throttle calls out.

Allie her face to the three guns on her as she rolls her eyes to the side to see Throttle pointing a gun directly at her. Her sight swifts to the scared and helpless Sasha, still in Throttle's painful grip.

"Think you can shoot me before I shoot you?" Throttle inquires before pulling back the hammer. "Let's find out. On the count of..."

"No, don't! I'll go with you!" Sasha pleads. "Just let her go and I'll go with you."

"I knew you'd see it my way." Throttle says, looking to Sasha to the look of surrender.

Throttle's view of Sasha is obscured by the mace spraying directly in his eyes, immediately giving him a most painful burning sensation.

"AAAAAGGGGHHHHH! MY EYES!" Throttle screams in pain.

Still in Throttle's grip, Sasha takes the opportunity to kick her pointed-toe shoe between his legs. Throttle finally lets go of Sasha as he falls to his knees. Sasha grabs the gun from Throttle's hand, fumbles to firmly hold it with both hands and aim it at the still-standing AODs to aide Allie.

"Back away! Back away now!" Sasha yells wide-eyed.

Allie notices how scared Sasha is despite and how the gun in her hands starts to shake.

"Listen up, assholes," Allie calls out. "The blond and me are leaving. If you know what's good for you, you will not follow us."

Allie keeps her gun on the gun-wielding biker as cautiously moves to Sasha stepping over Del. Halfway to Sasha and the still-kneeling in pain Throttle, Allie sees Sasha's gun holding hands shaking more.

"Baby, hand me the gun and get to the car." Allie says.

Sasha swifts her focus on the three AOD enforcers to Allie, approaching with her hand out to take the gun, which Sasha would gladly do.

"You fucking cunt!" Throttle grunts through the pain, grabbing Sasha's forearm.

Startled by the tight and hurting grip, Sasha tries to pull her arm up to free herself. Allie rushes to Throttle and cold cocks him with the butt of her gun. Sasha frees her arm with a hard pull but in doing so, accidentally fires a shot. The flash and the bang of the gun cause Sasha to let out a brief scream.

"Ah, shit." Allie utters.

Allie could see no one to be shot from Sasha's accidental shot but the armed bikers will shoot back in retaliation. She fires several shots at the bikers, causing them to run for cover. Allie grabs Sasha and runs for the Banshee.

"Gimme the keys, I'm driving." Allie commands.

Sasha hands over the car keys to Allie before opening the driver's side door and hurries to the passenger seat. Allie fires two more shots at the bikers before getting in the car and starting the engine.

The tires loudly squeal as the Banshee back out of the parking lot and onto Bart Street, nearly hitting another car as it swerves to face Mohawk Avenue. Allie shifts gears to forward and slams her foot on the gas peddle. The Banshee speeds and does a hard right turn on Mohawk. After a screeching left turn on Crockett Avenue, Allie slows down and turns left again on Oneida Avenue.

"Sasha, how you holding up, baby?" Allie inquires.

"I can't believe I fired a gun." Sasha says. "I've never fired a gun before."

"You're shitting me?" Allie questions with disbelief. "You've been in Liberty City all your life and you never shot a gun? Do you even own a gun?"

"No, I hate guns. Their loud, their nosey, they hurt people." Sasha explains.

"I'm sorry, but didn't you just use a gun to get free from that Angel of Death asshole?" Allie inquires.

"No, I used mace and a kick to the gonads to get free." Sasha clarifies. "I used the gun to save you."

"Well, I'm gonna get you a piece then I'm gonna take you to the gun range." Allie says. "You need to..."

The sound of gunshots from behind abruptly interrupts the conversation. Allie adjusts the rearview mirror and sees the Angels of Death pursuing on their choppers, shooting at her.

"Shit! Those biker assholes just won't give up!" Allie exclaims, slamming her foot on the gas.

Del leads on his Hexer with the AOD enforcers with him. Hearing the bullets whiz past her causes Sasha to scream again as she lowers her head.

"Oh, my fucking god! Oh, my fucking god! They're gonna kill us!" Sasha frantically wails. "If they catch us, they'll kill us! Or they'll rape us then kill us! Or maybe they'll kill us and then..."

"Sasha, chill the fuck down!" Allie yells. "We'll lose them at the Broker Bridge!"

The Banshee squeals to swerve and drive to the onramp of the Broker Bridge. Once on the bridge, Allie speeds up to veer and cut off the other cars, causing some of them to lose control and crash with other cars or the concrete barriers, leaving screeching tires and car horns behind.


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