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Guardian Program Ch. 10

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The Smiths and Clemons get drunk at dinner.
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Part 11 of the 41 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 03/05/2024
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Guardian Program Ch 10

A novel by R.C.PeterGabriel, all rights reserved.

I heard approaching voices. Although I couldn't hear what was said, I knew Toni was leading Bill and Debra through the house. Then they all stepped out of the hall and into the sunroom.

"... Should be almost ready," Toni assured them.

"Welcome neighbors," I called out in greeting from the kitchen, then waited for them to come into view. "Debra, how do you take your steak?"

"Well done, please," she informed me with a smile and a slight leer.

"Bill, you like yours medium rare if I'm not mistaken," I stated while turning all but one steak. The grill hissed nicely as the aroma of cooking meat rose along with a flare of flames. "Toni, can you find Jessie and ask her to join us? Bill, if you'd be so kind, the wine is on the table. It needs to breathe, could you open it please."

Both agreed and left. I went to the refrigerator, pulled out a plate with five lobster tails, and set it next to the grill.

"Oh, I do so love lobster," Debra exclaimed. "Why the fancy feast? We usually have burgers or fish."

"Early celebration. I'll let you all in on it at dinner."

"I don't even get a hint?" she asked along with a pout.

"Nope. You'll have to do better than a pout if you want me to tell."

She smiled flirtatiously saying, "My dear Robert, I would give you everything you ever wanted. All you have to do is ask.

I chuckled at the offer. She and I had been flirting since the first day we met. And although I found her physically attractive, her five-foot-nine-inch tone body, her clear green eyes, fawn brown hair, and her melt-butter, sexy British accent, just didn't seem to be enough. I always felt her approach was a bit strong among other things. "I don't think you could afford everything I want Debra."

It was her turn to chuckle. "Alright then, how about we start with everything I want, and we can meet in the middle."

"You're not going to get him to agree, Debra," Jessie informed her, as she stepped off the last step of the stairs running from the kitchen up to the master suite, followed closely by Toni.

"Why is that?"

"Your boobs are too big," responded Jessie, with a matter-of-fact tone.

"Now, Jessie that isn't entirely true," I countered while looking Debra up and down. "I like proportioned women. For example, you've met Samantha Thornton." I placed the lobster tails on the grill and turned Debra's steak, then I turned to look at my two favorite people. "She has the same size breasts you have, but she is three inches shorter, so hers look bigger on her. A woman with D-cup breasts is fine for someone Debra's height, but on Sam, they would be ... unattractive to me."

"You always told me you like short women," interjected Toni.

"Well if you lined up all the women in the world, I'd start on the short end. That, however, doesn't mean I can't find taller women physically attractive."

"You're a slut Mr. Smith," Toni teased.

I laughed. "I don't have time to be a slut."

"Well, if you should find that you do have the time, let me know," Debra interjected.

"I'll do that Debra. Toni, could you get the bread out of the oven and take it and our guest to the table, while Jessie takes the sliced pineapple and salad? I won't be but a few minutes."

After Toni and Debra had passed from sight, I started plating the four medium-rare stakes to let them rest. Then having checked the progress of the lobster I turned to catch Jessie giving me the 'squinty eye'.

Jessie took a breath and opened her mouth to say something, then changed her mind and left with the fruit and salad. I made a note to ask her what was wrong after the Clemons had left. I quickly steamed the vegetables and plated Debra's steak. After two trips we were all enjoying a good meal and conversation.

I was about to explain the reasons for the feast when Jessie announced she was going out for the evening and took her plate and glass into the kitchen without asking to be excused. Toni asked me with her eyes what was wrong. And having no idea, I was forced to shrug in reply. She returned about ten minutes later and explained that she was being picked up by her friend Lisa and that they were going to see a movie, wished everyone a good evening, and left.

"We were looking forward to hearing Jessie play again," Bill complained.

"I apologize. I was under the impression she was staying this evening. I do have the recording from the other night if you want to listen to it while we play cards," I suggested.

"No, Robert," Toni interjected. "Why not the mix I made of her happier songs? Most of the songs she played in Missoula were lamentations."

"Lamentations?" I teased. "Nice word."

"So, what of it Mr. Smith?" Toni replied with a slightly embarrassed expression adorning her beautiful face.

"I would say nothing, but that you made excellent use of the word because if I teased you further I might be sleeping in the guest room tonight."

"Oh, you poor abused soul," Toni consoled while leaning over to kiss me. "I'll go put it on, you clear the dishes."

"Yes, Mrs. Smith," I responded with a smile. "You two can retire to our usual game table. Bill, could you pour the drinks again?"

"I will tend the bar, as usual," agreed Bill.

I started clearing the table, with Debra assisting me without comment. At least until we were almost done. "I must say, I rather dislike that dishwasher of yours."

"And, why would you say that?" I asked.

"Well if you did your dishes by hand, I could help and then I could say at least part of me managed to get into a hot bath with you," She stated, having gone back to her flirting.

"We could all use the hot tube after the card game if you want," I countered as if I had no idea what she was implying.

"Robert, one of these days you are going to tease me too much, and I simply will have to tie you up and force myself on you."

"Now who is doing the teasing Debra? How do you know I don't like that sort of thing?"

"Do you?" she asked somewhat surprised and hopeful.

"Oh, yes, we have a dungeon room with whips and chains and all the toys and everything," I informed her with a hungry look in my eyes. "But Debra, I'm the one who does the tying." I took a step towards her and she took one back but her breathing had increased and that shocked me enough to realize she wasn't teasing. I had to backpedal quickly to avoid the trap I had laid for myself. "I'm kidding of course. Toni and I can finish up later. Let's go play cards."

We joined Toni and Bill sitting at the card table I had made from a client's window. The top had been made from an inch of armored glass with a bullet in it. After the bullet meant for my client's head had been removed for ballistics testing, I replaced it with one of the same caliber, then used a windshield repair kit, with a touch of grey tint, to smooth out the surface. The effect looked like the window was still spider-webbed by the large bullet still in it.

The cards were being dealt as we sat. The alcohol flowed freely, and by the end of the third game Bill and Debra owed us two months of driveway shoveling, so I was okay with ending the fourth game before a winner was decided. After that we just sat around drinking way too much, chatting about nothing in particular, and giving our abs a workout from all the laughing.

Because Bill had done some of the plumbing when I built the house, Toni and I were both surprised to discover Debra had never been shown around. They had gotten married six months later after a whirlwind romance and we had accepted her as part of Bill without a thought. Since we knew Bill had seen most of the house built, it had never occurred to us to show Debra around. So as Toni grabbed Debra by the hand and started giving her the grand tour, Bill and I watched the two ladies as they tried to walk straight, but spent more time giggling than walking.

"Robert, I want you to know that we are a couple of really lucky guys. I mean look at them. Damn, they are HOT!" observed Bill.

"I would not argue that point, my friend."

"If I thought I could walk, I would go jump them right now. I hope you won't be mad at me for saying this, but Toni has got the best ass I have ever seen."

"When did you see her ass?" I asked as anger tried to squeeze past the alcohol.

"Never, I mean not naked or anything, but just look at it."

Although he didn't need to motion at it, because I was already ogling it, he did anyway. "Yep, I keep trying to tell her, that she could have it declared the best ass on earth."

"I'd vote for her," replied Bill. "Hey, have you ever tapped it?"

I knew Bill was drunk out of his mind so when the alcohol in my system stepped aside for the building anger, I was able to control it without much trouble but my buzz was gone so things didn't seem as funny anymore. Even so, I was still drunk enough to keep talking. "No, we talked about it and even tried a few toys to get her ready for me. She even claimed she liked it, but she said I'm way too big and that there is no way she would let me do her in the butt."

"Too bad for you bro."

I tried to change the subject. "Debra keeping you happy?"

"Don't you know it? She does things to me that ... well, let's just say she gives it to me every which way. I never go wanting, but..." He laughed a little to himself and then asked. "Can I tell you a secret?"


"I'm lucky in ways most people don't know," Bill stage whispered while trying not to snicker too loudly. "Debra convinced me that a great way to make extra money was to have sex with my customers." He started making shushing motions and almost giggling.

In a flash I was back at age ten looking through my legacy, the trunk my Grandfather gave me as an inheritance. I was shocked and wondered if it were possible to make a fantasy come true. I decided to pursue the idea.

"Don't tell Toni, but it's true," he continued. "Guys rarely admit to needing a plumber unless it's a huge job, so it's almost always a woman who calls. She's usually tired of waiting for the husband to fix something or they lose a ring down the sink and call me when they know the hubby won't come home."

"What, you blackmail them?"

"No," he denied and started waving his hand around like he wanted to erase the idea. "They ask for it. Usually, a girlfriend has recommended me to them, so they know I'm available for extra services. They don't want to come out and say they called me to shag them, so they do something stupid, like pretend to spill something on me to get me out of my clothes. They usually offer to wash them for me, that way they have me stuck for a couple of hours. Once I'm committed to staying several hours, I start making the moves on them."

"There can't be that many women in the area that want to cheat."

"You'd be surprised Robert, but a lot of women lose their wedding ring down the sink several times a month."

"Their husbands don't suspect?"

He laughed. "Almost never. With all the money around here, most of these women have a huge household budget and pay me in cash so there isn't a record."

"What does 'almost' never mean?"

"The one time I thought I was a dead man, it turned out the guy liked to watch his wife get it."

"What happened?"

"Like I said, I thought I was dead meat. He came in after we were done and acted all mad and stuff. The funny thing was that I hadn't fixed the pipes so he started yelling that I had to find him a female plumber to fix them since it was obvious he couldn't trust his wife.

"So, I go home and tell Debra what happened and she shrugs and tells me it's about time I cut her in. Then she goes upstairs and comes back down a couple minutes later wearing a crop top and overall shorts. She looks at me and says 'Well come on, you're the governor, aren't you? You can't let a woman go to an angry client's flat without a supervisor, can you?' Then she picks up the keys and heads out the door.

"We get there and the guy is so stunned that we came back, he lets us in and forgets he's supposed to be mad at me. That's when Debra really starts to work on him. She says to him 'Why not let him fix the plumbing while I fix yours?'

"So, I look at the wife and she's looking at me and her husband, who's staring at Debra. Debra is looking the guy in the eyes and unhooks the clips on her overalls, which drop from her shoulders and she steps out of them. Now she's standing there in nothing but her crop top and panties. The guy starts to reach for her and Debra takes a step back and says 'I get double.' The guy's jaw drops and looks hopefully over at his wife who just shrugs and says 'Why not?'

"So, the wife and I are watching Debra shag this guy on the floor by the sink, and it turns her on so much we go at it two more times on the kitchen table. We made over five grand that day, and we get called back two or three times a month."

"You're joking, right?" I asked.

"No. Now when the shop gets called I have to ask who is going to be home so we can take care of the right kind of plumbing."

"Do you at least use condoms?"

"Of course, we aren't that stupid. As a matter of fact, we bathe in hand sanitizer after each call."

"In that case. Can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure," Bill replies leaning forward.

"I want you to help me set the stage for a fantasy of mine."

"You got it. What can I do?"

"Well, when my grandfather died he gave me a trunk with a bunch of stuff in it. One of the things was a magazine with letters from readers, telling about their sexual exploits. Anyway, the very first letter I read was from a girl who was putting on a party later that evening and her faucet was leaking under the sink and running out into the room. So, the plumber gets there and she's trying to get ready for the party and is only wearing a robe. At first, he tells her to go ahead and get ready for the party but calls her back a few minutes later. He tells her he needs her to hold the pipe because the water didn't get shut off properly and if he were to let go, it would flood her whole place in just a couple minutes. So, she lays down and scoots under the plumber, who of course has to still be holding the pipe. Once she takes over holding the pipe he asks her how quickly she needs the plumbing fixed. She, of course, says 'right away' and explains about the party. Well, the plumber knows he has her, and tells her that if she wants her party to be dry she is going to let him have his way with her. The letter was very explicit about how the plumber used her. She even claimed to be a virgin at the time."

"What is it you want me to do?"

"I want you to get my sink ready so that I can play the part of the plumber and Toni the part of the young virgin who has no choice but to submit to me."

"Why don't you just role-play it like every other couple with any kind of imagination would do?"

"Because I don't want her to pretend, I want it as real as possible for her and for me of course."

"Okay, give me a couple of days. I can make you a coupling with a wax ring so that when you pull off the seal, it will start to leak. All you will have to do to fix it will be to tighten it down like normal, but if you move it first the water will go everywhere."

"That sounds perfect," I thought out loud. "How long would the seal last if I don't pull it?"

"Not sure since I've never made one, but my guess would be anywhere from forty-eight hours to a week or two. I wouldn't trust it past that point."

With that Bill got up and poured everyone another drink, as if he hadn't just admitted he was running a prostitution ring next door to my house. The more I thought about it the funnier it sounded until I started laughing almost to the point of tears. Bill, couldn't reconcile my laughter with anything we had talked about but was too drunk not to join in.

When Toni and Debra reemerged from their adventure we had almost managed to get control of ourselves. "This house is bloody gorgeous, and the master shower is huge..."

"Thank you," I responded, but Debra continued as if I hadn't spoken.

"... We could have a foursome in there. And those closets, even the guest room has walk-in closets. You have bigger closets than my whole bedroom. And Bill, Bill, hey Bill, did you know this house generates its own electricity? How does it do that?" With that question on her lips, she plopped down in her chair and spotted her waiting drink. She upended her glass, then stared cross-eyed at the empty for a few moments and slurred, "That was really tired. I'm good now." Then after lowering her glass with exaggerated care, she laid her head on the table and started snoring with her next breath.

Toni stood wobbling in place while staring at Debra long enough for me to get around the table.

"She's sooo drunk!" snickered Toni, and tried to point in Debra's general direction then started to giggle and leaned into me. A few seconds later she attempted to look up at me. The only problem was that when her chin wouldn't raise any higher her eyes continued on their way until they were facing the inside of her head. Her knees gave out and I was suddenly holding her up.

"Bill, it looks like you're spending the night. You stay here, I'll be right back." Then I carried Toni upstairs, stripped her down, and laid her out on the bed.

When I got back downstairs, I found Bill asleep under the table. So, after several failed attempts to rouse them, I took out their cell phones and shot a dozen photos from different angles. Then I carried them one at a time, up to the guest room, took off their shoes, loosened their clothes, covered them, and turned out the light.

The exertion combined with alcohol, left me sound asleep seconds after stripping and flopping into bed.

The only person who witnessed their 'walk of shame' the next morning was Jessie. She was waiting at the bottom of the stairs with a tray adorned with two aspirins, two high-potency vitamin B tablets, and two tall glasses of water. Both accepted with mumbled thanks, bloodshot eyes, and creased foreheads that Jessie took for the obvious hangovers that they were.

"I'm guessing you won't be going to church this morning," she whispered while closing the door behind them. Then she went back into my office to use the computer.

End of Chapter 10. I hope you enjoyed it, and all of my work.

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