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Hailee's Escape from Lockdown

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Hailee Steinfeld lets loose at a beachside resort.
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As she stepped onto the beach and finally felt the warmth of the sand between her toes, Hailee Steinfeld felt truly free for the first time in a long time. With the COVID pandemic continuing to rage on across the world, the past year of her life had been turned upside down. Although she had been lucky enough to keep working throughout, the shoots had been nothing but isolation bubbles, non-stop safety checks, and enough swab tests being shoved up her nose that it felt sorer than after a night of her doing coke.

When she got the call from her agent about the chance to do a film on a remote Caribbean island, she immediately leaped at the chance. The Caribbean was obviously a beautiful place to escape to in any circumstance, but even more than usual it felt like a true paradise. COVID cases were so low on the island she was headed to that there were essentially no restrictions at all, and more than anything Hailee was excited just to feel like things were back to normal again for a couple of months.

Part of the reason for the island's success at managing the virus though was their strict isolation process upon arrival. Once her plane touched down, she was immediately escorted to her hotel suite and wasn't able to leave for two weeks. For 14 days it was just her and those four walls and anything she needed would be delivered to her door with no chance of contact with anyone.

Luckily for Hailee, the suite she was given one of several gorgeous private bungalows that lined the edge of the water, with the larger main building behind them further inland. With its stunning views of the ocean, her room was anything but claustrophobic. It had a large glass door that opened out onto a dock that extended out over the water, but unfortunately, that would have to remain closed off for now.

The inside of the bungalow was very well stocked with other things for her to do though and she spent her days in isolation exercising and doing yoga, sipping wine and reading in the bathtub, watching Netflix, and when things really hit a lull she could always count on the company of her vibrator to make the hours go by.

It had grown to become quite the faithful companion for her over the last year, as working during the quarantine made it basically impossible to date anyone with all the actors being sequestered into small bubbles that could only be close to each other.

While she was filming Dickinson, a few hot and heavy love scenes with her co-star Ella Hunt got both of them so worked up that they spent some nights together relieving each other's sexual frustrations when they could, but for the most part sex had been hard to come by over the past year, especially with men, and Hailee would be lying if she said she wasn't more than a bit horny.

Despite her luxurious accommodations, cabin fever was inevitable after two weeks inside and Hailee was ecstatic when her two weeks were finally up. As a member of the film crew came to test her one last time and confirm she tested negative, she was finally free to do as she pleased and still had a few days to lounge around before she had to start working.

Hailee planned a day of total relaxation beginning with room service delivering some brunch and mimosas that she ate on her bungalow's dock. She found herself so excited by the lack of restrictions, and probably motivated a little by her light drunkenness, that she gave the room service girl a big hug with her tip as she cleaned away the dishes.

As she went back into the bungalow to get dressed for the beach, she decided she didn't want even a moment away from the fresh air and sunshine and left the large door wide open to the ocean as she stripped out of her pajamas. One of the other benefits of the island being so restricting of who was coming in and out was that there were no paparazzi around to spy on her, and she relished not having to worry about anyone snapping a picture of her as she lounged around naked as she could usually only do in her own home.

She stood there for a moment, just feeling the ocean breeze against her nude body, drinking in the feeling of liberation as the air seemed almost to kiss her toned abs and legs, perky breasts, and neatly trimmed pussy. She closed her eyes and smiled, taking in a deep breath as she felt more content than she had in ages.

After enjoying her moment of peace, Hailee went to prepping for the beach: lotioning up her body, packing her bag, rolling a few joints to bring, and slipping into a pink string bikini that was cut just short enough to show off an ample but tasteful amount of her tight ass. Grabbing her sunglasses as she headed for the door, she set off down the beach, happy once again to feel the sand beneath her bare feet.

Although not empty, the beach certainly had plenty of room without the usual crop of tourists that would have filled it in earlier times, and it seemed to mostly be filled with locals who were pretty widely spread out. As Hailee scanned across the beach, looking for a good spot to sit, she was taken aback by the sight of a young topless woman walking along the edge of the water, and, judging from her lack of tan lines, this seemed to be standard practice for her. Surprised, Hailee quickly scanned further around the beach, finally spotting a sign that said, "Clothing Optional."

Hailee didn't remember hearing anything about a nude beach when she was told about her accommodations, but she wasn't opposed to the idea. Although she had been to nude beaches before, she never stripped off herself, fearful that someone might snap a picture of her. She was proud of her body and incredibly comfortable (to the surprise of some of her acquaintances and co-stars) being naked around people she knew in safe environments, but it was too much of a career risk for her to strip off in public. She was never going to complain about seeing other beautiful naked bodies though and took a second to covertly admire the woman's ample breasts before spotting a few unclaimed lounge chairs under some trees.

As she approached, she realized the spot was perfect with the trees and a few bushes providing some shade and cover that gave her a bit of seclusion from the rest of the beach. She sat and leaned back into the lounge chair, breathing in the ocean air and enjoying the way the slight breeze was hitting her skin. She reached into her bag and pulled out one of the joints she had rolled earlier, sparking it up and taking a long, deep drag on it, holding the smoke in for a few seconds before blowing it out, feeling the high start to wash over her. She had really missed feeling this relaxed.

After she finished smoking, she laid back and closed her eyes, just enjoying the warmth and listening to the calm sounds of the water for a while. She laid there long enough that she could almost feel herself starting to drift off, but she was startled back awake as she heard a shrill scream, quickly followed by laughter.

As she opened her eyes and looked over, she saw the topless woman from earlier again, now out in the water with a man who was playfully splashing her. Hailee watched the scene unfold, struggling not to notice the way the woman's breasts bounced and jiggled as she recoiled and jumped back. As the man hit her again with water, her chest almost seemed to glisten as the sunlight hit it. Hailee could feel jealousy growing inside her.

She looked away from the pair, now scanning around her immediate surroundings, looking for any other signs of people. She saw no one besides some other beachgoers far back closer to the hotel, mostly obscured from her by the trees and bushes. Hailee suddenly felt bold, with jealousy and the high from her weed flowing through her. "Fuck it," she said to herself as she undid the strings on her bikini top and dropped it to the ground.

Although not the largest breasts anyone had ever seen on a young Hollywood starlet, Hailee was quite fond of her perky assets and had never had any complaints about them, and she loved the feeling of having them out in the open. Her nipples in particular were very sensitive and she felt a small twinge of pleasure feeling the breeze against them. She laid back again for a while, both relaxed and invigorated by her public nudity, feeling like it was exactly what she needed after a year of being hidden behind masks, barriers, and all other manners of safety implementations.

After a while longer lounging, the heat finally began to get to her and she decided to take her first dip in the ocean. As she went to get up, she scanned around again for other people. She realized that if she left her hiding spot by the trees, her boobs would be on full display for everyone else, but at this moment she felt too content and stoned to care.

As she approached the water, Hailee noticed the woman who was getting splashed was now exiting the water about 30 feet down the beach. As they both got to the edge of the water, the woman looked over at Hailee and gave a nod and a smile. Although the interaction was incredibly brief and innocuous, Hailee was both excited and relieved to know that someone had now seen her topless and not made a big deal of it. It felt like a band-aid being ripped off all at once that left her feeling like it made no difference now if anyone saw her.

As she dipped her toes in the water to test it, it was colder than she was expecting, but that's just what she needed after laying in the sun for a while. She waded in slowly, getting out deep enough before plunging her whole body underwater, swimming a few feet, and then returning to the surface. As she burst back up out of the water, she flipped her hair back and ran her hands through it as the sun radiated off of her wet skin, her nipples growing hard from the coolness of the water. The breeze felt good against her skin which was above water now, and it was just the relief she needed from the heat. She swam to some deeper water and just let herself lean back and float on her back for a while, her bare breasts pointing up toward the sky.

After floating for a while, Hailee waded back to some more shallow water that she could stand up in. As she made her way forward, finding her footing below, she noticed the same man that was splashing the woman earlier was also standing in the water not too far away. She stopped at around the same level he was, the water now coming up just a little below her chest, and looked over at him. Although she could only see him from an indirect angle, he was clearly incredibly well built, tall and muscular with light brown skin that she assumed meant he was a local, although he looked to be mixed race. She stood admiring the musculature of his back for a moment when he turned around and noticed her.

Hailee was embarrassed to be caught staring at him, but the feeling quickly subsided as he smiled and nodded at her, clearly taking no issue with it. She also felt that rush of excitement hit her again, knowing that he could see her breasts plain as day. As he continued to smile at her she decided to smile back and wave at him, thrilled by the idea of presenting herself so confidently to a complete stranger. He seemed to take it as a good sign though as he started wading towards her.

Hailee was caught off guard, not expecting to have to talk to anyone while she was in this state, but she had little time to worry as he quickly approached her.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" he asked gleefully.

"Uh, yeah, it is," she answered, a little flustered.

"I was a bit worried it might rain from the clouds this morning, but it's really turned out perfectly," he said as he looked up at the sky before returning his gaze to Hailee.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I just got here from New York so any weather is better than that right now," she tried to respond as casually as possible but was still clearly a bit surprised by his nonchalance.

"Ah, you must be here for the movie shoot!" he said excitedly.

"Yeah, I just got out of my quarantine for it."

"Well, I'm sure this day must be heaven then after being stuck inside."

She was taken aback by just how mundane the conversation was, with him not even seeming to notice her tits on full display. His eye contact was impeccable too, never glancing down for even a moment. She knew from watching him with the other woman that this was likely an everyday occurrence for him, but she still couldn't help but feel a bit surprised by it. She was so used to being ogled by everyone, even when fully clothed, that it felt like a strange dream to be almost totally naked and have someone not even seem to notice. She wondered if he even knew who she was.

"So you've heard about the movie shoot then?" she asked, trying to gauge his familiarity.

"Yes, it's been the big talk of the town recently. We didn't use to get many movies around here, but it seems like the pandemic is benefiting us in one way at least."

"Have you seen any of the other stuff that's been filming here?"

"No, I don't really pay attention to the movies that much. Too busy working here," he said as he pointed back towards the main building of the hotel. "It's my day off today," he added. "We've had a lot of guests here working on them so I hear about it from them, but I'm usually busy enough with other things." She figured this meant he didn't know who she was.

"So what do you usually like to do around here?" she asked, starting to feel slightly more relaxed.

"Well, I usually like to spend more of my time out and about. Here at the beach, hiking, going out dancing. I guess I like things that are a bit more physical," he said with a chuckle. She could clearly tell. Although he seemed to be an expert at eye contact, she couldn't help but admire how well-chiseled his body was, admiring his broad shoulders and pecks and the little she could see of his abs sticking out of the water. She was turned on by his body, but also weirdly turned on by his seeming indifference to hers.

"Are you okay?" he asked with some slight amusement.

"Oh," she said startled, looking back at him. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"You just seem a bit nervous and keep looking away. You don't have to worry, I don't bite. Not hard at least," he answered with a wink.

"Oh, well, uh, the sun was just getting in my eyes," she lied, trying and failing to think of a better excuse. After a moment of pause, she looked him back in the eyes and said, "Honestly, I'm also just very high right now and I think that and the sun are making me a bit dazed."

"Oh!" he responded, letting out an amused laugh. "That will certainly do it to you."

"I'm sorry, clearly I'm not handling it well."

"No no, you're fine. I could certainly go for some of that myself right now."

Hailee was still a bit overwhelmed by the moment. The exhilaration of her toplessness, the sudden appearance of this handsome stranger, her lockdown-fueled horniness, and her stoned brain all mixed together at once was a lot to take, but she was attracted to this man and his confidence and felt like she could seize the opportunity.

"Well I have some more over there in my bag," she said as she pointed to her spot under the trees. "We could share it if you want."

"Oh please," he replied with a shrug, "you are our guest here. We're supposed to be the ones offering things to you."

"No, no, it's totally fine. Come on," she responded with a smile.

"Well if you insist," he said with a toothy smile.

"I'm Hailee by the way," she said, smiling back.

"I'm David. Lead the way, Hailee." He gestured towards the shore.

Hailee started wading out ahead of him back towards the beach, her mind racing after feeling the first sparks of romantic connection with a stranger for the first time in a very long time. She walked up onto the beach, glad again to feel the hot sand and sun after being in the water for a while. As she reached down into her bag to grab another joint, she heard David coming up out of the water behind her. When she turned around and saw him though her jaw almost hit the floor.

It suddenly occurred to her that in their entire conversation up until this point, they had been chest-deep in water, unable to see anything below that. As David walked towards her now though Hailee realized he had been completely nude the entire time, and he had the most beautiful penis she had ever seen.

As he walked towards her, it dangled between his legs, and Hailee couldn't help but stare at it. She quickly took in every detail of it, from its impressive length and girth, long and thick but not cartoonishly so like a pornstar, to how soft it looked, the skin smooth and not too veiny, to the perfectly trimmed pubic hair, short and neat but not fully bald, to the way she could just barely see the lighter skin of the head poking out of the foreskin. She was mesmerized by it. Once again though, David seemed to think nothing of it, striding towards her as it flopped between his legs with the casualness one would have walking down a crowded street.

As he got close, Hailee locked into a death stare with his eyes, putting all her willpower into not staring at his cock. She was so intensely focused on it that she forgot what they were even there for, standing perfectly still with the unlit joint held awkwardly in her hand. As David got up close to her he laughed, noting her strange body language.

"Wow," he said with a chuckle, "This must be some good shit, it seems to have really done a number on you." She took in his words for a second and then snapped out of it, remembering the weed, and bent back down to get a lighter out of her bag, trying desperately to look at anything that wasn't his cock as she got down low. She felt like she could just burst at any second and address the elephant in the room, but if he was going to keep it cool and not be put off by her nudity, she was going to try to match him.

He sat down on the chair next to hers and took the joint and lighter from Hailee, sparking it up and taking a drag. "Oh wow, that is good," he said as he exhaled and passed it back to her. She took a deep drag, hoping it might calm her nerves a bit but then she considered the phallic imagery of her sucking on a joint and quickly exhaled, passing it back to him.

They passed it back and forth for a while as David started telling her about life on the islands and his job at the hotel, but Hailee struggled to pay attention with him now laying back on the lounge chair, legs splayed out in a way that only made his penis all the more prominent. She bit her lip as she eyed up and down his body, all of the horniness she had built up over the past year now rushing to her head all at once. She desperately just wanted to jump his bones right there and then, but there wasn't any indication from David that there was any sexual attraction at all. So far he'd talked to her in much the same way she could imagine him shooting the shit with his buddies after work, but as she started to feel a bit wet down below she was getting increasingly desperate for a sign.

"...but anyway," he said as he finished off his story, "is there any more of that left?" Hailee passed the joint over but it was burned down quite small now which made it awkward to hold. As David tried to grab it out of her strained grip, their hands rubbed against each other. As she felt him grazing against her soft skin for a moment, she thought she noticed out of the corner of her eye a momentary twitch of his cock. She glanced over to it for a second, trying to stealthily see if her eyes had misled her.

"You really love staring at my dick, don't you?" he asked with genuine amusement. She instantly froze as embarrassment washed over her. She looked back at him but her mouth just hung open, unable to think of what to say.

"Just the sun getting in your eyes again?" he asked, laughing now.

"Oh, no, no, it's not-"

"Oh, don't play coy with me, I've seen you staring since I got out of the water." She sat up on her chair, trying to collect herself and play it cool.

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