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Hairy Hikers

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Modesty & hygiene are the 1st casualties on a family hike.
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A bereaved woman hikes to heal, to get lost, and find herself. This is a fetish, love story; women go hiking, stop shaving, and meet good men. There is a lot of adult nudity, including adult family nudity. Oh, and sex!

I plan to have a group of 'hairy' stories. They are all stand-alone. I'm open to suggestions if you have a hairy woman story idea. Check out "Hairy Christmas", and be on the lookout for "Hairy Swimmer".

^^^ Three weeks into their thru-hike^^^

"The last one in is a rotten egg!" the mother shouted as she stripped.

Her daughter squealed and took off her sports bra. Her brother saw her titties; they were firm and high as expected for a twenty-year-old. Her small, pink nipples were hard and pointy, and she had a big smile on her face.

Dave, the son, looked at his mother. She was smiling too. He studied her breasts; they were large and full and sagged.

"Not bad for a forty-five-year-old woman," he thought.

Her large, reddish-brown nipples were erect. They had flat, blunt tips and were thicker than Cora's, the daughter.

As the women wiggled out of their dirty pants and sweaty underwear, Dave saw flashes of ass and glimpses of pubic hair. His mother had a large triangle of dark hair. His sister's pubes were trimmed; she shaved near her labia, so her brother saw the pouting lips of her pussy.

Brenda, the mother, stood naked in front of her son, smiling and unashamed. She said, "Dave, it's been a week since our last shower. This is a chance to knock the trail grim off. Get undressed and join us as we skinny dip in the lake."

"It's hot," Cora said, "and that water looks great." She gave her eighteen-year-old brother a snarky look and teased, "Are you embarrassed? Afraid we will see your pee-pee?" She laughed and added, "Stay here and be hot and sweaty and continue to smell like ass while Mom and I clean up and cool off."

"Cora, don't be mean," Brenda reprimanded her eldest.

Cora's face softened, and she said, "Sorry for being so bitchy. I'm hot and tired. Brother, you don't have anything to be embarrassed about. I have it on good authority that you have a nice dick: in the six-inch range with good girth."

"What? How would you know?" Dave exclaimed as his face turned red.

"I overheard Bree telling Carol."

"Bree told you about my penis?"

Cora laughed and said, "Did you think it's only boys who talk about their conquests? Bree didn't describe your dick to me. She was telling Carol."

She playfully punched her brother on the arm and said, "Bree said she enjoyed hooking up with you and would do you again. The gist of the story is you have nothing to worry about. You have a good-sized cock."

"TMI," Brenda said, looking uncomfortable. The mother cleared her throat and added, "Please join us, Dave. We could all use relief from the heat and a good cleaning." She gave him a reassuring smile.

She grabbed her daughter's hand and said, "Come, Cora. Let's give him a moment to think."

"Sure," Cora said. She bent over at the hips and accidentally mooned her brother. Her sweaty underwear had gotten hooked on her big toe. She pulled her panties free and stepped out of them.

"Oh my God!" Dave screamed in his brain as he saw...Everything!

As the two women walked toward the lake, Dave stared at their backsides. Cora had a firm, tight butt and enticing thigh gap. His mother had a full, round ass. It looked soft and supple; her hips swayed in a sexy way as she walked.

Dave watched them walk into the lake. They shouted gleefully, jumped into the water, and splashed about. He watched them and waited for his erection to subside, and then he undressed. He ran to the water and jumped in before either woman saw him.

The family splashed, laughed, and played in the cool water.

They dunked each other. The roughhousing degenerated into a game of grab-ass. They shrieked when attacked and laughed when they were the attacker.

Bodies rubbed against bodies.

Dave saw and touched the women's butts and boobs. They grabbed his bottom and accidentally touched his cock.

The first time Cora touched his dick, her eyes widened, her eyebrows shot up, and she said, "Oh. What do we have here? It's big, hard, and thick. Mom, there's a large snake in this lake!"

Cora smiled and wrapped her fingers around his hard-on. She tugged on it and said with no animosity, "Nice one, Bro. No wonder Bree wants to be with you again."

Dave didn't blush, get embarrassed, or angry. He decided to get even and playfully bull-rushed his sister, knocking her down.

She shrieked and turned to run away. He caught her and grabbed her around the waist.

She squealed and tried to escape. He lifted her out of the water and caused her to come crashing down. His erection went between her legs and brushed against her labia as she squirmed and fought to escape. They laughed.

She wiggled and slid down his body. His hands cupped her breasts. She didn't complain, and neither did he. He squeezed her boobs before letting her go.

As Cora ran off, Brenda jumped on his back. "Got ya!" she shouted. She put her arms around his neck and locked her legs onto his waist. Her large breasts pressed against his back.

He laughed, peeled her hands off him, and turned to face her; her legs still encircled his body. He found himself face-to-face with her breasts. She put her hands on his head, trying to dunk him. When she shoved his head down, she pushed his face into her cleavage. He fought; his head brushed against and bumped into her boobs. They shouted and laughed.

Cora snuck up on Dave and jumped on his back. The weight of two women was too much for him. He sunk under the water. He grabbed the women's legs and made sure they went underwater with him.

The women fought their way free and surfaced. Dave thrust his head above the water and took a deep breath. He said, "I'll make you pay for dunking me."

"No more. No more," his mother hollered.

"I give up too," Cora said. "That was fun but exhausting."

The women went to swallower water, sat, and rested. Dave followed; His erection bobbed as he walked. His family noticed his hard-on and said nothing. He sat beside them.

The family rested and enjoyed the view: a bright sun, a blue sky, tree-covered hills, and an expansive blueish-green lake.

Cora said, "This is nice. I'm done walking for the day. Let's camp here."

"You're right," her mother responded. "Dave, can you find us a spot two hundred feet from the lake?"

"Sure." He stood. His penis was half the size it had been.

"I'd like to do some laundry. Can you fill the collapsible bucket with water and bring it to the camp?"

He nodded.

"I'll come with you," Cora said. She stood. Her body glistened in the sun as water ran down her fit body.

"Nice tan," Dave said. His tone was complimentary, not teasing or judgmental.

She smiled and said, "Thanks. I like lying out in the sun. As you can see, I sunbathe topless and wear a small thong bikini bottom." She pirouetted. All of her body, except for a small area on her lower abdomen, was tanned.

Brother and sister went ashore and grabbed backpacks. Dave carried his and his mother's bag and walked away from the lake, looking for a good campsite. They found a spot that was fairly level, clear of brush, and far enough from the lake that their camp activities wouldn't contaminate it.

"This looks like a good place," Dave said.

"We aren't the only people to think so. Here's an old fire pit." Cora pointed to a sunken spot surrounded by rocks.

They dropped the backpacks. Dave knelt and got the bucket out of his pack. He turned to see his sister getting something out of her pack. She was leaning over, her back was parallel to the ground, and her breasts were reaching for the ground.

"Wow!" Dave said, sounding impressed. "You're my sister and I know I shouldn't notice, but damn Cora, that's a lovely sight."

"What?" she asked innocently as she looked at her brother. She saw him staring at her boobs. Reflexively, she raised one arm and covered them.

"Your breasts are nice. The position you're in makes them look fantastic. Gravity is pulling them into perfect orbs. They look full and soft and very sexy."

"Thanks. I guess." She sounded uneasy.

He said, "I didn't mean to embarrass you, and I hope you don't think I'm perving on you. It was too beautiful a sight not to comment. Like seeing a cute kitten or an awesome sunset. You're a gorgeous girl, and if you ever want to catch a guy's attention that pose will do it."

He smiled earnestly and said, "I'm heading back."

She smiled, uncovered her breasts, and said confidently, "Thanks. I accept your compliment in the spirit it was offered." She grabbed something, hid it in her hand, and said, "I'll go back with you."

Dave stared at her lovely butt as she led the way. He wasn't paying attention to the path and tripped over a root. "Ahh!" he yelled as he fell. He scraped his knee as he hit the ground.

Cora heard his cry, stopped, and turned around. She saw he wasn't badly injured, laughed, and said, "Serves you right for staring at my ass instead of watching where you're going."

Dave's face turned red. He opened his mouth and closed it; he shrugged, smiled sheepishly, and said, "I was going to deny the accusation, but it's true. I was distracted as I imagine many guys are by your charms."

She extended her hand. He accepted it and stood. They walked hand in hand down the hill to the edge of the lake.

Their mother stood.

"Wow, Mom," Cora said. "You look spectacular. You're sparkling. The sun's light is hitting the water droplets on your body."

Dave said. "You look like a goddess rising from the lake. Like that famous painting, "The Birth of Venus".

Cora turned to her brother and said, "Yes. The Botticelli painting."

"What have you two been smoking?" the mother responded, poo-pooing the idea. Still, she smiled.

"Dave, fill the bucket and take it to our campsite, and I'll wash our clothes," the mother said.

"I think we should wash first," Cora said. She opened her hands, showed them slivers of soap, and added, "Here in the lake."

"We can't do that," Dave lectured her. "That's against the 'Leave no trace' rule."

"Can't we break the rule once?" Cora asked. "Wouldn't it be nice to be clean? All over. I'm tired of rubbing a damp cloth on my bits. I want to be soap and water clean."

"I understand where you're coming from," Brenda said, "but..."

"We've been good," Cora said. She gave them an earnest look and said, "I've dug a six-inch deep cat hole every time I've needed to poop. I make sure it's in a less-traveled spot away from water, trails, and campsites. We don't litter or leave anything behind. We douse all fires with water, stir the ashes, and pour more water on them. We walk single-file and always stay on the trail so as not to damage plants or ecosystems.

"Can't we break one rule this one time? I'll write a confession at the Priest Shelter."

Her mother capitulated and said, "I don't think one transgression..."

"Yippee!" Cora shouted, interrupting her, and she jumped in the air.

Brenda said, "Let's be quick."

Cora handed her mother a small piece of soap. She offered another sliver to her brother. He hesitated and then took it. The trio wet their bodies and washed in knee-deep water, splashing water on themselves as needed. They washed each other's backs. No one had shampoo, so they used soap to clean their hair.

Dave's half-hard cock became fully hard after watching his mother and sister scrub their pussies and asses. No one teased him about his erection. They did watch him suds his balls and clean his rock-hard shaft.

They retreated to ankle-deep water, sat, and washed their feet.

"Oh!" Brenda moaned. "It feels so good to be clean!"

"God, yes!" Cora agreed.

"From now on," their mother said, pointing her finger at her children, "you must be on your very best behavior. Leave no trace."

The children nodded. Everyone moved to some large rocks on land and the sun dried their bodies.

Brenda said, "Dave, you'd better put some sunscreen on your bum and penis if you're going to remain naked."

"It's okay if I don't get dressed?"

"Yes. Aren't we all going to be nude?" his mother said. "Our clothes are filthy. I couldn't bring myself to put on any of my dirty smelly clothes. I figure we've all seen everything. There's no putting the genie back in the bottle. I plan to put some sunscreen on my pale parts, wash our laundry, and hang it up to dry."

"I like your plan. I'll help," Cora said.

They went to the spot Dave and Cora had selected. Everyone applied sunscreen where it was needed. The women used Campsuds and the water Dave brought to wash all their clothes. Dave set up their tents and gatherer firewood.

"Look at us," Cora said as she hung the last article of clothing on the line. "We're a naked version of Swiss Family Robinson!"

(Footnote) After this skinny dipping incident, they were less modest. For example, when someone took a sponge bath or changed into their sleeping clothes, they no longer searched for a private space or turned their back to their family members.

^^^two months previously^^^

"Mrs. Johnson, you are cancer-free," said Dr. Brightstone.

"Thank God! And thank you, doctor," Brenda said. She leaped off the exam table and hugged the septuagenarian.


At dinner that night, Brenda said, "I have news."

A pallor appeared on the faces of her children. They sat up straight and listened intently.

Brenda smiled and said, "I don't have breast cancer!"

Cora jumped out of her chair, hugged her mom, and shouted, "That's great news!"

Dave joined the hugfest and said, "What happened? I thought the mammogram showed you had cancer."

"The mammogram showed something that concerned the doctor. I had a follow-up test, a biopsy, and the results show that I don't have cancer."

The children smiled and kissed their mother.

When they returned to their seats, Brenda said, "I've had a bad year. Your father passed away, and this cancer scare. It's made me anxious and depressed. I want to do something to shake off these bad feelings, to feel strong and happy again."

The kids nodded.

"Being in nature has always made me feel better. That's why every summer we go camping and hiking. There's something about getting away from the crowds and bright lights and going somewhere quiet and beautiful that recharges my batteries and lifts my spirits.

"Your father and I always talked about thru-walking the Great Scenic Trail. I'm going to do it."

"The whole thing?" Dave asked. "That's 1000 miles. It'll take you months."

"It's 1080 miles. I figure if I average 12 miles a day, I can do it in three months.

Cora said, "Are you thinking about going alone? I'm not sure it's safe to be out in the wilderness by yourself. What if you meet a crazy guy? Or get injured?"

"I was hoping you would join me," Brenda said. "School is ending in a couple of weeks. If we leave June 1st, you'll be back in time for college in September. What do you say? One final family adventure? Soon you'll be graduating college, starting your careers, and getting married. This might be our last chance."

"Okay, Mom," Dave said.

"Sounds like a great idea," Cora said.

^^^ five weeks into the hike^^^

"Oh! I still feel stuffed!" Cora said. "I can't believe I had three helpings at the all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet last night."

Dave chuckled and said, "I had four."

"Food is fuel, and we are burning calories like crazy," Brenda said as the group marched into the woods to resume their hike after a stop in town.

They had shared a room in a hostel where they had hot water for showers. They treated themselves to the buffet dinner and replenished their supplies.

"Mom, I can't believe you didn't let me shave while we had a real bathroom," Cora said. She giggled and added, "I'm a furry girl. The hair in my pits and on my legs is a half-inch long!"

"As I told you at the beginning of the trip, this hike is about empowerment. One of the things that I was most looking forward to on the trail was not doing all the things that women have to do to be pretty by the standards of our society."

"Embrace the pain! Embrace the stink!" Dave shouted. He rubbed his trail beard and added, "Embrace the hair!"

"Exactly," Brenda said. "It goes against the trail experience if you have painted nails, styled hair, and smooth, shaved legs when the rest of you is covered with trail dust and sweat. We're peeing and pooping in the woods, for God's sake! It's too late to worry about appearing lady-like.

"We'll have a spa day when we're done. We'll get mani's and pedi's, and get waxed from our eyebrows down." She laughed and added, "We'll conform to society's expectations, but for now, we're hikers! Dirty, smelly, constantly hungry, thirsty, and sore, and determined to complete this thru-hike."

Her kids hooped and hollered.


The next day as she scrambled up a hill, Brenda fell. "Owe!" she screamed. She lifted the hand that broke her fall, held it out, and looked at it. She was bleeding.

"Mom! Are you okay?" Dave asked as he ran to her.

Cora came too and said, "You're bleeding.

"I slipped on some loose rocks," Brenda said. "My wrist hurts."

"Do you think it's broken?" Cora asked.

"I don't know," her mother said. "It hurts."

"Can I look at it?" Dave said. His mother showed him her wrist. He asked, "Did you hear a snap or popping sound?"


"That's good. When bones break, they can poke through the skin or look misshapen," Dave said as he examined her wrist. "I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Pain, swelling, and limited motion are symptoms of sprains and broken bones. Only an x-ray can tell for sure."

"Ouch. Ouch," Brenda cried out as she moved her hand and wrist. "I don't think it's broken. When I broke my arm as a kid, it hurt much more."

"We should go to town and see a doctor," Cora said.

A trio of hikers rounded the curve. Dave and Cora said hello and explained the situation.

A millennial with a tiger tattoo on his forearm said, "We have a first aid kit you can use for the cuts and scraps."

"Thank you for offering," Dave said. "We have one with us and can handle those issues. I'm worried about her wrist."

The guy with the tattoo said, "It's a one-day hike to the closest town. Your other option is a guy called the 'Hippy Healer' who lives in a cabin on the ridgeline east of the trail. It's probably a two-hour hike to his place.

"I know hikers he's helped with typical hiking injuries: cuts, sprains, blisters, sunburn, and such. If you want, I can show you where he lives."

"Thank you," Brenda said. "I'll take you up on your offer."

Cora cleaned her cuts and scrapes and applied ointment and Band-Aids. Dave wrapped her wrist to immobilize it.

They climbed the hill cautiously. When they got to the top of the hill, the trail followed the ridgeline.

They came across a lesser-used path that jutted off to the East. Tattoo guy said, "This path leads to the Hippie Healer. You should be there in thirty minutes."

The groups said goodbye and went their separate ways.


"I see a cabin," Cora called out.

They heard the sound of wood being chopped. They walked around the hovel and saw a tall, thin man with his long hair in a bun.

"Hello," Cora said. "Are you the person called the Hippie Healer?"

The man smiled, put the ax down, and said, "Some call me that. Welcome, can I offer you water or food?"

"We don't mean to intrude, but our mother fell and hurt her wrist. If you could look at it, we would appreciate it."

"Hello, I'm Brenda and these concerned people are my children: Cora and Dave. I'm pretty sure I just sprained it when I used it to break my fall."

"I am not a doctor, and I don't claim to be a healer, but I will not turn away anyone in need. The world would be a better place if we all showed mercy and kindness to our fellow man. Come. Sit here in the shade." The man known as the Hippie Healer gestured toward a bench under a tree.

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